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The Aquatic Gardener: Journal of the Aquatic Gardeners Association

Cheryl Rogers Senior Editor
membership at aquatic-gardeners.org

Karen Randall Technical Editor
editor at aquatic-gardeners.org

Phil Edwards Advertising/Vendor Relations
adverts at aquatic-gardeners.org [advertising rates]

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The Aquatic Gardener cover

Cover photo by Apostolos Maidonis, 1st Place Large, 2008 Greek Aquarist’s Club Aquascaping Contest.

Members of the Aquatic Gardeners Association receive a subscription to this magazine free four times per year. Our 44-page publication contains a mix of articles from all over the globe, appealing to different levels of expertise, with beautiful full-color photos and illustrations. To obtain the journal, please visit our membership page.

Current Issue: Volume 21 Number 4 (Oct - Dec 2008)
when was this issue mailed?



  • Aquatic Plant News
    - TAG Archive DVD Updated
    - (A Funny) Letter to the Membership Chair
  • A Newbie’s First AGA Convention! by Dustin Wunderlich
  • Natural Planted Tank with a Little Aquascaping by Diana Walstad
  • ADA’s International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest 2008
  • C.Ro.A. by Juan Marcos Castagnino
  • Greek Aquarist’s Club & 2008 Aquascaping Contest by Tolis Ketselidis

About The Aquatic Gardener

Dimensions: 5.5in. W x 8.5in. H
No of Pages: 44
Full-color: yes
Frequency: quarterly
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Reprint Policy

The Aquatic Gardener ISSN 1073-6999

Original articles that appear in The Aquatic Gardener (TAG) may be reproduced in print (paper) media by non-commercial organizations (unless specifically stated otherwise) for that the proper credit is given to the author and to The Aquatic Gardener, and that at least one copy of the publication containing the reprinted material is sent to TAG's editor at the time of publication. Credit to TAG as the original source must appear at the end of the article, as follows:

"Reprinted with permission from The Aquatic Gardener, the Journal of the Aquatic Gardeners Association. Any person interested in the Aquatic Gardeners Association is invited to apply to AGA Membership, PO Box 51536, Denton TX 76206 USA"

Any other republication or duplication of the original articles or graphics must first receive permission from TAG's editor or the article author.


Artwork, photographs and articles are welcome from any source and may be submitted to the editor for consideration. We request first publication rights for articles accepted. Please contact Cheryl Rogers at membership @ aquatic-gardeners.org for submission guidelines.

This page was last updated Monday, November 10 2008
Aquatic Gardeners Association