Avocado (leaves) (see Persea americana)

Azaleas (see Rhododendron)

Cestrum species

C. diurnum

  Common Names:  Day Blooming Jessamine, Chinese Inkberry,
     		 Dama de Dia, Galan de Dia
   Description:	Day blooming jessamine is an evergreen
		shrub or tall bush with white flowers.  Fruit is a black

   Toxic Part:  Fruit and sap.

   Symptoms:    Gastroenteritis

C. nocturnum

   Common Names:  Night Blooming Jessamine, Chinese Inkberry,
		  Dama de Noche, Galan de Noche, Juele de Noche, Lilas de
		  Nuit, Jasmin de Nuit

   Description:	Night blooming jessamine has flowers which
		have fragrance at night.  Fruit is white.

   Toxic Part:  Fruit and sap.
   Symptoms:    Gastroenteritis

Dicentra species

D. cucullaria

   Common Names:  Dutchman's Breeches, Breeches Flower

   Description:	Native perennial herb with no stem above
		ground; leaves and flower stalks arising from a granulate
		bulb below ground; leaves 4-12 inches long, finely
		dissected;  flowers with two basal 
		projections on the white perianth, producing a shape like
		that of Dutchman's breeches.

   Toxic Part:  Entire plant

   Symptoms:    Salivation and dyspnea.  Abdominal pain and
		diarrhea may be noted.

D. spectabilis

   Common Names:  Bleeding Heart

   Description:	Delicate, herbaceous, early flowering
		plants. Flowers are either pink or white.

   Toxic Part:  Entire plant.

   Symptoms:    Contact dermatitis.

Dutchman's Breeches (see Dicentra cucullaria)

English Ivy (see Hedera species)

Devil's Ivy (see Epipremnum aureum)

Gelsemium sempervirens

   Common Names:  Carolina Jessamine, Yellow Jessamine, Carolina
     		  Yellow Jessamine, Yellow Jasmine

   Description:	Woody trailing or climbing evergreen vine
		with fragrant yellow flowers.

   Toxic Part:  Entire plant.

   Symptoms:    Profuse sweating, muscular weakness,
		convulsions, respiratory depression, and paralysis of the
		motor nerves.

Golden Chain (see Laburnum anagyroides)

Hedera species

   Common Names:  Algerian Ivy, Canary Ivy, English Ivy, Ivy,
		  Nadeira Ivy, Yedra

   Description:	Climbing vines. Berries are
		black and globular.

   Toxic Part:  Berry and leaf.

   Symptoms:    Burning sensation in throat when ingested.

Holly Berries (see Ilex species)

Ilex species

   Common Names:  English Holly, European Holly, Oregon
     		  Holly, American Holly, Deer Berry, Emetic Holly, Indian
		  Black Drink

   Description:	Evergreen trees with stiff leathery leaves. 
		Berries are usually bright red but may be yellow.

   Toxic Part:  Berries.

   Symptoms:    Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Ivy (Boston, English, and Others) (seeHedera species)

Laburnum anagyroides

   Common Names:  Golden Chain.

   Description:	A small tree with leaves on long stems. Has
		sweetpea-shaped flowers that are golden yellow and formed in
 		big masses.  Seeds are contained in long, flattened pods.

   Toxic Parts: Seeds and flowers.

   Symptoms:    Vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, weakness,
		incoordination, sweating, pallor, headache, dilated pupils,
		and a rapid heartbeat.

Magnolia grandiflora

   Common Names:  Magnolia

   Description: Large tree with white showy flowers. 

   Toxic Parts: Flowers

   Symptoms:    Consumption of the flower can cause headache
		and depression.  Leaves may cause contact dermatitis in
		susceptible individuals. 

Nerium oleander Press HERE for picture.

   Common Names:  Oleander

   Description:	Shrub that grows to 20  feet.  Long Narrow
		leaves up to 10 inches long.  Flowers form in small clusters
		and are red, pink or white.  Seeds develop in long narrow
		capsules which are 3/8 inch in diameter by 5 inches long and
		are dispersed by the wind. 

   Toxic Part:  Whole plant, including smoke from burning and
		water in which the flowers have been placed.

   Symptoms:    Pain in the oral cavity, nausea, vomiting,
		cramping, and diarrhea. 

Oleander (see Nerium oleander)

Persea americana

Persea americana

   Common Names:  Avocado,  Alligator Pear

   Description:	Tree with alternate leaves, oblong to oval
		in shape.  Has small white flowers.

   Toxic Part:  Leaves, bark and seeds.

   Symptoms:    Ingestion causes diarrhea, and nausea.

Rhododendron species

Rhododendron species

   Common names:  Azalea, Rhododendron, Rhodora, Rosa Laurel,

   Description: Evergreen, semi-evergreen, or deciduous
		shrubs with a variety of colored flowers.

   Toxic Part:  Leaves and honey made from the flower nectar.

   Symptoms:    Burning in mouth.  Later, salivation, emesis,
		and diarrhea occur; also a prickling sensation in the skin.

Sweet Pea (see Lathyrus species)

Taxus species

   Common Names:  Yew, Ground Hemlock

   Description:	Evergreen trees and shrubs. Seeds are green 
		to black and partially exposed in a fleshy red cup.

   Toxic Part:  Most of the plant, including the seeds.

   Symptoms:    Dizziness, dry mouth, and mydriasis develop
		within one hour; followed by abdominal cramping, salivation
		and vomiting.

Wisteria species  
   W. floribunda

     Common Names: Japanese Wisteria

  W. sinensis  

    Common Names: Chinese Wisteria 

    Description:   Twining woody vines. Leaves are large. Flowers are pea-shaped and white,
                          bluish, purplish, red or pink. Fruit is long, thick, flat, knobby legume pod. 

    Toxic Part:     Pods and Seeds 

    Symptoms:     Nausea, repeated vomiting, stomach pains, severe diarrhea, dehydration, and collapse.

Yew (see Taxus species)