Weed Resources

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Reference Desk
A collection of useful references for weed management including links to herbicide labels, publications, and agrochemical manufacturers.

Weed Science Archives
A listing of all articles that have appeared on this site since November 1996.  Articles are arranged by topic.

Weed Science Personnel
Links to Iowa State University faculty, staff, and graduate students involved with weed science research, extension, and teaching.

A listing of available weed management and related publications offered by Iowa State University, both online and in print form.  Ordering information is also included.

Agronomic Links
Internet sites related to agronomy and crop production topics, government agencies, media, and University departments.

Weed Search
Use this page to search the entire site for articles containing keywords you submit.

Hot pages on ISU Weed Science
A listing of the top pages accessed by site visitors.

Iowa's Noxious Weeds

Herbicide Package Mixes Table  

Herbicide Mode of Action Chart 

2009 Herbicide Guide for Corn and Soybean Production

Weed Identification Resources

Herbicide Ad Hall of Shame

The cost of waiting too long
Delays in controlling weeds can have big costs

Still don't think you need Integrated Weed Management? A top 10 list of reasons to diversify weed management

Be on the watch for a new invasive weed species- A new invasive weed is described

Yesterday's Herbicides - A new entry into the Herbicide Ad Hall of Shame

Managing the risk of glyphosate resistant weeds - Summary of three modeling papers (pdf)

How plants survive glyphosate Description of the resistance mechanisms in crops and weeds (pdf)

National Glyphosate Stewardship Forum II final report available- The implications of the second National Glyphosate Stewardship Forum are described

A brief history of Canada thistle in Iowa- Summary of early research on our first noxious weed

Weed seed predation in agricultural fields - What's eating the seeds in your fields?


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ISU Extension Weed Management
2104 Agronomy Hall
Ames, Iowa 50011-1010
Voice: (515) 294-1923
Fax: (515) 294-9985
This site is managed by Mike Owen and Bob Hartzler.
Questions and comments can be submitted here.

Copyright © 1996-2008, Iowa State University, all rights reserved.