Organic Food Program

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Updated: 1/12/2009

Organic Food Handlers

For more information, e-mail us or call (360) 902-1805.

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Farmers Market picture

Certified Handlers

Organic Certification Information

The WSDA Organic Food Program has put together reference material to assist applicants with the organic certification process.  The WSDA Rules and Regulations Book contains the USDA National Organic Standards, WSDA Organic Standards and Regulations, and WSDA Organic Certification Fee Information.  The WSDA Guide to Organic Certification provides answers to frequently asked questions about certification, and provides details and references about organic production and handling requirements.

a)  Guide to Organic Certification (PDF 451 KB)
b) WSDA Organic Rules & Regulations (PDF 441 KB)

Organic Food Handler Application Information

The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) certifies handlers of organic food products through the Organic Food Program (OFP). Handlers include distributors, grocery distributors, fruit packers, marketing companies, brokers, warehouses, retailers and other entities that sell, distribute, or pack organic food products. In 2005, WSDA certified 129 handlers of organic food. 

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Download individual sections by clicking on the links below.

1.  New Handler Application Forms - The following items must be completed and mailed to the Organic Food Program.

a) Application Packet Table of Contents (PDF 44 KB)
b) Application for Organic Certification and Organic Operator Agreement (AGR 2265) (PDF 83 KB)
    Application for Organic Certification and Organic Operator Agreement (AGR 2265)(Fillable Word 152KB)
c) Organic Handling & Processing System Plan (AGR 2180) (PDF 82 KB)
    Organic Handling & Processing System Plan (AGR 2180) (Fillable Word 174 KB)
d) Organic Product Summary-Handlers-Brokerages-Retailers (AGR 2249) (PDF 82 KB)
    Organic Product Summary-Handlers-Brokerages-Retailers  (AGR 2249)(Fillable Word 152 KB)
e)  Handler Fee Form (AGR 2260)(Fillable PDF 291 KB)

 2.  Renewal Handler Application Forms - The following items must be completed and mailed to the Organic Food Program. 

a) Application Packet Cover Letter (PDF 42 KB)
b) Application Packet Table of Contents (AGR 2298)(PDF 31KB)
c) Renewal Application for Organic Certification & Organic Operator    Agreement (AGR 2284) (Fillable PDF 376 KB)
d) Organic System Plan Update-Handlers & Processors (AGR 2285) (Fillable PDF 485 KB)
e) Organic Product Summary Update-Handlers, Processors, Brokerage/Marketing Co. (AGR 2286) (Fillable PDF 308 KB)
f)  Handler Fee Form (AGR 2260) (Fillable PDF 291 KB)
g)  Organic Handler Sales Summary (AGR 2165) (Fillable PDF 331 KB)

3. New Brokerage-Marketing Company Application Forms - The following items must be completed and mailed to the Organic Food Program.

a) Application Packet Table of Contents (PDF 42 KB)
b) Application for Organic Certification and Organic Operator Agreement (AGR 2265) (PDF 87 KB)
    Application for Organic Certification and Organic Operator Agreement  (AGR 2265) (Fillable Word 149 KB) 
c) Organic Handling System Plan-Brokerage-Retailers (AGR 2248)(PDF 83 KB)
    Organic Handling System Plan-Brokerage-Retailers (AGR 2248)(Fillable Word 162 KB)  
d) Organic Product Summary-Handlers-Brokerages-Retailers (AGR 2249)(PDF 88 KB)
    Organic Product Summary-Handlers-Brokerages-Retailers (AGR 2249)(Fillable Word 157KB)
 e) Handler Fee Form (AGR 2260)(Fillable PDF 291 KB)

4. Renewal Brokerage-Marketing Company Application Forms - The following items must be completed and mailed to the Organic Food Program.

a) Application Packet Table of Contents (PDF 30 KB)
b) Renewal Application for Organic Certification & Organic Operator Agreement (AGR 2284) (Fillable PDF 376 KB)
c) Organic System Plan Update-Brokerage/Marketing Co. (AGR 2288)(Fillable PDF 343 KB)
d) Organic Product Summary Update-Handlers, Processors & Brokerage/Marketing Co. (AGR 2286)(Fillable PDF 308 KB)
e) Handler Fee Form (AGR 2260)(Fillable PDF 291 KB)  
f) Organic Handler Sales Summary  (AGR 2165) (Fillable PDF 331 KB)

5.New Retail Store-Restaurant Application Forms - The following items must be completed and mailed to the Organic Food Program.

a) Application Packet Table of Contents (PDF 45 KB)
b) Application for Organic Certification and Organic Operator Agreement (AGR 2265) (PDF 92 KB)  
    Application for Organic Certification and Organic Operator Agreement (AGR 2265) (Fillable Word 152 KB)
c) Organic Handling System Plan-Retail Store-Restaurant  (AGR 2247) (PDF 83 KB)
    Organic Handling System Plan-Retail Store-Restaurant  (AGR 2247) (Fillable Word 149 KB)
d) Organic Product Summary-Handlers-Brokerages-Retailers  (AGR 2249) (PDF 84 KB)
    Organic Product Summary-Handlers-Brokerages-Retailers  (AGR 2249) (Fillable Word 161 KB)
 e) How to Comply With Organic Standards (PDF 39 KB)
 f) Retailer Fee Form  (AGR 2257) (PDF 78 KB)
     Retailer Fee Form  (AGR 2257) (Fillable Word 147 KB)

6. Renewal Retail Store-Restaurant Application Forms - The following items must be completed and mailed to the Organic Food Program.

a) Application Packet Table of Contents (PDF 30 KB)
b) Renewal Application for Organic Certification & Organic Operator Agreement (AGR 2284) (Fillable PDF 376 KB)
c) Organic System Plan Update - Retailer & Restaurant (AGR 2287) (Fillable Word 153 KB)
    Organic System Plan Update - Retailer & Restaurant (AGR 2287)(PDF 76 KB)
d) Retailer Fee Form (AGR 2257)(PDF 84 KB)
     Retailer Fee Form  (AGR 2257) (Fillable Word 176 KB)
e) Organic Retail Store-Restaurant Sales Summary  (AGR 2266) (PDF 88 KB)  
    Organic Retail Store-Restaurant Sales Summary (AGR 2266) (Fillable Word 155 KB)

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7.  International Program Application Forms

a) International Program Table of Contents (AGR 2303) (PDF 76 KB)
b) International Application  (AGR 2314) (Fillable PDF 289 KB)
c) EOP Handling & Processing System Plan  (AGR 2211) (Fillable PDF 223 KB)
d) EOP Product Profile (AGR 2213) (PDF 81 KB)
    EOP Product Profile(AGR 2213) (Fillable Word 76 KB)
e) International Program Handler Additional Requirements (AGR 2318) (PDF 54 KB)  
f) EOP Allowed Ingredients List (AGR 2206) (PDF 49 KB)
g) Complaint Record (AGR 2171)(Fillable PDF 286 KB)

International Program Records Reminder and Sodium Silicate Notice August 2008

If you have further questions pertaining to your organic handler application packet contact the WSDA Organic Food Program at (360) 902-1805 or email

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