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Australian Systematic Botany
  Taxonomy, biogeography and evolution of all plant groups
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Current Issue
Volume 21 (6)

Feature Paper
Taxonomic revision of Australasian snow hebes (Veronica, Plantaginaceae)

Australian Systematic Botany welcomes papers of high-quality original research, including critical reviews. The scope is intentionally broad, and covers all branches of systematic botany, contributing to the understanding of biodiversity through advancement of the taxonomy, biogeographic and evolutionary knowledge of all algal, fungal and other plant groups. More...


  • L.A.S. Johnson Review Series
  • Exciting Special Issues
  • No page charges
  • Rigorous but sympathetic reviewing by international pool of referees
  • Papers that are comprehensive and analytical
  • Full text articles available in HTML with CrossRef links
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     Best Student Paper
    The Best Student Paper published in 2007 has been awarded to Ryonen Butcher.

    All volumes of Brunonia, the predecessor journal to Australian Systematic Botany, are online and available to subscribers of this journal.


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