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Archives of natural history


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ANH cover image

Cover design (1997-2007) incorporates figures incorporates figures of an amphipod (Onidium gibbosum) drawn by Sydney Parkinson on 7 September 1768 (see Archives of natural history 22: 271, 1995), manuscript botanical notes by William Nicolson dating from 1690 and by Ralph Johnson made in 1671-1672, with Potentilla fruticosa (shrubby cinquefoil) from John Ray's Catalogus plantarum Angliae (1677) (see Archives of natural history 22: 158, 162, 150. 1995).

"A Good Read..."

The Society's main publication is its Archives of natural history, a highly respected journal, produced three times a year, and distributed free to all members. It contains refereed, illustrated papers and reviews of recently published books.

Honorary Editor: Dr E. Charles Nelson
email: editor@shnh.org

Associate Editors: Dr Juliet Clutton-Brock and Dr Chris Lavers

Book Reviews Editor: Dr Diarmid Finnegan
email: books@shnh.org


Archives of natural history (formerly the Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History) is the main way in which the Society fulfils its objectives. It provides an avenue for the publication of papers in all those areas of interest to the Society. From volume 30 (2003) Archives of natural history will be20/10/08ining at least 192 pages. All papers submitted must be original and will be subject to peer review before acceptance for publication.

  • A cumulative index is available of the contents  for the Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History and Archives of natural history.

  • Subscriptions to Archives of natural history are welcomed from libraries and institutions.

  • Back issues of the journals are available.

  • For Instructions to authors, providing detailed information about the preparation of papers for Archives of natural history.

The Honorary Editor can advise authors about the suitability and format of papers. Papers must be submitted in typescript (two copies, double spaced throughout), but final edited copy will be requested on disc.

Archives of natural history is published for the Society for the History of Natural History by Edinburgh University Press


Links to papers, originally published in the Society's journal, now available on the internet

Although Archives as a whole is not yet available on-l20/10/0820/10/08ck here for a list of those we know of.

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