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Horticultural Reviews

Horticultural Reviews, is an annual reviews series edited by Jules Janick and now published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The series presents state-of-the-art reviews on topics in horticulture and the horticultural sciences covering both basic and applied research. One or two volumes appear per year. These review articles written by world authorities, perform the valuable function of collecting, comparing, and contrasting the primary journal literature in order to form an overview of the topic. This detailed analysis bridges the gap between the specialized researcher and the broader community of horticultural scientists and teachers. All back issues are made available online by ISHS is a result of a special agreement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; there is a two year delay for volumes to appear online in PubHort.

Articles are split in 8 page article parts; these are available for download separately on a pay-per-view basis. Use the link to our help pages for more details.

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Volume Articles Author(s)
Horticultural Reviews
volume 29

Year 2003
Pages 371
© John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 0471219681
ISSN 0163-7851

29.1 Collection, Maintenance, Characterization, and Utilization of Wild Apples of Central Asia 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40, 41-48, 49-56, 57-61
Forsline P.L.
Aldwinckle H.S.
Dickson E.E.
Luby J.J.
Hokanson S.C.
29.2 The Wild Apple Tree of Kazakhstan 
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Download pages: 63-70, 71-78, 79-86, 87-94, 95-102, 103-110, 111-118, 119-126, 127-134, 135-142, 143-150, 151-158, 159-166, 167-174, 175-182, 183-190, 191-198, 199-206, 207-214, 215-222, 223-230, 231-238, 239-246, 247-254, 255-262, 263-270, 271-278, 279-286, 287-294, 295-302, 303-303
Dzhangaliev A.D.
29.3 The Wild Fruit and Nut Plants of Kazakhstan 
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Download pages: 305-312, 313-320, 321-328, 329-336, 337-344, 345-352, 353-360, 361-368, 369-371
Dzhangaliev A.D.
Salova T.N.
Turekhanova P.M.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 28

Year 2003
Pages 453
© John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 0471215422
ISSN 0163-7851

28.1 Plant Nomenclature and Taxonomy 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40, 41-48, 49-56, 57-60
Spooner D.M.
Hetterscheid W.L.A.
van den Berg R.G.
Brandenburg W.A.
28.2 Grafting of Herbaceous Vegetable and Ornamental Crops 
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Download pages: 61-68, 69-76, 77-84, 85-92, 93-100, 101-108, 109-116, 117-124
Lee J.-M.
Oda M.
28.3 Health Promoting Phytochemicals in Vegetables 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 125-132, 133-140, 141-148, 149-156, 157-164, 165-172, 173-180, 181-185
Kushad M.M.
Masiunas J.-M.
Kalt W.
Eastman K.
Smith M.A.L.
28.4 Detection and Elimination of Viruses and Phytoplasmas from Pome and Stone Fruit Trees 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 187-194, 195-202, 203-210, 211-218, 219-226, 227-234, 235-236
Laimer M.
28.5 Pear Fruit Volatiles 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 237-244, 245-252, 253-260, 261-268, 269-276, 277-284, 285-292, 293-300, 301-308, 309-316, 317-324
Rapparini F.
Predieri S.
28.6 The Physiology of Flowering in Strawberry 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 325-332, 333-340, 341-348, 349-349
Darnell R.L.
Cantliffe D.J.
Kirschbaum D.S.
Chandler C.K.
28.7 Flower and Fruit Thinning of Peach and Other Prunus 
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Download pages: 351-358, 359-366, 367-374, 375-382, 383-390, 391-392
Byers R.E.
Costa G.O.
Vizzotto G.
28.8 The Reproductive Biology of the Lychee 
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Download pages: 393-400, 401-408, 409-416, 417-424, 425-432, 433-440, 441-448, 449-453
Stern R.A.
Gazit S.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 27

Year 2002
Pages 351
© John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 0471387908
ISSN 0163-7851

27.1 The Molecular Biology of Flowering 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-39
van Nocker S.
27.2 Floral Homeotic Gene Regulation 
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Download pages: 41-48, 49-56, 57-64, 65-72, 73-77
Franks R.G.
Liu Z.
27.3 Lingonberry: Botany and Horticulture 
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Download pages: 79-86, 87-94, 95-102, 103-110, 111-118, 119-123
Hjalmarsson I.
Ortiz R.
27.4 Caper Bush: Botany and Horticulture 
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Download pages: 125-132, 133-140, 141-148, 149-156, 157-164, 165-172, 173-180, 181-188
Sozzi G.O.
27.5 Water Relations and Irrigation Scheduling in Grapevine 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 189-196, 197-204, 205-212, 213-220, 221-225
Behboudian M.H.
Singh Z.
27.6 Physiology and Biochemistry of Superficial Scald of Apples and Pears 
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Download pages: 227-234, 235-242, 243-250, 251-258, 259-266, 267-267
Ingle M.
27.7 Health Functional Phytochemicals of Fruit 
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Download pages: 269-276, 277-284, 285-292, 293-300, 301-308, 309-315
Kalt W.
27.8 Producing Sods over Plastic in Soilless Media 
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Download pages: 317-324, 325-332, 333-340, 341-348, 349-351
Decker H.F.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 26

Year 2001
Pages 319
© John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 0471387894
ISSN 0163-7851

26.1 Protea: A Floricultural Crop from the Cape Florisitc Kingdom 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40, 41-48
Coetzee J.H.
Littlejohn G.M.
26.2 The Molecular Biology of Plant Hormone Reception 
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Download pages: 49-56, 57-64, 65-72, 73-80, 81-84
Bassett C.L.
26.3 Molecular Biology of Cassava 
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Download pages: 85-92, 93-100, 101-108, 109-116, 117-124, 125-132, 133-140, 141-148, 149-156, 157-159
Puonti-Kaerlas J.
26.4 Postharvest Physiology and Quality of Coated Fruits and Vegetables 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 161-168, 169-176, 177-184, 185-192, 193-200, 201-208, 209-216, 217-224, 225-232, 233-238
Amarante C.
Banks N.H.
26.5 Greenhouse Tomato Fruit Quality 
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Download pages: 239-246, 247-254, 255-262, 263-270, 271-278, 279-286, 287-294, 295-302, 303-310, 311-318, 319-319
Dorais M.
Papadopoulos A.P.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 25

Year 2001
Pages 260
© John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 047134933X
ISSN 0163-7851

25.1 Amaryllidaceae: Geophytic Growth, Development, and Flowering 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40, 41-48, 49-56, 57-64, 65-70
Theron K.I.
De Hertogh A.A.
25.2 History of the Cultivar-Groups of Cucurbita pepo 
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Download pages: 71-78, 79-86, 87-94, 95-102, 103-110, 111-118, 119-126, 127-134, 135-142, 143-150, 151-158, 159-166, 167-170
Paris H.S.
25.3 Steriodal Alkaloids in Solanaceous Vegetable Crops 
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Download pages: 171-178, 179-186, 187-194, 195-196
Chen Z.
Miller A.R.
25.4 Factors Affecting Weight Loss of Apples 
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Download pages: 197-204, 205-212, 213-220, 221-228, 229-234
Maguire K.M.
Banks N.H.
Opara L.U.
25.5 Processing Technology of the Table Olive 
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Download pages: 235-242, 243-250, 251-258, 259-260
Colmagro S.
Collins G.
Sedgley M.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 24

Year 2000
Pages 431
© John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 0471333743
ISSN 0163-7851

24.1 Bioreactor Technology for Plant Micropropagation 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-30
Ziv M.
24.2 Biogenesis of Floral Scents 
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Download pages: 31-38, 39-46, 47-54
Dudareva N.
Piechulla B.
Pichersky E.
24.3 Triazoles as Plant Growth Regulators and Stress Protectants 
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Download pages: 55-62, 63-70, 71-78, 79-86, 87-94, 95-102, 103-110, 111-118, 119-126, 127-134, 135-138
Fletcher R.A.
Gilley A.
Sankhla N.
Davis T.D.
24.4 Ecologically-based Practices for Vegetable Crops Productionin the Tropics 
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Download pages: 139-146, 147-154, 155-162, 163-170, 171-178, 179-186, 187-194, 195-202, 203-210, 211-218, 219-226, 227-228
Valenzuela H.R.
24.5 Lettuce Seed Germination 
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Download pages: 229-236, 237-244, 245-252, 253-260, 261-268, 269-275
Cantliffe D.J.
Sung Y.
Nascimento W.M.
24.6 Viroid Dwarfing for High Density Citrus Plantings 
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Download pages: 277-284, 285-292, 293-300, 301-308, 309-316, 317-317
Hutton R.J.
Broadbent P.
Bevington K.B.
24.7 Growth, Development, and Cultural Practices for Young Citrus Trees 
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Download pages: 319-326, 327-334, 335-342, 343-350, 351-358, 359-366, 367-372
Davies F.S.
Ferguson J.J.
24.8 Fruit Growth Measurement and Analysis 
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Download pages: 373-380, 381-388, 389-396, 397-404, 405-412, 413-420, 421-428, 429-431
Opara L.U.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 23

Year 1999
Pages 338
© John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 0471254452
ISSN 0163-7851

23.1 Plant Epicuticular Waxes: Function, Production, and Genetics 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40, 41-48, 49-56, 57-64, 65-68
Jenks M.A.
Ashworth E.N.
23.2 Applications of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Techniques in Postharvest Physiology 
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Download pages: 69-76, 77-84, 85-92, 93-100, 101-107
DeEll J.R.
van Kooten O.
Prange R.K.
Murr D.P.
23.3 Zinc Nutrition in Horticultural Crops 
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Download pages: 109-116, 117-124, 125-132, 133-140, 141-148, 149-156, 157-164, 165-172, 173-178
Swietlik D.
23.4 Origin and Dissemination of Plums 
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Download pages: 179-186, 187-194, 195-202, 203-210, 211-218, 219-226, 227-231
Faust M.
Suranyi D.
23.5 Loquat: Botany and Horticulture 
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Download pages: 233-240, 241-248, 249-256, 257-264, 265-272, 273-276
Lin S.
Sharpe R.H.
Janick J.
23.6 Crop Physiology of Sweetpotato 
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Download pages: 277-284, 285-292, 293-300, 301-308, 309-316, 317-324, 325-332, 333-338
Ravi V.
Indira P.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 22

Year 1998
Pages 295
© John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 0471254444
ISSN 0163-7851

22.1 Banksia: New Proteaceous Cut Flower Crop 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-25
Sedgley M.
22.2 Leucospermum: Botany and Horticulture 
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Download pages: 27-34, 35-42, 43-50, 51-54, 55-62, 63-70, 71-78, 79-86, 87-90
Criley R.A.
22.3 Postharvest Heat Treatments of Horticultural Crops 
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Download pages: 91-98, 99-106, 107-114, 115-121
Lurie S.
22.4 Modified and Controlled Atmospheres for Tropical Fruits 
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Download pages: 123-130, 131-138, 139-146, 147-154, 155-162, 163-170, 171-178, 179-183
Yahia E.M.
22.5 Nitrogen Use in Vegetable Crops in Temperate Climates 
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Download pages: 185-192, 193-200, 201-208, 209-216, 217-223
Schenk M.K.
22.6 Origin and Dissemination of Apricot 
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Download pages: 225-232, 233-240, 241-248, 249-256, 257-264, 265-266
Faust M.
Suranyi D.
Nyujto F.
22.7 Tea: Botany and Horticulture 
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Download pages: 267-274, 275-282, 283-290, 291-295
Manivel L.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 21

Year 1997
Pages 249
© John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 0471189073
ISSN 0163-7851

21.1 Integrated Management of Greenhouse Vegetable Crops 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-39
Papadopoulos A.P.
Pararajasingham S.
Shipp J.L.
Jarvis W.R.
Jewett T.J.
21.2 Okra: Botany and Horticulture 
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Download pages: 41-48, 49-56, 57-64, 65-72
Düzyaman E.
21.3 Sweet Sorghum 
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Download pages: 73-80, 81-88, 89-96, 97-104
Hunter E.L.
Anderson I.C.
21.4 Deficit Irrigation in Deciduous Orchards 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 105-112, 113-120, 121-128, 129-131
Behboudian M.H.
Mills T.M.
21.5 Germplasm Resources of Pineapple 
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Download pages: 133-140, 141-148, 149-156, 157-164, 165-172, 173-175
Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge G.
Leal F.
Duval M.-F.
21.6 Salinity Tolerance in Olive 
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Download pages: 177-184, 185-192, 193-200, 201-208, 209-214
Gucci R.
Tattini M.
21.7 Cranberry: Botany and Horticulture 
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Download pages: 215-222, 223-230, 231-238, 239-246, 247-249
Roper T.R.
Vorsa N.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 20

Year 1997
Pages 311
© John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 0471189065
ISSN 0163-7851

20.1 Technologies for Nondestructive Quality Evaluation of Fruits and Vegetables 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40, 41-48, 49-56, 57-64, 65-72, 73-80, 81-88, 89-96, 97-104, 105-112, 113-120
Abbott J.A.
Lu R.
Upchurch B.L.
Stroshine R.L.
20.2 Texture of Fresh Fruit 
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Download pages: 121-128, 129-136, 137-144, 145-152, 153-160, 161-168, 169-176, 177-184, 185-192, 193-200, 201-208, 209-216, 217-224
Harker F.R.
Redgwell R.J.
Hallett I.C.
Murray S.H.
20.3 The Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Plant Science 
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Download pages: 225-232, 233-236, 237-244, 245-252, 253-260, 261-266
Faust M.
Wang P.C.
Maas J.
20.4 Postharvest Technology and Utilization of Almonds 
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Download pages: 267-274, 275-282, 283-290, 291-298, 299-306, 307-311
Schirra M.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 19

Year 1997
Pages 408
© John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 0471165298
ISSN 0163-7851

19.1 Postpollination Flower Development 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40, 41-48, 49-56, 57-58
O'Neil S.D.
Nadeau J.A.
19.2 Specialty Mushrooms and Their Cultivation 
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Download pages: 59-66, 67-74, 75-82, 83-90, 91-97
Royse D.J.
19.3 Glucosinolates in Crop Plants 
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Download pages: 99-106, 107-114, 115-122, 123-130, 131-138, 139-146, 147-154, 155-162, 163-170, 171-178, 179-186, 187-194, 195-202, 203-210, 211-215
Rosa E.A.S.
Heaney R.K.
Fenwick G.R.
Portas C.A.M.
19.4 Fruit Skin Splitting and Cracking 
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Download pages: 217-224, 225-232, 233-240, 241-248, 249-256, 257-262
Opara L.U.
Studman C.J.
Banks N.H.
19.5 Origin and Dissemination of Cherry 
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Download pages: 263-270, 271-278, 279-286, 287-294, 295-302, 303-310, 311-317
Faust M.
Suranyi D.
19.6 Artemisia annua: Botany, Horticulture, Pharmacology 
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Download pages: 319-326, 327-334, 335-342, 343-350, 351-358, 359-366, 367-371
Ferreira J.F.S.
Simon J.E.
Janick J.
19.7 Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum) Botany and Horticulture 
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Download pages: 373-380, 381-388, 389-396, 397-404, 405-408
Tétényi P.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 18

Year 1996
Pages 346
© John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 0471573345
ISSN 0163-7851

18.1 Water Relations of Cut Flowers 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40, 41-48, 49-56, 57-64, 65-72, 73-80, 81-85
van Doorn W.G.
18.2 Tissue Culture of Ornamental Flowering Bulbs (Geophytes) 
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Download pages: 87-94, 95-102, 103-110, 111-118, 119-126, 127-134, 135-142, 143-150, 151-158, 159-166, 167-169
Kim K.-W.
De Hertogh A.A.
18.3 Desiccation-Tolerance of Plant Tissues: A Mechanistic Overview 
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Download pages: 171-178, 179-186, 187-194, 195-202, 203-210, 211-213
Oliver M.J.
Bewley J.D.
18.4 Physiology of Light Tolerance in Plants 
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Download pages: 215-222, 223-230, 231-238, 239-246
Demmig-Adams B.
Adams III W.W.
Grace S.C.
18.5 Acquired Resistance to Disease in Plants 
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Download pages: 247-254, 255-262, 263-270, 271-278, 279-286, 287-289
Hammerschmidt R.
Smith Becker J.
18.6 Cacti as Crops 
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Download pages: 291-298, 299-306, 307-314, 315-319
Mizrahi Y.
Nerd A.
Nobel P.S.
18.7 Reproductive Biology of Cactus Fruit Crops 
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Download pages: 321-328, 329-336, 337-344, 345-346
Nerd A.
Mizrahi Y.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 17

Year 1995
Pages 429
© John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 0471573353
ISSN 0163-7851

17.1 Mechanical Stress Regulation of Plant Growth and Development 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40, 41-42
Mitchell C.A.
Myers P.N.
17.2 Volatile Emissions from Plants 
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Download pages: 43-50, 51-58, 59-66, 67-72
Charron C.S.
Cantliffe D.J.
17.3 A Physiological-Genetic Model of Photoperiod_Temperature Interactions in Photoperiodism, Vernalization, and Male Sterility of Plants 
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Download pages: 73-80, 81-88, 89-96, 97-104, 105-112, 113-120, 121-123
Yan W.
Wallace D.H.
17.4 Environmental Control and Photoautotrophic Micropropagation 
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Download pages: 125-132, 133-140, 141-148, 149-156, 157-164, 165-172
Jeong B.R.
Fujiwara K.
Kozai T.
17.5 Leaf Blackening in Cut Protea Flowers 
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Download pages: 173-180, 181-188, 189-196, 197-201
Jones R.B.
McConchie R.
van Doorn W.G.
Reid M.S.
17.6 Low-Temperature Sweetening in Roots and Tubers 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 203-210, 211-218, 219-226, 227-231
Wismer W.V.
Marangoni A.G.
Yada R.Y.
17.7 Jojoba Domestication and Commercialization in Israel 
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Download pages: 233-240, 241-248, 249-256, 257-264, 265-266
Benzioni A.
17.8 Growth and Ripening of Strawberry Fruit 
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Download pages: 267-274, 275-282, 283-290, 291-297
Perkins-Veazie P.
17.9 Control of Phytophthora Diseases of Tree Crops Uins Trunk-Injected Phosphonates 
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Download pages: 299-306, 307-314, 315-322, 323-330
Guest D.I.
Pegg K.G.
Whiley A.W.
17.10 Origin and Disseminiation of Peach 
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Download pages: 331-338, 339-346, 347-354, 355-362, 363-370, 371-378, 379-379
Faust M.
Timon B.
17.11 Avocado Rootstocks 
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Download pages: 381-388, 389-396, 397-404, 405-412, 413-420, 421-428, 429-429
Ben-Ya'acov A.
Michelson E.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 16

Year 1994
Pages 382
© John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 047157337X
ISSN 0163-7851

16.1 Molecular and Genetic Approaches to the Study of Plant Hormone Action 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32
Guiltinan M.J.
Deikman J.
16.2 Cellular Mechanisms in Salt Tolerance in Plant Cells 
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Download pages: 33-40, 41-48, 49-56, 57-64, 65-69
Binzel M.L.
Reuveni M.
16.3 Truffles and Their Cultivation 
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Download pages: 71-78, 79-86, 87-94, 95-102, 103-107
Giovannetti G.
Roth-Bejerano N.
Zanini E.
Kagan-Zur V.
16.4 Presowing Seed Priming 
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Download pages: 109-116, 117-124, 125-132, 133-140, 141-141
Parera C.A.
Cantliffe D.J.
16.5 Sapindaceous Fruits: Botany and Horticulture 
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Download pages: 143-150, 151-158, 159-166, 167-174, 175-182, 183-190, 191-196
Tindall H.D.
16.6 Apple Flavor 
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Download pages: 197-204, 205-212, 213-220, 221-228, 229-234
Yahia E.M.
16.7 New Concepts in Pruning Grapevines 
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Download pages: 235-242, 243-250, 251-254
Possingham J.V.
16.8 Mechanical Harvesting of Berry Crop 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 255-262, 263-270, 271-278, 279-286, 287-294, 295-302, 303-310, 311-318, 319-326, 327-334, 335-342, 343-350, 351-358, 359-366, 367-374, 375-382
Dale A.
Hanson E.J.
Yarborough D.E.
McNicol R.J.
Stang E.J.
Brennan R.
Morris J.R.
Hergert G.B.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 15

Year 1993
Pages 448
© John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 0471573388
ISSN 0163-7851

15.1 North American Botanic Gardens 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40, 41-48, 49-56, 57-62
Watson G.W.
Heywood V.
Crowley W.
15.2 Approaches to Reduce Chilling Injury of Fruits and Vegetables 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 63-70, 71-78, 79-86, 87-94, 95-96
Wang C.Y.
15.3 Bloom Delay in Deciduous Fruits 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 97-104, 105-112, 113-120, 121-128, 129-136, 137-144
LaMar Anderson J.
Seeley S.D.
15.4 Anatomical, Physiological, and Hormonal Aspects of Abscission in Citrus 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 145-152, 153-160, 161-168, 169-176, 177-182
Goren R.
15.5 Graft Incompatibility 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 183-190, 191-198, 199-206, 207-214, 215-222, 223-230, 231-232
Andrews P.K.
Serrano Marquez C.
15.6 Gravitropism: Changing Ideas 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 233-240, 241-248, 249-256, 257-264, 265-272, 273-278
Salisbury F.B.
15.7 Environmental, Chemical, and Genetic Control of Flowering 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 279-286, 287-294, 295-302, 303-310, 311-318, 319-326, 327-334
Kinet J.-M.
15.8 Whole Plant Senescence: Reproduction and Nutrient Partitioning 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 335-342, 343-350, 351-358, 359-366
Sklensky D.E.
Davies P.J.
15.9 Potential Benefits and Risks of Herbicide-Resistant Crops Produced by Biotechnology 
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Download pages: 367-374, 375-382, 383-390, 391-398, 399-406, 407-408
Dyer W.E.
Hess D.F.
Holt J.S.
Duke S.O.
15.10 Limiting Factors, High Yields, and Law of the Maximum 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 409-416, 417-424, 425-432, 433-440, 441-448
Wallace A.
Wallace G.A.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 14

Year 1992
Pages 452
ISBN 0471573396
ISSN 0163-7851

14.1 Heliconia: Botany and Horticulture of a New Floricultural Crop 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-22, 23-30, 31-38, 39-46, 47-54, 55-55
Criley R.A.
Broschat T.K.
14.2 Root Physiology of Ornamental Flowering Bulbs 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 57-64, 65-72, 73-80, 81-88
Kawa L.
De Hertogh A.A.
14.3 Tuber Formation in Potato: Induction, Inition, and Growth 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 89-96, 97-104, 105-112, 113-120, 121-128, 129-136, 137-144, 145-152, 153-160, 161-168, 169-176, 177-184, 185-192, 193-198
Ewing E.E.
Struik P.C.
14.4 The Biology, Epidemiology, and Control of Turnip Mosaic Virus 
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Download pages: 199-206, 207-214, 215-222, 223-230, 231-238
Shattuck V.I.
14.5 Thin Cell Layer Morphogenesis 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 239-246, 247-254, 255-262, 263-264
Compton M.E.
Veilleux R.E.
14.6 Tissue and Cell Cultures of Woody Legumes 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 265-272, 273-280, 281-288, 289-296, 297-304, 305-312, 313-320, 321-328, 329-332
Trigiano R.N.
Geneve R.L.
Merkle S.A.
Preece J.E.
14.7 Polyamines in Horticulturally Important Plants 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 333-340, 341-348, 349-356
Faust M.
Wang S.Y.
14.8 Breeding Muscadine Grapes 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 357-364, 365-372, 373-380, 381-388, 389-396, 397-404, 405-405
Goldy R.G.
14.9 Nitrogen Metabolism in Grapevine 
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Download pages: 407-414, 415-422, 423-430, 431-438, 439-446, 447-452
Roubelakis-Angelakis K.A.
Kliewer W.M.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 13

Year 1991
Pages 432
ISBN 0471574996
ISSN 0163-7851

13.1 Integrated Pest Management of Greenhouse Crops in Northern Europ 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40, 41-48, 49-56, 57-64, 65-66
Sunderland K.D.
Chambers R.J.
Helyer N.L.
Sopp P.I.
13.2 Polygalacturonase and Tomato Fruit Ripening 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 67-74, 75-82, 83-90, 91-98, 99-103
Giovannoni J.J.
DellaPenna D.
Bennett A.B.
Fischer R.L.
13.3 Crop Physiology of Cassava 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 105-112, 113-120, 121-128, 129-129
Splittstoesser W.E.
Tunya G.O.
13.4 Preplant Physiological Seed Conditioning 
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Download pages: 131-138, 139-146, 147-154, 155-162, 163-170, 171-178, 179-181
Khan A.A.
13.5 Environmental Influences on Seed Size and Composition 
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Download pages: 183-190, 191-198, 199-206, 207-213
Fenner M
13.6 Formation and Spread of Ice in Plant Tissues 
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Download pages: 215-222, 223-230, 231-238, 239-246, 247-254, 255-255
Ashworth E.N.
13.7 Responses of Fruit Crops to Flooding 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 257-264, 265-272, 273-280, 281-288, 289-296, 297-304, 305-312, 313-313
Schaffer B.
Andersen P.C.
Ploetz R.C.
13.8 Developmental Morphology and Anatomy of Grape Flowers 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 315-322, 323-330, 331-337
Gerrath J.M.
13.9 Developmental Physiology of Rabbiteye Blueberry 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 339-346, 347-354, 355-362, 363-370, 371-378, 379-386, 387-394, 395-402, 403-405
Darnell R.L.
Stutte G.W.
Martin G.C.
Lang G.A.
Early J.D.
13.10 Maturity Indices for Apple and Pear 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 407-414, 415-422, 423-430, 431-432
Kingston C.M.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 12

Year 1990
Pages 490
ISBN 0881921718
ISSN 0163-7851

12.1 Reproductive Biology of Rhododendron 
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Download pages: 1-4, 5-12, 13-20, 21-28, 29-36, 37-44, 45-52, 53-60, 61-68
Williams E.G.
Rouse J.L.
Palser B.F.
Knox R.B.
12.2 Postharvest Physiology of Fresh Asparagus 
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Download pages: 69-76, 77-84, 85-92, 93-100, 101-108, 109-116, 117-124, 125-132, 133-140, 141-148, 149-155
Lipton W.J.
12.3 Tropical Root and Tuber Crops 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 157-164, 165-172, 173-180, 181-188, 189-196
O'Hair S.K.
12.4 The Cowpea: Production, Utilization, and Research in the United States 
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Download pages: 197-204, 205-212, 213-220, 221-222
Fery R.L.
12.5 Flowering of Deciduous Prennial Fruit Crops 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 223-230, 231-238, 239-246, 247-254, 255-262, 263-264
Sedgley M.
12.6 Apple Trees: Morphology and Anatomy 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 265-272, 273-280, 281-288, 289-296, 297-304, 305-305
Pratt C.
12.7 Acquisition and Utilization of Carbon, Mineral Nutrients, and Water by the Kiwifruit Vine 
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Download pages: 307-314, 315-322, 323-330, 331-338, 339-346, 347-347
Buwalda J.G.
Smith G.S.
12.8 Citrus Flowering 
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Download pages: 349-356, 357-364, 365-372, 373-380, 381-388, 389-396, 397-404, 405-408
Davenport T.L.
12.9 The California Fig Industry 
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Download pages: 409-416, 417-424, 425-432, 433-440, 441-448, 449-456, 457-464, 465-472, 473-480, 481-488, 489-490
Ferguson L.
Michailides T.J.
Shorey H.H.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 11

Year 1989
Pages 452
ISBN 0881921351
ISSN 0163-7851

11.1 Approaches to Phytohormone Studies on Regulation of Plant Processes: A Reassessment 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-14
Zucconi F.
Bukovac M.J.
11.2 Physiology and Biochemistry of Flower Petal Senescence 
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Download pages: 15-22, 23-30, 31-38, 39-43
Borochov A.
Woodson W.R.
11.3 Freeze Protection for Horticultural Crop 
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Download pages: 45-52, 53-60, 61-68, 69-76, 77-84, 85-92, 93-100, 101-108, 109-109
Rieger M.
11.4 Environmental and Physiological Regulation of Photosynthesis in Fruit Crops 
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Download pages: 111-118, 119-126, 127-134, 135-142, 143-150, 151-157
Flore J.A.
Lakso A.N.
11.5 Seedlessness in Grapes 
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Download pages: 159-166, 167-174, 175-182, 183-184
Ledbetter C.A.
Ramming D.W.
11.6 Productivity in Red Respberries 
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Download pages: 185-192, 193-200, 201-208, 209-216, 217-224, 225-228
Dale A.
11.7 The Relationship Between Vegetative Growth and Fruiting in Apple Trees 
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Download pages: 229-236, 237-244, 245-252, 253-260, 261-268, 269-276, 277-284, 285-287
Forshey C.G.
Elfving D.C.
11.8 Bitter Pit in Apple Fruit 
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Download pages: 289-296, 297-304, 305-312, 313-320, 321-328, 329-336, 337-344, 345-352, 353-355
Ferguson I.B.
Watkins C.B.
11.9 Physiological Disorders and Maladies of Pear Fruit 
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Download pages: 357-364, 365-372, 373-378, 379-386, 387-394, 395-402, 403-410, 411-411
Raese J.T.
11.10 Postharvest Physiology of Peaches and Nectarines 
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Download pages: 413-420, 421-428, 429-436, 437-444, 445-452
Lill R.E.
O'Donoghue E.M.
King G.A.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 10

Year 1988
Pages 430
ISBN 0881921173
ISSN 0163-7851

10.1 Ornamental Aroids: Culture and Breeding 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-33
Henny R.J.
10.2 Storage of Cut Flowers 
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Download pages: 35-42, 43-50, 51-58, 59-62
Goszczynska D.M.
Rudnicki R.M.
10.3 Triazole Plant Growth Regulators 
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Download pages: 63-70, 71-78, 79-86, 87-94, 95-102, 103-105
Davis T.D.
Steffens G.L.
Sankhla N.
10.4 Calcium and Fruit Softening: Physiology and Biochemistry 
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Download pages: 107-114, 115-122, 123-130, 131-138, 139-146, 147-152
Poovaiah B.W.
Glenn G.M.
Reddy A.S.N.
10.5 Somatic Embryogenesis in Woody Species 
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Download pages: 153-160, 161-168, 169-176, 177-181
Wann S.R.
10.6 Nutrition of Blueberry and Other Calcifuges 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 183-190, 191-198, 199-206, 207-214, 215-222, 223-227
Korcak R.F.
10.7 Avocado Fruit Development and Ripening Physiology 
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Download pages: 229-236, 237-244, 245-252, 253-260, 261-268, 269-271
Bower J.P.
Cutting J.G.
10.8 Apple Flower and Fruit: Morphology and Anatomy 
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Download pages: 273-280, 281-288, 289-296, 297-304, 305-308
Pratt C.
10.9 Plant Bioregulators in Apple and Pear Culture 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 309-316, 317-324, 325-332, 333-340, 341-348, 349-356, 357-364, 365-372, 373-380, 381-388, 389-396, 397-401
Miller S.S.
10.10 Carbohydrate Reserves in Deciduous Fruit Trees 
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Download pages: 403-410, 411-418, 419-426, 427-430
Oliveira C.M.
Priestley C.A.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 9

Year 1987
Pages 430
ISBN 0442243774
ISSN 0163-7851

9.1 Energy-Efficient Greenhouses 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40, 41-48, 49-52
Monk G.J.
Molnar J.M.
9.2 Plant Growth Regulators in Rose Plants 
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Download pages: 53-60, 61-68, 69-73
Mor Y.
Zieslin N.
9.3 Nutrition of Container-Grown Woody Nursery Crops 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 75-82, 83-90, 91-98, 99-101
Wright R.D.
Niemiera A.X.
9.4 Elemental Status of Pine Bark-Based Potting Media 
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Download pages: 103-110, 111-118, 119-126, 127-131
Ogden R.J.
Pokorny F.A.
Mills H.A.
9.5 Iron Deficiency Chlorosis 
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Download pages: 133-140, 141-148, 149-156, 157-164, 165-172, 173-180, 181-186
Korcak R.F.
9.6 Ginseng: Industry, Botany, and Culture 
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Download pages: 187-194, 195-202, 203-210, 211-218, 219-226, 227-234, 235-236
Proctor J.T.A.
Bailey W.G.
9.7 The Honey Bee Pollination Component of Horticultural Crop Production Systems 
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Download pages: 237-244, 245-252, 253-260, 261-268, 269-272
DeGrandi-Hoffman G.
9.8 Tissue Culture of Temperate Fruit and Nut Trees 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 273-280, 281-288, 289-296, 297-304, 305-312, 313-320, 321-328, 329-336, 337-344, 345-349
Hutchinson J.F.
Zimmerman R.H.
9.9 Summer Pruning of Apple and Peach Trees 
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Download pages: 351-358, 359-366, 367-374, 375-375
Marini R.P.
Barden J.A.
9.10 Orchard Floor Vegetation Management 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 377-384, 385-392, 393-400, 401-408, 409-416, 417-424, 425-430
Hogue E.J.
Neilsen G.H.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 8

Year 1986
Pages 378
ISBN 0870555294
ISSN 0163-7851

8.1 Gaseous Air Pollution and Horticultural Crop Production 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40, 41-42
Ormrod D.P.
8.2 Edible Aroids: Botany and Horticulture 
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Download pages: 43-50, 51-58, 59-66, 67-74, 75-82, 83-90, 91-98, 99-99
O'Hair S.K.
Asokan M.P.
8.3 The Effect of Controlled-Atmosphere Storage on the Sensory and Nutritional Quality of Fruits and Vegetables 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 101-108, 109-116, 117-124, 125-127
Weichmann J.
8.4 The Navel Orange 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 129-136, 137-144, 145-152, 153-160, 161-168, 169-176, 177-180
Davies F.S.
8.5 Nitrogen Metabolism and Utilization in Citrus 
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Download pages: 181-188, 189-196, 197-204, 205-212, 213-216
Kato T.
8.6 Flowering in Pecan 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 217-224, 225-232, 233-240, 241-248, 249-255
Wetzstein H.Y.
Sparks D.
8.7 Avocado Flowering 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 257-264, 265-272, 273-280, 281-288, 289-289
Davenport T.L.
8.8 Chestnut Blight and its Control 
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Download pages: 291-298, 299-306, 307-314, 315-322, 323-330, 331-336
Griffin G.J.
8.9 Physiological Responses of Fruit Trees to Pruning 
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Download pages: 337-344, 345-352, 353-360, 361-368, 369-376, 377-378
Mika A.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 7

Year 1985
Pages 558
ISBN 0870554921
ISSN 0163-7851

7.1 Soil Testing and Plant Analysis: Guides to the Fertilization of Horticultural Crops 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40, 41-48, 49-56, 57-64, 65-68
Benton Jones J.Jr.
7.2 Carbohydrate Partitioning and Metabolism in Crops 
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Download pages: 69-76, 77-84, 85-92, 93-100, 101-108
Daie J.
7.3 Juvenility, Maturation, and Rejuvenation in Woody Plants 
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Download pages: 109-116, 117-124, 125-132, 133-140, 141-148, 149-156
Hackett W.P.
7.4 In Vitro Systems for Propagation and Improvement of Tropical Fruits and Palms 
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Download pages: 157-164, 165-172, 173-180, 181-188, 189-196, 197-200
Litz R.E.
Moore G.E.
Srinivasan C.
7.5 Cold Hardiness in Citrus 
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Download pages: 201-208, 209-216, 217-224, 225-232, 233-238
Yelenosky G.
7.6 Dormancy Release in Deciduous Fruit Trees 
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Download pages: 239-246, 247-254, 255-262, 263-270, 271-278, 279-286, 287-294, 295-300
Saure M.C.
7.7 Physiological Control of Water Status in Temperate and Subtropical Fruit Trees 
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Download pages: 301-308, 309-316, 317-324, 325-332, 333-340, 341-344
Jones H.G.
Lakso A.N.
Syvertsen J.P.
7.8 CO2 Enrichment of Protected Crops 
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Download pages: 345-352, 353-360, 361-368, 369-376, 377-384, 385-392, 393-398
Porter M.A.
Grodzinski B.
7.9 Growth Regulators in Floriculture 
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Download pages: 399-406, 407-414, 415-422, 423-430, 431-438, 439-446, 447-454, 455-462, 463-470, 471-478, 479-481
Larson R.A.
7.10 Hydroponic Vegetable Production 
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Download pages: 483-490, 491-498, 499-506, 507-514, 515-522, 523-530, 531-538, 539-546, 547-554, 555-558
Jensen M.H.
Collins W.L.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 6

Year 1984
Pages 416
ISBN 0870554530
ISSN 0163-7851

6.1 Kiwifruit: A Botanical Review 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40, 41-48, 49-56, 57-64
Ferguson A.R.
6.2 Parthenocarpy in Tomato 
View article first page(s) / Table of contents
Download pages: 65-72, 73-80, 81-84
George W.L.Jr.
Scott J.W.
Splittstoesser W.E.
6.3 Origin and Improvement of Spawn of the Cultivated Mushroom Agaricus brunnescens Peck 
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Download pages: 85-92, 93-100, 101-108, 109-116, 117-118
San Antonio J.P.
6.4 Acclimatization of Indoor Foliage Plant 
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Download pages: 119-126, 127-134, 135-142, 143-150, 151-154
Conover C.A.
Poole R.T.
6.5 Response of Plants to Root Pruning 
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Download pages: 155-162, 163-170, 171-178, 179-186, 187-188
Geisler D.
Ferree D.C.
6.6 Watercore 
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Download pages: 189-196, 197-204, 205-212, 213-220, 221-228, 229-236, 237-244, 245-251
Marlow G.C.
Loescher W.H.
6.7 Control and Management of Vertebrate Pests in Deciduous Orchards of the Eastern United States 
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Download pages: 253-260, 261-268, 269-276, 277-284, 285-285
Byers R.E.
6.8 Foliar Nutrition of Fruit Crops 
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Download pages: 287-294, 295-302, 303-310, 311-318, 319-326, 327-334, 335-342, 343-350, 351-355
Swietlik D.
Faust M.
6.9 Cryopreservation of Apical Meristems 
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Download pages: 357-364, 365-372
Sakai A.
6.10 Subzero Temperature Stress Physiology of Herbaceous Plants 
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Download pages: 373-380, 381-388, 389-396, 397-404, 405-412, 413-416
Li P.H.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 5

Year 1983
Pages 403
ISBN 0870554328
ISSN 0163-7851

5.1 The Nutrient Film Technique 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40, 41-44
Graves C.J.
5.2 The Tulip: Botany, Usage, Growth, and Development 
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Download pages: 45-52, 53-60, 61-68, 69-76, 77-84, 85-92, 93-100, 101-108, 109-116, 117-124, 125-125
De Hertogh A.A.
Aung L.H.
Benschop M.
5.3 The Grape Root System 
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Download pages: 127-134, 135-142, 143-150, 151-158, 159-166, 167-168
Richards D.
5.4 The Role of Cell Wall Hydrolases in Fruit Softening 
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Download pages: 169-176, 177-184, 185-192, 193-200, 201-208, 209-216, 217-219
Huber D.J.
5.5 Meristem and Shoot-Tip Culture for Propagation, Pathogen Elimination, and Germplasm Preservation 
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Download pages: 221-228, 229-236, 237-244, 245-252, 253-260, 261-268, 269-276, 277-277
Styer D.J.
Chin C.K.
5.6 Recent Advances in Botany, Propagation, and Physiology of Orchids 
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Download pages: 279-286, 287-294, 295-302, 303-310, 311-315
Sheehan T.J.
5.7 Nutrition and Fertilization of Ornamental Greenhouse Crops 
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Download pages: 317-324, 325-332, 333-340, 341-348, 349-356, 357-364, 365-372, 373-380, 381-388, 389-396, 397-403
Joiner J.N.
Poole R.T.
Conover C.A.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 4

Year 1982
Pages 271
ISBN 0870554077
ISSN 0163-7851

4.1 Crop Response to Trickle Irrigation 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40, 41-48
Elfving D.C.
4.2 Tipburn of Lettuce 
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Download pages: 49-56, 57-64, 65-65
Collier G.F.
Tibbitts T.W.
4.3 Photoperiodism 
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Download pages: 66-72, 73-80, 81-88, 89-96, 97-104, 105-105
Salisbury F.B.
4.4 In Vitro Flowering 
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Download pages: 106-112, 113-120, 121-127
Scorza R.
4.5 Alternate Bearing in Fruit Trees 
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Download pages: 128-134, 135-142, 143-150, 151-158, 159-166, 167-173
Monselise S.P.
Goldschmidt E.E.
4.6 Flower Bud Induction in Apple Trees: Internal Control and Differentiation 
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Download pages: 174-180, 181-188, 189-196, 197-203
Buban T.
Faust M.
4.7 Nitrogen Metabolism, Translocation, and Recycling in Apple Trees 
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Download pages: 204-210, 211-218, 219-226, 227-234, 235-242, 243-246
Titus J.S.
Kang S.-M.
4.8 Beneficial Aspects of Physiological Stress 
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Download pages: 247-254, 255-262, 263-270, 271-271
Grierson W.
Soule J.
Kawada K
Horticultural Reviews
volume 3

Year 1981
Pages 461
ISBN 0870553526
ISSN 0163-7851

3.1 Fluid Drilling of Vegetable Seeds 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-27
Gray D.
3.2 Biology, Epidemiology, Genetics and Breeding for Resistance to Bacterial Pathogens of Phaseolus vulgaris L. 
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Download pages: 28-34, 35-42, 43-50, 51-58
Schuster M.L.
Coyne D.P.
3.3 Senescence and Postharvest Physiology of Cut Flowers, Part 2 
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Download pages: 59-66, 67-74, 75-82, 83-90, 91-98, 99-106, 107-114, 115-122, 123-130, 131-138, 139-143
Halevy A.H.
Mayak S.
3.4 Effect of Nutritional Factors on Cold Hardiness of Plants 
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Download pages: 144-150, 151-158, 159-166, 167-171
Pellett H.M.
Carter J.V.
3.5 Mycorrhizal Fungi and Their Importance in Horticultural Crop Production 
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Download pages: 172-178, 179-186, 187-194, 195-202, 203-210, 211-213
Maronek D.M.
Hendrix J.W.
Kiernan J.
3.6 Plant Regeneration from Cell Cultures 
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Download pages: 214-220, 221-228, 229-236, 237-244, 245-252, 253-260, 261-268, 269-276, 277-284, 285-292, 293-300, 301-308, 309-314
Evans D.A.
Sharp W.A.
Flick C.E.
3.7 Stock and Scion Growth Relationships and the Dwarfing Mechanism in Apple 
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Download pages: 315-322, 323-330, 331-338, 339-346, 347-354, 355-362, 363-370, 371-375
Lockard R.G.
Schneider G.W.
3.8 Morphology and Reproduction of Pistachio 
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Download pages: 376-382, 383-390, 391-393
Crane J.C.
Iwakiri B.T.
3.9 Beneficial Effects of Viruses for Horticultural Plants 
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Download pages: 394-400, 401-408, 409-411
Cohen M.
3.10 Effects of Modified Atmospheres on Postharvest Pathogens of Fruit and Vegetables 
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Download pages: 412-418, 419-426, 427-434, 435-442, 443-450, 451-458, 459-461
El-Goorani M.A.
Sommer N.F.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 2

Year 1980
Pages 537
ISBN 0870553526
ISSN 0163-7851

2.1 The Short Life and Replant Problems of Deciduous Fruit Trees 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40, 41-48, 49-56, 57-64, 65-72, 73-80, 81-88, 89-96, 97-104, 105-112, 113-116
Yadava U.L.
Doud S.L.
2.2 Seed Viability During Long-Term Storage 
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Download pages: 117-124, 125-132, 133-141
Bass L.N.
2.3 Nutritional Ranges in Deciduous Tree Fruits and Nuts 
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Download pages: 142-148, 149-152, 153-160, 161-163
Shear C.B.
Faust M.
2.4 The Lettuce Industry in California: A Quarter Century of Change, 1954-1979 
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Download pages: 164-170, 171-178, 179-186, 187-194, 195-202, 203-207
Ryder E.J.
Whitaker T.W.
2.5 Light Interception and Utilization by Orchard Systems 
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Download pages: 208-214, 215-222, 223-230, 231-238, 239-246, 247-254, 255-262, 263-267
Jackson J.E.
2.6 The Physiology of In Vitro Asexual Embryogenesis 
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Download pages: 268-274, 275-282, 283-290, 291-298, 299-306, 307-310
Sharp W.R.
Sondahl M.R.
Caldas L.S.
Maraffa S.B.
2.7 Genetics of Vigna 
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Download pages: 311-318, 319-326, 327-334, 335-342, 343-350, 351-358, 359-366, 367-374, 375-382, 383-390, 391-394
Fery R.L.
2.8 Ammonium and Nitrate Nutrition of Horticultural Crops 
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Download pages: 395-402, 403-410, 411-418, 419-423
Barker A.V.
Mills H.A.
2.9 The Distribution and Effectiveness of the Roots of Tree Crops 
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Download pages: 424-430, 431-438, 439-446, 447-454, 455-462, 463-470, 471-478, 479-486, 487-490
Atkinson D.
2.10 Light and Lighting Systems for Horticultural Plants 
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Download pages: 491-498, 499-506, 507-514, 515-522, 523-530, 531-537
Cathey H.M.
Campbell L.E.
Horticultural Reviews
volume 1

Year 1979
Pages 474
ISBN 0870553143
ISSN 0163-7851

1.1 Somatic Embryogenesis in Angiosperms 
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Download pages: 1-8, 9-16, 17-24, 25-32, 33-40, 41-48, 49-56, 57-64, 65-72, 73-78
Tisserat B.
Esan E.B.
Murashige T.
1.2 Controlled-Release Fertilizers for Horticultural Crops 
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Download pages: 79-86, 87-94, 95-102, 103-110, 111-118, 119-126, 127-134, 135-140
Maynard D.N.
Lorenz O.A.
1.3 Energy Efficient Growing Structures for Controlled Environment Agriculture 
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Download pages: 141-148, 149-156, 157-164, 165-171
White J.W.
1.4 The Anatomy and Histochemistry of Fruit Abscission 
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Download pages: 172-178, 179-186, 187-194, 195-203
Morrison Baird L.A.
Webster B.D.
1.5 Senescence and Postharvest Physiology of Cut Flowers, Part 1 
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Download pages: 204-210, 211-218, 219-226, 227-236
Halevy A.H.
Mayak S.
1.6 Citrus Rootstocks 
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Download pages: 237-244, 245-252, 253-260, 261-269
Wutscher H.K.
1.7 Chemical Thinning of Apples 
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Download pages: 270-276, 277-284, 285-292, 293-300
Williams M.W.
1.8 Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Fruits 
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Download pages: 301-308, 309-316, 317-324, 325-332, 333-336
Smock R.M.
1.9 Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Vegetables 
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Download pages: 337-344, 345-352, 353-360, 361-368, 369-376, 377-384, 385-392, 393-394
Isenberg F.M.R.
1.10 Factors Affecting Yield in Apple, with Emphasis on 'Delicious' 
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Download pages: 395-402, 403-410, 411-418, 419-422
Dennis Jr. F.G.
1.11 Fire Blight and Its Control 
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Download pages: 423-430, 431-438, 439-446, 447-454, 455-462, 463-470, 471-474
Aldwinckle H.S.
Beer S.V.

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