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C-Clamp ....................................  D08 / 73
C-Vinyl Aromatic Hydrocarbon ...............  585 / 435
    Synthesis ..............................  585 / 435
    Closure operators  
        Door and window ....................  49 / 72
        Window .............................  49 / 324+
        Dust guards ........................  454 / 86
        Ventilation ........................  454 / 84
        Window condensation preventers .....  454 / 85
    Motor vehicle body .....................  180 / 89.1+
    Railway ................................  105 / 456
    Signal or train control ................  246 / 167 R+
        Block signal systems ...............  246 / 20+
        Drawbridge protection ..............  246 / 119
        Grade crossing track protection ....  246 / 117
            Automatic ......................  246 / 115
        Switch stands ......................  246 / 394
        Train dispatching central ..........  246 / 4
        Signal .............................  246 / 4
        Train dispatching train order ......  246 / 6
    Squirts ................................  239 / 174
Cabin and Stateroom  
    Pressurized ............................  454 / 70
        Aircraft structure combined ........  244 / 59
        Heated and cooled ..................  165 / 234+
    Ship ...................................  114 / 71
        Furniture arrangement ..............  114 / 189
    Toy construction logs ..................  446 / 106
Cabinet ....................................  312
    Bath tubs ..............................  4 / 538+
    Bed combined ...........................  5 / 2.1
    Card or sheet magazine .................  312 / 50
    Card or sheet retainer .................  312 / 183+
    Cooking stove ..........................  126 / 37 R
    Dark cabinet ...........................  396 / 589+
    Dispensing (see dispensing)  
    Dynamic optical storage or .............  720 / 600+
    Retrieval ..............................  720 / 600+
    Escutcheons ............................  70 / 452
    File ...................................  312 / 183+
    Instrument sterilizing .................  422
    Insulated ..............................  220 / 592.2+
    Ironing table support ..................  108 / 33+
    Joint of sectional cabinets ............  312 / 111
    Light combined .........................  362 / 133
    Light etc application to body ..........  607 / 81+
    Locks for ..............................  70 / 78+
    Metallic receptacle spaced wall ........  220 / 62.11+
    Music ..................................  84 / DIG 17
    Office machines ........................  D18
    Outside players for music ..............  84 / 108
    Instruments ............................  84 / 108
    Phonograph type ........................  312 / 8.1
        Console type .......................  D14 / 175+
        Record holders .....................  312 / 9.1+
    Photography fluid treating .............  396 / 564+
    Radio type .............................  312 / 7.1
        Design .............................  D14 / 188+
        Receiver ...........................  455 / 347+
        Transceiver ........................  455 / 90.3
        Transmitter ........................  455 / 128
        With antenna .......................  343 / 702
    Refrigerator ...........................  220 / 592.02+
    Safes ..................................  109
        Combined ...........................  109 / 23+
        Convertible ........................  109 / 22
        Incidentally movable ...............  109 / 45+
        Plural compartment .................  109 / 53+
        Shields and protectors .............  109 / 49.5
        Supports and mountings .............  109 / 50+
        Wall and panel structure ...........  109 / 58+
    Show case ..............................  312 / 114+
    Shower bath ............................  4 / 596+
        Design .............................  D23 / 283
    Sign exhibiting reel ...................  40 / 515
    Sound or video recording etc ...........  369 / 75.11+
    Instrument .............................  369 / 75.11+
        Slot for disc insertion ............  369 / 77.11+
    Structure ..............................  312
    Television .............................  348 / 836+
    Toy ....................................  446 / 482
    Type case accessory ....................  276 / 44
    Wall or ceiling mountable ..............  312 / 242
Cable and Cable Making .....................  57
    Advancing material of indeterminate ....  226
    Length .................................  226
    Block and tackle .......................  254 / 389+
    Bridge suspension ......................  14 / 22
    Burglar alarm cable controlled .........  116 / 94
        Strap chain cable attachment .......  24 / 114.5
        Supports pipe or cable .............  248 / 49+
        Supports suspended .................  248 / 317+
    Car (see traction below)  
        Bridge suspension ..................  14 / 22
        Cord and rope ......................  24 / 115 R+
        Pipe or cable ......................  248 / 49+
    Clip (see cable clamp) ................  104 / 200+
    Coaxial ................................  333 / 239+
    Composite plastic cable molding ........  425 / 500+
    Compound die expressed plastic .........  425 / 113+
    Concentric conductors ..................  174 / 102 R+
    Connection elevator car ................  187 / 411+
    Connector ..............................  403
    Container for ..........................  206 / 389+
        Hoist linear traversing ............  212 / 76+
            Ship coaling type ..............  212 / 72
        Material or article handling .......  414
        Power driven .......................  198
            Endless ........................  198 / 804+
            Endless single cable ...........  198 / 643
        Store service systems ..............  186 / 14+
    Cutting ................................  30
        Fishing line .......................  43 / 43.12
        Ships anchor cable .................  114 / 221 R
        Well cable .........................  166 / 54.5+
        Well torpedo cable .................  89 / 1.14
    Drum and cable mechanism ...............  74 / 506
        Antifriction .......................  254 / 901*
        Slip clutch ........................  254 / 903*
        Specific material ..................  254 / 902*
        Wave motion responsive actuator ....  254 / 900*
    Electric ...............................  174
        Furnace, cooling of ................  174 / 15.7
        Loaded .............................  178 / 45+
        Telegraphy .........................  178 / 63 R
        Thermal responsive circuit .........  337 / 415
        Breaker incorporated ...............  337 / 415
        Welding, cooling of ................  174 / 15.7
    Electric conductor making and or .......  156 / 47
    Joining ................................  156 / 47+
    Electrical assembly ....................  29 / 755
    Emergency elevator .....................  187 / 348
    Fairing ................................  114 / 243
    Gear drum and cable mechanism ..........  74 / 505
    Grip (see clamp above)  
        Cable driving stops railway ........  104 / 239
        Car control vehicle fender .........  293 / 3
        Motor placement railway ............  105 / 134
        Rolling stock ......................  105 / 134
    Guides (see guides, cable line)  
    Hauling or strand placing ..............  254 / 134.3 R+
        Apparatus for hauling or ...........  254 / 264
        Hoisting load ......................  254 / 264
        Controls brake .....................  187 / 361+
        Crane overhead travelling ..........  212 / 312+
        Cable driven .......................  212 / 312+
        Crane rotary drive .................  212 / 246
        Elevator car .......................  187 / 251+
        Grapples pivoted jaws ..............  294 / 111
        Separate cable actuator ............  294 / 111
        Hook tackle ........................  294 / 82.11+
        Inclined elevator brake ............  187 / 246
        Ladders extension ..................  182 / 207+
        Ladders track type .................  182 / 63.1+
            Raising or lowering means ......  182 / 68.1+
            Rotating means .................  182 / 65.1+
        Lever actuator pushing and .........  254 / 127
        Pulling ............................  254 / 127+
        Linear traverse ....................  212 / 76+
        Material or article handling  
            Combined carriers endless ......  414 / 564+
            Elevator .......................  414 / 592+
            Traversing type ................  414 / 560+
        Pushing and pulling implements .....  254 / 264+
        Or apparatus .......................  254 / 264
        Ship coaling type linear ...........  212 / 72
        Traverse ...........................  212 / 72
        Testing physical ...................  73 / 158
        Trucks .............................  254 / 4 R
        Vehicle body lifter ................  254 / 47+
        Apparatus ..........................  118
    Indefinite length electrical ...........  156 / 47+
    Conductor ..............................  156 / 47+
        Metal casting, continuous ..........  164 / 462+
    Joining wire ...........................  140 / 111+
    Joints and couplings see joints,  
    Pipes, shafts, rods, plates  
    Laying apparatus .......................  405 / 154.1+
    Protector from abrasion ................  174 / 136
    Rail ...................................  104 / 112+
    Railway ................................  104 / 240
        Switch cable and pully .............  246 / 332
        Connection .........................  246 / 332
    Releaser ...............................  187 / 349
    Remote control .........................  74 / 500.5+
        Drum automatic control slack .......  254 / 272
        Cable ..............................  254 / 272
        Ship ...............................  114 / 199+
        Traction railway ...................  104 / 239
        Loaded .............................  178 / 45
    Support for pipe or cable ..............  248 / 49+
        Bracket ............................  248 / 65+
        Suspended ..........................  248 / 58+
    Table equalizers .......................  108 / 87
    Tension device .........................  254 / 199+
    Tension equalizer elevator cable .......  187 / 412
    Tension reliever .......................  114 / 215
    Tightener belt .........................  474 / 101+
        Land vehicle train .................  280 / 480
        Marine propulsion ..................  440 / 34+
        Ship ...............................  114 / 242+
        Closure operator ...................  49 / 347
        Hauling apparatus ..................  254 / 264+
        Lever single throw .................  254 / 127+
        Linear hoists ......................  212 / 76+
        Linear hoists ship coaling type ....  212 / 72
        Overhead cranes ....................  212 / 320+
        Railway rails ......................  104 / 112+
        Railway rails combined with ........  104 / 87
        Rigid ..............................  104 / 87
        Railway rolling stock suspended ....  105 / 151
        Railway traction ...................  104 / 173.1+
        Railway turntable actuator .........  104 / 39
        Rotary cranes ......................  212 / 246
        Store service systems ..............  186 / 14+
    Tube or rod splicing ...................  425 / 802*
    Twisting wire ..........................  140 / 149
    Underground conduits for pipes or ......  138 / 105
    Cables .................................  138 / 105
    Wireworking article making or ..........  140 / 71 R
    Forming ................................  140 / 71 R+
Cable Tool Rig .............................  173 / 81+
Cacao ......................................  426 / 631+
Cachets ....................................  604 / 403+
Cacodyl Compounds ..........................  556 / 70+
    Alloys .................................  420 / 525
    Batteries ..............................  429
    Compounds ..............................  23
    Electrolytic coating with ..............  205 / 281+
    Electrolytic synthesis .................  205 / 560+
    Fluorescent or phosphorescent ..........  252 / 301.6 R
    Compositions containing ................  252 / 301.6 R
    Organic compound containing ............  556 / 118+
    Pigments fillers or aggregates .........  106 / 452
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 668+
        Combined with hydrometallurgy ......  75 / 416+
    Coffee service unit ....................  D34 / 14
    Tray dispenser unit ....................  D34 / 14
Caffeine ...................................  544 / 274
    Extraction from coffee .................  426 / 427+
    Animal mouth guard .....................  119 / 827
    Bank protection ........................  109 / 10+
        Ball ...............................  384 / 523+
        Making .............................  29 / 898.064
        Radial .............................  384 / 512+
        Thrust .............................  384 / 623
    Bird and animal confining ..............  119 / 452+
        Bird ...............................  119 / 459+
            Collapsible ....................  119 / 461
        Collapsible ........................  119 / 474
        Design .............................  D30 / 114+
        Sectional ..........................  119 / 472
    Fish and animal traps ..................  43 / 58+
        Design .............................  D22 / 121
    Material handling  
        Hand type ..........................  294 / 26.5
        Hoist line type ....................  294 / 68.1+
    Mills ..................................  241 / 188.1
    Plant supports .........................  47 / 45
    Queen bee ..............................  449 / 28
    Shower bath spray ......................  4 / 601+
    Solid fuel grate .......................  110 / 294
        Water cooled .......................  122 / 373
    Type antenna ...........................  343 / 896
    Washing apparatus having ...............  68
    Box or open ............................  405 / 11+
    Diving bell type .......................  405 / 185+
    Ordnance ...............................  89 / 40.07
    Pressurized ............................  405 / 8+
    Shaft lining ...........................  405 / 133
    Ship raising ...........................  114 / 49
    Ship raising salvage ...................  114 / 53
    Ship repair ............................  405 / 12
    Shoring, temporary .....................  405 / 272
    Compositions ...........................  426 / 552+
    Cover ..................................  312 / 283+
    Cutter or server .......................  D07 / 673
    Design .................................  D01 / 129+
    Dish or cover ..........................  D07 / 610
    Enfolding with .........................  100 / 101
    Enfolding with cloth before ............  100 / 101
    Inedible ...............................  D11 / 184
    Pans ...................................  249 / DIG 1
    Stripping cloth from cake after ........  100 / 298
    Pressing ...............................  100 / 298
    Trimmers ...............................  100 / 94+
Calciferol .................................  552 / 653
Calcimines See Kalsomines  
    Furnaces ...............................  432
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588
    Containment ............................  588
        Pyrolysis ..........................  588 / 321
    Portland cement processes ..............  106 / 739+
Calcium (See Alkali, Earth Metal) .........  75
    Carbide ................................  423
        Acetylene generator carbide ........  48 / 38
        Feed ...............................  48 / 38+
        Cartridges .........................  48 / 59+
    Compounds inorganic ....................  423
Calculator See Computer ....................  235 / 61 R+
    Automated price determination ..........  705 / 400
    Design .................................  D18 / 6+
    Instruments simulating .................  33 / 1 SB
    Specific gravity test ..................  73 / 443
    Vehicle controlling ....................  701 / 1+
Calendar ...................................  40 / 107+
    Clocks .................................  368 / 28+
    Clocks .................................  968 / 139+
    Coin controlled ........................  40 / 107+
    Design .................................  D19 / 20+
    Desk article combined ..................  40 / 358
    Holder design ..........................  D19 / 20+
    Pads ...................................  40 / 121
    Printed matter type ....................  283 / 2+
    Watches ................................  368 / 28
    Watches ................................  968 / 139+
    Roll ...................................  492+
        Paper manufacture ..................  100 / 161+
        Textile ............................  38 / 63+
        With heating, cooling or drying ....  100 / 327+
    Cloth finishing ........................  38 / 52
    Laundry ................................  38 / 44+
        Paper ..............................  100 / 161+
    Plastics ...............................  425 / 363+
    Battery calibration ....................  136 / 290*
    Electrophotographic copier .............  399 / 9+
    Instrument .............................  73 / 1.01+
    Measuring and test instrument ..........  73 / 1.01+
    Radar systems ..........................  342 / 165
    Radiant energy device ..................  250 / 252.1
Caliper ....................................  33 / 783+
    Assorter combined ......................  209 / 602+
    Brake ..................................  188
        Bicycle ............................  188 / 24.11+
        Disc type ..........................  188 / 71.1+
    Design .................................  D10 / 73
    Gauge ..................................  33 / 501.7+
Calisthenic Exercise .......................  482
    Forming on horseshoes ..................  59 / 65
        Combined machines ..................  59 / 39
    Horseshoe calk making ..................  59 / 66+
    Horseshoe type .........................  168 / 29+
    Sharpener ..............................  451 / 346
        Tool ...............................  168 / 46
    Shoe device ............................  36 / 67 R
    Tire antiskid device ...................  152 / 229+
    Compositions ...........................  106
    Dispenser ..............................  222
        Gun ................................  222 / 326+
    Edge sealing laminated glass ...........  156 / 107
    Implements .............................  81 / 8.1
        Metal packing ......................  72 / 462+
        Pointers for masonry ...............  15 / 235.3
        Ship calking .......................  114 / 224
    Metal working ..........................  72 / 462+
    Methods ................................  114 / 86
    Packing fibrous material ...............  81 / 8.1
    Puttying devices .......................  425 / 87
    Puttying devices .......................  425 / 458
    Seaming ships combined .................  114 / 86
Calling Card Receiver ......................  D06 / 449
Calliope ...................................  84 / 330
Callus Culture .............................  435 / 420+
Calomel ....................................  423 / 491
    Medicines containing ...................  424 / 645
Calorimeter ................................  374 / 31+
    Mass spectrometer ......................  250 / 281+
    Structure ..............................  313 / 359.1
Cam (See Apparatus Using) ..................  74 / 567+
    Actuated or operated ...................  74
    In bolt to nut lock ....................  411 / 272
        Bending for ........................  72 / 704*
        Bending three point jacks ..........  72 / 386+
        Forging for ........................  72 / 704*
        Vehicle running gear ...............  280 / 86.75+
    Mechanical arrangement .................  280 / 124.1+
        Stub axles .........................  280 / 124.125+
    Test wheel gauge .......................  33 / 203
Cambric ....................................  139 / 426 R
    Ship raising ...........................  114 / 49
        Salvage ............................  114 / 53
Cameo Molds ................................  249 / 104
    Animated cartoon .......................  352 / 87
    Carrier or holder ......................  224 / 908*
        Hand ...............................  294 / 139
    Cases ..................................  206 / 316.2
    Cinematographic ........................  D16 / 205+
    Compound lens system with ..............  359 / 363
    Copy making, eg mechanical negative ....  430 / 951*
    Copying ................................  355 / 18+
    Design .................................  D16 / 200+
    Electronic still .......................  358 / 909.1*
        Scanned semiconductor matrix .......  348 / 294+
    Exposure control, automatic ............  396 / 213+
    Film winding spools ....................  242 / 600+
    Flash unit .............................  396 / 155+
    Focusing, automatic ....................  396 / 89+
    Lens mount .............................  396 / 529+
        Angularly adjustable camera ........  396 / 342
        Front or lens mount ................  396 / 342
    Lucida .................................  359 / 447
    Mammography study ......................  128 / 915*
    Microscope .............................  359 / 372+
    Motion picture .........................  352
        Film winding .......................  242 / 324.1+
    Multiple exposure on single plate ......  396 / 335+
    Obscura ................................  359 / 448
    Panoramic ..............................  396 / 20+
    Periscope ..............................  359 / 403+
    Photographing internal body organs .....  600 / 437+
    Ultrasonically .........................  600 / 437+
    Reflex .................................  396 / 354+
    Reproducing ............................  355 / 18+
        Lens and mirror ....................  359 / 728+
        Motion picture .....................  352 / 69
        Television .........................  348 / 207.99+
    Shutter ................................  396 / 452+
        Automatic control ..................  396 / 213+
        Between lens .......................  396 / 462
        Mechanical test ....................  73 / 1.42+
        Optical test .......................  73 / 1.56
        Timer ..............................  396 / 452+
    Stereoscopic ...........................  396 / 324+
    Submarine motion picture ...............  352 / 132
    Supports ...............................  396 / 419+
    Telescope ..............................  359 / 419+
    Television .............................  D16 / 202
    Time lapse .............................  352 / 84
    Toy (design) ...........................  D21 / 514
    Tripod .................................  396 / 419+
    Twin lens reflex .......................  396 / 353
    Ultrasonic scanning ....................  600 / 437
        Blood ..............................  600 / 438
            Flow ...........................  600 / 454
        Breast .............................  128 / 915*
        Mammography ........................  128 / 915*
        Pressure ...........................  600 / 438
        Temperature ........................  600 / 438
        Therapy ............................  600 / 439
    View finders ...........................  396 / 373+
        Geometrical ........................  33 / 290+
        Perpendicular to objective lens ....  D16 / 217
Camisole ...................................  D02 / 722
    Canopies ...............................  135 / 87+
    Coat hunters ...........................  2 / 94
    Coating composition ....................  106
    Coating non-uniform ....................  427 / 256+
    Illusion ...............................  273
    Including open mesh ....................  442 / 1+
    Ordnance ...............................  89 / 36.01
    Stock material .........................  428 / 919*
    Tents ..................................  135 / 87+
    Warship ................................  114 / 15
Camp and Camping  
    Beds ...................................  5 / 112+
    Bodies land vehicles ...................  296 / 156+
    Chairs folding .........................  297 / 16.1+
    Ground mat .............................  5 / 417+
    Kit combined or convertible to .........  190 / 12 A
    Table ..................................  190 / 12 A
    Lunch kits .............................  206 / 541+
    Sleeping bag ...........................  2 / 69.5
        With bed structure .................  5 / 413 R
    Stools folding .........................  297 / 166
    Stoves cooking .........................  126 / 25 R+
    Stoves heating .........................  126 / 59
    Tables convertible baggage .............  190 / 12 R
    Tent ...................................  135 / 87+
        Heater .............................  126 / 59
    Trailer design .........................  D12 / 101+
    Vehicle design .........................  D12 / 100
Camphene (See Alicyclic Hydrocarbon) ......  585 / 350
    Terpene isomerization ..................  585 / 355
Camphor ....................................  568 / 339+
Camphoric Acid .............................  562 / 504
Camping See Camp  
Camshafts ..................................  74 / 567
    Drive means internal combustion ........  123 / 90.31
    Engine .................................  123 / 90.31
    Overhead location ......................  123 / 90.27
Can See Container  
    Beer,pop, or food ......................  206 / 139
    Carrier by hand ........................  220
    Crushers ...............................  100 / 902*
        Presses in general .................  100
    Cutting to scrap .......................  83 / 923*
    Design .................................  D09
    Filling and closing ....................  53 / 266.1+
    Insulating jacket ......................  220 / 903*
    Labeling machines ......................  156
    Leakage tester .........................  73 / 40+
        Discarding type ....................  73 / 45+
        Body straightening .................  72 / 367.1+
        Fusion-bonding apparatus ...........  228
        Metal cap preparing machine ........  413 / 56+
        Method .............................  72 / 715
        Sheet metal container making .......  413
    Metal and miscellaneous ................  220
    Milk ...................................  220 / 569
    Milking machine ........................  119 / 14.46
    Nuclear fuel containing ................  376 / 409
    Openers ................................  30 / 400+
        Closure combined ...................  220 / 260
        Cutter type combined ...............  7 / 152+
        Design .............................  D08 / 33+
        Electric ...........................  30 / 401
        Key holder combined ................  D03 / 210
        Other tool combined ................  7 / 151
        Receptacle puncturing and ..........  220 / 278
        Closing ............................  220 / 278
        With dispensing features ...........  222 / 81+
    Packing in portable receptacles ........  53 / 531+
    Processors .............................  99 / 359+
    Resilient wall .........................  222 / 206+
    Testers leak detector ..................  73 / 52
    Vacuumizing & sealing methods ..........  53 / 403+
    Valves for conveying  
        Bin charge or discharge ............  414 / 288+
        Chute retarders ....................  193 / 32
        Chute switches .....................  193 / 31 R
        Cooker inlet or outlet .............  99 / 366
        Horizontal axis rotary conveyor ....  198 / 670
        Horizontal axis spiral .............  198 / 778
        Rotary conveyor ....................  198 / 803.1
            Thrower ........................  198 / 642
    Washers and cleaners  
        Brushing machine ...................  15 / 70+
        Liquid contact .....................  134
    With valved outlet .....................  222
Canal ......................................  405 / 84+
    Amusement park .........................  104 / 73
        Form ...............................  114 / 60
        Structure ..........................  114 / 70
    Locks ..................................  405 / 85+
    Fare box ticket puncher combined .......  232 / 8
        Barrel bung ........................  217 / 114
        Hand ...............................  101 / 371
        Machine ............................  101 / 233+
Cancer Treatment  
    5-Flurouracil ..........................  544 / 313
Candelabra .................................  431 / 295
    Electric ...............................  362 / 410+
        Design .............................  D26 / 24
Candle .....................................  431 / 288
    Candlestick ............................  D26 / 9+
    Compositions for making ................  44 / 275
    Design .................................  D26 / 6
    Electric lamp ..........................  362 / 157+
    Electric socket simulating .............  200 / 51.01
    Extinguishers ..........................  431 / 144+
    Forming ................................  425 / 803*
    Fumigants ..............................  424 / 40
    Holders ................................  431 / 289+
        Christmas tree .....................  362 / 249+
        Design .............................  D26 / 9
    Imitation ..............................  362 / 810*
    Lanterns using .........................  362 / 161
    Lighters see igniter and ignition  
    Lighting imitation of ..................  362 / 810*
        Casting or molding apparatus .......  425 / 117+
        Casting processes ..................  264 / 271.1+
        Dipping processes ..................  427 / 442+
    Physical and ornamental structure ......  431 / 126
    Shade or bowl supports for .............  362 / 447
    Simulated ..............................  431 / 125
    Snuffers ...............................  431 / 144+
        Design .............................  D29 / 127
        Miners .............................  7 / 104+
Candling ...................................  356 / 52+
    Candling,instrument ....................  D10 / 48
    Coating apparatus ......................  118 / 13+
    Compositions ...........................  426
    Cutting machine ........................  83
    Design .................................  D01 / 127+
    Kneading-pulling equipment .............  366 / 70
    Making, apparatus ......................  99 / 450.1
    Making, processes ......................  426
        Cotton candy .......................  425 / 9
    Preservation ...........................  426 / 321+
        Stick, container ...................  493 / 943*
Cane .......................................  135 / 65+
    Design .................................  D03 / 5+
    Detonating toy .........................  446 / 402+
    Fabrics ................................  139 / 424
    Gun combined ...........................  42 / 52
    Light combined .........................  362 / 102
    Locks for cane racks ...................  70 / 59
    Racks ..................................  211 / 62+
    Simulated umbrella case ................  135 / 18
    Stand convertible ......................  248 / 155
    Stand or stool converting to ...........  248 / 155+
    Therapeutic appliers combined ..........  607 / 115+
    Umbrellas combined .....................  135 / 17
    Whip convertible .......................  231 / 3
    Design .................................  D07 / 612+
    Gas separation .........................  96
    Projectile .............................  102 / 507+
    Cooking and subsequent .................  99 / 356
    Cooking filled receptacles .............  99 / 359+
    Filling and closing ....................  53 / 266.1+
    Food preserving apparatus ..............  99 / 467+
    Food preserving processes ..............  426 / 392+
        Hermetic ...........................  426 / 392+
Cannon .....................................  89
    Toy ....................................  42 / 55
Cannula ....................................  604 / 239
    Attaching means ........................  604 / 240+
    Butchering .............................  452 / 69
    Medicator combined .....................  604 / 187+
    Structure ..............................  604 / 239
Canoe ......................................  114 / 347+
    Chair ..................................  114 / 363
    Design .................................  D12 / 302
    Paddles ................................  440 / 101
    Sail ...................................  114 / 102.1+
Canopy .....................................  135 / 87+
    Bed ....................................  5 / 414+
        Camp ...............................  5 / 113
        Hammock and canopy with common .....  5 / 128
        Support ............................  5 / 128
        Hammocks ...........................  5 / 121
    Body or belt attached ..................  224 / 186
    Building light type ....................  359 / 591+
    Cabinet type ...........................  312 / 3+
    Coffin .................................  27 / 9
    Design .................................  D25 / 56
    Flexible panel combined ................  160 / 19+
    Frames .................................  135 / 121+
    Light shade ............................  362 / 351+
    Light support ..........................  362 / 404+
    Padlock shields ........................  70 / 56
    Reflector ..............................  362 / 341+
    Rigid type .............................  52 / 74+
    Support type ...........................  248 / 345
    Tent-type design .......................  D21 / 834+
Cant Hook ..................................  294 / 17
    Design .................................  D03 / 202+
    Flow controller or closure .............  222 / 544+
    Jacket or spaced wall ..................  220 / 592.16+
    Jacketed dispensing type ...............  222 / 131
    Kit with ...............................  206 / 547
    Separable cup or funnel ................  141 / 379+
    Bridge .................................  14 / 7+
    Building ...............................  52 / 73+
    Design .................................  D25 / 61
    Spring .................................  267 / 41
Canting Element in Bolt to Nut Lock ........  411 / 274+
    Awning stripe ..........................  139 / 417
    Fabric .................................  139 / 426 R
    Shoes rubber sole ......................  36 / 9 R
Caoutchouc (See Rubber)  
    Ammunition .............................  102 / 204
        Making .............................  86 / 10+
    Apparel ................................  2 / 195.1+
        Bathing ............................  D02 / 867+
        Bathing design .....................  D02 / 867+
        Bolt head ..........................  411 / 372.5+
        Design (see headwear) .............  D02 / 865+
        Protective against blows ...........  2 / 410+
        With eye shield ....................  2 / 10
        With light support .................  362 / 106
    Beading and crimping ...................  72 / 102+
    Blasting ...............................  102 / 275.12
    Bottle seal ............................  425 / 809*
    Brush and broom type ...................  15 / 175
        Extinguishing ......................  431 / 146
        Coping .............................  52 / 244
        Cowls ..............................  454 / 3+
        With valve .........................  454 / 27
        Auto radiator or gas tank ..........  D12 / 197+
        Bottle .............................  215 / 200+
        Depressible oil cup cap ............  184 / 89
        Design .............................  D09 / 435+
        Flexible bag .......................  383 / 80
        Inflation stem air & dust cap ......  138 / 89.1+
        Inflation stem air cap .............  138 / 89.3
        Inflation stem dust cap ............  138 / 89.4
        Inflation stem dust cap and ........  152 / 431
        Tool combined ......................  152 / 431
        Lining apparatus ...................  156
        Lining combined with metal .........  413
        Working ............................  413
        Lining process .....................  156 / 262
        Making from sheet metal ............  413 / 8+
            Apparatus ......................  413 / 56+
        Removers ...........................  81 / 3.07+
        Screw type .........................  220 / 288
        Slip type ..........................  220
        Soldering to can ...................  228
    Coating implement with material ........  401
    Supply combined ........................  401
    Column .................................  52 / 301
    Detonating toys ........................  446 / 398+
        Mechanical projector combined ......  124 / 2
        Pistol simulating ..................  42 / 54+
    Electric fuse terminal .................  337 / 248
    Fastenings for saw teeth ...............  83 / 840+
    Fountain pen bifurcate nib-type ........  401 / 243+
    Gas or radiator ........................  D12 / 197+
    Insulator ..............................  174 / 188+
    Lock ...................................  70 / 158+
        Ammunition .........................  86 / 10
        Die shaping sheet metal ............  72 / 343+
        Spirally grooving metal ............  72 / 105+
    Mast ...................................  212 / 347
    Nail screw and nut  
        Nut caps ...........................  411 / 429+
    Pile driving ...........................  173 / 128+
    Pile protector .........................  405 / 255
        Ornament ...........................  428 / 31
        Ornament bird or insect ............  40 / 411+
        Removing ...........................  29 / 245
        With thermometer ...................  209 / 684
    Spinning machines ......................  57 / 74
    Strand twisting and laying .............  57 / 127
    Surfacing ..............................  52 / 465+
    Tower ..................................  52 / 651.01+
    Typewriter key .........................  400 / 490+
    Wheel hub ..............................  301 / 108.1+
    Whip ...................................  231 / 6
Capacitance Interelectrode Testing .........  324 / 409+
    Electronic tube ........................  324 / 409+
    Cathode ray tube .......................  324 / 404
Capacitor (See Condenser; Electret)  
    Air dielectric .........................  361 / 326+
    Design .................................  D13 / 125
    Neutralizing ...........................  361 / 212+
Capacity Measuring Bridge ..................  324 / 680+
Cape Body Garment ..........................  2 / 88+
    Design .................................  D02 / 823+
        Combined ...........................  D02 / 824
        Combined with dress ................  D02 / 759
        Combined with suit .................  D02 / 773
    Active agents (see wetting) ...........  516 / 198+
    Heat exchange pipe .....................  165 / 104.26
    Tube, refrigeration using ..............  62 / 511
Capotasto ..................................  84 / 318
    Bottles ................................  53 / 287+
    Nails and screws .......................  470 / 5+
    Screw closure applying  
    Soldering iron having guide ............  228 / 25+
Capric Acid ................................  554 / 1+
Caprylic Acid ..............................  554 / 1+
Capsaicin, in Drug .........................  514 / 627
Capstans ...................................  254 / 266+
    Forwarding filamentary material ........  242 / 159+
Capsule See Container  
    Composite stock material with ..........  428 / 321.5
    Liquid .................................  428 / 321.5
    Filling and closing ....................  53 / 266.1+
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588 / 249.5
    Containment ............................  588 / 249.5
    Making by dipping ......................  425 / 269+
    Making, x-art ..........................  425 / 804*
    Medicine vehicle .......................  424 / 451+
    Microcapsule (see microcapsule)  
    Nonmetallic collapsible wall ...........  222 / 107
    Sheet metal making .....................  72 / 347+
    Stock with liquid ......................  428 / 321.5
Car (See Vehicle)  
    Airship ................................  244 / 30
    Bodies and tops ........................  296
        Electric railway external ..........  104 / 295+
        Elevator brake .....................  187 / 351+
        Elevator drive .....................  187 / 276
        Elevator fluid governor ............  187 / 345+
        Railway switches and signals .......  246
        Vehicle fenders combined ...........  293 / 2+
    Derailer railway .......................  246 / 163
        Car attached .......................  104 / 261
    Elevator ...............................  187 / 401+
        Parking facility ...................  414 / 227+
    Fire escape reciprocating ..............  182 / 12+
    Moving rope ............................  182 / 12+
    Fire escape reciprocating ..............  182 / 189+
    Stationary rope ........................  182 / 189+
    Fire escape vertically movable .........  182 / 40
    Hand ...................................  105 / 162
    Heated and cooled ......................  165 / 42
        Automatic control ..................  165 / 202+
    Land vehicle ...........................  280
    Livestock carrying .....................  119 / 400+
        Convertible ........................  119 / 405
        Deck ...............................  119 / 406
        Partition ..........................  119 / 412+
    Loading or unloading ...................  414 / 373+
        Railway unloading using ............  414 / 333
        Tractor-trailer ....................  414 / 333
        Self ...............................  414 / 467+
        Train of unloading vehicles ........  414 / 339
    Motor ..................................  180
    Propulsion (see electric)  
        Elevator ...........................  187 / 250+
        Railway ............................  105
        Railway cable crossing conduit .....  104 / 187
        Railway cable curves ...............  104 / 190
        Railway systems ....................  104 / 287+
        Road vehicle .......................  180
        Store service ......................  186
        Implement ..........................  254 / 35+
        Railway hand crank .................  105 / 90.1
    Railway ................................  105
        Amusement ..........................  104 / 53+
        Cable mule .........................  104 / 176
        Elevator ...........................  104 / 128
        Forging dies .......................  72 / 343+
        Ladder .............................  182 / 93+
        Pilot or signal ....................  246 / 166
        Stop ...............................  104 / 249+
        Toy simulation .....................  446 / 431+
        Yard ...............................  104 / 26.1+
    Refrigeration ..........................  62 / 239+
        Air controller combined ............  62 / 407+
        Alternately usable energy ..........  62 / 236
        Source .............................  62 / 236
        Separable cooling means ............  62 / 237
        Variable capacity ice ..............  62 / 327+
        Bunker .............................  62 / 327+
    Replacer ...............................  104 / 262+
    Retarder railway .......................  188 / 62+
    Store service cable ....................  186 / 18
    Vehicle unloading ......................  414 / 373+
        Dumping tilting track section ......  414 / 354+
Caramel ....................................  127 / 29
    Flavoring compositions .................  426 / 658+
    Making .................................  127 / 34
Caravans ...................................  296 / 156+
Carbamic Acid ..............................  562 / 555
Carbamic Acid Esters .......................  560 / 24+
    Acyclic ................................  560 / 132+
    Alicyclic ..............................  560 / 115
    Nitrogen ctg ...........................  560 / 157+
    Sulfur ctg .............................  560 / 148
Carbanilide ................................  564 / 55
Carbazide ..................................  564 / 34
Carbazole ..................................  548 / 440+
    Azo compounds ..........................  534 / 790
Carbazones & Semicarbazones ................  564 / 36
Carbendazim ................................  548 / 308.7
Carbenicillin ..............................  540 / 338
Carbide (See Calcium, Carbide) ............  423
    Acetylene from .........................  48
    Actinide ...............................  423 / 249+
    Alloys .................................  75 / 236+
    Cartridges .............................  48 / 59+
    Ceramic compositions containing ........  501 / 87+
    Metal impregnated ......................  428 / 539.5
    Silicon ................................  423 / 345
    Tungsten ...............................  423
    Uranium ................................  423 / 256
CARBITOLâ„¢    ...............................  568 / 613+
Carbocyanine Dyes ..........................  546 / 152+
    Photographic emulsions containing ......  430 / 541
Carbodiimides ..............................  564 / 252
    Polymers from (see synthetic resin  
    Or natural rubber)  
    Structure in cellular polymer ..........  521 / 901*
Carbohydrate, Sugar and Starch .............  127
    Coating or plastic compositions ........  106 / 162.1+
    Derivatives ............................  536 / 1.11+
        Nitrogen containing ................  536 / 18.7+
    Diastolic mashing ......................  435 / 93+
    Fermentative purification ..............  435 / 262+
    Polymers containing (see synthetic  
    Resin or natural rubber)  
    Wave energy preparation ................  204 / 157.68
Carbolic Acid (See Phenols)  
Carbon .....................................  423 / 445 R+
    Absorbents .............................  502 / 416+
        Carbonizing processes ..............  502 / 416+
        Regeneration .......................  502 / 20+
    Activated ..............................  502 / 180+
    Agglomerating ..........................  23 / 314
    Apparatus for making ...................  422 / 150+
    Compositions containing synthetic  
    Resin or natural rubber see  
    Classes 523, 524  
    Compounds ..............................  260
        Preparation by wave energy .........  204 / 157.6
    Dioxide ................................  423 / 415.1
        Hydrogenation of ...................  518 / 700+
        Refrigerating with .................  62 / 384+
        Refrigerating with, automatic ......  62 / 165+
        Solidifiers ........................  62 / 602+
        Synthesis gas containing ...........  252 / 373
    Disulphide .............................  423 / 443+
        Biocides containing ................  424 / 707
            Carbon disulphide ..............  424 / 701
        Viscose preparation ................  536 / 60+
    Electric furnaces for treatment  
    Electric lamp filament .................  252 / 500+
    Electrode see electrode  
        Arc lamps consumable ...............  314 / 60
        Furnace ............................  373 / 88+
        Space discharge device .............  313 / 326+
    Electrolytic electrodes ................  204 / 294
    Fibre ..................................  423 / 447.1
        Processes of manufacture ...........  423 / 447.1
        Product per se .....................  423 / 447.2
    Filaments ..............................  313 / 341+
    Fluorocarbon preparation from ..........  570 / 150
    Layer impregnated or coated ............  428 / 408
    Leaf and strip .........................  462
        Preparation by coating .............  427 / 153+
        Typewriter .........................  400 / 497+
    Lubricants containing ..................  508 / 113+
    Microphone, granular ...................  381 / 180+
    Moderator structure ....................  376 / 350
    Moderator structure ....................  376 / 458
    For nuclear reactors ...................  376 / 458
    Monoxide ...............................  423 / 418.2
        Carboxylic acid production  
            Acyclic acid ...................  562 / 517+
            Alicyclic acid .................  562 / 497
            Aromatic acid ..................  562 / 406
            Utilizing ......................  562
        Generator ..........................  48 / 85
        Hydrogen production utilizing ......  423 / 648.1
        Hydrogenation of ...................  518 / 700+
        Neutralizing agents for ............  252 / 189+
        Organic acid production ............  562 / 408+
        Utilizing ..........................  562 / 408+
        Synthesis gas containing ...........  252 / 373
    Paints containing ......................  106 / 261
    Paper ..................................  428 / 488.11+
        Container ..........................  206 / 215
        Design .............................  D19 / 1
        Flux ...............................  148 / 23+
    Pigments ...............................  106 / 472+
    Preparation by carbonization ...........  201
    Preparation by electrochemistry ........  204 / 173
    Prevention in mineral oil ..............  208 / 48 R
    Conversion .............................  208 / 48 R
    Refractory compositions ................  501 / 99+
    Removal (see decarbonizing)  
    Saver arc lamp .........................  313 / 335
    Tetrachloride ..........................  570 / 101+
Carbon Black ...............................  423 / 449.1
Carbonate ..................................  423 / 419.1+
    Electrolytic synthesis .................  205 / 480+
    Esters of carbonic acid ................  558 / 260+
    Fertilizers containing .................  71
    Fire extinguishing compositions ........  252 / 7
    Containing .............................  252 / 7
    Alcoholic beverage processes with ......  426 / 592
    Beverage ...............................  261
        With flavoring means ...............  99 / 323.2
    Carbonation equipment ..................  D07 / 300+
    Carbonators ............................  261 / DIG 7
    Colloid systems foams ..................  516 / 10+
    Fire extinguishing compositions ........  252 / 8
    Foam control in handling ...............  137 / 170.1+
    Gas charged liquids ....................  137 / 170.1+
    Gas and liquid contact apparatus .......  261
Carbonic or Chlorcarbonic Acid .............  558 / 260+
    Esters .................................  558 / 260
Carbonium Ion Production in ................  585 / 942*
    Hydrocarbon synthesis ..................  585 / 942*
Carbonizing (See Carburizing)  
    Absorbents .............................  502 / 416+
    Barrel interiors .......................  432 / 224
    Distillation ...........................  201
        Apparatus ..........................  202
    Fabrics ................................  8 / 140
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588
    Pyrolysis ..............................  588 / 321
    Molded article .........................  264 / 29.1
        Fiber formation ....................  264 / 29.2
        Fiber, fabric or textile ...........  423 / 447.1
    Ovens ..................................  202 / 215+
    Processes ..............................  201
        Mineral oils .......................  208 / 46+
    Textiles ...............................  8 / 140
        Apparatus ..........................  68 / 2
Carbonless Transfer Paper ..................  503 / 200+
Carbonyl Halides ...........................  562 / 840
Carbonylamides .............................  564 / 123+
    Stabilized or preserved ................  564 / 4
Carbonyls ..................................  423 / 416
Carboxamides ...............................  564 / 123+
    Acyclic acid amides ....................  564 / 192
        Aldehyde or ketone ctg acid ........  564 / 199+
        Halogen ctg acid ...................  564 / 209+
        Hydroxy or ether ctg acid ..........  564 / 201+
        Lower fatty acid ...................  564 / 215+
        Nitrogen ctg acid ..................  564 / 193+
        Unsaturated acid ...................  564 / 204+
    Alicyclic acid amides ..................  564 / 188+
    Aminimine ctg ..........................  564 / 147
    Aromatic acid amides ...................  564 / 161+
        Aldehyde or ketone ctg acid ........  564 / 169
        Diphenyl methane ctg acid ..........  564 / 181
        Hydroxy or ether ctg acid ..........  564 / 170+
            Phenoxy alkanoic ctg acid ......  564 / 175
        Monocyclic ctg acid ................  564 / 182+
        Nitrogen ctg acid ..................  564 / 163+
        Polycyclo ctg acid .................  564 / 180
        Sulfur ctg acid ....................  564 / 162
    Hydazine ctg ...........................  564 / 148+
    Plural carboxamides ....................  564 / 152+
        By acid hydrolysis only of .........  564 / 129
        Nitrile ............................  564 / 129
        By catalytic hydration only of .....  564 / 126
        Nitrile ............................  564 / 126
        By nitration of amides .............  564 / 146
        From acyclic nitrile ...............  564 / 130
            Unsaturated ....................  564 / 131
        From carbon monoxide or dioxide ....  564 / 132
        From carboxlic acids of ............  564 / 133
        Functional derivative ..............  564 / 133
            From acids .....................  564 / 138+
            From anhydrides ................  564 / 144
            From esters ....................  564 / 134
        From cyano compound ................  564 / 124+
        From hcn or cyanogen ...............  564 / 125
            From acid halides ..............  564 / 142+
Carboxylate (See Carboxylic Acid)  
Carboxylic Acid Anhydrides .................  562 / 887+
Carboxylic Acid Esters .....................  560 / 1+
    Aromatic ...............................  562 / 405+
    Fermentative production of .............  435 / 136+
    Hydrophenanthrene nucleus ctg ..........  562 / 403+
    With preservative ......................  560 / 2+
Carboy See Bottle ..........................  D09 / 516+
    Dispenser casing .......................  222 / 183
        Jacketed ...........................  222 / 131
    Spaced wall or jacket ..................  215 / 12.1+
        Metallic ...........................  220 / 592.01+
    Carbureting processes heating gas ......  48 / 219
        Hydrogen ...........................  48 / 199 R
        Water ..............................  48 / 205
    Deicers for ............................  261 / DIG 20
    Drawing excess fuel from ...............  261 / DIG 21
    Carbureting passage ....................  261 / DIG 21
    Fluid amplifiers in ....................  261 / DIG 69
    Gas and liquid contact apparatus .......  261
    Heating and illuminating gas ...........  48 / 144
    Generator ..............................  48 / 144+
        Cupola water .......................  48 / 79+
        Hydrogen ...........................  48 / 116+
        Oil and steam ......................  48 / 96
        Water ..............................  48 / 109
    Heating and illuminating gas ...........  48 / 180.1+
    Mixers .................................  48 / 180.1+
    Internal combustion engine  
        Additional air supply ..............  123 / 26
        Charge forming .....................  123 / 434+
        Spray nozzles ......................  239
    Liquified petroleum gas (lpg) ..........  48 / 180.1+
    Manifolds ..............................  261 / DIG 36
    Primers ................................  261 / DIG 8
    Primers, ticklers ......................  261 / DIG 73
    Processes,carburetors ..................  261 / DIG 45
    Surge prevention in ....................  261 / DIG 50
    Venturi ................................  261 / DIG 12
    With supercharging blowers .............  261 / DIG 51
    With valves ............................  261 / DIG 52
    With vented bowl .......................  261 / DIG 67
    Apparatus ..............................  266 / 249+
    Continuous casting combined ............  164 / 473
    Metal casting combined .................  164 / 55.1+
    Metal treatment ........................  148 / 206+
    Molten iron or iron alloys .............  75 / 561
    With solid .............................  75 / 561
        With solid and gas .................  75 / 532
Carbylamines ...............................  558 / 302+
    Labels or tags .........................  40 / 625+
        X-art collection ...................  40 / 908*
    Splitting, butchering ..................  452 / 149+
Card .......................................  D19 / 34.1
    Addressing plate combined ..............  101 / 369
    Assorting ..............................  209 / 613
    Case and holder ........................  150 / 147+
        Case design ........................  D03 / 247+
        Coin ...............................  229 / 92.9
        Pocket type ........................  206 / 39+
        Trays ..............................  206 / 425+
        Typewriter paper ...................  400 / 521+
        Fiber preparation ..................  19 / 114
        Grinding ...........................  451 / 416+
        Wireworking ........................  140 / 97+
    Cordage ................................  242 / 472.7+
    Design .................................  D19 / 1+
        Feeding or delivering ..............  271
        Packages ...........................  206 / 233
        Pocket case ........................  206 / 39+
    Exhibiting .............................  40 / 124.01+
        Design .............................  D20 / 10+
        Display card .......................  40 / 124.01+
        Magazine ...........................  312 / 50
        Packages ...........................  206 / 45.28+
        Racks ..............................  211 / 50+
        Trays ..............................  206 / 425
    File directory .........................  40 / 371+
        Design .............................  D19 / 1
        Postal .............................  229 / 92.8
        Subject matter .....................  283 / 117
        Toys ...............................  446 / 147+
    Grinders ...............................  451 / 416+
    Holder or file .........................  D19 / 75
    Index ..................................  40 / 380
    Indexed ................................  283 / 36+
    Label affixing machine .................  156
    Letter sheets ..........................  229 / 92.1
    Match ..................................  44 / 507+
        Folder .............................  206 / 104+
    Music teaching .........................  84 / 481
    Playing ................................  273 / 292+
        Design .............................  D21 / 376+
    Postal packets .........................  229 / 92.8
        Design .............................  D19 / 1+
    Protrusion to receive ..................  40 / 360
    Identification .........................  40 / 360
    Rack ...................................  211 / 44
        Picture or business card ...........  40 / 124
        Display ............................  40 / 124
    Rack stacked article ...................  211 / 50
    Receiver plate .........................  D06 / 449+
    Record machine control .................  235 / 487
    Retaining cabinet ......................  312 / 183+
        Magnetic code ......................  209 / 569
        Peripheral shape ...................  209 / 608
    Sewing machine .........................  112 / 4
    Stop motions for jacquard looms ........  139 / 338
    Support ................................  D06 / 396
    Tables folding .........................  108 / 115+
    Tray-type container ....................  206 / 557+
    Verifying ..............................  73 / 156
    Weaving pattern ........................  139 / 333
    Workmens, time .........................  346 / 134
    Wound material holder ..................  242 / 613.3
Card or Sheet Dispenser ....................  221 / 33+
    Boxes ..................................  229 / 100+
        Making machine .....................  493 / 52
Cardenolides ...............................  540 / 105
Cardiac See Heart  
    Cardiovascular diagnosis ...............  600 / 481
Cardigan ...................................  D02 / 754
Carding ....................................  19 / 98+
    Card clothing making ...................  140 / 97+
    Safety pins ............................  227 / 25
        Cigar and cigarette making .........  131 / 109.1
        Combined ...........................  131 / 109.1
        Leaf disintegrating ................  131 / 311+
        Stemming ...........................  131 / 321
    Twisting combined ......................  57 / 327
Cardiographs See Electrocardiographs  
Carillons ..................................  84 / 406+
Carillons ..................................  984 / 206
Carline ....................................  52 / 46+
Carotene Synthesis .........................  585 / 351
Carousel ...................................  D21 / 830
Carpet .....................................  16 / 2.3+
    Attachment (see fasteners) ............  16 / 17.1
        Anti-slip (see fasteners) .........  16 / 17.1
        Stiffener ..........................  16 / 17.1
    Axminster ..............................  139 / 399+
        Apparatus ..........................  139 / 7 R+
    Cleaning machinery .....................  D32 / 15+
    Coated .................................  428 / 96
    Cushion and padding ....................  D05
    Design, carpet per se ..................  D06 / 582
    Design, yard goods for .................  D05
    Dyeing .................................  8 / 929*
    Electrically heated ....................  219 / 528+
    Fastener ...............................  16 / 4+
    Fringed ................................  428 / 115
    Installation compound tools ............  7 / 103+
    Knitted ................................  66 / 194
    Laminated ..............................  428 / 96
    Pile or nap type .......................  428 / 85+
    Seam bonding ...........................  156 / 304.7
    Sewing machines ........................  112 / 7+
    Sheet runners ..........................  D05
    Stretcher ..............................  294 / 8.6
        Mechanical advantage utilizing .....  254 / 200+
    Suction cleaner ........................  15 / 300.1+
    Sweeper ................................  15 / 41.1+
        Design .............................  D32 / 50+
    Tufting ................................  112 / 410+
        Woven ..............................  139 / 399
    Weight .................................  16 / 404
    Weight .................................  16 / 17.1
    Wilton brussels or velvet ..............  139 / 391+
        Making .............................  139 / 37+
    Woven ..................................  139 / 391+
    Yardgoods design .......................  D05
Carport or Garage ..........................  D25 / 34
    Baby ...................................  280 / 47.38+
        Design .............................  D12 / 128
        Powered ............................  180 / 166
    Blanket or robe design .................  D06 / 603+
        Calculator .........................  235 / 63 R
        Lathe ..............................  82 / 132+
        Sheet metal spinning pattern .......  72 / 81
        Controlled .........................  72 / 81
        Steeping-motor drive for ...........  400 / 903*
    Firearm ................................  42 / 94
    Fluid motor tide or wave ...............  60 / 497+
        Irons forging dies .................  72 / 472+
    Ordnance ...............................  89 / 37.01+
    Tool or work  
        Band saw ...........................  83 / 406.1
        Circular saw rotary ................  83 / 409.1
        Circular saw swinging ..............  83 / 730
        Coopering crozing staves  
            Endless stave ..................  147 / 19
            Sliding stave ..................  147 / 20
            Swinging stave .................  147 / 21
        Coopering jointing staves saw  
            Sliding ........................  147 / 30
            Tilting ........................  147 / 31
        Diminishing work piece slicer ......  83 / 703+
        Mechanical movement ................  74
            Rotary gearing .................  74 / 353
            Swinging gearing ...............  74 / 354
        Reciprocating, with cutter .........  83 / 435.11+
        Saw making reciprocating tool ......  76 / 33
        Saw making rotating tool  
            Pivoted ........................  76 / 42
            Sliding ........................  76 / 43
        Sawmill ............................  83 / 713+
        Sheet metal container seaming ......  413 / 69+
        Shingle sawing .....................  83 / 704+
        Textile apparatus doffing or .......  57 / 268+
        Donning ............................  57 / 268+
        Textile apparatus drawing ..........  57 / 320
            Checks .........................  57 / 320
        Traveling cutter for sheets and ....  83 / 614
        Bars ...............................  83 / 614
        Wire fabric making .................  140 / 29
        Wood turning .......................  142 / 47
    Traversing hoist  
        Holders ............................  212 / 122
        Release ............................  212 / 112
    Typewriter .............................  400 / 352+
        Land ...............................  280
        Land bodies and tops ...............  296
        Land dumping .......................  298
        Motor ..............................  180
Carrier (See Bucket; Conveyor;  
    Article or package carrier .............  224
    Baby ...................................  D03 / 213+
    Bottle .................................  294
        Multiple type grapple ..............  294 / 87.1+
    Braiding textiles ......................  87 / 33+
    Brakes for single rail conveyor ........  188 / 42
    Type ...................................  188 / 42
    Brick ..................................  294 / 62+
    Camera plate ...........................  396 / 364+
    Cartridge ..............................  224 / 223+
        Bandoleer ..........................  224 / 602
        Covered ............................  224 / 239
    Case for sewing machine or .............  312 / 208.6
    Typewriter .............................  312 / 208.6
    Casket .................................  27 / 27
    Casting apparatus ......................  164 / 323+
    Chutes skids guides and ways ...........  193
    Cooking apparatus ......................  99 / 324+
    Corpse .................................  27 / 28
    Dumping scows ..........................  114 / 27+
    Earth boring cuttings type .............  175
    Elevator type material handling ........  414 / 592+
        Carrier operated feed ..............  414 / 609+
        Inclined ...........................  414 / 595+
        Article magazine ...................  312 / 97
            From static support ............  198 / 506+
        Auxiliary item storing .............  198 / 347.1+
        Section ............................  198 / 347.1+
        Between plural conveyers ...........  198 / 620+
        Bottle brushing machine ............  15 / 60
        Bucket .............................  198 / 701+
        Can body feeding ...................  413 / 45+
        Check released article delivery ....  194
        Coin trap closure ..................  232 / 56
        Cutting harvesters .................  56 / 181+
        Dragline scoop combined ............  414 / 569
        Drying house .......................  34 / 207
        Fire escape ........................  182 / 42+
        Flexible pocket ....................  198 / 715
        Furnace charging reciprocating .....  414 / 156
            By driven force ................  414 / 198
        Furnace charging type ..............  414 / 147+
        Grain separator straw ..............  460 / 86
        Hoist combined .....................  414 / 564
        Hopper bottom forming ..............  198 / 550.1
            Having gravity conveyer ........  198 / 550.1+
            Section ........................  198 / 550.1+
        Item holder ........................  198 / 375+
        Item holder ........................  198 / 688.1+
        Loading machine type, buckets ......  198 / 509
        Mold for metal .....................  164 / 324
        Plural mold cigarette making .......  131 / 87
        Plural rotary conveyer .............  198 / 608
        Potato digger ......................  171 / 94
        Potato digger ......................  171 / 111+
        Rack ...............................  211 / 121+
        Raking and loading harvesters ......  56 / 345+
        Reciprocating abrading tool ........  451 / 167
        Rotary abrading tool ...............  451 / 184+
        Sheaf ..............................  56 / 477
        Sheet drying apparatus .............  34 / 658+
        Showcase ...........................  312 / 134
        Traveling band abrader .............  451 / 300
        Vehicle loading external ...........  414 / 398
        Vehicle unloading external .........  414 / 390+
        Wood planer ........................  144 / 123
    Feed tables for shearing machines ......  414 / 677
    Fire escape chute or tower .............  182 / 48+
    Fire or heat shield ....................  182 / 47
    Fluid current ..........................  406 / 184+
    Furnace charging or discharging ........  414 / 147+
    Furnace fuel feeders ...................  110 / 101 R+
    Glass mold .............................  65 / 361
    Grain separator straw ..................  460 / 86+
    Hand held ..............................  294 / 137+
    Harness trace ..........................  54 / 54+
    Harvester ..............................  56 / 474+
        Corn ...............................  56 / 121
    Hose or nozzle support ladder ..........  248 / 78
    Combined ...............................  248 / 78
    Mechanical gun projectiles .............  124 / 41.1+
    Occupant propelled vehicle .............  280 / 202
    Combined ...............................  280 / 202+
    Package and article ....................  224
    Pattern controlled or programmed .......  112 / 470.06+
    Person .................................  224 / 158+
        Hand held ..........................  294 / 140+
    Photographic fluid treatment ...........  396 / 564+
        Cutting machine knife ..............  83 / 597+
        Screw threading machine chaser .....  408 / 150+
        Shoe nailing machine ...............  227 / 41
    Pneumatic dispatch .....................  406 / 184+
    Railway drawbar ........................  213
        Abrading band ......................  451 / 304
        Cutting machine knife ..............  83 / 613+
        Envelop machine ....................  493 / 186
        Shoe nailing machine ...............  227 / 99+
        Design .............................  D08 / 358+
        Design, fishing ....................  D22 / 137+
        Acetylene generator carbide ........  48 / 48
        Feed ...............................  48 / 48
        Article heating ....................  432 / 138
        Bottle brushing machine ............  15 / 63+
        Can body feeding ...................  413 / 50
        Cotton picker spindle ..............  56 / 44+
        Drying apparatus ...................  34 / 184+
        Furnace charging reciprocating .....  414 / 156
        Needle making ......................  163 / 4
        Plural mold cigarette making .......  131 / 87
        Selective printing plate ...........  101 / 62
        Shoe nailing machine ...............  227 / 99+
        Slide ..............................  353 / 117
        Tobacco plug making ................  131 / 115
        Wood shaping work ..................  144 / 154
    Selective conveyor delivery ............  414 / 227+
        Controlled by condition of .........  414 / 232
        Site ...............................  414 / 232
    Sewing machine article attaching .......  112 / 104+
    Sewing machine work ....................  112 / 470.14+
    Shuttle thread carrier supports ........  139 / 206+
    Sleeping compartment combined ..........  224 / 923*
    Spool ..................................  242 / 600+
    Spool supports .........................  242 / 136
    Store service ..........................  186
    Strand spool ...........................  242 / 118+
    Strap ..................................  294 / 149+
        Drying apparatus ...................  34 / 184+
    Telephone ..............................  455 / 400+
    Textile fluid treatment ................  68
    Traversing hoist rope ..................  212 / 117+
    Truss pad ..............................  128 / 106.1
    Type casting matrix carriers ...........  199
    Umbrella ...............................  224 / 186+
        Folded umbrella ....................  224 / 915*
    Vehicle attached .......................  224 / 400+
    Vehicle loading and unloading ..........  414 / 340+
        Forming a train of vehicles ........  414 / 339
        Forward movement onloads ...........  414 / 338
        Forward movement unloads ...........  414 / 337
        Partly independent of vehicle ......  414 / 334+
        Tractor-trailer to unload ..........  414 / 333
    Vertically swinging ....................  414 / 680+
        Tilting ............................  414 / 743
    Weapon (see type of weapon) ...........  224
    Weft replenishing feeler ...............  139 / 269+
Carrier Current  
    Modulator ..............................  332
    Radio system ...........................  455
    Telegraph system .......................  178 / 66.1+
        Multiplex ..........................  370 / 302
    Telephone system .......................  455 / 400+
        Combined with power line ...........  455 / 402
        Multiplex ..........................  370 / 480+
Carrier Wave Repeater or Relay .............  455 / 7+
Carrier Wave Repeater or Relay .............  370 / 315+
    Frequency division multiplexing ........  370 / 492+
    Pulse or digital .......................  375 / 211+
    Time division multiplexing .............  370 / 501
Carroting ..................................  8 / 112
    Apparatus ..............................  69 / 28
Carrousel ..................................  472 / 1+
    Organ ..................................  84 / 84+
Cart (See Vehicle)  
    Brakes .................................  188 / 19
    Harness saddles ........................  54 / 39.1
    Patient service/crash cart .............  D24 / 185
    Shopping ...............................  280 / 47.26
        Nesting ............................  280 / 33.991+
Carton, Paperboard .........................  229 / 100+
    Cutter .................................  83 / 946*
    Filling and sealing ....................  53
    Flap deflector or closer ...............  414 / 906*
    Forming machines .......................  493 / 52
    Openers ................................  53 / 381.1+
        Dispensing carton ..................  222 / 80+
        Openers, cutlery ...................  30 / 2
        Tools ..............................  30 / 2
Cartoon Motion Picture Photography .........  352 / 50
Cartridges (See Detonators, Signal  
    And indicators)  
    Ball point .............................  401 / 209+
    Belt with cartridge holder .............  D03 / 221+
    Belts ..................................  89 / 35.01
    Beverage infuser .......................  99 / 295
    Carbide feed acetylene generator .......  48 / 47
    Carbide for acetylene generator ........  48 / 59
    Carriers body or belt attached .........  224 / 223+
        Bandoleer ..........................  224 / 602
        Covered flaps ......................  224 / 239
    Case ...................................  102 / 464+
        Case necking die shaping ...........  72 / 352+
        Edge trimmer .......................  86 / 19.7
        Extracting tools ...................  81 / 3.05
    Endless tape or film ...................  242 / 326+
    Explosive ..............................  102 / 430+
        Belts, disintegrating ..............  89 / 35.02+
        Blasting ...........................  102 / 314+
        Case making ........................  86 / 19.5+
        Caseless ...........................  102 / 431+
        Chutes .............................  193 / 25 AC+
        Combustible ........................  102 / 700*
        Feeding ammunition making ..........  86 / 45+
        Feeding gun (see magazine) ........  89 / 33.01+
        Loading ............................  86 / 23+
        Making .............................  86 / 10+
        Packing ............................  86 / 47
        Priming ............................  86 / 32+
        Pyrotechnic ........................  102 / 346
    Film pack or cartridge .................  430 / 471
    Film pack with structure ...............  396 / 511+
    Fuse electric ..........................  337 / 228+
    Ink rupturable .........................  401 / 132+
    Magnetic tape or film ..................  242 / 335+
    Material containing for dispenser ......  222 / 325+
        Tiltable holder for ................  222 / 165
    Picture film ...........................  D14 / 481+
    Still or motion picture film ...........  242 / 335+
        Container for ......................  206 / 387.1+
Carvacrol ..................................  568 / 781
    Wood processes .........................  144 / 363+
    Connection for alternating .............  318 / 49+
    Current motors .........................  318 / 49+
    Refrigeration ..........................  62 / 335
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 175
Case (See Casing; Receptacles)  
    Blacking box and brush .................  15 / 258
        Blacking or brush retained .........  401 / 118+
    Body and belt attached .................  224 / 191+
    Body electric applicators ..............  607 / 149+
    Cardcase ...............................  150 / 147+
    Cartridge ..............................  102 / 464+
    Cigar ..................................  206 / 242+
        Combination ........................  206 / 38
    Cigarette pack .........................  D27 / 186+
    Clock ..................................  368 / 276+
        Design .............................  D10 / 1+
    Crank ..................................  123
    Fishing rod ............................  43 / 26
    For tennis racket  
        Flaccid ............................  150 / 163
        Hard shell .........................  206 / 315.1
    For transport, handling of goods .......  D03 / 304+
    Hardening ..............................  148 / 206+
    Lighted showcase .......................  362 / 125+
    Matches ................................  D27 / 173+
    Paper cell making ......................  493 / 90
    Pass or identification card ............  40 / 642.02+
        Design .............................  D19 / 9+
    Piano ..................................  84 / 177+
        Automatic ..........................  84 / 80+
    Pocket for smoking pipe ................  206 / 244
    Protective .............................  206 / 521+
    Reed organ .............................  84 / 352+
    Sample .................................  190 / 16+
        Typewriter ribbon mechanism ........  400 / 216.6+
        Typewriting machines ...............  400 / 251+
    Show ...................................  312 / 114+
        Design, store furniture ............  D06
    Special ................................  206
        Musical instrument .................  206 / 314+
        Pocket and personal use ............  206 / 37+
        Spectacle ..........................  206 / 5+
    Type ...................................  276 / 44+
    Umbrella ...............................  135 / 34.2
        Hollow handle ......................  135 / 25.41
        Imitation cane combined ............  135 / 18+
    Upending bed ...........................  5 / 159.1+
    Vehicle foldable to traveling ..........  280 / 37
    Violin .................................  206 / 14
    Watch ..................................  368 / 276+
        Design .............................  D10 / 30+
    Watch manufacturing processes ..........  29 / 896.33
    Wooden .................................  217 / 5+
        Barrel .............................  217 / 73
        Bottle mailing .....................  217 / 127
        Egg ................................  217 / 18+
        Insulated ..........................  217 / 128+
Cased Glass Making .........................  65 / 60.1
Casein .....................................  530 / 360
    Coating or plastic compositions ........  106 / 159.1
    Foods ..................................  426 / 656
    Housed roll ............................  160 / 26
    Metal window fasteners .................  292 / DIG 33
Cash Card ..................................  705 / 41
Cash Management  
    Computer controlled ....................  705 / 35
        Accounting .........................  705 / 30
            Bill preparation ...............  705 / 34
            Tax preparation ................  705 / 31
            Time-based billing .............  705 / 32
        Credit or loan .....................  705 / 37
        Finance ............................  705 / 35
        Funds transfer .....................  705 / 39
            Remote banking .................  705 / 42
            Using an (atm) .................  705 / 43
            With encrypted data ............  705 / 70
        Requiring authorization ............  705 / 44
        Secure transaction using ...........  705 / 64
        Cryptography .......................  705 / 64
            Able to use multiple cards .....  705 / 73
            Anonymous user .................  705 / 74
            Authorization to proceed .......  705 / 76
            Charge determination at remote .  705 / 77
            Site ...........................  705 / 77
            Communication between two ......  705 / 79
            Financial networks .............  705 / 79
            With third party ...............  705 / 78
            Initializing ...................  705 / 73
            Key management .................  705 / 71
            Radio communication ............  705 / 73
            Specialized keypad .............  705 / 73
            Specialized terminal ...........  705 / 73
            Transaction confirmation .......  705 / 75
            Verification of (pin) ..........  705 / 72
        To pay bills .......................  705 / 40
        With intelligent token .............  705 / 65
            Balancing account ..............  705 / 68
            Detecting double spending ......  705 / 69
            Initializing or reloading ......  705 / 66
            With authentication ............  705 / 67
        With paper check handling ..........  705 / 44
        With programmed portable memory ....  705 / 41
        Device .............................  705 / 41
            Portfolio management ...........  705 / 36
            Trading stocks, bidding ........  705 / 37
Cash Register ..............................  235
    Employee theft prevention ..............  705 / 18
    For electronic commerce ................  705 / 26
    Having computerized data ...............  705 / 16+
    Processing .............................  705 / 16+
        Coupon dispensing ..................  705 / 1+
            Reading electronic price .......  705 / 20
            Labels .........................  705 / 20
            Sales tax ......................  705 / 19
            Storing sales tax data .........  705 / 19
            Tabulating sales of individual .  705 / 18
            Items ..........................  705 / 18
            Tracking inventory .............  705 / 22
            User authorization systems .....  705 / 18
            With electronic funds transfer .  705 / 17
            With output features ...........  705 / 24
            With theft preventors ..........  705 / 18
    Keyboard features ......................  705 / 25
    Multiple, interconnected, and/or .......  705 / 21
    Controlled by host .....................  705 / 21
    Toy (design) ...........................  D21 / 512
Cash Register and Recorder .................  D18 / 4.1+
    Coin box ...............................  235 / 100
    Combined ...............................  235 / 2+
    Computer controlled, monitored .........  705 / 16+
    Fare ...................................  235 / 33+
    Mechanical type (design) ...............  D18 / 4.2
    Point of sale terminal (design) ........  D18 / 4.4+
        Cash register printer (design) .....  D18 / 54.1
        Point of sale terminal .............  D18 / 12.1+
        Elements (design) ..................  D18 / 12.1+
    Recorders ..............................  235 / 4+
    Registers ..............................  235 / 7 R+
Cashew Nut Shell Liquor ....................  562 / 475
    Polymers from (see also synthetic ......  528 / 1+
    Resin or natural rubber) ...............  528 / 1+
Cashmeres, Design ..........................  D06 / 603+
Casing (See Case; Envelope; Guard;  
    Housing; package)  
    Abrading apparatus .....................  451 / 451+
    Bearings ...............................  384
    Body light .............................  607 / 90+
    Boiler .................................  122 / 494
        Stand boiler and water tank ........  122 / 19.2
        Vertical sectional .................  122 / 224
    Book making ............................  412 / 1
    Brushes and brooms .....................  15 / 171+
    Car stove protective ...................  126 / 57
    Closure fastening bolt .................  292 / 337
    Clutch .................................  192 / 112
    Coffin .................................  27 / 35
    Dispenser ..............................  222 / 173+
        Article ............................  221 / 282+
        For single mixed drink .............  222 / 129.1+
    Door and arch ..........................  110 / 181+
        Cooling ............................  110 / 180
    Driven spoke reinforcing ...............  301 / 83
        Plural spoke series ................  301 / 77
    Electric conductor and insulator .......  174 / 50+
        Sleeve and end cap .................  174 / 93
        Type joints ........................  174 / 93
        Vacuum or fluid containing .........  174 / 17 R+
    Expansible chamber device ..............  92 / 261
    Filter .................................  210 / 541
    Flashlight battery type ................  362 / 157+
        Flat ...............................  362 / 200+
        Tubular ............................  362 / 202+
    Food preserving ........................  426 / 321+
        Sausage ............................  426 / 332+
    Fuel elements of nuclear ...............  976 / DIG 37+
    Reactors ...............................  976 / DIG 37+
    Heat exchange  
        Chamber ............................  165 / 72+
        Horizontal .........................  165 / 157+
        Motor vehicle radiator .............  165 / 148+
        Trickler ...........................  165 / 115
        Vertical ...........................  165 / 157
    Hot air furnace ........................  126 / 114
    Lantern ................................  362 / 362+
    Machine elements .......................  74 / 606 R+
        Guards .............................  74 / 608+
    Marine screw propeller .................  440 / 76
    Measuring instrument ...................  73 / 431
        Design .............................  D10 / 46+
    Metal rolling apparatus ................  72 / 237+
    Metal working with centrifugal .........  29 / DIG 6
    Casing .................................  29 / DIG 6
    Metal working with composite ...........  29 / DIG 8
    Casing .................................  29 / DIG 8
    Meter ..................................  73 / 273+
        Electrical service meter ...........  361 / 659+
    Muffler and sound filter ...............  181 / 282+
    Pipe joint coupling ....................  285 / 45+
    Pneumatic conveyor material ............  406 / 96+
    Intake fan .............................  406 / 96+
        Rotary .............................  415 / 89
    Railway draft friction  
        Drawbar ............................  213 / 65
        Spring combined ....................  213 / 31+
            Shoes and wedges ...............  213 / 24
    Railway motor placement ................  105 / 140
        Axle mounting and stator ...........  105 / 137
        Combined ...........................  105 / 137
    Ray generator ..........................  250 / 522.1
    Reel carrier ...........................  242 / 398+
        Hand or body .......................  242 / 405+
        Special base or mount ..............  242 / 406
    Rotary shafting ........................  464 / 170+
        Flexible shaft combined ............  464 / 52+
    Sash cord guides .......................  16 / 211+
        Wheel and ..........................  16 / 215
    Sewing machine casing ..................  112 / 231
    Shirred sausage casing .................  206 / 802*
    Shirring ...............................  452 / 21+
    Sifting ................................  209 / 370+
    Sight glasses for liquid level .........  73 / 325
    Gauges .................................  73 / 325+
    Sign illuminated .......................  40 / 541+
    Signal for vehicle illuminated .........  116 / 49
    Stove hood .............................  126 / 302+
    Stuffing ...............................  452 / 35+
    Switch .................................  200 / 293+
        Thermal current ....................  337 / 186
    Telephone ..............................  379 / 440
    Thermometer indicating tube ............  374 / 174+
    Tiltable receptacle convertible ........  248 / 135
    Support ................................  248 / 135
    Tire ...................................  152 / 151+
        Armored ............................  152 / 196+
        Armored antiskid ...................  152 / 169
        Cushion and pneumatic combined .....  152 / 155+
        Cushion enclosed core ..............  152 / 310+
        Pneumatic ..........................  152 / 450+
    Vehicle stove air ......................  237 / 30
    Well ...................................  166 / 242.1+
    Wheel hub reinforcing ..................  301 / 106+
Cask (See Barrel)  
    Drum or ................................  D34 / 39
    Making machines ........................  147 / 1
    Pitching ...............................  118
    Tilting apparatus ......................  248 / 133+
Casket .....................................  27 / 2+
    Carriers ...............................  27 / 27
    Design .................................  D99 / 1+
    Grave rest .............................  27 / 26
    Locks ..................................  70 / 63
    Lowering devices .......................  27 / 32+
    Portable casings for caskets ...........  27 / 35
Casserole (See Vessel) ....................  215
    Design .................................  D07 / 538+
    Camera .................................  396 / 511+
    Film and plates ........................  206 / 455
        Design .............................  D14 / 475+
    For recording tape .....................  D14 / 475+
    For video tape .........................  D14 / 477
    Recorder ...............................  D14 / 164+
    X ray ..................................  378 / 182
Cast Iron  
    Alloys .................................  420 / 13+
    Heat treated stock .....................  148 / 400
    Heat treatment .........................  148 / 612+
    Brake ..................................  188 / 1.12
    Design .................................  D08 / 375
        Condiment ..........................  D07 / 590+
    Glass or cup ...........................  211 / 74+
    Wheel type .............................  16 / 18 R+
    Battery electrodes .....................  164
    Coating combined .......................  29 / 527.3
    Fishing ................................  43 / 18.1 R+
    Forging combined .......................  29 / 34 R+
        Methods ............................  29 / 527.5
    Glass ..................................  65
    Marine structure in situ ...............  405 / 222+
    Metal ..................................  164
        Continuous .........................  164 / 418+
        Controls ...........................  164 / 154.1+
        Die ................................  29 / DIG 10
        Digest .............................  29 / DIG 5
        Founding ...........................  164
            Centrifugal apparatus ..........  164 / 286+
            Centrifugal processes ..........  164 / 114+
        Heat treatment combined ............  148 / 538+
        Joining articles together ..........  164 / 91+
        Rheo-casting .......................  164 / 900*
        Working combined ...................  29 / 527.5+
    Pile in situ ...........................  405 / 232+
    Plastics, apparatus ....................  425 / 256
        Metal working combined .............  29 / 527.1
        Molds, dynamic .....................  425
        Sound records ......................  425 / 406+
    Plastics, processes ....................  264 / 299+
        Centrifugal ........................  264 / 310+
        Sound records ......................  264 / 106+
    Pottery machines .......................  425 / 263+
    Pottery machines .......................  425 / 459
    Tunnel lining in situ ..................  405 / 150.1+
    Type ...................................  199
    Garment supporter ......................  2 / 342
    Sewing machine thread ..................  112 / 56
Castor Oil .................................  554 / 219+
Castrating Instrument ......................  606 / 135+
Catafalque .................................  27 / 1
CATALINâ„¢    (Phenoplast) ...................  528 / 129
Catalysts ..................................  502 / 100+
    Combustion products generator with .....  60 / 723
    Enzyme containing ......................  435 / 183+
    Fermenting processes using .............  435 / 41+
    For wave energy process ................  522 / 6+
    Plant ..................................  504 / 116.1+
    Polymerization using transition ........  526 / 906*
    Metal (see also synthetic resin ........  526 / 906*
    Or natural rubber) .....................  526 / 906*
        Comminution of .....................  526 / 906*
        In presence of hydrocarbon .........  526 / 905*
            Hydrocarbon additive affects ...  526 / 903*
            Polymer properties .............  526 / 903*
            In bulk ........................  526 / 902*
            In vapor state .................  526 / 901*
            Part supported on polymer ......  526 / 904*
        Specified means of reacting ........  526 / 907*
        Components .........................  526 / 907*
        Vapor phase in absence of ..........  526 / 913*
        Transition metal ...................  526 / 913*
    Redox catalyst .........................  526 / 915*
    Regeneration ...........................  502 / 20+
        Mineral oil conversion combined ....  208
    Specified particle size ................  526 / 908*
    Ziegler-natta ..........................  526 / 159+
    Apparatus ..............................  422 / 177+
    Device making ..........................  29 / 890
    Igniting device ........................  431 / 268
    Mineral oil conversion with ............  208 / 46+
        Solids contacting ..................  208 / 146+
Catamenial Receptor ........................  604 / 358+
    Adhesive fastener for ..................  604 / 387
Cataplasmic Medicament Depositor ...........  604 / 304+
Catapult ...................................  124
    Aircraft combined ......................  244 / 63
Catch See Associated Device  
        Dispenser type drip ................  222 / 108+
        Dispenser type inverted ............  141 / 364
        Container ..........................  141 / 364
        Fountain type ......................  239 / 28+
        Sewage type ........................  210 / 532.1+
    Door and window ........................  292
    Dumping vehicles land type .............  298 / 38
    Holder for fish ........................  43 / 55
Catcher (See Drip, Catcher)  
    Aerial projectile projector and ........  473 / 505+
    Animal husbandry .......................  119 / 801+
    Band saw machine .......................  83 / 814+
    Body ...................................  182 / 137+
    Dispenser waste ........................  222 / 108+
    Fish automatic .........................  43 / 15+
        Cornstalk chopper ..................  56 / 61
        Cornstalk motor type with ..........  56 / 16.6
        Chopper ............................  56 / 16.6
        Cornstalk topper ...................  56 / 56+
        Cutter and endless carrier .........  56 / 184
        With discharging ...................  56 / 184
        Cutter with detachable .............  56 / 5
        Cutting combined ...................  56 / 202+
        Cutting reel combined ..............  56 / 199+
        Dump rake and cutter combined ......  56 / 166
        Fruit ..............................  56 / 329
        Shelled grain ......................  56 / 207
    Insect .................................  43 / 133+
    Inverted container drainage ............  141 / 364
    Railway droppings ......................  104 / 133
    Stove and furnace soot .................  126 / 280
    Traps ..................................  43 / 58+
        Fish ...............................  43 / 100+
        Insect adhesive type ...............  43 / 114+
    Vehicle brakes on track type ...........  188 / 63
    Trolley wire supports ..................  191 / 41
Cateract Correction Lenses .................  351 / 167
Caterpillar T.M Track See Track  
Cathanode ..................................  313 / 305
Cathartic Composition ......................  424
    Automatic ..............................  254 / 373
    Drum ...................................  242 / 903*
    Milker .................................  119 / 14.19+
    Surgical ...............................  604 / 96.01+
        Balloon ............................  604 / 103.01+
        Couplings ..........................  604 / 533+
        Design .............................  D24 / 112+
        Flexible ...........................  604 / 523+
        Genital ............................  604 / 264+
        Inflatable .........................  604 / 96.01+
            Elastic ........................  604 / 103.03+
            Inelastic ......................  604 / 103.05+
        Intravenous ........................  604 / 508+
        Manipulative .......................  604 / 523+
    Arc lamp ...............................  313 / 326+
    Electrolytic ...........................  204 / 280+
    Electronic tube eg radio tube ..........  313 / 346 R+
    Forms for galvanic apparatus ...........  204 / 280+
    Gas or vapor lamp ......................  313 / 326+
    Making for discharge device ............  445 / 46+
        With assembly ......................  445 / 35+
    Ray tube  
        Circuit blanking ...................  315 / 384
        Facsimile systems ..................  358 / 485+
        Focus coil and .....................  313 / 442
        Focus coil per se ..................  335 / 213+
        Image pick-up tube .................  313 / 365+
        Manufacturing ......................  445 / 36+
            By photography .................  430 / 23+
        Music application ..................  84 / DIG 6
        Oscillographs ......................  347 / 226+
        Oscilloscopes ......................  324 / 121 R
        Repair .............................  445 / 2
        Screen .............................  313 / 461
            Used in teaching ...............  434 / 307
            Used in teaching ...............  434 / 323
        Storage ............................  313 / 391+
        Structure ..........................  313 / 364+
        Symbol generation on screen ........  345 / 10
        Systems ............................  315 / 1+
        Television receiver ................  348 / 725+
        Television scanner .................  348 / 207.99+
        Television systems .................  348+
        Television transmitter .............  348 / 723+
        Work holder for ....................  269 / 908*
        Apparatus ..........................  204 / 298.01+
        Processes ..........................  204 / 192.1+
Catnip Ball ................................  119 / 707+
Catsup .....................................  426 / 615
Cattle Guard  
    Fences .................................  256 / 14+
    Track type automatic return gate .......  49 / 133+
Caulking Gun ...............................  D08 / 14.1
    Alkalis ................................  423 / 641
    Electric ...............................  219 / 232+
    Electric ...............................  219 / 236
    Liquid or gaseous fuel .................  126 / 405+
    Surgical combined ......................  606 / 44
Cave .......................................  52 / 169.1+
Caviar .....................................  426 / 643
    Canned .................................  426 / 131
Cavity Resonator ...........................  333 / 227
    In cathode ray tube ....................  315 / 5+
    In electronic tube .....................  315 / 39+
        Magnetron ..........................  315 / 39.51+
    Spectrometer electrical ................  324 / 316+
Ceiling ....................................  52
    Block ..................................  439 / 450
        Article supported from .............  52 / 39
        Quick detachable ...................  439 / 450
    Cargo ship .............................  114 / 76
        Spaced roof ........................  52 / 22
        Suspended ..........................  52 / 506.06+
        Waffle type ........................  52 / 337
    Hanger .................................  52 / 506.06
    Lights .................................  362 / 147+
    Wood buildings  
        Centerpieces .......................  52 / 311.1
Celcon (Resin From Trioxane and ............  528 / 250
    Ethylene oxide) ........................  528 / 250
    Blanching ..............................  47 / 3
    Harvesters .............................  171 / 21+
    Planters ...............................  111 / 100+
    Salt ...................................  426 / 638
Celeste ....................................  84 / DIG 4
    Organ stops ............................  84 / 371
    Acetylene gas generator ................  48
    Airship gas ............................  244 / 128
    Box or receptacle  
        Making, paper ......................  493 / 90
        Metallic ...........................  220 / 507
        Paperboard .........................  229 / 120.02+
        Wooden .............................  217 / 18+
    Cartridge belt block ...................  224 / 239
    Dry ....................................  429 / 163+
    Electric ...............................  429
        Chemical ...........................  429
        Photo ..............................  136 / 243
        Railway rolling stock systems ......  105 / 51
        Thermo .............................  136 / 200+
    Electrolytic ...........................  204 / 194+
        Circuit interruption type ..........  361 / 435
        Testing ............................  204 / 400+
    Galanic, gas type ......................  429 / 12+
    Jail ...................................  52 / 106
    Leeching or diffusing ..................  127 / 7
    Photo electric .........................  136 / 243+
    Queen bee ..............................  449 / 8
    Storage battery ........................  429 / 149+
    Support for removable cell .............  429 / 96+
Cellar .....................................  52 / 169.1+
Cello See Violin ...........................  84 / 274
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 163.01
    Making article from ....................  493
CELLOSOLVEâ„¢    .............................  568 / 678
Cellular (See Porous)  
    Glass body making ......................  65 / 22
    Glass composition ......................  501 / 39
    Laminate ...............................  428 / 304.4+
        Forming by spaced sealing ..........  156 / 290+
    Magazine type  
        Cabinet ............................  312 / 97.1
        Dispenser ..........................  221 / 69
    Plant or animal material, polymer  
    Ctg or derived from (see  
    Synthetic resin or natural  
    Polymer (see also synthetic resin ......  521 / 134+
    Or natural rubber) .....................  521 / 134
    Spring mattresses ......................  5 / 716+
CELLULOIDâ„¢    ..............................  106 / 169.01+
Cellulose and Derivatives ..................  536 / 56+
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 163.01+
    Esters .................................  536 / 58+
        Compositions .......................  106 / 168.01+
    Ethers .................................  536 / 84+
        Compositions .......................  106 / 172.1+
    Fermentation of ........................  435 / 179
    Fermentative treatment .................  435 / 277+
    Hydrolysis to sugars ...................  127 / 37
    Liberation .............................  162 / 1+
    Nitrogen containing ....................  536 / 30+
Cement (See Adhesive)  
    Aluminous cement .......................  106 / 692
    Clinker ................................  106 / 739+
    Clinker ................................  106 / 739+
    Compositions containing ................  106 / 638+
        Refractory .........................  501 / 124
    Cycle tire .............................  106 / 33
    Earth treatment with ...................  405 / 266+
        Injector ...........................  405 / 269
    Magnesia sorel .........................  106 / 685+
    Manufacturing processes ................  106 / 739+
    Portland roman .........................  106 / 713+
    Roads ..................................  404 / 17+
        Making .............................  404 / 72+
        Sheet structure ....................  404 / 17+
    Shoe sole attached by ..................  36 / 19.5
    Implements .............................  15 / 235.4+
    Lining and coating pipes ...............  118 / 105
    Lining and coating pipes ...............  118 / 125
    Lining and coating pipes ...............  118 / 404+
    Lining and coating pipes ...............  425 / 110+
    Lining and coating pipes ...............  425 / 460
    Shoe making ............................  118 / 410+
    Well cementing processes ...............  166 / 285+
    Drilling work support ..................  408 / 72 R+
    Gauge ..................................  33 / 670+
    Lathe centers ..........................  82 / 151+
    Making in work for mounting ............  408 / 199+
    Milling tail stock .....................  409 / 242
    Woodworking lathe ......................  142 / 53
Center of Gravity Measuring ................  73 / 65.01
Center Punch ...............................  30 / 366
    Locating ...............................  33 / 670+
    Sheets or bars .........................  30 / 366
Centerboard ................................  114 / 127+
Centerers ..................................  82 / 170
Centering Devices  
    Aligning tool ..........................  29 / 271+
    Circular saw on work holder ............  76 / 79
    Locating ...............................  82 / 170
    Mold for arch or tunnel  
        Repositioning means for ............  425 / 63
        Progressive molding ................  425 / 63
        Using subterranean feature .........  425 / 59
        With vehicle to move apparatus .....  425 / 62
    Slide in cylinder ......................  175 / 325.1+
    Well casing type .......................  166 / 241.1+
Centerless Grinding ........................  451 / 242+
    Propelling work through ................  451 / 182+
    Work rest for ..........................  451 / 407
Central Heating Systems ....................  237 / 13
Centrifugal Force  
    Assorting ..............................  209 / 642
    Brake systems fluid ....................  384 / 168
    Brakes .................................  188 / 180+
        Fishing reel .......................  242 / 287
    Centrifugally operated devices  
        Abrading tools .....................  451 / 465+
        Bearings ...........................  384 / 135+
        Bobbin winding .....................  242 / 484.6+
        Cable drum drive or brake ..........  254 / 267
        Fuse arming ........................  102 / 237+
        Governor (see governor)  
        Light support ......................  362 / 384
        Lubricator force feed ..............  184 / 43
        Lubricator gravity feed ............  184 / 77
        Pipe and tube cleaners .............  15 / 104.14
        Switch .............................  200 / 80 R
    Classifying by fluid suspension ........  209 / 148
    Clutches ...............................  192 / 103 R+
    Comminution apparatus ..................  241 / 275
    Comminution process ....................  241 / 5
    Conveyers and feeders  
        Feeder .............................  209 / 915*
        Pneumatic ..........................  406 / 100+
        Structure, rotary ..................  198 / 803.1
        Structure, thrower .................  198 / 638
    Dispensing .............................  222 / 410+
    Drying apparatus .......................  34 / 58+
    Drying process .........................  34 / 312+
    Film formers or spreaders  
        Coating machine ....................  118 / 56
        Coating process ....................  427 / 240
        Evaporators ........................  159 / 6.1
    Fluid treatment cleaning and ...........  68 / 147
    Washing textile fibers yarns ...........  68 / 147+
    Forming or casting  
        Liquid comminuting .................  425 / 6+
        Liquid comminuting .................  425 / 425
        Metal apparatus ....................  164 / 286+
        Metal process ......................  164 / 114+
        Molding apparatus ..................  425 / 425
        Process ............................  264 / 310+
        Pulp ...............................  162 / 384+
        Sugar crystals .....................  127 / 19
    Grain hullers ..........................  99 / 519
    Gun ....................................  124 / 4+
    Lubricators ............................  184 / 70
    Meter fluid flow .......................  73 / 861.29
    Mufflers and sound filters .............  181 / 274
    Nut crackers ...........................  99 / 571
        Gas rotary .........................  415
        Gas screw combined .................  415 / 143
        Liquid rotary ......................  415 / 203+
        Material agitating .................  366 / 263+
    Scatterers or sprayers  
        Fluid sprayer ......................  239 / 214+
        Fuel burners .......................  239 / 214+
        Gas and liquid contact .............  261 / 83+
        Rotary .............................  239 / 681+
        Spray fluid actuated ...............  239 / 381
    Separating colloids ....................  516 / 197
        With vaporizing, heating, ..........  516 / 195
        Or cooling .........................  516 / 195
    Separator (see separators and  
    Separating, centrifugal)  
    Spinning apparatus .....................  57 / 76+
Centrifuge .................................  D24 / 219
    Instrument proving or calibrating ......  73 / 1.87
Centripetal Apparatus  
    Dispenser rotary central discharge .....  222 / 411
    Extractors with inward flow ............  210 / 360.2+
    Pumps rotary ...........................  415 / 120+
Cephaeline .................................  546 / 96
Cephalosporin ..............................  540 / 215+
    In drug ................................  514 / 200+
Cepharanthrine .............................  546 / 31
    Compositions ...........................  501 / 1+
        Fluxes .............................  106 / 313
    Firing apparatus .......................  432
    Firing processes .......................  264 / 603+
    Forming and molding ....................  425
        Uniting combined ...................  264 / 241
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588 / 252+
    Containment ............................  588 / 252+
Cerates ....................................  424
Cereals ....................................  426 / 618+
    Apparatus ..............................  99
    Comminution ............................  241 / 6+
    Design .................................  D01
    Preservation ...........................  426 / 321+
    Puffing, processing ....................  99 / 323.4+
Ceremonial Robe ............................  D02 / 739
Ceresin ....................................  208 / 24+
    Alloys .................................  420 / 416
    Inorganic compounds ....................  423
        Recovery ...........................  423 / 21.1+
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 610
Cermet .....................................  75 / 230+
    Design .................................  D19 / 9
    Of deposit .............................  D19 / 9
    Compounds ..............................  23
    Preparation ............................  75 / 745
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 589
    Radioactive compositions ...............  252 / 625
Cesspool ...................................  210 / 542
    Sewage purifying .......................  210 / 532.1+
Cevadine ...................................  546 / 34
    Guard positioned between artice ........  224 / 907*
    And bearer .............................  224 / 907*
    Prevention on trawling net .............  43 / 9.9
Chafe Iron Vehicle .........................  280 / 161+
Chafing Dish ...............................  D07 / 355
Chain ......................................  59 / 78+
    Bracelets ..............................  63 / 4
    Cable stoppers .........................  114 / 200
    Chain saw machines .....................  83 / 788+
        Mining .............................  299 / 29+
        Saw element ........................  83 / 830+
    Design .................................  D08 / 499+
        Ornamental .........................  D11 / 13
    Door fastener ..........................  292 / 264
    End holders ............................  24 / 116 R
    Endless chain coupling .................  464 / 49
    Endless chain pumps ....................  415 / 5
    Endless earth boring tool ..............  175 / 89+
    Fabrics ................................  245 / 4
    Flexible shafts ........................  464
    General purpose ........................  D08 / 499+
    Grates .................................  110 / 269+
    Jewelry attachments ....................  63 / 21+
        Design .............................  D11 / 13
    Key ring ...............................  70 / 457
    Link formation by soldering ............  72 / 192
    Lubricators ............................  184 / 15.1+
    Making .................................  59 / 1+
    Molds for chains .......................  249 / 57
    Ornamental .............................  59 / 80+
        Design .............................  D11 / 13
    Propellers .............................  416 / 7+
        Marine type ........................  440 / 95+
    Reaction, nuclear ......................  376
    Skid chains ............................  152 / 231+
        Applying tool ......................  81 / 15.8
        Design .............................  D12 / 608
    Sprocket ...............................  474 / 152+
        Bicycle ............................  D12 / 123
        Design .............................  D15 / 148+
        Guards .............................  474 / 144+
    Stirrer, chain-type ....................  366 / 607*
    Stitch sewing machine ..................  112 / 197
    Tire ...................................  152 / 208+
        Design .............................  D12 / 608
    Traction railways ......................  104 / 172.1+
    Warp threads ...........................  28 / 175+
    Watch chain snap hooks .................  24 / 905*
    Welding ................................  59 / 31+
        Electric ...........................  219 / 51
    Wheel combined for traction ............  301 / 42
    Wood mortising cutter ..................  144 / 72+
Chain Saw ..................................  30 / 381+
Chair ......................................  297
    Baggage convertible to .................  190 / 8
    Barbers ................................  297 / 68+
        Design .............................  D06 / 334+
    Bath ...................................  4 / 578.1
    Bottom connected to rocker .............  297 / 259.1+
    Cabinet combined .......................  312 / 235.2+
    Chair lift .............................  D12 / 52
    Chaise lounge ..........................  D06 / 360
    Design, seat ...........................  D06 / 334+
    Doll or toy ............................  446 / 482
    Dry closet .............................  4 / 465
    Elevator landing .......................  187 / 357+
    Exercising .............................  482 / 142+
    Fan combined ...........................  416 / 146 R
    Folding ................................  297 / 158.4+
    Folding vehicle occupant seated ........  280 / 650
    Hardware and attachments ...............  297 / 463.1
    Kinesitherapy ..........................  601 / 49+
    Ladders ................................  182 / 33
    Light thermal or electrical ............  607 / 115+
    Application ............................  607 / 115+
    Locks ..................................  70 / 261
    Milking stool type .....................  297 / 175+
    Pedestal design ........................  D06 / 364
    Railway car type making ................  29 / 16
    Railway surface track ..................  238 / 187+
        Concrete pedestal bar ..............  238 / 116
        Crossings ..........................  246 / 467
        Insulated rail joint ...............  238 / 154+
        Reversible rail or english type ....  238 / 266
        Switches ...........................  246 / 453
        Two rail ...........................  238 / 20
    Rebar ..................................  52 / 677+
    Reclining ..............................  297 / 68+
    Road ...................................  404 / 136
    Rocker-mounted .........................  297 / 258.1+
    Round making ...........................  144 / 8
    Self leveling ..........................  114 / 194
    Theater seat ...........................  297 / 311+
    Tilting ................................  297 / 300.1+
    Wheel chair ............................  280 / 647
Chair Lift Design ..........................  D12 / 52
Chaise Lounge ..............................  D06 / 360
    Chalkboard cleaning, chalk or ..........  434 / 417
    Chalkdust holder .......................  434 / 417
    Composition ............................  106 / 31.09
    Cord ...................................  33 / 414
    Cue chalkers ...........................  473 / 35+
    Holder .................................  401 / 88+
Chamber (See Process,Machine  
    Or device with which associated)  
    Automatic weighers .....................  177 / 60+
    Chemical apparatus .....................  422
        Elements or details ................  422 / 310
    Cleaning and liquid contact with .......  134
    Solids .................................  134
        Clean room ventilation .............  454 / 187
    Closet .................................  4 / 300+
        Disinfecting .......................  4 / 222+
    Concentrating evaporator ...............  159 / 12
        Closed .............................  159 / 22+
    Dissolver-mixer sprayer ................  239 / 267+
    Distilling .............................  202
    Drying and gas or vapor contact ........  34
    With solids ............................  34
    Internal resistance brake ..............  188 / 266+
    Liquid separation or purification ......  210
        Expansible chamber type ............  91
    Mufflers and sound filters .............  181 / 212+
    Musical instrument  
        Piano ..............................  84 / 24+
        Pipe organ .........................  84 / 331+
        Reed organ .........................  84 / 351+
    Pipe or tube pressure compensator ......  138 / 30
    Pneumatic conveyor .....................  406
    Pot type ...............................  4 / 479+
    Preserving, disinfecting, and ..........  422 / 243+
    Sterilizing ............................  422 / 243+
    Pumps ..................................  417
        Expansible chamber type ............  417 / 437+
        Pressure compensator ...............  417 / 540+
        Rotary .............................  418
    Resilient tire .........................  152
    Steaming textiles ......................  68 / 5 C+
    Submarine dredger ......................  37 / 313
    Therapeutic treatment with .............  128 / 202.12
    Medicaments ............................  128 / 202.12
    Tobacco smoke treating .................  131 / 211+
    Volume or rate of flow meter ...........  73 / 861+
        Expansible chamber type ............  73 / 232+
Chambray ...................................  139 / 416
    Cord stripe ............................  139 / 417
    Barrel chamfering machines .............  147 / 13+
    Barrel closure .........................  217 / 80
    Bench planes for chamfering wood .......  30 / 484+
    Coopering tools for chamfering .........  147 / 42
    Gear chamfering machines ...............  409 / 8
Chamois ....................................  8 / 94.1 R+
Chance and Game Apparatus  
    Baseball ...............................  273 / 244.2
    Board games ............................  273 / 243+
    Chance devices .........................  273 / 138.1+
    Check connector reciprocating ..........  194 / 293+
    Check connector turning ................  194 / 295+
    Check lock releasing ...................  194 / 247+
    Guns mechanical ........................  124 / 33
Chandelier .................................  362 / 405+
    Design .................................  D26 / 72
    Hanger .................................  362 / 406+
    Bag for photographers ..................  396 / 590+
    Coin machines ..........................  D20 / 1+
    Gate ...................................  232 / 14
    Maker ..................................  453 / 1+
Changeable Exhibitor  
    Amusement cards and pictures ...........  446 / 147+
    Card picture and sign ..................  40 / 446+
    Electric annunciators ..................  340 / 815.4+
        Systems ............................  340 / 286.11+
    Figure toys,features change ............  446 / 321
    Illuminated ............................  362 / 253
    Indicator combined .....................  116 / 307
    Information displaying .................  40 / 446
    With sound .............................  40 / 455
    Ditch ..................................  405 / 118
        Lining .............................  405 / 268
    Electric signals .......................  340
        High frequency .....................  333
        Radio ..............................  455
        Telegraph ..........................  178
        Telephone ..........................  379
    Fishway ................................  405 / 81+
    For electric conductor .................  174 / 68.3+
    Glass conditioning .....................  65 / 346
    Guide ..................................  112 / 50
    Iron structural members ................  52 / 846+
    Navigable ..............................  405 / 84+
    Preserving channel for water ...........  405 / 21+
    Control ................................  405 / 21+
    Rail and tie  
        Flange down railroad ties ..........  238 / 59+
        Flange up railroad ties ............  238 / 62+
        Rail joints splice bars in .........  238 / 161
        Railroad rails .....................  238 / 127
        Railroad rails joints ..............  238 / 176
        Two part railroad ties .............  238 / 56
    Stock ..................................  428 / 122
        Metallic ...........................  428 / 595
    Type holding printing ..................  276 / 37
Channeling Machine and Tool  
    Ditcher ................................  37 / 347+
    Mining .................................  299
        Endless flexible cutter ............  299 / 34.01+
        Machine ............................  299 / 29+
        Rotary cutter ......................  299 / 39.1+
    Sewing leather .........................  112 / 45
    Shoe sole ..............................  12 / 27+
    Shoe sole combined with trimming .......  12 / 85.2
Chaplet ....................................  164 / 398+
Character Recognition  
    Computer means .........................  382
    Radiant energy, optical or pre- ........  382 / 312
    Photocell system .......................  382 / 312
    Calendar slide .........................  40 / 109
    Font generation ........................  345 / 467+
    Generation .............................  345 / 467+
    Interchangeable sign ...................  40 / 618
    Markers for calendar ...................  40 / 110
    Printing ...............................  101
    Sensing ................................  382
        Controlling display ................  345 / 204+
        Controlling punch ..................  234 / 59+
        Operating typewriter ...............  400 / 61+
        Photoelectric ......................  382 / 321
        Television  +
    Telegraphic printing system ............  178 / 30
    Type casting ...........................  199
    Absorbents containing ..................  502 / 416+
    Briquettes .............................  44 / 591+
    Broilers ...............................  99 / 385+
    Design .................................  D13 / 100
    Production by distillation .............  201
    Stoves .................................  126 / 25 R
    Dispensing .............................  222
        Ammunition making and ..............  86
        Ordnance pneumatic combined ........  89 / 7
        Fuel injection .....................  123 / 445+
        Internal combustion ................  123 / 434+
        Internal combustion combined .......  123 / 3
        Generating .........................  123 / 3
Charge Transfer Device  
    Delay line .............................  327 / 261+
    Logic circuit ..........................  326 / 61
    Memory .................................  365 / 183
    Shift register .........................  377 / 57
    Structure ..............................  257 / 214+
    Wave transmission lines ................  333 / 165
Charger and Charging  
    Arc furnace device .....................  373 / 60
        Arc between spaced electrodes ......  373 / 62+
        Charging or discharging ............  373 / 79+
    Battery ................................  320
        Design .............................  D13 / 107+
    Bin or tank ............................  414 / 288+
    Electric furnace .......................  373
        Glass furnace device ...............  373 / 33+
        Induction furnace device ...........  373 / 142+
        Resistance furnace device ..........  373 / 115
    Electrophotographic copier .............  399 / 222+
    Development ............................  399 / 222+
    Filters, liquid ........................  210 / 456
        Precoat adding means ...............  210 / 193
    For capacitor ..........................  320 / 166+
    For capacitor ..........................  307 / 109+
    For nuclear dosimeter ..................  320 / 166
    For nuclear reactor ....................  376 / 264
    For pocket chamber nuclear .............  320 / 166
    Furnace type ...........................  414 / 147+
        Heating ............................  110 / 101 R+
        Metallurgical ......................  266 / 176+
    Gas generators .........................  48 / 86 R
    Lamp bulb  
        Gas ................................  141 / 66
        Gas combined .......................  445
    Latent image formation .................  399 / 130+
    Liquid purification ....................  210 / 519+
        Means to add treating material .....  210 / 198.1+
        Tangential .........................  210 / 512.1
    Magazine ...............................  42 / 87+
    Metal under pressure ...................  164 / 303
    Molding apparatus for nonmetals ........  425 / 542+
        Block ..............................  425 / 258+
        Glass ..............................  65
    Nuclear reactor ........................  414 / 146
    Pneumatic motor railway ................  104 / 157+
    Receptacles ............................  141
        Portable ...........................  141
    Refrigeration apparatus ................  62 / 292
        Process ............................  62 / 77
    Ship ...................................  414 / 137.1
    Still ..................................  202 / 262+
        Closure combined ...................  202 / 251
        Processes ..........................  201 / 40
    Transfer of image (latent) .............  399 / 154
    Transfer of image (toned) ..............  399 / 297+
Charlotte Russe ............................  426 / 658+
Charm ......................................  63 / 23
    Jewelry ................................  D11 / 79+
Charpy Test ................................  73 / 844
Charring (See Carbonizing)  
    Apparel layout .........................  33 / 12+
    Astrological ...........................  434 / 106+
    Astronomical ...........................  434 / 284
    Color display ..........................  434 / 98+
    Educational ............................  434 / 430
    Holder for map or chart ................  40 / 904*
    Light ray type .........................  33 / 268
    Menstruation ...........................  40 / 109
    Music ..................................  84 / 471 R+
    Recorder ...............................  D10 / 46
    Gem setting ............................  63 / 26+
    Printing ...............................  101 / 391
        Bed and platen shifting ............  101 / 63+
        Securing or mounting means .........  101 / 390
Chasers ....................................  408 / 215+
    Type setting ...........................  276 / 38+
Chasing Mill ...............................  241 / 107+
    Ball type  
        Frictional drive ...................  241 / 103+
        Loose ball .........................  241 / 173+
    Amplifier ..............................  330 / 65+
    Electrical devices .....................  361 / 679+
        Radio parts type ...................  361 / 814
    Radio system ...........................  455 / 347+
    Television .............................  348 / 836+
    Vehicle ................................  280 / 781+
        Occupant propelled type ............  280 / 281.1+
    Bag case or frame carrier ..............  224 / 268
    Safety hooks ...........................  24 / 4
    Automated functions ....................  705 / 33
    Bank ...................................  283 / 58
        Design .............................  D19 / 11
    Cash registers  
        Check employing or controlled ......  235 / 17+
        Printing checks ....................  235 / 3
            Money orders ...................  705 / 18
            Security .......................  705 / 18
    Coin type ..............................  40 / 27.5
    Controlled apparatus ...................  194
        Cash registers .....................  235 / 3
        Cereal puffer ......................  99 / 323.8
        Dispensers .........................  222 / 2
        Lock releasing slots ...............  194 / 247+
        Motion picture machine .............  352 / 104
        Self photograph ....................  396 / 2+
        Telephone systems ..................  379 / 143+
        Voting machines ....................  235 / 53
        Weighers ...........................  177 / 125
        Workmens time recorder .............  346
    Door ...................................  16 / 82+
        Closer combined ....................  16 / 49+
        Design .............................  D08 / 330+
    Gun breach gas .........................  89 / 26
    Gun recoil .............................  89 / 42.01+
    Harness underchecks ....................  54 / 57
    Labels tags and ........................  283 / 81
    Labels, tags, design ...................  D20 / 22+
        Embossing ..........................  101 / 24
        Fraud preventing coating ...........  427 / 7
    Writer machines ........................  D18 / 5
Check-Out Counter ..........................  186 / 59+
Checkbook Cover Design .....................  D19 / 26+
Checker Brick ..............................  165 / 9.1+
Checkers ...................................  D21 / 390
    Game board design ......................  D21 / 348
Checkhooks .................................  54 / 61+
Checking and Unchecking Device .............  54 / 70
    Underchecks ............................  54 / 57
Checking Watermarks ........................  356 / 432+
Checkout Counter ...........................  D06 / 396+
Checkreins .................................  54 / 16+
Cheek Plate Railway Draft ..................  213 / 54+
    Compositions and processes .............  426 / 582+
    Cutter .................................  83
    Cutter and expresser ...................  425 / 308
    Design .................................  D01
    Making apparatus .......................  99 / 452+
    Packaging ..............................  426 / 392+
    Preservation ...........................  426 / 330.2
    Presses ................................  100
        Fluid treatment ....................  8 / 155.2
        Packages ...........................  242 / 159+
    Treating apparatus .....................  99 / 452+
Cheesecloth ................................  139 / 426 R
    Aluminum containing ....................  556 / 175
    Chelation ion exchange .................  423 / DIG 14
    Cleaning or detergent ..................  510
    Compositions containing ................  510
    Drug compositions ......................  424 / DIG 6
    Food or edible material ................  426 / 271
    Heavy metals containing ................  556 / 1+
    Printing dye with metal chelating ......  8 / 452
    Group ..................................  8 / 452
    Tobacco smoke separator or treater .....  131 / 334
Chelidamic Acid ............................  546 / 299
Chemical Modification,Protein ..............  530 / 402
Chemical Reaction Heat Producers  
    Irreversible reaction ..................  44 / 250+
    Readily reversible reaction ............  252 / 70
Chemiluminescent ...........................  252 / 700
    Lighting ...............................  362 / 34
    Tests involving ........................  436 / 172
Chemistry & Chemical See Particular ........  422
    Compound, composition, or art ..........  422
    Analytical and analytical control ......  436 / 43+
    Methods ................................  436 / 43+
    Apparatus ..............................  422 / 44+
        Fermentation .......................  435 / 283.1+
    Carbon compounds .......................  260
    Carbon compounds .......................  560
    Chemical composition  
        Crosslinking .......................  252 / 183.11+
        Curing .............................  252 / 182.11+
        Hardening ..........................  252 / 182.11+
        Interactive ........................  252 / 182.11+
        Non-interactive ....................  252 / 182.11+
        Vulcanizing ........................  252 / 182.11+
    Chemical manufacture, misc .............  156
    Chemical oxygen demand tests, cod ......  436 / 62
    Chemical symbol character ..............  400 / 900*
    Classifying, separating, & .............  209
    Assorting solids .......................  209
    Cleaning & liquid contact with .........  134 / 1
    Solids .................................  134 / 1+
        Apparatus ..........................  134 / 42+
    Coating apparatus ......................  118
    Coating processes ......................  427
        Printing ...........................  101
    Cooling by chemical reaction ...........  62 / 4
        Apparatus ..........................  202
        Separatory processes ...............  203
        Thermolytic processes ..............  201
    Dyestuffs ..............................  8
    Electrical current producing ...........  429
    Apparatus, product & process ...........  429
    Electrical radiant or wave energy ......  204
    Fermentation ...........................  435
    Fertilizers ............................  71
    Foodstuffs .............................  99
    Inorganic ..............................  423
    Measuring instrument ...................  D10 / 81
    Metallurgical ..........................  75
        Reactions ..........................  376
    Modification of synthetic resins or ....  525
    Natural rubbers ........................  525
    Modification of textiles & fibers ......  8 / 115.51+
        Fluid treating apparatus ...........  68
        Manipulative fluid treatment .......  8 / 147+
    Photographic chemistry, processes & ....  430
    Products ...............................  430
    Physical processes .....................  23 / 293 R+
    Refrigeration ..........................  62 / 4
    Sterilizers, refrigeration .............  62 / 78
    Combined ...............................  62 / 78
    Synthetic resins (see synthetic ........  520 / 1+
    Resin or natural rubber) ...............  520 / 1+
    Teaching ...............................  434 / 298
Chemotherapy Drugs  
    5-Flurouracil ..........................  544 / 313
Chendeoxycholic Acid .......................  552 / 551
Chenille ...................................  223 / 45
    Misc manufacture ......................  28 / 144
    Spinning twisting twining  
        Apparatus ..........................  57 / 24
        Strand structure ...................  57 / 203
    Tufting sewing machine .................  112 / 80.01+
    Woven pile fabrics .....................  139 / 393+
        Strands ............................  139 / 395
Cherry Seeder ..............................  30 / 113.1+
Chess Pieces ...............................  D21 / 388+
Chest (See Box)  
    Cedar ..................................  206 / 278.1
    Medicine ...............................  206 / 828*
    Protector ..............................  2 / 92
    Tool ...................................  206 / 349+
    Wind ...................................  84 / 54
    Woodworking tool and workbench .........  144 / 285
    Combined ...............................  144 / 285
Chest of Drawers ...........................  D06 / 432
Cheviot ....................................  26 / 19+
Chevron ....................................  2 / 246
    Badge ..................................  40 / 1.5+
Chewing Gum ................................  426 / 3+
    Package ................................  206 / 800*
    Tobacco combined .......................  131 / 347+
Chicken See Fowl  
Chiffon, Foamable Edible Material ..........  426 / 571
Chiffoniers, Trunks ........................  190 / 19
Childproof Bottle Closures .................  215 / 201+
Chilean Type Mill ..........................  241 / 107+
    Brake shoes ............................  188 / 260
    Fastener bedstead ......................  5 / 289
    Metal founding .........................  164 / 371+
        Chilling iron processes ............  164 / 127
        Consumable .........................  164 / 357
        Patterns chill supporting ..........  164 / 230
        Sand mold or core having ...........  164 / 352+
    Static mold having .....................  249 / 111
    Bells ..................................  84 / 406+
    Clocks .................................  368 / 273
    Clocks .................................  968 / 217+
    Electric ...............................  340 / 392.1+
    Musical ................................  84 / 402+
        Design .............................  D17 / 22
        Electric tone type .................  84 / 600+
    Signal .................................  116 / 141
    Building flue heaters ..................  454 / 43
    Cap, masonry ...........................  52 / 244
    Cap, ventilating .......................  454 / 4+
    Cleaning ...............................  134 / 1+
        Brush or broom .....................  15 / 249.1+
        Scraper ............................  15 / 104.068+
    Lamp chimney lantern ...................  362 / 180
        Chimney element ....................  362 / 312+
        Chimney element design .............  D26 / 118
    Masonry smoke flue .....................  52 / 245+
    Static mold for making .................  249 / 17
    Ventilation ............................  454 / 1+
        Design .............................  D23 / 374
        Firearm stocks .....................  42 / 71.01+
        Violin .............................  84 / 279
        Violin combined with support .......  84 / 278
        Hats ...............................  132 / 58
        Surgical ...........................  602 / 902*
        Corpse .............................  27 / 25.1
        Surgical ...........................  602 / 902*
China Oil ..................................  554 / 1+
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 244+
        Synthetic resin or natural  
        Rubber ctg (see synthetic  
        Resin or natural rubber)  
Chinaware ..................................  D07 / 500+
    Display stand ..........................  D06 / 512+
    Vase ...................................  D11 / 143
Chintz .....................................  139 / 426 R
    Breaker ................................  144 / 243+
        Cutting tool with ..................  407 / 2+
    Cutting ................................  83 / 906*
        Comminuting type ...................  241 / 83+
        Slicer type ........................  144 / 162.1+
    Poker ..................................  40 / 27.5
        Design .............................  D21 / 390
    Bandages ...............................  602 / 67
        Kinesitherapy ......................  601 / 1
    Pedicuring instrument ..................  132 / 73+
    Shields ................................  128 / 882
    Cold ...................................  30 / 168
    Design .................................  D08 / 47
    Dovetail ...............................  144 / 88
    Mortising ..............................  144 / 67+
    Sawtooth cutting machine ...............  76 / 28
    Stoneworking ...........................  125 / 41
    Tenoning ...............................  144 / 202
    Wood turning ...........................  142 / 42+
        Pattern guide combined .............  142 / 21
    Woodworking implement ..................  30 / 167+
Chitin .....................................  536 / 20
Chloracetic Acid ...........................  562 / 602
Chloral ....................................  568 / 495+
    Hydrate ................................  568 / 844
Chloramine .................................  423 / 383
Chloramphenicol ............................  564 / 213
Chloranil ..................................  552 / 308
Chlorate ...................................  423 / 475
    Electrolytic synthesis .................  205 / 502+
        Per compounds ......................  205 / 474+
    Oxidizing compositions .................  252 / 186.1+
Chlorazene Chloramine T ...................  562 / 837
Chlorhydrins ...............................  568 / 841+
    Hydrolysis of ..........................  568 / 859
    Binary halides inorganic ...............  423 / 462
    Biocides containing ....................  424
    Dissolver, sodium chloride & ...........  422 / 902*
    Potassium chloride .....................  422 / 902*
    Halocarbons ............................  570 / 101+
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588 / 400+
    Destruction ............................  588 / 400+
    Hydrochloric acid ......................  423 / 481+
    Organic acid halides ...................  562 / 800+
    Oxidizing compositions .................  252 / 186.1
    Salts inorganic ........................  423 / 462+
    Sulfur .................................  423 / 462
    Hydrocarbon ............................  570 / 101+
    Water purification .....................  210 / 198.1+
        Processes ..........................  210 / 754+
Chlorine ...................................  423 / 500
    Biocides containing ....................  424 / 661
    Bleaching with .........................  8 / 101+
        Electrolytic bleaching of ..........  205 / 690
        Organic fibers .....................  205 / 690
    Electrolytic synthesis .................  205 / 618+
    Feeder .................................  137 / 87.01+
Chlorine Di,-Monoxide Oxidizing ............  252 / 187.21
    Composition ............................  252 / 187.21
Chlorocarbonic Acid Esters .................  558 / 280+
Chloroform .................................  570 / 181
    Preparation from acyclic halides .......  570 / 101+
Chlorophenols ..............................  568 / 774+
Chlorophyll ................................  540 / 145
Chloroprene ................................  570 / 189
    Preparation ............................  570 / 216
    Solid polymers (see synthetic resin  
    Or natural rubber)  
Chlorpheniramine, in Drug ..................  514 / 357
    Boat supports ..........................  114 / 381
    Design .................................  D12 / 217
    Railway car stops ......................  104 / 257+
        Brake type .........................  188 / 36+
    Ship spar ..............................  114 / 101
    Vehicle fender combined ................  293 / 7
    Wheel on ground ........................  188 / 32
Chocolate ..................................  426 / 631+
    Confectionery containing ...............  426 / 631+
    Molding ................................  425
    Refiner ................................  241
    Coil ...................................  336
    Firearm barrel .........................  42 / 79
    Input filter ...........................  333 / 181
    Plug ...................................  184 / 52
        Having plurality of leaves .........  261 / DIG 58
        Interchangeable ....................  261 / DIG 57
        Leaves flexible ....................  261 / DIG 59
        Longitudunally reciprocating .......  261 / DIG 61
        Along air passage ..................  261 / DIG 61
            Having movable parts ...........  261 / DIG 62
            Suction operated ...............  261 / DIG 64
            Throttle-operated ..............  261 / DIG 63
Cholanic Acid ..............................  552 / 548
Cholecalciferol ............................  552 / 653
Cholecalcipherol, in Drug ..................  514 / 167
Cholesterol Compounds ......................  552 / 544+
    Cholesterol, lipids, triglycerides .....  436 / 71
Cholic Acid ................................  552 / 549
Choline ....................................  564 / 293
Choline Acetate ............................  560 / 253
    Cornstalk type .........................  56 / 60+
    Cotton chopper plow ....................  172
        Chopper heads ......................  172 / 518+
    Dc to ac ...............................  363 / 124+
    Food ...................................  241
        Block or board .....................  269 / 289 R+
    Meat tenderizer ........................  452 / 147
    Stalk ..................................  56 / 500+
    Blocks and boards ......................  269 / 289 R+
    Played by single key of keyboard .......  84 / 443+
    Selector for zithers ...................  84 / 286+
Christmas Tree  
    Candle holders .........................  431 / 296
    Container or wrapper for ...............  493 / 956*
    Decorative lights ......................  362 / 249+
        Design .............................  D11 / 118+
    Design .................................  D11 / 118
    Holder .................................  248 / 511+
        Design .............................  D11 / 130.1
        Fluorescent ........................  250 / 462.1
    Imitation ..............................  428 / 7+
    Lamps ..................................  D26 / 25+
    Light string ...........................  D26 / 25
    Ornaments ..............................  428 / 7+
        Design .............................  D11 / 117+
    Series lamp system .....................  315 / 185 R+
Chromanes ..................................  549 / 398+
Chromate Processes  
    Metal coating ..........................  148 / 264+
    Photographic ...........................  430 / 289.1
Chromatography .............................  73 / 19.02+
    Gas separation .........................  96 / 101+
        Gas content of liquid or solid .....  73 / 19.02+
        Process ............................  95 / 82+
        Testing ............................  73 / 23.35+
    Hydrocarbon purification by ............  585 / 825
    Liquid .................................  210 / 656+
        Gel or liquid-liquid ...............  210 / 635
        Testing ............................  73 / 61.52+
    Physical recovery methods ..............  435 / 803*
    Testing of gas content .................  73 / 19.01
    Alloys (non-ferrous) ...................  420 / 428
    Alum ...................................  423 / 544+
    Chromates ..............................  423 / 595+
        Electrolytic synthesis .............  205 / 484+
    Ferro ..................................  420 / 34+
    Organic compounds ......................  556 / 57+
    Oxid pigments ..........................  106 / 453+
    Oxides and hydroxides ..................  423 / 607
        Electrolytic synthesis .............  205 / 538
        Electrolytic .......................  205 / 283+
        Electrolytic plural layers .........  205 / 178+
        Metal stock ........................  428 / 666
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 623
        Electrolytic .......................  205 / 572
    Color picture viewer ...................  359 / 629+
    Colorimeter ............................  356 / 402+
Chromosome Multiplication, .................  47 / DIG 1
    Cross-breeding .........................  47 / DIG 1
    Electrical or electronic ...............  368 / 114
        With speed determination ...........  324 / 178+
    Recorder ...............................  346
    Watches ................................  368 / 101
    Watches ................................  968 / 835+
    Structure ..............................  368 / 62+
    Testing ................................  73 / 1.42+
    Electric ...............................  368 / 107
Chrysanthemic Acid, in Drug ................  514 / 572
    Annular for wood turning ...............  142 / 52
    Counterpoised ..........................  142 / 51
    Electromagnetic holders ................  335 / 289+
    Hollow mandrel guide ...................  142 / 54
    Key ....................................  81 / 16
    Nailing machine ........................  227 / 149
Chrysanthemum ..............................  PLT / 284+
Chuck See Socket ...........................  279
Church Bell ................................  116 / 148+
    Electrically simulated .................  340 / 398.1+
Churn ......................................  366
    Agitator type ..........................  366
    Butterworker combined ..................  99 / 452+
    Design .................................  D07 / 371
Chute (See Conveyer) .......................  193
    Amusement railway ......................  104 / 69
        Gaseous suspension .................  209 / 149
        Gauging apertures ..................  209 / 682
        Household sifting bin ..............  209 / 375
        Liquid suspension reciprocating ....  209 / 196
        Liquid suspension stationary .......  209 / 202
        Manual .............................  209 / 702+
        Rolling incline ....................  209 / 69
    Billiard rack, pocket and ..............  473 / 22+
        Showcase type ......................  312 / 124
        Stock and sample ...................  312 / 121
    Can making machine body feeding ........  413 / 70+
    Card magazine ..........................  312 / 60
    Conveyer having gravity section ........  198 / 523+
    Deposit and collection receptacle ......  232 / 44+
    Dumping vehicle ........................  298 / 7
    Fire escape ............................  182 / 48+
    Fruit gatherer .........................  56 / 328.1+
    Furnace fuel feeder ....................  110 / 116+
        Fixed detaching member .............  56 / 340
        Pole type pivoted jaw ..............  56 / 334
        Pole type pivoted knife ............  56 / 336
    Hopper rr car bridge for side ..........  105 / 252
    Hopper rr car center ...................  105 / 249
    Mortar mixing discharging ..............  366 / 68
    Nail etc feeder inclined ...............  470 / 180
    Planter vibrating ......................  111 / 76
    Plural destination conveyor & ..........  198 / 359
    Showcase ...............................  312 / 124
        Stock and sample ...................  312 / 121
    Spindle lathe automatic feed ...........  142 / 20
    Stratifiers liquid treatment ...........  209 / 458
        Reciprocating ......................  209 / 437+
        Reciprocating rotating .............  209 / 435+
        Rotating ...........................  209 / 444
        Spiral .............................  209 / 434
    Stratifiers movable bed ................  209 / 479+
    Stratifiers pneumatic treatment ........  209 / 477
        Movable bed ........................  209 / 471+
    Textile liquid treating ................  68 / 178
    Receptacle conditioning ................  68 / 178
        Pleating in receptacle .............  68 / 177
    Typesetting converging .................  276 / 20+
    Vehicle body endgate combined ..........  296 / 61
    Wooden silo ............................  52 / 195
CIBANITEâ„¢    (Aminoplast) ..................  528 / 230
Cigar and Cigarette ........................  131
    Ashtray ................................  D27 / 102+
    Bands for ..............................  D20 / 22+
    Case ...................................  206 / 242+
        Combination ........................  206 / 236+
        Design .............................  D27 / 186+
    Cutter .................................  30 / 109+
        Appliance combined .................  131 / 248+
        Cigarette case combined ............  206 / 238+
        Design .............................  D27 / 195
        End cutter .........................  83
        Machine ............................  83 / 931*
    Design .................................  D27 / 101+
    Extinguisher ...........................  131 / 256
    Filter end .............................  131 / 331+
    Filter for .............................  131 / 331+
        Ash tray combined ..................  131 / 234
        Cigarette case combined ............  206 / 236+
        Dispensing case combined ...........  206 / 236+
        Electric heating coil ..............  219 / 260+
        End cutter combined ................  131 / 249
        Magazine cigarette dispenser .......  221 / 136+
        Combined ...........................  221 / 136+
        Matches ............................  44 / 507+
        Part of cigar or cigarette .........  131 / 351
        Smoking device combined ............  131 / 185
    Holder .................................  206 / 242
        Design .............................  D27 / 183+
    Lighter ................................  D27 / 141+
        Liquid gas cartridge for ...........  D23 / 202
    Machines ...............................  D20 / 1+
    Magazine type cabinet ..................  312 / 72+
    Making .................................  131 / 280+
        Turning cigarettes end for end .....  198 / 952*
    Packages ...............................  206 / 242+
        Manufacturers container ............  493 / 910*
        Matches combined ...................  206 / 85+
    Packaging ..............................  53 / 148+
    Papers container .......................  206 / 237
    Pocket lighter  
        Butane .............................  431 / 130+
        Butane .............................  431 / 254
        Catalytic ..........................  431 / 147
        Frictional, chemical, percussive ...  431 / 267+
        With cover .........................  431 / 144+
        With cover .........................  431 / 129+
    Protective cover for packs .............  D27 / 186+
    Smokers tools ..........................  D27 / 194+
    Snuffer ................................  D27 / 136
    Vending machine ........................  221
        Coin operated ......................  194
        Design .............................  D20 / 1+
        With igniting means ................  221 / 136+
Cimetidine .................................  548 / 336.5+
Cinchona Alkaloids .........................  546 / 134+
Cinchonine .................................  546 / 134
Cinchophen .................................  546 / 170
Cine Film ..................................  430 / 934*
Cinema See Motion Picture  
Cinematography .............................  D16
Cineol .....................................  549 / 397
Cinerary Urns ..............................  27 / 1
Circuit (See System, Electric)  
    Applications, battery ..................  136 / 293*
    Breaker ................................  335 / 6+
        Design .............................  D13 / 160
        System .............................  361 / 1+
    Closer .................................  200
        Annunciator ........................  340 / 815.89
        Arc lamp having ....................  314 / 131
        Arc lamp shunt closing or cut ......  314 / 10
        Out ................................  314 / 10+
        Changeable exhibiter control .......  40 / 463+
        Lamp or electronic tube ............  315 / 32
        Combined with ......................  315 / 32+
        Lamp or electronic tube system .....  315 / 362+
    Closing apparatus ......................  200
    Controller (see system having)  
        Clock electric .....................  368 / 52
        Condenser structure ................  361 / 271+
        Electronic type ....................  327 / 518+
        Flashing light etc .................  40 / 902*
        Phase regulation ...................  323 / 212
        Regulators .........................  323
        Rheostat or resistance .............  338
        Switch structure ...................  200
        Transformer ........................  323 / 355
        Trolley conductor section ..........  191 / 16
        Switching ..........................  191 / 16+
        Tuners .............................  334
        Electrical systems .................  307 / 96+
        Electrolytic .......................  361 / 435
        Inverter systems ...................  363 / 109
        Rectifier systems ..................  363 / 108+
        Regulator electrical systems .......  307 / 96+
        Therapeutic apparatus ..............  607 / 72+
        Signal box transmission ............  340 / 292
        Telegraph lines ....................  178 / 69 R
    Maker and breaker ......................  200
        Annunciators .......................  340 / 815.89
        Arc lamp cutout or shunt ...........  314 / 10+
        Arc lamp system ....................  314 / 131
        Check control telephone ............  379 / 146+
        Electromagnetic switching ..........  361 / 139+
        Systems ............................  361 / 139+
        Key telegraph ......................  178 / 101+
        Lamp or electrode tube system ......  315 / 362
        Motor system .......................  318
        Switchboard housing or mounting ....  361 / 601+
        Details ............................  361 / 601+
        Telegraph manipulating .............  178 / 75
        Telephone ..........................  379 / 414+
    Printed ................................  428 / 901*
        Etching in manufacturing of ........  216 / 13+
        Electrical circuit .................  216 / 13+
        Lightning arrester .................  361 / 117+
        Meter ..............................  324 / 110
    Retainer automatic telegraph ...........  178 / 72
    Repeater ...............................  178 / 72
    Work holder for electrical circuit .....  269 / 903*
    Knitting machine  
        Independent needles ................  66 / 8+
        United needles .....................  66 / 79+
    Looms ..................................  139 / 457+
        Dressing and jointing ..............  76 / 48
        Metal sawing .......................  83 / 594
        Wood sawing ........................  83 / 469+
Circumcision Devices .......................  606 / 118
Cistern ....................................  52 / 169.1+
    Cleaners ...............................  15 / 246.5
        Hoisting bucket type ...............  294 / 68.22+
    Molds for ..............................  425 / 59+
    Sewage purification ....................  210 / 532.1+
Citazinic Acid .............................  546 / 296
Citral .....................................  568 / 448
Citric Acid ................................  562 / 584
Citrus Fruit  
    Cutters ................................  30 / 123.5+
        Machines ...........................  99 / 539+
    Plants .................................  PLT / 201+
        Orange .............................  PLT / 202
Civetone ...................................  568 / 375
Clack Valve ................................  251 / 298+
    Processing for food ....................  452 / 12+
Clamp & Clamping Device (See Clasp; ........  24 / 455+
    Fastener) ..............................  24 / 455+
    Adjustable .............................  403 / DIG 10
    Apparel apparatus ......................  269
        Hose clamp .........................  81 / 9.3
        Surgical clip ......................  29 / 243.56
    Binder device releasably engaging ......  402
    Aperture or notch of sheet .............  402
    Book or leaf holder ....................  281 / 45+
    Bracket clamped to support or mount ....  248 / 226.11+
    Bracket with article holding clamp .....  248 / 316.1+
    Building components ....................  52 / 584.1
        Anchor or tie ......................  52 / 698+
    Clasp, clip, or support clamp ..........  24 / 455+
        Design .............................  D19 / 65
    Clip board .............................  24 / 67.3+
    Closure fastener .......................  292 / 256+
        Rod clamp type .....................  292 / 305+
    Cord rope and strand anchors ...........  24 / 115 R+
        Bridge cable .......................  14 / 22
        Sash cord ..........................  16 / 205
    Dental implement .......................  433 / 153+
        Dam ................................  433 / 138+
    Design .................................  D08 / 72
    Hose ...................................  24 / 19
        Appliers ...........................  81 / 9.3
        With support .......................  248 / 75+
    Jar lid ................................  D09 / 435+
    Locked .................................  70 / 19
    Metal deforming apparatus ..............  72 / 293+
    Moderator structure for nuclear ........  376 / 458
    Reactor ................................  376 / 458
    Paper fastener .........................  24 / 67 R+
    Portable ...............................  269
    Railway track fastening ................  238 / 338+
    Saw setting ............................  76 / 78.1+
    Scaffold binders .......................  24 / 16 R+
    Shoemakers .............................  12 / 103
    Static mold ............................  249 / 219.1
    Strand tensioning ......................  242 / 149+
    Surgical implement .....................  606 / 151+
        Design .............................  D24 / 143
    Testing strength of specimen with ......  73 / 856+
    Woodworking ............................  269
Clamped Work (See Holders)  
    Abrading machine .......................  451 / 365+
    Butchering .............................  452 / 194+
    Cutting & punching sheets & bars .......  83
        Cutting tables .....................  83 / 451+
        Drawcut ............................  83 / 642+
        Drawcut ............................  83 / 644+
        Pivoted cutter .....................  83 / 597+
        Punching or pricking ...............  83
        Reciprocating cutter ...............  83 / 613+
        Table with .........................  83
    Daguerreotype plates ...................  396 / 438
    Engraving ..............................  81 / 4
    Sewing machine presser .................  112 / 235+
    Shoemaking .............................  12
    Specimen testing by stress or ..........  73 / 856+
    Strain application .....................  73 / 856+
    Vegetable and meat cutting .............  269
    Vises ..................................  269
        Pipe or cable ......................  269
    Wire fabric making .....................  140 / 51
    Wood bending ...........................  144 / 269
    Wood turning ...........................  142
    Woodworking ............................  269
        Machine ............................  144 / 278.1+
Clamshell Bucket ...........................  294 / 68.23+
Clappers for Bells See Bells  
Clarinet ...................................  84 / 382+
Clasp ......................................  24 / 455+
    Clothespin (see clothespin)  
        Design .............................  D32 / 61+
    Cuff holder ............................  24 / 43+
    Fastener combined ......................  24 / 326+
    For nuclear reactor ....................  376 / 304
    Moderator structure ....................  376 / 304
    General purpose ........................  D08 / 382+
    Jewelry ................................  D11 / 86+
    Pen or pocket ..........................  24 / 11 R+
        Pen or pencil ......................  D19 / 41+
        Project-retract ....................  401 / 104
        Means associated ...................  401 / 104+
Classifying Solids .........................  209
    Cutting or comminuting combined  
        Apparatus ..........................  241 / 68+
        Cereal processes ...................  241 / 9+
        Fluid applying apparatus ...........  241 / 38+
        Gas applying processes .............  241 / 19
        Liquid applying processes ..........  241 / 20
        Processes ..........................  241 / 24.1+
        Vegetable and meat apparatus .......  99 / 510
        Vegetable and meat processes .......  426 / 518+
    Dorr type ..............................  209 / 462
Clathrates (See Definition Note (3) ........  428 / 402.2
Clavier ....................................  84 / DIG 25
Clavulanic Acid ............................  540 / 349
Claw Bar Lever Nail Extractor ..............  254 / 25+
    Acid activated .........................  502 / 81
    Burning in kilns .......................  264 / 603+
    Cleaner ................................  209
        Comminuting combined ...............  241
    Compositions ...........................  501 / 141+
        Abrasive ...........................  51 / 308
        Adsorbents .........................  502 / 407+
        Catalyst ...........................  502 / 80+
        Catalyst carrier ...................  502 / 439+
        Porcelain ..........................  501 / 141+
        Refractory .........................  501 / 94+
    Molding and casting ....................  425
    Pigeon .................................  273 / 362+
        Projector ..........................  124 / 6+
    Pipe or tube ...........................  138 / 175+
    Shaping processes ......................  264
        Firing ware combined ...............  264 / 603+
    Treatment ..............................  501 / 145+
        Chemical ...........................  501 / 146+
Cleaner and Cleaning (See Clearer)  
    Abrading file ..........................  451 / 79
    Antismut device combined ...............  101 / 423+
    Applicator .............................  15 / 104.001+
        Material supply combined see .......  401
        Implements below ...................  401
    Ash tray combined with cleaning ........  131 / 232
    Device .................................  131 / 232
    Attachment .............................  15 / 246+
        Curtain or shade ...................  160 / 11
        Electric insulator .................  174 / 211
        Electrode tip ......................  314 / 23+
        Hand rake ..........................  56 / 400.08+
        Harrow teeth .......................  172 / 90
        Liquid level sight glass ...........  73 / 324
        Printing apparatus .................  101 / 425
        Razor ..............................  30 / 41
        Solid material comminuter ..........  241 / 166
        Member .............................  241 / 166+
        Textile knitting apparatus .........  66 / 168
        Tobacco smoking device .............  131 / 184.1
        Type casting apparatus .............  199 / 62
        Typewriting machine ................  400 / 701+
    Band saw pulley ........................  83 / 168
    Boiler with means for ..................  122 / 379+
    Boot and shoe scrapers .................  15 / 237+
    Bottle washing machine attachment ......  15 / 104.9
    Bread and pastry .......................  15 / 3.11
    Bread and pastry .......................  15 / 3.16
    Brushes for, design ....................  D04
    Brushing scrubbing wiping general ......  15
    Cleaning ...............................  15
    Burner .................................  431 / 121
    Burner tip .............................  362 / 458
    Button cleaning ........................  451 / 345
        Garment shields ....................  451 / 448
    Carcass ................................  452 / 173
    Carpet .................................  15 / 3+
        Sweeper type .......................  15 / 41.1+
    Cistern ................................  15 / 246.5
        Brush machine ......................  15 / 39
        Combined ...........................  132 / 119
        Implement ..........................  15 / 104.5+
    Combustion means .......................  110 / 236+
        Abrasive ...........................  51 / 293+
        Detergent for solid surfaces .......  510
        Flue ...............................  44 / 640
        For automatic dishwasher ...........  510 / 220+
        For human skin .....................  510 / 130+
        For laundry and textiles ...........  510 / 276+
        For solid surfaces .................  510
            Liquid composition .............  510 / 405+
        Lubricant combined .................  508 / 110+
        Metal fluxing ......................  148 / 23+
        Soap containing ....................  510 / 481+
        Soap containing, preparation of ....  510 / 458+
        Surfactant composition for .........  510 / 535+
    Conveyor ...............................  198 / 493+
    Currycomb ..............................  119 / 628+
        Design .............................  D30 / 159
    Design .................................  D32 / 1+
    Dispenser ..............................  222 / 148+
        Receiver inlet cleaning ............  141 / 90
        Attachment .........................  141 / 90
    Distillation apparatus carbon ..........  202 / 241
    Removers ...............................  202 / 241
        Processes ..........................  201 / 2
    Drive belt and chain ...................  474 / 92
    Earth boring means with ................  175 / 84
    Earth boring tool with .................  175 / 313
    Electric trolley head ..................  191 / 62
        Cleaning ...........................  205 / 687+
        Coating with cleaning or ...........  205 / 210+
        Etching ............................  205 / 210+
        Etching ............................  205 / 640+
        Metal or metal alloy ...............  205 / 705+
    Electrophotographic copier .............  399 / 343+
    Electrostatic ..........................  15 / 1.51+
    Engine cylinder ........................  15 / 104.011
    Filter .................................  210 / 407+
        Brush or broom .....................  15 / 104.066+
        Brush or broom .....................  15 / 249.1
        Flue attached ......................  15 / 249.2+
        Scraper ............................  15 / 104.068+
        Scraper ............................  15 / 249.2+
    Fluid handling devices .................  137 / 237+
    Fluid nozzle ...........................  239 / 106+
    Foundry apparatus with .................  164 / 158
        Processes ..........................  426 / 478+
    Fur treatment ..........................  69 / 23+
    Gas separator ..........................  55 / 282+
        By liquid ..........................  96 / 228+
        Electrical precipitator ............  96 / 28+
    Ginning saw ............................  19 / 64
    Glass mfg apparatus ....................  65 / 27
    Gun bore ...............................  15 / 104.05+
        Cartridge contained ................  102 / 442
        Gun combined .......................  42 / 95
    Harvesting binder needle cleaner .......  56 / 448
    Hat cleaning ...........................  223 / 23
    Heat exchange apparatus ................  165 / 95
    Hoof ...................................  168 / 48.1+
    Implement ..............................  15 / 104.001+
        Brush broom or mop .................  401 / 268
        With material supply ...............  401 / 268+
        Coated or impregnated ..............  15 / 104.93
        With cleaning material .............  15 / 104.93+
        Container, wrapper for .............  493 / 942*
        Erasing (see eraser) ..............  15 / 424+
        Material supply combined ...........  401
        Padlike, bladelike or apertured ....  401 / 261
        With material supply ...............  401 / 261+
        Porous pad with material ...........  401 / 196
        Supply .............................  401 / 196+
        Stationary and with ................  15 / 104.92
        Material supply ....................  15 / 104.92
        Stranded fabric mop or mop head ....  15 / 229.1+
            With fixed handle ..............  15 / 229.2+
            With pivoted handle ............  15 / 229.6+
    Liquid contact  
        Solids apparatus ...................  134
        Textile apparatus ..................  68
        Textile processes ..................  8 / 137+
    Liquid heaters and vaporizers ..........  122 / 379+
        Water tube heater ..................  122 / 361
    Loom cleaning ..........................  139 / 1 C
    Machines ...............................  15 / 3+
        Lights on ..........................  362 / 91
    Marine hull ............................  114 / 222
    Metal working with (see metal ..........  29 / DIG 7
    Debris) ................................  29 / DIG 7
        Cutter engaging cleaner ............  29 / DIG 97
        Rotating, reciprocating, or ........  29 / DIG 98
        Oscillating cleaner ................  29 / DIG 98
    Nozzle .................................  239 / 106+
    Oil vaporizing apparatus carbon ........  196 / 122
    Removers ...............................  196 / 122
        Processes ..........................  208 / 48 R
    Paper making felt & wire combined ......  162 / 274+
    Pen ....................................  15 / 423
    Piano action combined ..................  84 / 64
    Pipe and tube (see apparatus or  
    Process using)  
        Brushing machines ..................  15 / 88
        Implements .........................  15 / 104.03+
        Liquid contacting apparatus ........  134 / 166 R+
        Processes ..........................  134 / 1+
        Tobacco smokers ....................  131 / 243+
    Piston ring groove .....................  15 / 104.012
        Snowplows ..........................  37 / 214+
        Switch point .......................  246 / 444
        Track ..............................  104 / 279+
        Track sweepers .....................  15 / 54+
        Brush and broom implement ..........  15 / 164+
        Brushing machines ..................  15 / 56+
        Liquid contacting ..................  134
        Wiper implement ....................  15 / 211+
    Refrigeration apparatus ................  62 / 303
    Sand blast nozzle combined .............  291 / 12
    Scale removing from metal ..............  29 / 81.01+
    Scouring with abradant .................  451 / 103+
    Solids cleaning apparatus cleaner ......  34 / 85
    Combined ...............................  34 / 85
    Sound record ...........................  15
    Spark plug .............................  15 / 104.011
    Steam boilers ..........................  122 / 379+
    Stove flue .............................  126 / 16
    Stratifier .............................  209 / 487
        Air blast or suction ...............  15 / 300.1+
        Flushers ...........................  239 / 159+
        Sweepers ...........................  15 / 78+
    Teeth ..................................  433 / 216
    Textile fiber working combined .........  19 / 262
        Roll cleaning ......................  15 / 256.51
    Tobacco smoking device .................  131 / 243+
    Tobacco treatment  
        Fluids or fluent material ..........  131 / 300+
        Leaf ...............................  131 / 325
        Stemming and cleaning ..............  131 / 315+
    Tool driving or impacting combined .....  173 / 197+
        Automatic control ..................  173 / 3
    Track sander delivery pipe .............  291 / 42+
    Vacuum .................................  15 / 300.1+
        Nozzles ............................  15 / 415.1+
        Processes ..........................  134 / 21
        Tool driving motor fluid caused ....  173 / 60
    Valve ..................................  137 / 244+
        Processes ..........................  426 / 478+
    Viscera ................................  452 / 123
    Washing-drying machines ................  D32 / 6+
    Welding apparatus combined .............  228 / 18
    Well ...................................  166 / 170+
        Processes ..........................  166 / 311+
        Screen with washing point or .......  166 / 157+
        Shoe ...............................  166 / 157+
    Wheel scraper vehicle attached .........  280 / 855+
    Wood saw ...............................  83 / 169
Clearance Reduction  
    Compressor .............................  92 / 60.5
        Regulator ..........................  417 / 274+
    Internal combustion engine .............  123 / 48 R
Clearer (See Cleaner)  
    Diggers potato .........................  171 / 114+
    Fork ...................................  294 / 50+
    Harvesters .............................  56 / 314+
    Hat making .............................  223 / 11
    Plows ..................................  172 / 606+
    Propeller screw ........................  440 / 73
    Railway track ..........................  104 / 279+
        Hand ...............................  56 / 400.08+
        Horse drawn ........................  56 / 395
    Roadway snow excavators ................  37 / 196+
    Sifters ................................  209 / 379+
    Textile machinery  
        Drawing roll .......................  19 / 258+
        Loom shuttle .......................  139 / 261+
        Spinning ...........................  57 / 300+
        Warp beaming .......................  28 / 173
    Third party billing for business .......  705 / 53
    Data processing ........................  705 / 53
    Insulator electrical ...................  174 / 157
        Bracket for ........................  248 / 67.5
    Ship ...................................  114 / 218
    Shoe sole edge gripping ................  36 / 7.7
    Shoe spike or ..........................  D02 / 962
    Sliding car door .......................  49 / 472
    Traction for wheels ....................  301 / 43+
Cleaver ....................................  30 / 308
Clepsydras .................................  968 / 805+
Clerestory .................................  52 / 18
Clevis .....................................  403 / 157
    Ball socket ............................  403 / 142
    Coupler ................................  403 / 302
    Hoist line  
    Insulators .............................  174 / 207
    Links ..................................  59 / 86+
    Thill couplings ........................  278 / 52+
Clew .......................................  114 / 115
Clicker ....................................  242 / 304
    Arm or hand type exercise ..............  482 / 37
    Mountain climbing aids .................  248 / 925*
        Rose ...............................  PLT / 109+
        Vine ...............................  PLT / 226+
    Playground apparatus ...................  482 / 35+
        Design .............................  D21 / 826+
    Pole post or rope ......................  182 / 133+
    Stair exercise .........................  482 / 52
    Tire attached surface rail climber .....  301 / 90
    Toy figure .............................  446 / 314+
Clincher Rim ...............................  152 / 382+
Clinical Information System ................  705 / 2
    Clinical laboratory information ........  705 / 2
    Management system (clims) ..............  705 / 2
    Patient information system .............  705 / 3
Clinometer .................................  33 / 365+
    Applier ................................  29 / 243.5+
        Surgical ...........................  29 / 243.56
    Bottle attachment ......................  215 / 386+
        Apparel ............................  D11 / 200+
        Hair ...............................  D28 / 39+
        Jewelry ............................  D11 / 40+
        Paper, pen, pencil .................  D19 / 56
    Inserters ..............................  606 / 139+
    Leaf spring ............................  267 / 53
    Making and joining  
        Fabric wire ........................  29 / 243.56
        Spring head ........................  29 / 896.8
        Wire ...............................  140 / 82+
    Nose animal ............................  119 / 824+
    Paper ..................................  24 / 455+
    Paper fastener .........................  D19 / 65
    Pedal crank combined with shoe .........  74 / 594.6
    Type ...................................  74 / 594.6
    Pen and pencil .........................  24 / 10 R+
        Design .............................  D19 / 56
        Project-retract means associated ...  401 / 104+
    Rafters and ............................  33 / DIG 16
    Rail fastenings ........................  238 / 378
    Structural unit fasteners ..............  403
    Surgical ...............................  606 / 151+
    Wire fabric ............................  245 / 3
    Clip applying ..........................  29 / 243.5+
    Cloth finishing cutters ................  26 / 7+
    Fur hair removing ......................  69 / 25
    Hair ...................................  D28 / 52+
    Hand manipulated cutters ...............  30
    Harvesters .............................  56
    Hat making .............................  223 / 19
    Nails ..................................  D28 / 60+
    With hair catching .....................  30 / 124+
Cloak ......................................  2
Clock ......................................  368 / 62+
    Picture frame combined .................  40 / 728
    Processes for making ...................  29 / 896.3
Clocks .....................................  968*
    Atomic .................................  331 / 3
    Atomic frequency control for ...........  331 / 3
    Cases ..................................  224 / 164+
        Clock movement casing ..............  206 / 18
        Design .............................  D10 / 1+
    Cordless electric ......................  310 / 191
    Crystal mounting .......................  29 / 807
    Design .................................  D10 / 1+
    Digital exhibitor ......................  D10 / 15
    Electric motor for .....................  310 / 162+
    Floor standing model ...................  D10 / 16
    Illumination combined ..................  362 / 23+
    Keys ...................................  81 / 122+
    Power substitution for electric ........  307 / 64
    Processes for making ...................  29 / 896.3+
    Radio ..................................  455 / 344
    Radio encased ..........................  455 / 231
    Radio or phonograph combined ...........  D14 / 170+
    Radio station selector .................  334
    Spring assembly ........................  29 / 228
    Staking ................................  29 / 231+
    Supports ...............................  248 / 114+
    Testing ................................  73 / 1.42+
    Time clock .............................  D10 / 41
    Transistor operated ....................  318 / 127
    Winding key ............................  D08 / 347+
    Work control (see time operated ........  368 / 1
    And controlled) ........................  368 / 1
        Fuses ..............................  102 / 276
        Switch operation ...................  200 / 35 R+
        Time locks .........................  70 / 272+
Clocking Device (See Timers)  
Clod Crusher ...............................  172
    Cultivator and roller ..................  172 / 170+
    Harrow and roller ......................  172 / 170+
    Land roller ............................  404 / 122+
    Plow and roller ........................  172 / 170+
    Soil elevator and treater ..............  172 / 33
    With separating after earth ............  172 / 32
    Working ................................  172 / 32
Close (See Closer; Closing; Closure)  
Closed Circuit Grinding  
    Apparatus ..............................  241 / 80
        Fluid applying .....................  241 / 61
        Gas swept grinder ..................  241 / 52+
    Processes ..............................  241 / 24.1+
        Cereal .............................  241 / 10
        Gas applying .......................  241 / 19
        Liquid applying ....................  241 / 20
Closed-Die Metal Shaping ...................  72 / 343+
    Forging ................................  72 / 352+
Closer (See Circuit; Closure; Fly;  
    Door ...................................  16 / 71+
        Check combined .....................  16 / 49+
        Design .............................  D08 / 330
    Fly closer lasting tool ................  12 / 113
        Bag closing ........................  493 / 186
        Box closing ........................  493 / 52
        Cable railway ......................  104 / 194
        Lever ..............................  74 / 566
        Pneumatic tube .....................  104 / 161
    Sanitary ...............................  4 / 300+
        Basin combined .....................  4 / 664+
        Bed combined .......................  5 / 604
        Bowls ..............................  4 / 420+
        Cleaning devices ...................  4 / 255.01+
        Closure ............................  4 / 253
        Covers for seats ...................  4 / 244.1+
        Design .............................  D23 / 295+
        Disinfection .......................  4 / 222+
        Drip catcher .......................  4 / 251.1+
        Dry closet and furnace combined ....  4 / 111.1+
        Dry type ...........................  4 / 449+
        Dry type with drier or burner ......  4 / 111.1+
        Flushing tanks .....................  4 / 353+
        Head foot and body rests ...........  4 / 254
        Obstruction remover ................  4 / 255.01+
        Seats ..............................  4 / 237+
        Static mold ........................  249 / 58
        Support, coupling, seal or .........  4 / 252.1+
        Fastener ...........................  4 / 252.1+
        Tub and basin combined .............  4 / 663
        Ventilation ........................  4 / 209 R+
    Warming ................................  126 / 18
        Stove base combined ................  126 / 55
        Stove pipe heated ..................  126 / 17
    Ammunition loading and shell ...........  86 / 25
    Closing ................................  86 / 25+
    Apparel pocket attachment ..............  2 / 252
    Bottom opening hopper door .............  298 / 37
    Equalizer ..............................  298 / 37
    Conductor conduit ......................  191 / 25
        Third rail .........................  191 / 31
    Inkstand (see inkwell)  
        Pen, actuated for opening ..........  15 / 257.075
    Metal tube ends  
        Welding apparatus ..................  228 / 60
    Paper box or tube  
        Folding setting up end closing .....  493 / 183+
    Receptacle filling and closing .........  53 / 266.1+
        Cooking and filling with cooked ....  99 / 356
        Food ...............................  99 / 356
        Multifolded closure ................  53 / 376.3+
Closure (See Also Article Having ...........  160
    Closure eg window) .....................  160
    Adaptable for various sizes ............  220 / 287
        Buttons and fasteners ..............  24 / 90.1+
        Coat ...............................  2 / 96
        Collar .............................  2 / 141.1+
        Flies ..............................  2 / 234
        Lacing devices .....................  24 / 712+
        Pocket .............................  2 / 252
        Separable fasteners ................  24 / 572.1+
        Shirt ..............................  2 / 128
        Shoe ...............................  36 / 50.1+
        Skirt placket ......................  2 / 218
        Skirt waistband ....................  2 / 219
        Sleeves or legs ....................  2 / 270
        Slit ...............................  24 / 437+
        Trouser waistband ..................  2 / 235
    Applicator attached ....................  401 / 126+
    Bathtub ................................  4 / 293+
        Metallic receptacle ................  220 / 293+
        Wooden barrel bung .................  217 / 107
    Boiler header ..........................  122 / 360+
        Tube ...............................  122 / 364+
    Bottles & jars .........................  215 / 200+
        Designs ............................  D09 / 435+
        Designs ............................  D09 / 414+
    Breech .................................  89 / 17+
    Building construction with .............  52 / 204.5+
    Bung hole ..............................  217 / 98+
        Foldaway device support ............  312 / 22
        Combined ...........................  312 / 22+
        Inner and outer ....................  312 / 291
        Sectional unit .....................  312 / 109+
    Check ..................................  16 / 82+
        Door closer combined ...............  16 / 49+
        Photographic plate holder ..........  396 / 522+
    Closet bowl ............................  4 / 253
        Obstruction remover combined .......  4 / 255.01+
    Coffin .................................  27 / 14+
    Cooking ovens ..........................  126 / 190+
    Disc manufacture of ....................  493 / 379+
    Dispensing .............................  222 / 544+
    Distilling apparatus ...................  202 / 242+
    Fastener ...............................  292
        Barrel .............................  217 / 89
        Bottle and jar .....................  215 / 273+
        Breakable neck bottle and jar ......  215 / 54+
        Burglar alarm combined .............  116 / 12+
        Cork retaining wire ................  140 / 85
        Envelope ...........................  229 / 77+
        House letter box ...................  232 / 23
        Keepers for ........................  292 / 340+
        Lantern reflector combined .........  362 / 374
        Letter sheet .......................  229 / 92.5+
        Marine hatch .......................  114 / 203
        Metallic receptacles ...............  220 / 315
        Paperboard box .....................  229 / 125.19+
        Pivoted type closure bottle ........  215 / 237+
        And jar ............................  215 / 237+
        Railway track joint ................  238 / 312
        Safes ..............................  109 / 59 R+
        Sectional metallic receptacle ......  220 / 7
    Fences .................................  256
    Flexible and portable ..................  160
    Flexible bag closure,misc ..............  383 / 42+
    Flexible, eg sliding desk top type .....  206 / 816*
    Floating roof type .....................  220 / 216+
    Foot pedal actuated ....................  220 / 262
    Friction held ..........................  220 / 796+
    Gas retorts ............................  48 / 124
        Fireplace summer front .............  126 / 540
        Stove draft control ................  126 / 160
    Hinged receptacle ......................  220 / 810+
    Horizontal building entry ..............  52 / 19+
    House paint can ........................  220 / 797+
    Humidifier .............................  312 / 31.1
    Ice bunker .............................  454 / 89
    Lock ...................................  70 / 77+
    Magnetic ...............................  220 / 230
    Mail box ...............................  232 / 45+
    Mailing sheet ..........................  229 / 92.5+
    Manhole ................................  404 / 25+
    Mesh sifter element ....................  209 / 391
    Motor vehicle ..........................  49
        Having vehicle system ..............  180 / 286
        Responsive to its position .........  180 / 286
        Related to theft prevention ........  180 / 289
        Responsive to vehicle movement .....  180 / 282+
        With vehicle feature ...............  296 / 146.1+
    Movable or removable ...................  49
    Oil cup lubricators ....................  184 / 90+
    Operator (see closer) .................  49 / 324+
        Alarm ..............................  116 / 100
        Burglar alarm ......................  116 / 85+
        Cabinet ............................  312 / 319.1+
        Car dumping tilting track ..........  414 / 354+
        Curtain shade screen see ..........  160
        Appropriate subclasses in ..........  160
        Elevator door ......................  187 / 313+
        Furnace door .......................  110 / 176+
        Gate ...............................  49 / 324+
        Pen-operated inkwell ...............  15 / 257.075
        Power plant x-art ..................  60 / 903*
        Railway dumping car ................  105 / 286+
        Railway dumping car control ........  105 / 311.1+
        Railway passenger car ..............  105 / 341+
        Receptacle and stand ...............  248 / 147
        Receptacle pivotally mounted .......  211 / 83
        On rack ............................  211 / 83
        Seat or cover ......................  4 / 245.1
        Sectional cabinet equalizers .......  312 / 110
        Showcase ...........................  312 / 139
        Stand combined .....................  248 / 147
        Stove door .........................  126 / 192
        Tilting receptacle and stand .......  248 / 134
    Ornamental,metal receptacle ............  220 / 376
    Partitions & panels, flexible & ........  160
    Portable ...............................  160
    Permanent ..............................  220 / 600+
    Pipe (tobacco) .........................  131 / 176+
    Pipe or conduit ........................  138 / 89+
        Railway tie end closure ............  238 / 104
    Protective grill or safety guard .......  49 / 50+
    Purses .................................  150 / 118+
    Railway rail joint .....................  238 / 312
    Receptacle .............................  220 / 200+
        Bag, flexible ......................  383 / 42+
        Barrels ............................  217 / 76+
        Baskets ............................  217 / 124
        Batteries ..........................  429 / 163+
        Bottles and jars ...................  215 / 200+
        Box type ...........................  211 / 85.17
        Bucket paper .......................  229 / 910+
        Bucket staved wooden ...............  217 / 76+
        Cigar cigarette smoking device .....  131 / 242
        Holder .............................  131 / 242
        Collapsible material guide .........  222 / 528
        Combined ...........................  222 / 528
        Combined with overflow for .........  126 / 384.1
        Liquid heater ......................  126 / 384.1
        Compartmented letter box ...........  232 / 25+
        Deposit and collection .............  232 / 44
        Receptacle .........................  232 / 44+
        Dispenser ..........................  222 / 544+
        Electrical boxes and housings ......  174 / 650
        Electrical outlet and ..............  220 / 3.8
        Junction box .......................  220 / 3.8
        Envelope ...........................  229 / 76+
        Flexible closure ...................  206 / 816*
        Folded blank paper bucket ..........  229 / 910+
        Lantern ............................  362 / 375
        Liquid heater overflow combined ....  126 / 384.1
        Lubricator valve combined ..........  184 / 80
        Metallic receptacles ...............  220 / 200+
        Milk pail ..........................  220 / 200+
        Mixing chamber .....................  366 / 347
        Movable material guide combined ....  222 / 531+
        Nuclear fuel .......................  376 / 434
        Oil cup ............................  184 / 88.1+
        Paper or web container .............  493 / 962*
        Paperboard box .....................  229 / 124+
        Purses .............................  150 / 118+
        Rack and closure ...................  211 / 71.01+
        Sectional for dispenser ............  222 / 502
        Sifter .............................  209 / 372
        Sliding apertured cap type .........  222 / 522+
        Spittoon ...........................  4 / 267+
        Surface condenser ..................  165 / 73+
        Tube ...............................  229 / 93
        Usable as cup or funnel ............  141 / 381
        Wooden boxes .......................  217 / 56+
    Safes ..................................  109 / 64+
    Screw-type .............................  220 / 288
    Ship opening ...........................  114 / 201 R+
    Showcase ...............................  312 / 138.1+
        Rack interconnected ................  312 / 129+
        Tray interconnected ................  312 / 127
    Sink ...................................  4 / 293+
    Soldered or sealed .....................  220 / 361
    Sorter for container closure ...........  209 / 928*
    Static mold ............................  249 / 204
    Stopper type ...........................  220 / 801+
    Tab tops ...............................  220 / 271
    Tie string .............................  493 / 962*
    Time controlled ........................  49 / 29+
    Tire casing ............................  152 / 515+
    Transparent ............................  220 / 377
        Boiler type sight glass ............  73 / 330+
        Door peep ..........................  49 / 171
        Sight glass ........................  73 / 334
        Stove oven door ....................  126 / 200
        Window .............................  49
    Valve ..................................  493 / 962*
    Vault pavement type ....................  404 / 25+
    Ventilating means combined with ........  454 / 196+
    Window .................................  454 / 196+
    Weatherstrip seal ......................  49 / 475.1+
    Well ...................................  166 / 325+
    Zipper, ie receptacle securement .......  206 / 810*
Cloth (See Fabric; Textile)  
    Abrasive filled ........................  51 / 294
    Bags ...................................  383
    Buttons covered ........................  24 / 92
        Making .............................  79 / 5
    Cleaning or polishing ..................  15 / 208+
    Cutting cloth stock ....................  83 / 936+
    Finishing ..............................  26
        Beating ............................  26 / 25+
        Cutting ............................  26 / 7+
        Expanding device for webs ..........  26 / 71+
        Inspecting .........................  26 / 70
        Napping ............................  26 / 29 R+
        Pile fabrics .......................  26 / 2 R+
        Rubbing ............................  26 / 27+
        Sheet stretching frame .............  38 / 102+
        Shrinking ..........................  26 / 18.5+
        Singeing ...........................  26 / 51+
        Stretching or spreading & ..........  26 / 51
        Working ............................  26 / 51+
        Tenter for webs ....................  26 / 89+
        Web spreader .......................  26 / 87+
        Web stretcher ......................  26 / 71+
            Biaxial ........................  26 / 72+
    Fireproof ..............................  427 / 223+
    Package ................................  242 / 160.1+
    Purses .................................  150 / 100+
    Unwinding ..............................  242 / 550+
    Winding ................................  242 / 520+
Clothes, Clothing (See Apparel)  
    Bed clothing ...........................  5 / 482
    Boots and shoes ........................  36
        Design .............................  D02 / 896+
    Brushes, bristle .......................  D04 / 130+
    Brushes, non-bristle ...................  D28 / 9+
    Card clothing ..........................  19 / 114
        Applying ...........................  140 / 97+
    Cleaning machines ......................  D32 / 1+
    Devices for putting on & removing ......  223 / 111+
    Dryers (see driers drying)  
    Handling devices  
        Laundry sticks .....................  294 / 23.5
        Tongs ..............................  294 / 8.5
    Hanger .................................  223 / 85+
    Holder on chairs .......................  297 / 188.03
    Knitted ................................  66 / 169 R+
        Design .............................  D02 / 749+
    Label ..................................  D05 / 63+
    Patterns ...............................  33 / 2 R+
    Pounder ................................  294 / 23.5
    Protecting against radiation ...........  976 / DIG 336
    Rack ...................................  211
        Bed attachment .....................  5 / 504.1+
    Sewing methods .........................  112 / 475.09+
        Headwear ...........................  112 / 475.11
        Stockings ..........................  112 / 475.12
        Trousers ...........................  112 / 475.13
    Thermal and electrical treatment .......  607 / 115+
    Cleaners ...............................  15 / 256.6
    Guide pulley ...........................  254 / 389+
    Isolated supports ......................  211 / 119.01+
    Props ..................................  248 / 353
    Reels ..................................  242 / 370+
        Reels ..............................  D08 / 358+
    Support or attachment ..................  D32 / 60+
Clothespin .................................  24 / 455+
    Bag design .............................  D32 / 36
    Clasps .................................  24 / 455+
    Design .................................  D32 / 61+
    One piece rigid ........................  24 / 570+
    Pivoted ................................  24 / 489+
    Resilient ..............................  24 / 530+
    Track or way guided ....................  24 / 522+
    Wire working making ....................  140 / 83
    Woodworking making .....................  144 / 9
Clotting (See Coagulating)  
    Analysis by coagulometer ...............  422 / 73
    Test with blood clotting foctor ........  435 / 13
Cloud Chamber ..............................  250 / 335
Clover Huller ..............................  460 / 15
Cloxacillin ................................  540 / 327
    Carrier for policemans weapon ..........  224 / 914*
    Exercise ...............................  482 / 109
    Exerciser type .........................  482 / 109
    Game ...................................  473 / 559+
        Design .............................  D21 / 722+
        For golf ...........................  473 / 282+
    Golf ...................................  473 / 282+
        Design .............................  D21 / 733+
    Juggling ...............................  482 / 109
    Police .................................  463 / 47.2+
Clutch (See Pawl; Rachet) .................  192
    Brake and ..............................  192 / 12 R+
        Coaster brakes .....................  192 / 217.3+
        Steering by driving ................  180 / 6.2+
    Crane ..................................  212 / 170+
    Eddy current ...........................  310 / 105+
    Electric clutch control system .........  310 / 92+
        Automatic ..........................  310 / 94+
    Electromagnetic ........................  310 / 103+
    Fishing reel ...........................  242 / 255+
    Freewheeling ...........................  192 / 41 R+
    Gear combined ..........................  192 / 20+
        Lathe carriage feeds ...............  82 / 132+
        Lathe transmissions ................  82 / 905*
        Mechanical movements ...............  74
        Metal rolling mill drives ..........  72 / 249
        Transmission and clutch ............  192 / 3.51
        Controls ...........................  192 / 3.51+
    Impact delivering ......................  173 / 93.5
    Intermittent grip type movement ........  74 / 111+
        Exhibiting device  
            Electrical control .............  40 / 463+
            Mechanical control .............  40 / 446+
        Automatic electric friction ........  192 / 40
        Operator electric friction .........  192 / 84.1+
    Mechanical clock .......................  968 / 73+
    Motor combined .........................  477
    Railway wheel and axle drive ...........  105 / 130
    Reversing mechanisms  
        Planers ............................  409 / 336
        Tapping ............................  408 / 123
    Side, in bolt to nut lock ..............  411 / 296+
    Take up ................................  192 / 110 R
        Exhibiting device  
            Electrical control .............  40 / 463+
            Mechanical control .............  40 / 446+
    Transmission combined ..................  192 / 3.51
        Crane ..............................  212 / 170+
            Compiler .......................  717
Coagulating ................................  516 / 98+
    Clotting of blood ......................  436 / 69
    Preventing, composition or process  
        Bituminous suspension ..............  516 / 38+
        Blood ..............................  435 / 2
        Composition, for chemical test .....  436 / 18
        Solid suspended in aqueous .........  516 / 31+
        Phase ..............................  516 / 77+
        Solid suspended in organic .........  516 / 31+
        Liquid .............................  516 / 31+
    Properties of fluids determining .......  73 / 64.41+
    Surgical ...............................  606 / 111+
        Electrical .........................  606 / 40
    Synthetic resin or natural rubber ......  528 / 480+
    Bag or carrier .........................  294 / 149+
        Building construction ..............  52 / 192+
        Charging or discharging ............  414 / 288
        Locomotive tender ..................  105 / 237
    Briquette ..............................  44 / 550+
    Buckets or hods ........................  220 / 2
    Cleaner or separator ...................  209
    Coking .................................  201
        Apparatus ..........................  202
    Comminutor .............................  241
    Compositions ...........................  44
    Conversion to hydrocarbon ..............  585 / 943*
    Cutter .................................  299 / 79.1+
        Endless flexible ...................  299 / 34.01+
        Rotary .............................  299 / 39.1+
        Boiler control .....................  122 / 449
        Boiler water grate combined ........  122 / 376
        Furnace structure ..................  110 / 101 R+
        Locomotive tender combined .........  105 / 232+
        Metallurgical furnace combined .....  266 / 176+
        Stokers ............................  110 / 267+
    Fertilizer containing ..................  71 / 24
    Gas making .............................  48
    Liquefaction ...........................  208 / 400+
    Locomotives see locomotive  
    Mineral oil recovery ...................  208 / 400+
    Mining .................................  299
    Ships ..................................  114 / 26+
    Shovels ................................  294 / 49+
    Stove ..................................  126
    Treating process .......................  44 / 620+
Coanda and Coanda Effect ...................  239 / DIG 7
    Flow affected by .......................  137 / 803
Coaptation Splints .........................  602 / 5
Coaptator ..................................  606 / 213+
Coast Artillery See Gun  
    Brake ..................................  192 / 217.1+
    Drink mat or holder ....................  D07 / 624.1
    Glass or tumbler .......................  248 / 346.11
    Toys (design) ..........................  D21 / 426
    Wagon ..................................  280 / 87.1+
    Apparel ................................  2 / 93+
    Boat mast ..............................  114 / 93
    Design .................................  D02 / 828+
        Combined with dress ................  D02 / 779
        Three piece ensemble ...............  D02 / 760+
    Forms ..................................  223 / 68+
    Hangers ................................  223 / 92+
        Design .............................  D06 / 315
Coated Article (See Type of Article) ......  428
    Electrolytically produced ..............  205 / 50+
    Explosive or thermic stock .............  149 / 3+
    Fuel ...................................  44 / 542
    Metal particle .........................  428 / 570
    Metal stock ............................  428 / 615+
    Anticorrosive ..........................  106 / 14.05+
    Apparatus ..............................  118
        Detearing ..........................  118 / 639
        Electromagnetic ....................  118 / 623
        Electrostatic ......................  118 / 621+
        Lubrication ........................  184
        Match dipping ......................  144 / 50+
        Mold metal casting .................  118
        Mold plastics ......................  118
        Paper hanging combined .............  156 / 574+
        Pipes ..............................  118 / 708+
        Pipes ..............................  118 / 105
        Pipes ..............................  118 / 125
        Pipes ..............................  118 / 404+
        Pipes ..............................  425 / 110+
        Pipes ..............................  425 / 460
        Printing ...........................  101
            Typecasting ....................  199
            Typesetting ....................  276
            Typewriting machines ...........  400
    Processes ..............................  427
        Medical or dental ..................  427 / 2.1+
        Purpose product ....................  427 / 2.1+
        Utilizing electrical, magnetic .....  427 / 457+
        Wave or particulate energy .........  427 / 457+
        Electrostatic ......................  427 / 458+
        Ion plating or ion .................  427 / 523+
        Implantation .......................  427 / 523+
        Semiconductor vapor doping .........  118 / 900*
        Xerographic transfer ...............  399 / 297+
    Applicator or applier ..................  15
        Material supply combined ...........  401
        Separable from supply ..............  401 / 118+
    Classifying separating assorting .......  209 / 47
    Solids by ..............................  209 / 47+
        Coated surface or mass .............  209 / 49+
    Cleaning by ............................  134 / 4
    Combined with other manufacturing  
    Operations (see particular art)  
    Composition (see composition  
        Window glass to prevent deposit ....  106 / 13
        And freezing of moisture ...........  106 / 13
    Electro less ...........................  427 / 304
    Implement ..............................  15 / 104.001+
        Material supply combined ...........  401
        (See brush, pens, etc)) ...........  401
    Metal founding combined ................  164
        Mold making with ...................  164 / 14
        Mold surface .......................  164 / 72+
        Workpiece ..........................  164 / 75
    Paper making combined  
        Apparatus ..........................  162 / 265+
        Process ............................  162 / 135+
    Paper undried ..........................  162 / 158+
    Plastic ................................  106
    Printing ...............................  101
    Processes ..............................  427
        Abrasive tool ......................  51 / 295
        Catalysts ..........................  502 / 100+
        Cathode sputtering .................  204 / 192.1+
        Dyeing combined ....................  8 / 495+
        Electrically conductive ............  427 / 58+
        Electro less .......................  427 / 304
        Electrolytic .......................  205 / 80+
        Electron emissive ..................  427 / 77+
        Electrophoretic or electro .........  204 / 471+
        Osmotic ............................  204 / 471+
        Electrostatic ......................  427 / 458+
        Foods ..............................  426 / 289+
        Metals by chemical action ..........  148 / 240+
            Carburizing or nitriding .......  148 / 206+
        Molds ..............................  427 / 133+
        Optical fibers .....................  427 / 163.2
        Textiles chemical modification .....  8 / 115.6
        Combined ...........................  8 / 115.6
        Utilizing flame spray or plasma ....  427 / 446+
    Recovery ...............................  427 / 345
        By electric spark or arc ...........  219 / 383+
    Repellent ..............................  106 / 3
        Manufacture ........................  65 / 24+
    Robot ..................................  901 / 43*
    Semiconductor ..........................  438
        Barrier layer composition ..........  252 / 62.3 R
    Synthetic resin or natural rubber  
    (See class 523, 524))  
    Testing ................................  73 / 150 R
    Textile operation combined  
        Braiding, netting or lace ..........  87 / 23
        Making .............................  87 / 23
        Covering or wrapping ...............  57 / 7
        Spinning twisting or twining .......  57 / 295+
        Warp preparation ...................  28 / 178+
    With glass mfg .........................  65 / 60.1
Coaxial Cables .............................  174 / 102 R+
    Making .................................  29 / 828
    Switch for .............................  200
    Wave guide type ........................  333 / 239+
Cobalamin Nucleotides ......................  536 / 26.4
    Nucleotide analogs .....................  536 / 26.42
    Nucleotide synthesis ...................  536 / 26.41
    Vitamin b - 12 .........................  536 / 26.4
Cobalamin, in Drug .........................  514 / 52
    Alloys .................................  420 / 435
        Coating ............................  205 / 269
        Synthesis ..........................  205 / 587+
    Heat treatment .........................  148 / 674
    Hydrometallurgy ........................  75 / 711+
    Metal stock ............................  428 / 668+
    Organic compounds containing ...........  556 / 138+
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 626
        Combined with hydrometallurgy ......  75 / 416+
    Radiation imagery ......................  430 / 936*
Cocaine ....................................  546 / 130
Cochineal Solution .........................  252 / 408.1
Cock (See Valve)  
    Abrading machines ......................  451 / 116
    Barrel bung ............................  217 / 99+
        With cutter or punch ...............  222 / 81+
    Carbide feed generator .................  48 / 40
    Design .................................  D23 / 233+
    Dispensing .............................  222 / 544+
    Nozzle terminal ........................  239 / 445
    Pinch ..................................  251 / 4+
    Sea ....................................  114 / 198
    Support ................................  248 / 67
    Test liquid level ......................  73 / 297
    Time actuated ..........................  137 / 624.11+
        With time indicator ................  137 / 552.7
Cocker .....................................  56 / 401+
    Firearms ...............................  42 / 40+
Cockpit ....................................  244 / 119+
Cocktail Shaker ............................  220 / 568
    Agitating feature ......................  366
    Design .................................  D07 / 300.1
Cocktail Stick .............................  D07 / 683
Cocoa Preparation ..........................  426 / 631
    Apparatus ..............................  99 / 467
Cocoanut ...................................  426 / 617
    Comminuting ............................  241
    Shelling ...............................  99 / 568+
Cod Liver Oil ..............................  554 / 1+
    Extraction .............................  554 / 8+
    Medicine containing ....................  424 / 555
Cod, Chemical Oxygen Demand Tests ..........  436 / 62
Code and Code Signaling  
    Card or tape punching ..................  83
        Code conversion ....................  234 / 69+
        Finger print as code for lock ......  70 / 277
        Punch selection ....................  234 / 94+
        Punch selector .....................  234 / 94+
        Selective ..........................  234
        Synthetic speech from ..............  704 / 258+
    Code conversion ........................  234 / 69
    Coded record  
        Magnetic record medium .............  360 / 131+
        Record controlled calculators ......  235 / 419+
        Records per se .....................  235 / 487+
        Sensors ............................  235 / 433+
        Vehicle ignition enabling ..........  307 / 10.3+
    Cryptography ...........................  434 / 56+
        Fraud preventing ...................  283 / 73
        Printed matter .....................  283 / 17
        Typewriter .........................  400 / 89+
    Digital data error correction ..........  714 / 746+
    Electric ...............................  340
        Boring (see auger; bit) ...........  178
        Transmitter ........................  341
    Error/fault detection techniques .......  714
    Handling & transmission of coded .......  178 / 2 R
    Intelligence ...........................  178 / 2 R
    Modulation system ......................  375 / 295+
        Modulator ..........................  341
        Telephone ..........................  375 / 222+
    Radio ..................................  375
        Transmitter ........................  375 / 295+
    Speech .................................  704 / 200+
    Teaching ...............................  434 / 222
    Train control ..........................  246 / 175
    Train dispatching ......................  246 / 7+
    Visual or audible ......................  116 / 18+
Codeine ....................................  546 / 44
    In drug ................................  514 / 282
Coffee .....................................  426 / 594+
    Apparatus ..............................  99 / 568+
    Balls ..................................  426 / 279
    Cafeteria service unit .................  D34 / 14
    Coating ................................  426 / 289+
    Grinder ................................  D07 / 372+
    Grinding mill ..........................  241
    Maker ..................................  D07 / 300+
        Household type .....................  D07 / 300+
    Pot ....................................  99 / 279+
        Handle, asymmetric .................  D08 / DIG 9
        Strainer ...........................  210 / 464+
    Preservation ...........................  426 / 330.2
    Roaster ................................  D07 / 323+
    Substitutes ............................  426 / 596+
Cofferdam ..................................  405 / 11
Coffin .....................................  27 / 2+
    Alarm systems ..........................  340 / 573.1+
    Casings portable .......................  27 / 35
    Design .................................  D99 / 1+
    Hearses ................................  296 / 18+
    Lid fasteners ..........................  27 / DIG 1
    Lowering devices .......................  27 / 32
        Cable ..............................  254 / 264+
Coherers ...................................  329 / 371
    Resistors for ..........................  338 / 1
Coil (See Spring)  
    Bimetallic thermometer .................  374 / 204
    Covers and cases .......................  206 / 303
    Electrical .............................  336
    Electromagnet ..........................  335 / 299+
        Armature combined ..................  335 / 220+
        Electrotherapeutic .................  600 / 13+
        In audio reproducer ................  381 / 396+
        Making .............................  29 / 605+
        Making laminated ...................  156
        Surgical ...........................  600 / 9+
        Switch .............................  335 / 250
        Winding method and apparatus .......  242 / 430+
    Electromagnetic switch .................  335 / 299+
        Winding method and apparatus .......  242 / 430+
    Evaporator rotatable heater ............  159 / 25.1
        Cleaning implement .................  15 / 225
        Wire ...............................  245 / 6
        Wire mesh ..........................  140 / 92.3+
    Form electric ..........................  336 / 199+
    Holder winding and reeling .............  242 / 129
    Induction ..............................  336
        Body treatment .....................  600 / 9+
        Check operated switch combined .....  194 / 239+
        Coupling networks ..................  333 / 24 R+
        Electric systems ...................  323 / 355
        Furnace core-type ..................  373 / 160
        Furnace coreless ...................  373 / 152+
        Heaters ............................  219 / 600+
        In telephone terminal ..............  379 / 391+
        Metal heating ......................  219 / 602+
        Telephone movably actuated .........  381 / 396+
        Telephone repeating type ...........  379 / 344+
        Transformer ........................  336
        Tuners radio .......................  334 / 71+
    Liquid cooler ..........................  62 / 399
    Liquid heater central standpipe ........  122 / 244
    Water tube .............................  122 / 244+
    Liquid heater flue type internal .......  122 / 169
    Water tube .............................  122 / 169+
    Liquid heater water tube ...............  122 / 247+
    Loading communication lines ............  178 / 46
    Making miscellaneous ...................  29 / 606+
    Pipe making ............................  72 / 135
    Resistance electrical ..................  338 / 296+
    Shield electric ........................  174 / 350
        With coil ..........................  336 / 84 R+
        Bed bottom with attached slats .....  5 / 245
        Bed bottom with connecting .........  5 / 235
        Fabric .............................  5 / 235
        Spiral bed bottom ..................  5 / 256
        Top connection bed bottom ..........  5 / 272
    Thermostat compound bar ................  428 / 616
    Transformer ............................  336
        Telegraph system ...................  178 / 64
        Tuners radio .......................  334 / 59+
Coiling (See Winding and Coiling)  
Coin and Coining See Check .................  72 / 359
        Closure ............................  232 / 55+
        Fare ...............................  232 / 7+
        Savings ............................  232 / 4 R+
        Toy ................................  446 / 8+
    Brassiere with coin pocket .............  450 / 89
    Card and container .....................  D18 / 3.1
    Cash register, coin refund device ......  235 / 7 A
    Change holding machines ................  D99 / 34+
    Change makers ..........................  453 / 1+
    Check-controlled apparatus .............  194
        Coin ejection ......................  194 / 342
        Coin return ........................  194 / 344+
            Controlled by coin size or .....  194 / 334+
            Weight .........................  194 / 334+
            Controlled by machine ..........  194 / 200
            Operation ......................  194 / 200
            Empty dispensing magazine ......  194 / 200
        Coin slot closers ..................  194 / 351
        Different values for different .....  194 / 227
        Coins ..............................  194 / 227
        Multiple coin ......................  194 / 229+
        Multiple coin, electrical ..........  194 / 230+
    Chute ..................................  193 / DIG 1
        Arcade-type viewer projector .......  D16 / 226
        Billard table ......................  473 / 24
        Circuit maker-breaker digest .......  200 / DIG 3
        Corn popper ........................  99 / 323.6
        Lock ...............................  70 / DIG 41
        Phonograph .........................  D14 / 173
            Jukebox ........................  D14 / 173
        Print machines .....................  101 / DIG 44
        Telegraphy system ..................  178 / 2 F
        Telephony system ...................  379 / 143+
            Telephone design ...............  D14 / 146
        Vending machines ...................  D20 / 1+
    Coining ................................  72 / 359
    Counting apparatus .....................  453 / 58+
    Deliverer ..............................  232 / 64+
    Delivering apparatus ...................  453 / 18+
    Detector ...............................  194 / 302+
    Dispensing receptacle ..................  453 / 18+
    For electronic commerce ................  705 / 26
    Handling ...............................  453
        Controlled apparatus ...............  194
    Holder or tray .........................  206 / .8
        Design .............................  D99 / 24
        Pocketbook-type design .............  D99 / 34
        Wrapper or holder ..................  493 / 945*
    Mats ...................................  206 / .8+
    Metal work by deflection  
        Helix ..............................  72 / 135+
        Orbiting tool ......................  72 / 66
        Spiral .............................  72 / 146+
    Meters .................................  194
    Money holder-receptacle ................  232 / 1 D
    Packaging ..............................  453 / 59
    Packing apparatus ......................  53 / 532+
    Purse ..................................  150 / 150+
        Design .............................  D03 / 232+
        Keyholder combined .................  D03 / 208
    Receptacles and packages ...............  206 / .8+
    Register, electrically operated ........  377 / 7
        Electronic .........................  705 / 16
            Calculating sales tax ..........  705 / 19
            Connected to multiple ..........  705 / 21
            Registers, controlled by host ..  705 / 21
            Keyboard features ..............  705 / 25
            Reading electronic price .......  705 / 20
            Labels .........................  705 / 20
            Tracking inventory .............  705 / 22
            With electronic funds transfer .  705 / 17
            With output features ...........  705 / 24
            With theft preventors ..........  705 / 18
    Sorters ................................  453 / 3+
    Stacking ...............................  453 / 61+
    Symbolic token or ornament .............  D11 / 95
    Tester .................................  73 / 163
        For coin controlled apparatus ......  194 / 302+
        Scales .............................  177 / 51
    Tokens or coin type checks .............  40 / 27.5
    Traps ..................................  232 / 55+
    Wrappers ...............................  229 / 87.2
    Wrapping machines ......................  53 / 212+
    Apparatus for making ...................  202 / 96+
        Autothermic ........................  202 / 91+
        Autothermic and thermolytic ........  202 / 85+
        Distillation combined ..............  202 / 85+
        Separatory & thermolytic ...........  202 / 84
        Distillation combined ..............  202 / 84
    Fuel ...................................  44 / 607
        Briquette ..........................  44 / 591
    Processes of making ....................  201
        Mineral oil feed ...................  208 / 46+
        Refining combined ..................  201 / 17
    Pushing machines .......................  414 / 160+
    Quenchers ..............................  239 / 750+
Colamine ...................................  564 / 503
Colander ...................................  210 / 415
    Plunger combined .......................  241 / 84.2
Colchicine, in Drug ........................  514 / 629
Cold Cream .................................  514 / 772+
Cold Frame .................................  47 / 19.1
Cold Squirting .............................  72 / 267
Cold Trap ..................................  62 / 55.5
Cold Welding ...............................  228 / 115+
    Representative of real object ..........  428 / 39
Collagen ...................................  530 / 356+
    Bed ....................................  5 / 12.1+
    Can (beverage) .........................  224 / 906*
    Core bar ...............................  164 / 400
    Paperboard box .........................  229 / 117.01+
    Receptacle .............................  222 / 92+
    Sign ...................................  40 / 610
    Steering post ..........................  280 / 777
    Toy ....................................  446 / 487+
        Building ...........................  446 / 478
    Tube ...................................  138 / 119
        Receptacle .........................  222 / 92
    Weigher ................................  177 / 126
    Work holder ............................  269 / 901*
    And tether - animal securing ...........  119 / 792+
    Animal .................................  119 / 858+
        Design .............................  D30 / 152
    Apparel ................................  2 / 129+
        Coat ...............................  2 / 98+
        Design .............................  D02 / 602+
        Design, fur ........................  D02 / 601
        Ironing ............................  223 / 52.1+
        Making .............................  223 / 2+
        Making, x-art ......................  83 / 901*
        Protectors .........................  2 / 60
        Receptacle flexible ................  206 / 278+
        Shirt attached .....................  2 / 116
        Weaving ............................  139 / 385.5
    Buttoners ..............................  24 / 40
    Buttons ................................  24 / 101 R+
    Horse ..................................  54 / 19.1+
        Design .............................  D30 / 137
        Hame combined ......................  54 / 18.1+
        Shaping ............................  69 / 3
        Stuffing ...........................  69 / 4
    Lamp shade support .....................  362 / 443
    Puller .................................  29 / 700+
    Rod collar joint .......................  403 / 230+
    Stovepipe ..............................  126 / 315
    Supports ...............................  2 / 132
Collators ..................................  270 / 52.01+
    With feeding ...........................  271 / 287
Collecting Mechanism (See Device With  
    Which combined)  
    Carbon black ...........................  422 / 150+
Collection Receptacle and Chamber ..........  232
    Abrading device ........................  451 / 453
    Earth boring combined ..................  175
    Railway passenger car dust guard .......  105 / 352
    Stove ashpan ...........................  126 / 242+
    Street sweeping machine ................  15 / 83+
    Wiping daubing polishing implement .....  15 / 221
        In arc lamp ........................  314 / 129
        Ring ...............................  310 / 232
        To moving object ...................  191
        Vehicle transmission ...............  191 / 45 R+
    Roof shingles or tiles .................  126 / 622
    Chuck ..................................  279 / 46.1+
        Split socket .......................  279 / 43.1+
    Horological hair spring ................  368 / 177
    Insertion / removal tool ...............  29 / 213.1
    Image projector having .................  353 / 102
    Light beam projector having ............  362 / 257+
        Faceted reflector ..................  362 / 297+
    Optical system .........................  356 / 138+
    Signal reflector having ................  359 / 529+
    Testing device having ..................  356 / 153
Collisions See Protection  
    Avoidance ..............................  367 / 909*
        Aircraft systems ...................  342 / 29
        Ship systems .......................  342 / 41
Collocating Gauge ..........................  33 / 613+
Collodion ..................................  106 / 169.01+
Colloid Systems, and Making ................  516
    Or breaking ............................  516
Cologne ....................................  D28 / 5
Colophony See Rosin  
Color & Coloring (See Dyeing;Pigment)  
    Application training ...................  434 / 81+
    Assorting by ...........................  209 / 580
        Color display ......................  434 / 98+
        Unknown color test .................  356 / 421+
    Electrophotographic copier .............  399 / 39+
    Filter .................................  359 / 885+
        Photographic chemically defined ....  430 / 6+
    Flowers by absorption of dye ...........  427 / 4
    Food ...................................  426 / 540+
        Preserving or modifying color ......  426 / 262
    Fresh flowers ..........................  47 / 58.1 CF
    Glass heat developed ...................  65 / 111+
    Lanterns ...............................  362 / 166+
        Signal .............................  362 / 168
    Luminous, inorganic ....................  252 / 301.6 R+
    Luminous, organic ......................  252 / 301.16
    Mineral oil ............................  208 / 12
    Musical instrument accessory ...........  84 / 464 R
    Paper ..................................  8
    Photography see photography ............  430 / 357+
        Separation record making ...........  430 / 356
    Seams ..................................  112 / 17
Colorimeter ................................  356 / 402+
    Chemical analysis, apparatus ...........  422 / 82.09
    Photoelectric ..........................  250 / 226
    Visual or photoelectric ................  356 / 402+
        With computer ......................  701 / 1
        With light conductor ...............  250 / 227.23
Colorimetric Radiation Dosimeter ...........  250 / 474.1
    Bags ...................................  604 / 338+
    Receptacle engaging stoma ..............  604 / 332+
Colter .....................................  172
    Bearings ...............................  384 / 157
    Plow combined ..........................  172 / 165+
    Rolling ................................  172 / 518+
Column (See Mast; Pole; Post) .............  52 / 831+
    Aerated column pump ....................  417 / 108+
    Design .................................  D25 / 126+
    Fractionating ..........................  261 / 75+
        Combined ...........................  202 / 158+
        Mineral oil ........................  196 / 139
        Still combined .....................  202 / 153+
    Making .................................  29 / 897.33
    Openwork ...............................  52 / 633+
    Static mold ............................  249 / 48
Comb and Combing ...........................  D28 / 21+
        Brush machine ......................  15 / 39
        Comb combined ......................  132 / 119
        Implement ..........................  15 / 104.5+
    Cornstalk huskers ......................  56 / 114+
    Cotton harvester .......................  56 / 34+
    Curry ..................................  119 / 625+
        Design .............................  D30 / 159
    Fiber liberating .......................  19 / 29
    Fiber working ..........................  19 / 115 R+
    Grids combined .........................  15 / 142
    Hair ...................................  132 / 219+
        Design .............................  D28 / 21
    Hat fasteners ..........................  132 / 61
    Honey foundation .......................  449 / 44+
    Honey frames ...........................  449 / 42+
    Kits toilet ............................  132 / 121
    Leather manufactures ...................  69 / 27
    Making wire ............................  140 / 100
    Making wood ............................  144 / 26
    Making, x-art ..........................  83 / 908*
    Making, x-art ..........................  425 / 805*
    Music ..................................  84 / 94.1+
    Scissors combined ......................  7 / 136+
    Seed gatherers .........................  56 / 127+
    Surgical ...............................  607 / 79
        Fiber preparation ..................  19 / 115 R+
        Thread finishing ...................  28 / 222+
        Warp preparing .....................  28 / 212+
Comber Board ...............................  139 / 86
Combinational Code  
    Conversion, for punching ...............  234 / 69+
    Punching, selective ....................  234
Combustion (See Thermal) ..................  431
    Attenuating sound ......................  431 / 114
    Burner control .........................  431 / 18+
    Chamber ................................  431 / 350+
        Exhaust pump .......................  431 / 157
        Fluid fuel burner ..................  431 / 308+
        Fluid fuel burner ..................  431 / 350+
        Outlet forms jet nozzle ............  431 / 158
        Pre-chamber ........................  123 / 253+
    Control of nitrous oxides ..............  60 / 900*
    Earth boring by ........................  175 / 12
    Earth in situ ..........................  166 / 256
    Engine .................................  123
        Exhaust treatment ..................  60 / 272+
            Combustion products with .......  60 / 39.5+
        Fluid injector .....................  239 / 584+
        Fluid motor combined ...............  60 / 616+
            Free piston device .............  60 / 596
            Vacuum generated ...............  60 / 397
            Waste heat driven motor ........  60 / 597+
        Pump drive .........................  417 / 364
        Pump regulator .....................  417 / 34
        Reaction motor .....................  60 / 200.1+
        Reaction motor with aircraft .......  244 / 74
        Rotary piston ......................  123 / 200+
        Temperature measurement ............  374 / 144+
        Turbine combined ...................  60 / 598+
        Turbine combined, product ..........  60 / 39.34+
    Failure responsive fuel safety .........  137 / 65+
    Cutoff .................................  137 / 65+
    Fumigant ...............................  424 / 40+
    Improver for solid fuel ................  44 / 641
    Processes ..............................  431 / 2+
        Exhaust treatment ..................  60 / 272+
        Fire extinguishing agent ...........  169 / 12
        Generator ..........................  60 / 722+
        Power plant ........................  60 / 39.01+
    Pulsating ..............................  431 / 1
    Pump ...................................  417 / 73+
Comforters .................................  5 / 502+
    Bedding ................................  D06 / 596
    Electronic .............................  705 / 26
        Charge determination at remote .....  705 / 77
        Site with encrypted data ...........  705 / 77
            Communication between two ......  705 / 79
            Financial networks .............  705 / 79
            Display of products ............  705 / 27
            With third party ...............  705 / 78
Comminuting ................................  241
    Liquid metal ...........................  75 / 331+
    Refrigeration combined .................  62 / 320
    Refuse treatment means .................  110 / 222
    Rock in situ ...........................  299
    Shredding metal ........................  29 / 4.51+
    Shredding metal and sintering ..........  419 / 33
    Strainer combined ......................  210 / 173+
        Combined ...........................  201 / 7+
    Tobacco ................................  131 / 311+
        Feeding combined ...................  131 / 109.1
    Vegetables and meat ....................  241
Comminutor Element .........................  241 / 293+
    With cooperating surface ...............  241 / 261.1
    Dry closet .............................  4 / 449+
Communication Equipment See Type  
    Of equipment desired  
    Aids for handicapped ...................  434 / 112+
    Demodulators ...........................  329
    Electrical .............................  340
        Alarms .............................  340 / 500+
        Audible, eg simulated noise in .....  340 / 384.3+
        Trainers ...........................  340 / 384.3+
        Character recognition systems ......  382
        Code converters ....................  341
        Code transmitters ..................  341 / 173+
            Operator controlled ............  341 / 20+
        Compressional wave .................  367
        Continuously variable ..............  340 / 870.01+
        Indicating, eg telemetering ........  340 / 870.01+
        Digital comparator systems .........  340 / 146.2+
        Echo systems .......................  367 / 87+
        Elevator call ......................  187 / 380+
        Error checking systems .............  714
        Image analysis .....................  382
        Selective, eg remote control .......  340 / 7.2+
        Pager, eg beeper ...................  340 / 7.2+
            In well bore ...................  340 / 853.3+
        Signals, visual ....................  340 / 815.4+
        Tactual indication .................  340 / 407.1
        Traffic control signal .............  340 / 907+
        Underwater .........................  367 / 131+
        Vehicle mounted signal .............  340 / 425.5+
        Well bore, compressional wave ......  367 / 81+
        Well bore, electrical ..............  340 / 853.1+
    Facsimile ..............................  358
    Light wave .............................  398 / 1+
    Modulated carrier wave .................  455
    Communications systems .................  455
    Modulators .............................  332
    Multiplexing ...........................  370
    Non-electric miscellaneous .............  116
    Pulse or digital .......................  375
    Radio ..................................  455
    Recorders ..............................  346
        Recording registers & ..............  235
        Calculators ........................  235
        Sound recorders ....................  369
    Telecommunications .....................  455
    Telegraphic carrier wave ...............  375
    Telegraphy .............................  178
    Telephony ..............................  379
    Television .............................  375 / 240.01+
    Videophone .............................  348 / 14.01+
Commutation Book and Ticket ................  283 / 26
    Bars ...................................  310 / 233+
    Brushes ................................  310 / 248+
        Holders ............................  310 / 239
    Flanging tube to hold segments .........  29 / 243.517+
    Grinders ...............................  451 / 418
    Making .................................  29 / 597
        Assembling apparatus ...............  29 / 732+
    Structure ..............................  310 / 233+
    Turning portable lathe .................  82 / 128
    Type motors  
        Alternating current ................  310 / 173+
        Universal ..........................  310 / 158
Compacting (See Jarring)  
    Agitating ..............................  366
    Beverage infuser combined ..............  99 / 287
    Burnishing .............................  29 / 90.01+
    Cooking apparatus combined .............  99 / 349+
    Earth boring by ........................  175 / 19+
    Foundry mold sand ......................  164 / 37+
    Glass manufacturing ....................  65 / 111+
    Leather hammering ......................  69 / 1
    Machinery design .......................  D15 / 20
    Metals .................................  419 / 61
        With sintering .....................  419
    Nuclear fuel ...........................  264 / .5
    Pipe making combined ...................  425 / 110+
    Pipe making combined ...................  425 / 262
    Powder metallurgy ......................  419 / 38
        Slip or slurry .....................  419 / 40
    Presses and pressing ...................  100
        Foundry mold material ..............  164 / 207+
    Receptacle filling combined ............  141 / 71+
        Bag ................................  53 / 523+
    Refuse treatment means .................  110 / 223
    Textile thread .........................  26 / 18.6
    Trash bundle ...........................  428 / 2
Compactor ..................................  D15 / 20
Compacts ...................................  132 / 293+
    Absent special toilet article ..........  401 / 126+
    Design .................................  D28 / 78
    Illuminated ............................  362 / 135+
Compander ..................................  333 / 14
    Compressor amplifier  
        Thru bias control ..................  330 / 129+
        Thru impedance control .............  330 / 144+
        Thru thermal impedance control .....  330 / 143
    Expander amplifier  
        Thru bias control ..................  330 / 129+
        Thru impedance control .............  330 / 144+
        Thru thermal impedance control .....  330 / 143
    In electrical recording or .............  369 / 174
    Reproducing ............................  369 / 174
    Configuration ..........................  356 / 388+
    Microscope subcombination ..............  359 / 368+
    Optical ................................  356
    Projection type ........................  356 / 391+
        Freight ............................  244 / 118.1+
        Passenger ..........................  244 / 118.5+
        Safety lowering device .............  244 / 140+
    Bed element ............................  5 / 308
    Boiler .................................  122 / 37+
    Building ...............................  52 / 234+
    Cigar cigarette smoking device .........  131 / 242
    Holder .................................  131 / 242
    Land vehicle bodies ....................  296 / 24.46+
        Luggage ............................  296 / 37.1+
    Marine .................................  114 / 78
    Motormans ..............................  105 / 342
    Pillow .................................  5 / 645
        Apparel pocket .....................  2 / 253
        Bag, flexible ......................  383 / 38
        Bag, multiple pocket ...............  383 / 38+
        Baggage convertible to .............  190 / 3
        Furniture type bureau ..............  190 / 3+
        Barrel .............................  217 / 75
        Beverage infuser ...................  99 / 316+
        Bottles and jars ...................  215 / 6
        Cabinet ............................  312
        Collapsible ........................  222 / 94
        Cover for barrel ...................  217 / 82
        Dispenser ..........................  222 / 129+
        Drying apparatus rotary drum .......  34 / 109
        Envelope ...........................  229 / 72
        Fire extinguishers .................  169 / 71+
        House type letter box ..............  232 / 21
        Ice in wooden receptacle ...........  217 / 130
        Kilns and driers ...................  34 / 209+
        Letter box .........................  232 / 24+
        Material holder for heating ........  432 / 213+
        Medication containing ..............  604 / 403+
        Metallic ...........................  220 / 500+
        Nested drum driers .................  34 / 128
        Oil vaporizer ......................  196 / 111
        Paperboard box .....................  229 / 120.02+
        Pitcher ............................  222 / 129+
        Purse ..............................  150 / 112+
        Showcase ...........................  312 / 117+
        Sifter .............................  209 / 373
        Spaced wall or jacket ..............  220 / 560.1+
        Special receptacles ................  206
        Traveling bags .....................  190 / 109+
        Type cases .........................  276 / 44+
        Washing machine tumbling drum ......  68 / 139+
        Wooden box .........................  217 / 7+
    Safes ..................................  109 / 53+
        Movable ............................  109 / 45+
    Secret cabinet with ....................  312 / 204
    Sofa bed element .......................  5 / 58
    Tub ....................................  4 / 514
        Bathing ............................  4 / 539
        Wash ...............................  4 / 639+
    Water closet flush tank ................  4 / 363+
    Course recorder ........................  346 / 8
    Design .................................  D19 / 38
    Divider ................................  33 / 558.01+
    Gyromagnetic ...........................  33 / 316+
    Gyroscopic .............................  33 / 324+
    Magnetic ...............................  33 / 355 R+
    Repeater stations combined .............  340 / 870.15+
    Saws ...................................  83 / 835+
    Scriber ................................  33 / 27.02
        Beam type ..........................  33 / 27.03
    Scriber compound .......................  33 / 26
    Abrading tool wear .....................  451 / 540+
    Alternating current phase ..............  323 / 212
    Backlash ...............................  409 / 146
        Gear cutter ........................  409 / 5
    Brake wear .............................  188 / 214+
    Clock and watch balances ...............  368 / 171
        Regulating .........................  368 / 170
    Clock pendulums ........................  368 / 182
    Clutch .................................  192 / 110 R
    Compass magnetic .......................  33 / 356+
    Conductor electric .....................  174 / 12 R+
    Flow meter .............................  73 / 254
    Fluid pressure .........................  138 / 26+
    Gearing ................................  475 / 220+
        Gearless differential ..............  74 / 650
    Gun sight ..............................  89 / 200+
    Internal combustion engine .............  123 / 192.1
    Lamp electric ..........................  314 / 13+
    Musical instrument winding .............  84 / 131
    Pump pressure ..........................  417 / 540+
    Railway switch interlocking ............  246 / 152+
    Thermometer ............................  374 / 197
        For thermocouple circuit ...........  374 / 181
        Reference junction .................  374 / 181
    Transmission electric ..................  333 / 18
    Valve ..................................  137 / 625.34+
    Vehicle ................................  180 / 76
    Vehicle steering .......................  180 / 6.24+
    Weighing scale temperature .............  177 / 226+
    Expansion or contraction  
        Static mold ........................  249 / 82
Compliance Device ..........................  33 / 832
    Robot ..................................  901 / 45*
    Typesetting ............................  276
        Sticks .............................  276 / 38+
Composite Article See Laminate  
    All metal or with adjacent metals ......  428 / 615+
    Making by powder metallurgy ............  419 / 5
    Multipart article shaping ..............  264 / 45.1+
    Static mold for making .................  249 / 83+
    Winding permanently on article .........  242 / 430
Composition (See Type) ....................  252
    Abrasive ...............................  51 / 293+
    Abscission .............................  504 / 162+
    Absorbent ..............................  502 / 400+
    Algicides ..............................  504 / 150+
    Alloy ..................................  420
    Antagonist .............................  504 / 103+
    Antibiotic mixture .....................  424 / 114
    Antidote ...............................  504 / 103+
    Antifog ................................  106 / 287.1+
    Antihemorrhagic ........................  424
    Aquatic plant destruction ..............  504 / 150+
    Asphalt, tar, pitch ....................  106
        Mineral oil only ...................  208 / 22
    Biocidal ...............................  424
        Coating or plastic combined ........  106 / 15.05+
        Mineral oil only ...................  208 / 2
        Radionuclide containing ............  424 / 1.11+
    Candles ................................  44 / 275
    Catalytic ..............................  502 / 100+
    Ceramic ................................  501 / 1+
    Chemiluminiscent .......................  252 / 700
        Combined light source ..............  362 / 34
    Coating ................................  106
        Match splint .......................  149 / 3+
        Metal base reactive ................  148 / 240+
        Mold ...............................  106 / 38.22+
    Colloid system .........................  516+
        Metal casting ......................  106 / 38.2+
        Plastic molding ....................  106 / 38.2+
    Crayons ................................  106 / 31.07+
    Crosslinking ...........................  252 / 182.11+
    Curing .................................  252 / 182.11+
    Defoliant ..............................  504 / 162+
    Desiccant ..............................  504 / 162+
    Desuckering ............................  504 / 184+
    Detergent for cleaning solid ...........  510
    Surfaces ...............................  510
        Liquid .............................  510 / 405+
    Diagnostic biological ..................  424 / 9.1+
    Dielectric fluid .......................  252 / 570+
        Hydrocarbon ........................  585 / 6.3+
    Distilling apparatus ...................  202 / 267.1
    Dwarfing ...............................  504 / 174+
    Dye ....................................  8
    Electric insulation fluid ..............  252 / 570+
        Hydrocarbon ........................  585 / 6.3
    Electrically conductive ................  252 / 500+
    Electrode (see electrodes)  
    Electrolyte ............................  205
        Battery ............................  429 / 188+
        Condenser or rectifier .............  252 / 62.2
    Electron emissive ......................  252 / 500+
    Embalming ..............................  424 / 75
    Emulsifying ............................  516 / 9+
    Explosive ..............................  149
    Fertilizer .............................  71
    Fire extinguishing .....................  252 / 2+
    Flux ...................................  148 / 23+
    Food and beverage ......................  99
    Friction for matches ...................  149
    Fuel ...................................  44
        Gaseous ............................  48 / 197 R+
        Jet ................................  149 / 1
        Mineral oil only ...................  208 / 15+
    Growth regulating for plants ...........  504 / 116.1+
    Hardening ..............................  252 / 182.11+
    Hazardous waste containment ............  588 / 249+
    Herbicides .............................  504 / 116.1+
    High boiling ...........................  252 / 71
    Humidistatic ...........................  252 / 194
    Hydrocarbon ............................  585 / 1+
    Inorganic materials only ...............  106 / 286.1
        Fluent electric ....................  252 / 570+
    Interactive ............................  252 / 183.11+
    Light transmission modifying ...........  252 / 582
    Low pour point .........................  252 / 71
    Lubricant ..............................  508
        Mineral oil only ...................  208 / 18+
    Luminous, inorganic ....................  252 / 301.6 R+
    Luminous, organic ......................  252 / 301.16
    Mantle .................................  252 / 492
    Match ..................................  149
    Medicinal ..............................  424
    Mold forming ...........................  106 / 38.2+
    Molten metal treatment .................  75 / 303+
    Monomers ...............................  252 / 182.11+
    Non-interactive ........................  252 / 182.11+
    Optical filter .........................  252 / 582+
    Photo conductive .......................  430 / 56+
        Developing .........................  430 / 464+
        Sensitizing ........................  430 / 570+
        Sensitizing and developing .........  430 / 486+
    Plastic ................................  106
        Mineral oil only ...................  208 / 22+
    Polymer precursors .....................  252 / 182.11+
    Pyrotechnic ............................  149 / 37+
    Radioactive ............................  252 / 625+
        Medicinal ..........................  424 / 1.11+
        Production .........................  376 / 171
    Roller .................................  492
    Rubber containing (see synthetic  
    Resin or natural rubber)  
    Safener ................................  504 / 103+
    Soap, raw ..............................  252 / 367.1
    Soil life extender .....................  504 / 113
    Stunting ...............................  504 / 174+
    Tanning ................................  8 / 94.19 R+
    Textile treating  
        Durable finishes ...................  252 / 8.61+
        Processing aids ....................  252 / 8.81+
        (E.g., spin finish) ................  252 / 8.81+
    Thermoelectric .........................  136 / 236.1+
    Toxic waste containment ................  588 / 249+
    Undertaking ............................  424 / 75
    Utilizing wave energy ..................  522 / 71+
    Vulcanizing ............................  252 / 182.11+
    Water softening ........................  252 / 175+
    Wax ....................................  106
        Mineral oil only ...................  208 / 20+
    Welding flux ...........................  148 / 23+
    Wick ...................................  502 / 400
    X-ray contrast .........................  424 / 9.4+
Compound (See Type)  
    Casting metal ..........................  164 / 91
        Electrolytic production of .........  205 / 477+
    Hydrocarbon ............................  585 / 16+
    Lumber .................................  52 / 782.1+
        Beam ...............................  52 / 847+
        Mail receiving .....................  52 / 364+
    Metallic stock .........................  428 / 615+
    Organic ................................  260
        Electrolytic production of .........  205 / 413+
        Electromagnetic production of ......  204 / 157.15+
        Electrostatic or electric ..........  204 / 165
        Discharge production of ............  204 / 165+
        Fermentative production of .........  435
        Mineral oils .......................  208
        Sugar and starch ...................  127
    Refrigeration ..........................  62 / 332+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 175
    Steam engines ..........................  91 / 152+
    Temperature sensing member .............  428 / 616
        In thermometer .....................  374 / 205+
    Tools ..................................  7
Compressed Air See Pneumatic and  
    Fluid operated  
    Vehicle brakes .........................  303
Compressing Apparatus See Compressor, ......  417
    Molding, pressing, shaping .............  417
    Barrel .................................  147 / 4+
        Binding combined ...................  56 / 432+
        Shocker combined ...................  56 / 430
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588 / 249+
    Containment ............................  588 / 249+
    Refrigeration ..........................  62 / 498+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 190+
    Rims ...................................  157 / 2
        Die ................................  413 / 31+
        Folding combined ...................  413 / 27+
        Roller .............................  413 / 31+
        Tube side seam .....................  72 / 48+
    Snow ...................................  37 / 225+
    Tobacco plug making ....................  131 / 111+
Compression Member (See Column)  
    Spring .................................  267 / 70+
Compressional Wave  
    Generators .............................  116 / 137 R
    Submarine signal .......................  367 / 131+
        Brassiere design ...................  D02 / 706+
        Brassiere or chest bandage .........  450 / 1+
        Corset or girdle ...................  450 / 94+
        Corset or girdle design ............  D02 / 702+
        For upper leg or thigh .............  450 / 101
    Design of machine ......................  D15 / 7+
    Gas pumps ..............................  417
    Refrigerator compressor muffler ........  181 / 403*
    Tube pinching valve ....................  137 / 384.2+
Comptometer ................................  235 / 82 C
    Applications & systems .................  700 / 90+
    Artificial intelligence see  
    Artificial intelligence  
    Automatic control of recorder ..........  360 / 69+
    Mechanism ..............................  360 / 69+
    Cassette ...............................  360 / 131+
    Cassette or cartridge holder ...........  206 / 387.1+
    Character recognition ..................  382
    Checkreader ............................  D14 / 386
    Coded document sorting .................  209 / 547+
    Computer button bar ....................  D14 / 487
    Computer generated image ...............  D14 / 485+
    Computer scroll bar ....................  D14 / 487
    Computerized switching in telephone ....  379 / 284
    Systems ................................  379 / 284
    Controlled display .....................  345 / 418+
        Animation ..........................  345 / 473+
        Three dimensional ..................  345 / 419+
    Converting analog signal to ............  360 / 32
    Digital ................................  360 / 32
    Cost determination of product ..........  705 / 400
    Data processing equipment ..............  D14 / 300+
        For voting .........................  705 / 12
    Desk top type (design) .................  D14 / 314+
    Digitizer ..............................  D14 / 389
    Disc ...................................  360 / 135
    Disc drive (design) ....................  D14 / 363+
    Drum ...................................  360 / 136
    Dynamic magnetic information ...........  360
    Storage or retrieval ...................  360
    Electrical .............................  709
        Allocation of resources to .........  718 / 100+
        Processes ..........................  718 / 100+
            Operations research (business) .  705 / 7+
        Analog .............................  708 / 800+
            Computational systems ..........  700 / 90+
            Database .......................  719 / 310+
            Measuring system, electrical ...  702 / 57+
            Measuring systems, physical ....  702 / 127+
        Array processor ....................  712 / 10+
        Availability .......................  714 / 1+
        Bios ...............................  713 / 1+
        Booting ............................  713 / 2
        Buffering of instruction ...........  713 / 1+
        Bus expansion or extension .........  710 / 300+
        Bus, data processing ...............  710 / 100+
            Access regulating ..............  710 / 107+
            Architecture ...................  710 / 305+
            Analog .........................  708 / 800+
            Digital ........................  708 / 100+
        Chaining ...........................  712 / 220+
        Client-server ......................  709 / 203
            For voting .....................  705 / 12
        Compatibility between ..............  703 / 27
        Components .........................  703 / 27
        Control systems ....................  700 / 1+
        Database maintenance ...............  707 / 200+
        Database management systems ........  707 / 1+
        Database schema or data ............  707 / 100+
        Structures .........................  707 / 100+
        Decoding of instruction ............  712 / 208+
        Diagnostic testing .................  714 / 1+
        Docking station ....................  710 / 303+
        Emulation of components ............  703 / 23+
        Fetching of instructions ...........  712 / 205+
        File locating and retrieval ........  707 / 1+
        Techniques .........................  707 / 1+
        File maintenance operations ........  707 / 1+
        Hypercube ..........................  712 / 12
        Information security ...............  726 / 1+
        Initialization .....................  713 / 1+
            Telegraphy .....................  178 / 18.01+
        Input devices  
            Code converters (e.g., .........  341
            For keyboards) .................  341
            Mouse and the like .............  345 / 156+
            Peripherals, data processing ...  710 / 1+
            Per se .........................  710 / 1+
            Telegraphy .....................  178 / 18.01+
            Writing & tablets ..............  345 / 156+
        Instruction processing .............  712 / 200+
        Interprogram or interprocess .......  719 / 310+
        Communication ......................  719 / 310+
        Interrupt processing ...............  710 / 260+
        Load valencing .....................  718 / 100+
            Integrated circuit, design .....  716 / 1+
            Reliability, data processing ...  714 / 3+
        Memory systems  
            Accessing & control, ...........  711 / 100+
            Data processing ................  711 / 100+
            Accessing & control, dynamic ...  711 / 111
            Storage device .................  711 / 111
            Addressing, dynamic-type .......  711 / 4
            Storage device .................  711 / 4
            Addressing, general ............  711 / 200+
            Addressing, specific memory ....  711 / 1+
            Type (e.g., cache, dynamic, ....  711 / 1+
            Extended) ......................  711 / 1+
            Archiving, backup and security .  711 / 161+
            Direct memory accessing (dma) ..  710 / 22+
            Dynamic ........................  369
            Hierarchical & cache ...........  711 / 117+
            Reliability, data processing ...  714 / 5+
            Shared .........................  711 / 147+
        Multi-tasking ......................  718 / 100+
        Multiple instruction, multiple .....  712 / 21
        Data (mimd) ........................  712 / 21
        Multiple instruction, single .......  712 / 1+
        Data (misd) ........................  712 / 1+
        Operating systems ..................  718 / 100+
            Architecture ...................  712 / 1+
            Of instructions ................  712 / 205+
            Of memory accesses .............  711 / 169
        Prefetching of instructions ........  712 / 205+
            Branch prefetch ................  712 / 237
        Processing (task) management .......  718 / 100
        Processing architecture ............  712 / 1+
        Pyramid ............................  712 / 1+
        Rectifying contact .................  257 / 471+
            Manufacture ....................  438 / 570+
        Reliability ........................  714 / 1+
            Making ohmic contact ...........  438 / 584+
        Simulation of components ...........  703 / 3+
        Single instruction, multiple .......  712 / 22
        Data (simd) ........................  712 / 22
        Single instruction, single .........  712 / 1+
        Data (sisd) ........................  712 / 1+
        Synchronization ....................  718 / 100+
            Of clocks ......................  713 / 400+
            Of multiple different media ....  345 / 418+
            Of processes ...................  718 / 100+
            Of processors ..................  713 / 375
        Systems controlled by data .........  235 / 375+
        Bearing records ....................  235 / 375+
        Task scheduling ....................  718 / 100+
        Transmission of information ........  709 / 200+
        Among multiple computer ............  709 / 200+
        Systems ............................  709 / 200+
        Vector processor ...................  712 / 2+
    Equipment ..............................  D14 / 300+
    Error checking system in computer ......  714
    For accounting .........................  705 / 30
        For bill preparation ...............  705 / 34
            Time-based billing .............  705 / 32
    General processing of digital ..........  360 / 39+
    Signal .................................  360 / 39+
    General processing of tv signal ........  386 / 46+
    General recording or reproducing .......  360 / 55+
    Generated icon (design) ................  D14 / 489+
    Geophysical system with digital ........  367 / 60
    Computer ...............................  367 / 60
    Graphics ...............................  345 / 418+
    Hard drive (design) ....................  D14 / 348+
        Tower type (design) ................  D14 / 349+
    Head ...................................  360 / 110+
        Mounting ...........................  360 / 240+
        Transport ..........................  360 / 101+
    Holder for magnetic disc assembly ......  206 / 308.3
    Housing and mounting assemblies ........  361 / 683+
    Inventory management ...................  705 / 28
        Itemization ........................  705 / 29
    Joystick (design) ......................  D14 / 412
    Keyboard or keypad (design) ............  D14 / 399+
    Knowledge processing see artificial  
    Lap top (design) .......................  D14 / 315+
    Mainframe type (design) ................  D14 / 300+
    Measuring utilities ....................  705 / 412
        Data processed with cryptography ...  705 / 63
    Medical diagnostic .....................  128 / 922*
    Memory system subcombinations ..........  365
    Modulating & demodulating ..............  360 / 29+
    Monitor or display (design) ............  D14 / 371+
        Hood or visor (disign) .............  D14 / 449
        Support (design) ...................  D14 / 451+
    Monitoring or testing progress of ......  360 / 31
    Recording ..............................  360 / 31
    Mouse (design) .........................  D14 / 402+
    Non-electrical .........................  235
        Fluidic ............................  235 / 200 R
        Mechanical .........................  235 / 61 R
            Record controlled ..............  235 / 419
    Operator interface display .............  715 / 700+
        Menu or selectable iconic array ....  715 / 810+
        Window .............................  715 / 781+
    Operator interface or control ..........  D14 / 388+
    (Design) ...............................  D14 / 388+
        Stylus .............................  D14 / 411
    Ordnance ...............................  235 / 400+
    Peripheral equipment (design) ..........  D14 / 356+
        Card reader (design) ...............  D14 / 385+
        Tape reader (design) ...............  D14 / 360+
        Transmitter or receiver (design) ...  D14 / 358
    Personal access or .....................  D14 / 383+
    Verification (design) ..................  D14 / 383+
        Fingerprint type (design) ..........  D14 / 384
        Retinal type (design) ..............  D14 / 384
    Pocket type (design) ...................  D14 / 341+
    Radar system combined ..................  342 / 195
    Record controlled, electronic ..........  235 / 375+
    Record copying .........................  360 / 15+
    Record editing .........................  360 / 13+
    Record medium ..........................  360 / 131+
    Record transport .......................  360 / 81+
        For voting .........................  705 / 12
    Restrictive access over telephone ......  379 / 93.02
    Line ...................................  379 / 93.02
    Scanner or bar code reader .............  D14 / 420+
    (Design) ...............................  D14 / 420+
    Signal splitting .......................  360 / 22
    Special purpose television system ......  348 / 61+
    Application ............................  348 / 61+
    Static presentation ....................  358 / 1.1+
    Tape ...................................  360 / 134
    Tax preparation ........................  705 / 31
    Teaching computer science ..............  434 / 118
    Trackball (design) .....................  D14 / 417
    Tv application .........................  348 / 552
    Video gun (design) .....................  D14 / 418
    Distance rolling contact ...............  33 / 733
    Nuclear reaction control ...............  376 / 217
    Registers ..............................  235
    Scales .................................  177 / 25.11+
        Weighing ...........................  177 / 25.11+
    Solar ..................................  33 / 268
    Tape length ............................  33 / 763
    Workmens labor and wage recorder .......  346
Concealed Data  
    Printed matter .........................  283 / 72+
Concealment (See Camouflage)  
    Warship ................................  114 / 15
    Beverage ...............................  426 / 425+
    Cathode ray beams ......................  313 / 441+
    Evaporators ............................  159
    Ionized gas for thermo nuclear .........  376 / 100
    Reaction ...............................  376 / 100
    Liquids in liquids  
        Apparatus ..........................  422 / 256+
        Processes ..........................  23 / 306+
    Milk ...................................  426 / 587+
    Ores ...................................  423 / 1+
    Ores ...................................  209
        Rare element, inorganic ............  423
        Separating solids ..................  209
        Natural ............................  528 / 937*
        Synthetic or natural ...............  523 / 335
    Sugar crystallization combined .........  127 / 16
Concentric Tube or Cylinder  
    Burner gas .............................  431 / 195+
    Electric cable flexible ................  174 / 102 R+
        Fluid vacuum or air ................  174 / 28+
        With insulation spacer .............  174 / 99 R+
    Expansible chamber device ..............  92 / 51+
    Flue ...................................  122 / 160+
    Header water tube ......................  122 / 362
    Heat exchanger .........................  165 / 154+
    Pipe joint .............................  285 / 123.15+
    Pipe joint flexible pipe ...............  285 / 222.1+
    Transmission line ......................  174 / 103+
        Involving line parameters ..........  333 / 236+
        With nonsolid insulation ...........  174 / 28+
Concert Halls ..............................  52 / 6
Concertina .................................  84 / 375
    Keyboard type ..........................  84 / 376 R
    Beam or joist ..........................  52 / 831+
    Block machine ..........................  249 / 117+
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 713+
    Construction process ...................  52 / 741.1+
    Filling subterraneah cavity ............  405 / 267
    Freight car ............................  105 / 405
    Gas content testing ....................  73 / 19.02
    Hazardous waste containment ............  588 / 252+
    Making concrete blocks .................  264 / 333
    Marine structure cast in situ ..........  405 / 222+
    Mixers .................................  366 / 1+
    Mold ...................................  249
        Adjuncts ...........................  249 / 205
        Elements ...........................  249 / 187.1
        In situ construction type ..........  249 / 207
            Clamps or brackets .............  249 / 219.1
            Water type .....................  249 / 219.2
    Mold ...................................  425 / 62
    Mold ...................................  425 / 63
    Mold ...................................  425 / 87
    Mold ...................................  425 / 458
        Tie wire puller ....................  254 / 18+
    Piles ..................................  405 / 256+
        Casting in situ ....................  405 / 233+
        Sheet ..............................  405 / 275
    Pipe machine ...........................  425 / 110+
    Pipe machine ...........................  425 / 262
    Pipes ..................................  138 / 175+
        Composite ..........................  138 / 153
    Polymer containing (see synthetic  
    Resin or natural rubber)  
    Prestressed making .....................  264 / 228
    Radiation barrier nuclear .............  376 / 293
    Radiation barrier nuclear .............  376 / 287
    Radiation barrier nuclear .............  250 / 515.1
    Railway surface track ..................  238 / 5
        Center way concrete ................  238 / 7
        Pedestals ..........................  238 / 115+
        Stringers ..........................  238 / 25
    Rammers ................................  425 / 424
    Rammers ................................  425 / 425
    Rammers ................................  425 / 456
    Rammers ................................  425 / 469
    Reinforcement ..........................  52 / 649.1+
    Reinforcing ............................  264 / 271.1
    Reinforcing bar ........................  D25 / 164
    Ribbed construction ....................  52 / 319+
    Structures .............................  52
        Arch ...............................  52 / 88
        Beam or joist ......................  52 / 831+
        Corner .............................  52 / 250+
        Faced ..............................  52 / 378
        Hollow .............................  52 / 380+
        Lift slab ..........................  52 / 125.1
        Moisture remover ...................  52 / 310
        Position adjusting .................  52 / 126.1+
        Reinforcement ......................  52 / 851+
        Ribbed .............................  52 / 319+
        Stair ..............................  52 / 189
        Void former ........................  52 / 577
    Toxic waste containment ................  588 / 252+
Concretion Removal .........................  606 / 127
Condensation (See Alkylation;  
        Electric heaters ...................  219 / 203
        Windows and windshields ............  52 / 171.2+
        Windows by ventilation .............  454 / 198+
    Milk ...................................  426 / 587
Condensed Billing  
        Line spacing .......................  400 / 546+
        Paper feeding ......................  400 / 595+
    Atmospheric condensate .................  62 / 272+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 150+
        Process ............................  62 / 80+
        Amplifying device system ...........  330 / 7
        Anti induction telephone or ........  379 / 414
        System .............................  379 / 414+
        Bushing insulating .................  174 / 143
        Charging and discharging ...........  320 / 166+
        Circuit element ....................  361 / 271+
        Electrolytic type ..................  361 / 500+
        Induction apparatus combined .......  361 / 268+
        Laminated making ...................  D22 / 115+
        Lamp and electronic tube ...........  315 / 227 R
        Supply circuit combined with .......  315 / 227 R+
        Making .............................  29 / 25.41+
        Making electrolytic ................  29 / 25.03
        Motor system .......................  318 / 781+
        Nonelectrolytic type ...............  361 / 271+
        Phase regulation ...................  323 / 212
        Reactance tube system ..............  333 / 213
        Synchronous motors .................  310 / 162+
        Testing ............................  324 / 673
        Treatment living body ..............  607 / 115+
        Variable type ......................  361 / 277+
        With variable resistor .............  323 / 370
        X ray system combined with .........  378 / 103
    Furnace electric .......................  373 / 56+
        Making .............................  29 / 890.07
    Microscopes ............................  359 / 656+
    Mounting, vehicle type .................  180 / 68.4+
    Press ..................................  100
    Refrigeration including ................  62
    Steam engines ..........................  60 / 643+
    Steam heaters ..........................  261 / DIG 10
    Textile fiber preparation  
        Article screen .....................  19 / 148
        Feed with ..........................  19 / 89
        Multiple rotor feed with ...........  19 / 88
        Web forming screen .................  19 / 304+
    Vapor ..................................  165 / 110+
        Arc lamp fumes .....................  314 / 26+
        Beverage infuser ...................  99 / 293+
        Combined with liquid heater ........  126 / 381.1+
        Cooking apparatus basting ..........  99 / 347
        Drying combined ....................  34 / 73+
        Heat exchanger .....................  165 / 110+
        Jet gas and liquid contact .........  261 / 76
        Apparatus ..........................  261 / 76+
        Jet gas pump combined ..............  417 / 173+
        Jet heat exchanger .................  165 / 112+
        Jet power plant exhaust ............  60 / 264+
        Jet power plant exhaust ............  60 / 266+
        Mercury vapor lamp .................  313 / 34
        Mineral oil distillation ...........  208 / 347+
        Mineral oil distillation ...........  196 / 138
        Apparatus ..........................  196 / 138+
        Mineral oil distillation with ......  196 / 98+
        Vaporizing apparatus ...............  196 / 98+
        Open top liquid heating vessel .....  126 / 381.1+
        Refrigerant ........................  62 / 506+
        Steam ..............................  165 / 110+
        Still separatory ...................  202 / 164
        Still separatory preheater .........  202 / 180
        Still separatory vapor treating ....  202 / 185.1+
    Zinc pyrometallurgy ....................  75 / 665+
Condiment ..................................  426 / 650+
    Holder and dispenser  
        Design .............................  D07 / 590+
        General types ......................  222
        Hand manipulable shaker type .......  222 / 142.1+
    Electric ...............................  174
        Coated .............................  428 / 375+
        Coated .............................  427 / 58+
        Coated or covered ..................  174 / 110 R
        Coated welding electrodes ..........  427 / 59+
        Coated with metal ..................  428 / 615+
        Coated with plural coatings ........  427 / 118+
        Coating ............................  427 / 117+
        Coating by extruding plastic .......  425 / 113
        Composition alloy ..................  420
        Composition metallic ...............  75
        Composition miscellaneous ..........  252 / 500+
        Composition treated metal ..........  148 / 400+
        Freeing of ice and snow ............  191 / 62
        High frequency systems .............  333
        Inductive disturbance  
        Reduction see anti induction  
        Lightning protection ...............  174 / 2+
        Making indefinite length ...........  156 / 47+
        Making or joining running length ...  156 / 47+
        Piercing detachable tap ............  439 / 431+
        Connector ..........................  439 / 431+
        Placing apparatus ..................  254 / 134.3 R+
        Plate vehicle supply type ..........  191 / 13
        Rail joint interposed ..............  238 / 14.5+
        Railways for electric ..............  191
        Sectional vehicle supply type ......  191 / 14+
        Supports ...........................  248 / 49+
        Terminal winding ...................  242 / 439.1+
        Tubes and conduits .................  174
        Vehicle supply type ................  191 / 22 R+
    Feeding metal rolling guide ............  72 / 250+
    Furnace spark and smoke ................  110 / 145+
    Furnace spark returning ................  110 / 120
    Gas flow to separator ..................  55 / 418+
        Downstream of separator ............  55 / 410+
    Lightning ..............................  D10 / 105
    Sound muffler fluid guiding ............  181 / 212+
    Spoons with fluid ......................  30 / 141
    Thermal flow tubular textile ...........  68 / 193
    Treatment ..............................  68 / 193
Conduit (See Hose; Pipe; Tube) ............  138
    Boiler blowoff .........................  122 / 383+
    Boiler circulation .....................  122 / 408.1+
    Boiler feed heater .....................  122 / 428+
    Chain making ...........................  59 / 78.1
    Connector electric .....................  439 / 207+
    Coupling plural ........................  285 / 120.1+
        Pipe and plate .....................  285 / 154.1+
    Culvert ................................  405 / 124+
    Drainage or irrigation .................  405 / 43+
    Drill oil ..............................  408 / 57+
    Earth boring tool ......................  175 / 393
    Electric conductor .....................  174
        Design .............................  D13 / 153
    Electric transmission to vehicles ......  191 / 23 R+
        Collectors .........................  191 / 48
    Fire tube circulation ..................  122 / 59
    Flue spiral ............................  122 / 183
    Fluid current conveyor .................  406 / 191+
        Design .............................  D23 / 266
    Flume ..................................  405 / 119+
    Heat exchange ..........................  165 / 177+
    Irrigation .............................  405 / 43+
    Laying .................................  405 / 154.1+
    Milker hand ............................  119 / 14.22
    Pneumatic conveyor .....................  406 / 191+
    Railway crossing cable .................  104 / 185+
    Railway slotted ........................  104 / 140+
    Railway switches .......................  246 / 419
    Railway truck in .......................  104 / 139
    Static mold ............................  249 / 144+
    Structure ..............................  138 / 177
    Thermometer ............................  374 / 147+
    Track clearers .........................  104 / 280
    Trap thermostatic ......................  236 / 60
    Tubular ................................  138
        System .............................  137
        Valved .............................  251
    Ventilating ............................  454 / 175+
    Edible design ..........................  D01 / 116+
    Ice cream ..............................  D01 / 116
    Mills ..................................  241 / 244+
    Paper stock refining ...................  241 / 244+
    Seger ..................................  374 / 106
    Shell mill .............................  241 / 244+
    Wind ...................................  242 / 479.2+
        Packages ...........................  242 / 175
    Winding ................................  242 / 480.4+
    Coating apparatus ......................  118 / 13+
    Compositions ...........................  426 / 660+
    Cutting machines .......................  83
    Design .................................  D01
    Hand molds .............................  249
    Packaging ..............................  426 / 392+
Confetti Devices ...........................  446 / 475
Conformator Gauge ..........................  33 / 561.1+
Congelation Refrigeration (See Gel)  
    Confections with molding ...............  425 / 9
    Confections with molding ...............  425 / 118
    Confections with molding ...............  425 / 332+
    Dewaxers ...............................  208 / 37+
    Dry ice making .........................  62 / 602+
    Drying process step ....................  34 / 302+
    Earth control solidification ...........  405 / 130
        Fluid storage cavity walls .........  405 / 56
    Food preparation combined ..............  426 / 524+
    Gas solidifiers ........................  62 / 601+
        Shaping combined ...................  62 / 604
    Jellies ................................  426 / 576+
    Liquid .................................  62 / 340+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 135+
        Ice cube trays and molds ...........  249 / 66.1+
            With release means .............  62 / 300+
        Process ............................  62 / 66+
Conjuring Amusement Devices ................  472 / 57+
Connecting Rod See Pitman ..................  74 / 579 R
    Locomotive .............................  105 / 84
    Piston connection ......................  92 / 187+
    Railway track switch ...................  246 / 452
Connection (See Coupling; Fastener; ........  24 / 598.4
    Hook; joint; securing means) ...........  24 / 598.4
    Aircraft structure .....................  244 / 131
    Beehive ................................  449 / 27+
    Bridge truss ...........................  14 / 14
    Carbon electrobe .......................  403 / DIG 5
    Cell electrode connector ...............  429 / 161
    Clamp, adjustable ......................  403 / DIG 9
    Construction toy .......................  446 / 85+
    Cutlery handle and blade ...............  30 / 340+
    Drive belt combined ....................  474 / 253+
    Electrical .............................  439
        Arc lamp electrode to ..............  314 / 129
        Battery ............................  429 / 121+
        Battery terminal assembling ........  29 / 246
        Box with ...........................  174 / 59+
        Brush with connector ...............  310 / 249
        (See electric connector)) .........  310 / 249
        Insulated pipe joint ...............  285 / 47+
        Insulator with .....................  174 / 145
        Juxtapose & bond rails .............  228 / 101+
        Lamp with ..........................  439 / 611+
        Lamp with ..........................  313 / 331+
        Making processes ...................  29 / 825+
        Meter circuit protector ............  324 / 110
        Overhead cable with ................  174 / 44
        Rail bond making ...................  228 / 4.1+
        Railway bonds ......................  238 / 14.1+
        Sliding contact ....................  191 / 1 R
        Switch .............................  200
        Telephone terminal switch ..........  379 / 422+
        Telephone testing ..................  379 / 19
        Vehicle transmission ...............  191
    Electrical connector ...................  439
        Design .............................  D13 / 133+
        Winding implement ..................  242 / 442
        Winding machine ....................  242 / 439+
        Winding terminals ..................  242 / 439.1+
        Brake shoe fastener ................  188 / 241
        Damper release .....................  126 / 287.5
        Fire extinguisher ..................  169 / 42
        Lock ...............................  70 / 422
        Overload release ...................  464 / 32+
        Reactive building component ........  52 / 232
        Thermal actuated electric ..........  337 / 401
        Thermal electrical current .........  337 / 142+
    Grating ................................  52 / 665
    Handle to shaft ........................  74 / 548+
    Intercell connector ....................  429 / 160
    Load-responsive release ................  403 / DIG 3
    Magnetic ...............................  403 / DIG 1
    Metal treatment ........................  403 / DIG 2
    Panel joints, readily disengageable ....  403 / DIG 10
    Pipe shaft rod plate etc  
        Flexible shaft .....................  464
        Liquid heater tube .................  122 / 511
        Pipe ...............................  285
        Pipe valved ........................  251 / 142+
        Piston rod .........................  403 / 230+
            Articulated with piston ........  403 / 52+
        Rail fence .........................  256 / 65.01+
        Rod ................................  403
        Seal for a joint or juncture .......  277
        Shaft end attached .................  403 / 230+
        Spout attaching ....................  222 / 567+
        Tobacco smoking device .............  131 / 225
        Wall safes .........................  109 / 79
        Wire fence .........................  256 / 47+
        Wooden joist .......................  403 / 230+
            Through intermediate member ....  403 / 187+
    Plow ...................................  172 / 681+
        Releasable .........................  172 / 261+
    Release, load-responsive ...............  403 / DIG 3
    Release, quick .........................  403 / DIG 4
    Sail ...................................  114 / 113
    Selectional pile .......................  405 / 251+
    Spectacle and eye glass ................  351 / 140+
        Bridge .............................  351 / 133+
        Temple .............................  351 / 121+
    Sprocket chain .........................  474 / 218
    Tool handle ............................  403
        Animal draft .......................  278
        Articulated land vehicles ..........  280 / 504+
        Railway draft ......................  213
        Land vehicle axle ..................  301
        Railway axle .......................  295
        Resilient tire .....................  152 / 375+
Consolidated Fuel Solids ...................  44 / 550+
    Powder metallurgy ......................  419 / 38
        Slip or slurry .....................  419 / 40
Constant Velocity Joint ....................  464 / 904+
    Nozzles ................................  239 / 546
    Trap ...................................  43 / 87
        Numbering members ..................  101 / 88
        Railway derailment signal ..........  246 / 171
        Or control .........................  246 / 171+
    Diaphragm horn rotary striker ball .....  116 / 146
        Body applicator ....................  607 / 115+
        Circuit makers and breakers ........  200
        Code transmitters rotary ...........  178 / 83+
        Commutators ........................  310 / 233+
        Composition ........................  252 / 500+
        Connectors .........................  439
        Flashlight direct battery ..........  362 / 203
        Lamp electrode holders .............  403
        Lamp electrodes in .................  313 / 235
        Making processes ...................  29 / 874+
        Railway automatic block signal .....  246 / 20+
        Railway derailment signal trip .....  246 / 171+
        Railway switch and signal ..........  246 / 218
        Actuation ..........................  246 / 218+
        Rectifier composition ..............  252 / 62.3 R
        Rectifier manufacture ..............  29 / 25.01+
        Rectifying contact .................  257 / 471+
            Manufacture ....................  438 / 570+
            Making ohmic contact ...........  438 / 584+
        Switch contact details .............  200 / 238+
        Switchboard housing and mounting ...  361 / 601+
        Details ............................  361 / 601+
        Telegraphic keys ...................  178 / 101+
        Telephone electrode ................  381 / 386+
        Telephone switch rotary ............  379 / 362+
        Train mechanism signal or ..........  246 / 192 A
        Control ............................  246 / 192 A+
        Train telephone and ................  246 / 9
        Telegraph continuous ...............  246 / 9+
        Transmission to vehicle ............  191 / 45 R
        Collectors .........................  191 / 45 R+
    Gas and liquid .........................  261
        Automobile ventilation .............  454 / 157
        Building ventilation ...............  454 / 337
        Building ventilation ...............  454 / 223
        Concentrating evaporators ..........  159
        Condensers .........................  165 / 110+
        Defecating apparatus for sugar .....  127 / 12
        Distilled mineral oil ..............  196 / 140
        Condensing .........................  196 / 140
        Heat exchange ......................  261 / 127+
        Rail-car ventilation ...............  454 / 110
    Gas or vapor with solids ...............  34
        Agitation ..........................  222 / 195
        Disinfecting sterilizing ...........  422
        Pneumatic conveyor material ........  406 / 108+
        Intake .............................  406 / 108+
        Pneumatic conveyor material ........  406 / 86+
        Suspension .........................  406 / 86+
    Liquid and solid  
        Beverage infusers ..................  99 / 279+
        Boiler or deep fat fryer ...........  99 / 403+
        Chemical extracting or leaching ....  422 / 261+
        Cleaning and miscellaneous .........  134
        Cooker with basting ................  99 / 345+
        Cooking fluid automatic control ....  99 / 330
        Corn popping apparatus with ........  99 / 323.8
        Flavoring ..........................  99 / 323.8
        Drying processes for liquid ........  34 / 329+
        Treated material ...................  34 / 329+
        Filled receptacle cooker ...........  99 / 359+
        Fryer or egg boiler control ........  99 / 336
        Hydraulic conveyors ................  406
        Pigment and vehicle in pen .........  401 / 40+
        Preserving disinfecting and ........  422
        Sterilizing ........................  422
        Soap and water in cleaning .........  401 / 40
        Implement ..........................  401 / 40+
        Solid metal treating apparatus .....  266 / 114+
        Textile treating apparatus .........  68
    Making clocks ..........................  368 / 164
    Period electric switch .................  200 / 19.01+
    Point electric switch ..................  200 / 275+
        Drying apparatus ...................  34 / 94
        Drying processes ...................  34 / 306
        Printing antismut devices ..........  101 / 420+
        Stenciling machine .................  101 / 120
        Internal inker .....................  101 / 120
    Rails ..................................  191 / 22 DM+
        Composition ........................  252 / 62.3 R
        Manufacture ........................  29 / 25.02
            Process ........................  438
    Rolls electrical transmission ..........  191 / 45 R+
    Sterilization by metal .................  426 / 322
    Type microphone ........................  381 / 178+
    Wheels electrical transmission .........  191 / 45 R+
Contact Lens for Eyes ......................  351 / 160 R+
    Applicators ............................  294 / 1.2
    Case or cover ..........................  206 / 5+
    Cleaning compositions ..................  510 / 112+
    Fitting instruments ....................  351 / 247
    Synthetic resin compositions ...........  523 / 106
    Synthetic resin or natural rubber ......  525 / 937*
Container (See Ampoule; Barrel;  
    Basket; can; capsule; holder;  
    Receptacle; or under item contained)  
    Acetylene generator carbide ............  48 / 29
    Acid-proof .............................  206 / 524.5
    Adjustable bottom  
        Wooden .............................  217 / 64
    Baggage ................................  190
    Baked cereal product container .........  426 / 138
    Type ...................................  426 / 138+
    Bottles and jars .......................  215
        Design .............................  D09+
    Breaking bottle or jar .................  215 / 47+
    Cabinet structure ......................  312
    Coupon is detachable ...................  206 / 831*
    Dispensing .............................  222
    Drying houses and ......................  34 / 201+
    Edible design ..........................  D01
    Electrophotographic developer ..........  399 / 222+
    Envelopes ..............................  229 / 68.1+
    Flexible bags ..........................  383
    Food sterilizing in ....................  426 / 521
    Freight ................................  220 / 1.5
    Hazardous waste containment ............  588 / 249+
    Hermetic food packaging ................  426 / 392+
    Insulating jacket ......................  220 / 903*
    Latching-type ..........................  206 / 405
    Loose material filter ..................  210 / 263+
    Manufacturing from paper ...............  493
        Decoration article .................  493 / 955+
        Pallet .............................  493 / 964+
        Pliable ............................  493 / 916+
        Rigid ..............................  493 / 901+
        Textile ............................  493 / 937+
    Material ...............................  428 / 34.1+
    Medical syringes bulb combined .........  604 / 212+
    Medicator ..............................  604 / 232+
    Metallic ...............................  220
    Ornamental .............................  428 / 34.1+
    Paperboard boxes .......................  229 / 100+
        Having viewing window ..............  229 / 162.1+
    Plastic metal working ..................  72 / 272
    Poison alarms ..........................  116 / 72
    Radioactive material contents ..........  250 / 506.1+
        Irradiated core elements ...........  376 / 272+
        Storage ............................  376 / 272+
    Sheet metal container making ...........  413 / 1+
    Shock protecting .......................  206 / 521
    Snap-opening actions ...................  206 / 404
    Special packaging ......................  206
        Of coiled items ....................  206 / 389+
    Specialty carriers & boxes .............  D03 / 201+
        Open top bins, trays ...............  D03 / 304+
    Sterilizer apparatus ...................  422
    Storage convertible to display .........  206 / 44 R
    Tearing, piercing, etc .................  383 / 200+
        Bag ................................  383 / 200+
        Box ................................  229 / 200+
    Toilet kits ............................  132 / 286+
        Absent special toilet article, .....  401 / 118
        Eg mirror ..........................  401 / 118+
        Bristled brush design ..............  D04 / 130+
    Toothpicks with thread supply ..........  132 / 324
    Toxic waste containment ................  588 / 249+
    Toys ...................................  446 / 71+
    Type static mold .......................  249 / 117
    Wooden .................................  217
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588 / 249+
    Containment ............................  588 / 249+
Contamination, Reduction of ................  435 / 800*
    Non-condition responsive sorting by ....  209 / 940*
    Condom .................................  604 / 349
    I u d ..................................  128 / 833
    Pessaries ..............................  128 / 834+
    Spermacides ............................  424 / DIG 14
Control or Controller (See Operator;  
    Pattern control; program; regulator;  
    Time, operated & controlled)  
    Aircraft ...............................  244 / 75.1+
        Airship ............................  244 / 96+
    Artificial intelligence ................  706 / 903*
    Bulldozer positioning ..................  172 / 812
    Car controlled fenders .................  293 / 2+
        Clock operator .....................  368 / 184
        Motor system .......................  318
        Railway signal .....................  246 / 28 R+
        Sectional conductor vehicle ........  191 / 14
        Transmission .......................  191 / 14+
        Switch .............................  200
    Clutches and power stop control ........  192
        Power stop control .................  192 / 116.5+
    Condition responsive metal .............  72 / 6.1+
    Deforming machine ......................  72 / 6.1+
    Data processing generic control ........  700 / 1+
    System .................................  700 / 1+
    Driftage fence .........................  256 / 12.5
    Drill press ............................  408 / 8
        Battery charging & discharging .....  320
        Car steps railway ..................  105 / 444
        Electric furnace ...................  373
        Electrochemical apparatus ..........  204 / 193+
        Fluid pressure brake ...............  303 / 20
        Fluid pressure brake with ..........  303 / 15
        Fluid control ......................  303 / 15+
        Gear cutting .......................  409 / 290+
        Generator ..........................  322
        Limit stop .........................  192 / 142 A
        Locomotive railway .................  105 / 61
        Motor ..............................  318
        Motor and brake ....................  477+
        Motor and clutch ...................  477
        Music tone generation ..............  84 / 600+
        Musical instrument .................  84 / 113
        Musical instrument .................  84 / 171
        Phonograph turntable stop ..........  369 / 237
        Mechanism ..........................  369 / 237
        Prime mover dynamo plants ..........  290 / 7+
        Radiant energy .....................  250
            Light wave .....................  398 / 106+
        Railway block signal systems .......  246 / 20
        Robot ..............................  700 / 245+
        Stop mechanism .....................  192 / 127
        Switch .............................  200
        Telegraphy remote control ..........  178 / 4.1 R
        Telephone systems ..................  379
        Textile making .....................  87 / 15
        Transmission and brake .............  192 / 226
        Tuner remote control ...............  334 / 8+
        Turntable railway ..................  104 / 38
        Vehicle brake ......................  188 / 137+
        Vehicle brake operator .............  188 / 182
    Electric motor  
        Robot ..............................  318 / 568.11+
    Elevator ...............................  187 / 386
        Feed in solid fuel furnace .........  110 / 188+
        Pressure brake systems .............  303
            Anti-lock check valve  
            Anti-lock, throttle control  
        Pressure regulators ................  137 / 505+
        Valve actuation ....................  251
    Fuzzy ..................................  706 / 1+
    Humidity ...............................  236 / 44 R
        Control and machine elements .......  70 / 174+
        Time ...............................  70 / 267+
    Machine elements  
        Lever and linkage ..................  74 / 469+
        Trips ..............................  74 / 2+
    Motor or pump (see regulator)  
        Brake combined .....................  477+
        Clutch combined ....................  477
        Pump regulators ....................  417 / 279+
    Motor vehicle ..........................  180 / 315+
        Mechanism ..........................  180 / 315+
        Radiated wave responsive means .....  180 / 167+
        Velosity responsive means ..........  180 / 170+
    Nuclear reactor ........................  376 / 207
    Nuclear reactor ........................  376 / 220
    Nuclear reactor ........................  376 / 339
    Nuclear, control component .............  376 / 327
    Parachute ..............................  244 / 152
        Fluid pressure brake ...............  303 / 86
        Fluid pressure brake automatic .....  303 / 29
        Fluid pressure brake automatic .....  303 / 25
        And direct .........................  303 / 25+
        Fluid pressure brake charging ......  303 / 66+
        Fluid pressure brake releasing .....  303 / 81+
    Power stop .............................  192 / 116.5+
    Press ..................................  100 / 43+
        Interrelated components ............  100 / 353
    Robot ..................................  700 / 245+
        Electric ...........................  700 / 245+
        Electric motor .....................  318 / 568.11+
    Speed (see speed)  
    Temperature (see cooling; heating)  
        Automatic ..........................  236
Controlled Release of Medicines ............  604 / 890.1+
    Alleged-of chemical elements ...........  976 / DIG 409
    Nuclear into electric current ..........  976 / DIG 317
    Radioactive radiations .................  976 / DIG 419
Conversion of Power, Electrical ............  363
Conversion Reaction, Nuclear ...............  376 / 156
Conversion Systems, Electrical .............  363
    Bessemer ...............................  266 / 243+
    Electric current .......................  363
        Cryogenic ..........................  363 / 14
    Frequency ..............................  310 / 160
        Apparatus ..........................  310 / 160
        System .............................  363 / 157+
    Heptode pentagrid ......................  313 / 300
    Metallurgical ..........................  266 / 243+
    Octode .................................  313 / 300
    Pentagrid ..............................  313 / 300
    Triode heptode .........................  313 / 298
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 6
    Triode hexode ..........................  313 / 298
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 6
Convertible (See Type of Device)  
    Armchair to bed ........................  297 / 115+
    Auto bodies ............................  296
    Chair ..................................  297 / 118+
        To cane ............................  297 / 118
        To stacked bunks ...................  297 / 62
        To table ...........................  297 / 119+
    Cutlery ................................  30 / 122
    Garment supporter ......................  2 / 301
    Horizontally supported  
    Planar surfaces ........................  108 / 11+
    Plural seats to single bed .............  297 / 63+
    Racks ..................................  211 / 2+
    Refrigeration related ..................  62 / 326+
    Stand to cane ..........................  248 / 155+
    Vehicle to chair or seat ...............  280 / 30+
    Walker to vehicle ......................  280 / 7.1+
Converting, Mechanical Process of ..........  29 / 401.1
Conveyor (See Carrier; Chute; Feeder) .....  193
    Air blast &/or vacumm ..................  29 / DIG 78
    Article support for label affixing .....  156 / 556+
    Bearing support for roller .............  384 / 418+
    Belt (see endless below)  
        Acetylene generator carbide ........  48 / 39
        Feed ...............................  48 / 39
        Automatic gauging apertured ........  209 / 681
        Automatic gauging pocketed .........  209 / 685
        Automatic gauging slotted ..........  209 / 665+
        Coated surface separator ...........  209 / 63
        Receiver with ......................  209 / 63
        Magazine dispenser .................  221 / 76+
        Magazine dispensing slender ........  221 / 76+
        Article ............................  221 / 76+
        Manual assorting ...................  209 / 705
        Manure spreader type ...............  239 / 650+
        Mattress filling ...................  53 / 255+
        Paper pasting strip cutter feed ....  156 / 510
        Power driven .......................  198
        Sifters ............................  209 / 307+
        Sifting liquid treatment ...........  209 / 272
        Stratifiers liquid treatment .......  209 / 428+
        Textile smoothing transfer .........  38 / 8+
    Butchering .............................  452 / 177+
    Centrifugal fluid ......................  239 / 215
    Distributor feed .......................  239 / 215
    Chain or belt ..........................  29 / DIG 73
    Chute ..................................  193 / 2 R+
        Apertures automatic gauging ........  209 / 682
        Drying apparatus ...................  34 / 165+
        Gaseous suspension assorting .......  209 / 149
        Gauging automatic by rolling .......  209 / 696
        Liquid suspension assorting ........  209 / 196
            Reciprocating ..................  209 / 196
            Stationary .....................  209 / 202
        Manual assorting ...................  209 / 703+
        Movable bed stratifiers ............  209 / 479+
            Liquid treatment, spiral .......  209 / 434
        Plural destination conveyor & ......  198 / 359
        Pneumatic stratifiers  
            Movable bed ....................  209 / 471+
            Stationary bed .................  209 / 477
        Pockets automatic gauging with .....  209 / 684
        Power driven conveyor combined .....  198 / 523+
        Stationary bed liquid treatment  
            Stratifier .....................  209 / 458+
            Stratifiers reciprocating ......  209 / 437+
        Stratifiers rotating ...............  209 / 444
            Reciprocating ..................  209 / 435
    Chutes skids guides ways ...............  193
    Coated surface separator ...............  209 / 65
    Receivers with .........................  209 / 65+
    Cooking apparatus ......................  99 / 443 R
        Beverage infuser ...................  99 / 289 R
        Boiler or deep fat fryer ...........  99 / 404+
        Corn popping .......................  99 / 323.9
        Filled receptacle cooker ...........  99 / 360+
        Griddle ............................  99 / 423+
        Molding support ....................  99 / 427
        Smoke treating .....................  99 / 467+
        Spit or empaling type ..............  99 / 420
        Toaster or broiler .................  99 / 386+
        Waffle iron type cooker ............  99 / 373
    Design .................................  D34 / 29+
        Hollow article .....................  34 / 105
        Houses containers with .............  34 / 201+
        Removable shelf or tray ............  34 / 194
        Handling ...........................  34 / 194
        Stationary receptacle with .........  34 / 179+
        Treated material handling ..........  34 / 236
    Dumping scow platform ..................  114 / 34
    Egg candling ...........................  356 / 55+
    Electrolytic apparatus work ............  204 / 198+
        Adjustable material deflector ......  222 / 290
        For ................................  222 / 290
        Bucket ditcher longitudinal ........  37 / 359
        Bucket ditcher transverse ..........  37 / 360
        Chain ..............................  198 / 643
            With pusher ....................  198 / 725+
        Container sterilizing ..............  422
        Cooperating comminuting ............  241 / 200
        Dispenser ..........................  222 / 415
        Dispensing trap chamber on .........  222 / 371
        Dragline scoop combined ............  414 / 570
        Drying house plural run ............  34 / 207
        Drying house single run both .......  34 / 208
        Active .............................  34 / 208
        Electrolytic movable electrode .....  204 / 202
        Work ...............................  204 / 202+
        Endless digger .....................  37 / 462+
        Flexible sheet drying ..............  34 / 658+
        Furnace type charging ..............  414 / 147+
        Furnace type reciprocating .........  414 / 586+
            Charger combined ...............  414 / 198
        Gangways ...........................  14 / 70
        Grain hulling ......................  99 / 616
        Hoist combined .....................  414 / 564
        Material deflector .................  222 / 408
        Plow ditcher longitudinal ..........  37 / 366+
        Plow ditcher longitudinal and ......  37 / 368+
        Transverse .........................  37 / 369
        Plow road grader conveyor ..........  37 / 389+
        Wheel combined .....................  37 / 391+
        Plow road grader transverse ........  37 / 389
        Pneumatic stacker combined .........  406 / 77+
        Power driven .......................  271 / 194+
        Product remover ....................  83 / 155.1
        Rotary digger ......................  37 / 190
        Self loading excavating vehicle ....  37 / 304+
        Sheet delivering ...................  271 / 198+
        Sheet delivering to curtains .......  271 / 67
        Sheet delivering to flies ..........  271 / 66+
        Sheet delivering to other ..........  271 / 69
        Conveyors ..........................  271 / 69+
        Sheet feeding ......................  271 / 264+
        Sheet feeding and delivering .......  271 / 7
        Sheet feeding and separating .......  271 / 12+
        Sheet feeding delivering and .......  271 / 6
        Separating .........................  271 / 6
        Vehicle unloading external .........  414 / 373+
            Horizontal movement ............  414 / 353
            Reorienting support ............  414 / 356
            Repositioning support ..........  414 / 351
        Wheel excavator longitudinal .......  37 / 96
        Wheel excavator transverse .........  37 / 97
    Excavator ..............................  37 / 360+
        Ditchers ...........................  37 / 347+
        Railway snow .......................  37 / 208
        Road grader ........................  37 / 381+
        Roadway snow .......................  37 / 237+
    Flexible ...............................  29 / DIG 99
    Fluid current ..........................  406
        Boiler or deep fat frying ..........  99 / 406
        Diamagnetic separation of ..........  209 / 212
        Solids .............................  209 / 212
        Drying apparatus treated ...........  34 / 576+
        Material ...........................  34 / 576+
        Drying process material ............  34 / 359+
        Suspension or ......................  34 / 359+
        Electrostatic separation of ........  209 / 127.1
        Solids .............................  209 / 127.1+
        Fluid conveyor or applicator .......  29 / DIG 63
        Fluid handling system cleaners .....  137 / 238+
        Insect dusting machine with ........  43 / 141
        Insect powder dusters ..............  239 / 650+
        Material of indeterminate length ...  226 / 97.1+
        Mortar mixer processes .............  366 / 3+
        Mortar mixers ......................  366 / 10
        Paramagnetic separation of .........  209 / 213
        Solids .............................  209 / 213+
        Railway snow excavator .............  37 / 202
        Rotary meat comminutor combined ....  241 / 38+
        Sand blast abrading ................  451 / 75+
        Separating operations combined .....  209 / 12.1+
        Separation of solids ...............  209 / 132+
        Separation of solids by ............  209 / 45
        Adhesion ...........................  209 / 45+
        Separation with heat treatment .....  209 / 11
        Sheet delivering ...................  271 / 306
        Sifting ............................  209 / 233+
        Solids comminuting apparatus .......  241 / 38
        With ...............................  241 / 38+
        Solids comminuting processes .......  241 / 15
        With ...............................  241 / 15+
        Stratifiers ........................  209 / 422+
        Track sander pipe cleaning .........  291 / 43
        Track sanders ......................  291 / 3+
        Treatment precedent to .............  209 / 3
        Separation .........................  209 / 3+
        Treatment subsequent to ............  209 / 10
        Separation .........................  209 / 10
    Fluid pressure testing for .............  73 / 41
    Leakage ................................  73 / 41+
    Garbage and sewage furnace .............  110 / 255+
    Gas as a ...............................  29 / DIG 81
    Gaseous suspension assorting ...........  209 / 147
    Feeding ................................  209 / 147+
    Glass annealing ........................  432 / 121+
        Cutting binding combined ...........  56 / 131+
        Cutting combined ...................  56 / 153+
        Cutting threshing combined .........  56 / 122+
        Marine .............................  56 / 9
        Motor cutter and detachable ........  56 / 3+
        Motor cutter combined ..............  56 / 14.5
    Heat exchange ..........................  165 / 120+
        Chamber ............................  165 / 120+
    Linear motor ...........................  198 / 619
    Liquid suspension assorting ............  209 / 184
    Feeding ................................  209 / 184
    Liquid treatment stratifiers ...........  209 / 452
    Rotating with ..........................  209 / 452
    Liquid treatment stratifiers ...........  209 / 461
    Stationary with ........................  209 / 461+
    Lubricator .............................  184 / 12
        Force feed .........................  184 / 61+
        Systems ............................  184 / 6+
    Material for ...........................  198 / 957*
    Mining machine .........................  299 / 64+
    Moving wave ............................  198 / 630
    Potato digger spiral ...................  171 / 113
    Power driven ...........................  198
    Press combined .........................  100 / 144+
    Quencher for thermolytic ...............  202 / 230
    Distillation ...........................  202 / 230
    Receptacle positioning for .............  141 / 129
    Filling ................................  141 / 129
        Discharge assistants sets of .......  222 / 275+
        Dispensing .........................  222 / 409
        Dispensing trap chamber ............  222 / 361+
        Furnace charging ...................  414 / 194
        Furnace fuel feed ..................  110 / 109
        Plural source dispensing ...........  222 / 137
        Unitary ............................  222 / 137
        Power driven .......................  198 / 750.1+
            Pusher .........................  198 / 736+
        Power driven pusher ................  198 / 736+
        Series discharge assistants ........  222 / 243+
            Rotary and .....................  222 / 233+
        Sheet delivering ...................  271 / 84+
        Sheet feeding ......................  271 / 267+
        Sheet separating and feeding .......  271 / 14
        Thermolytic distillation ...........  202 / 119
        Transverse to material flow ........  222 / 200
        Vibrating dispenser bottom .........  222 / 199
        Vibrating trough ...................  198 / 750.1+
    Refrigeration combined  
        Cooled article .....................  62 / 378+
        Door mounted .......................  62 / 377
        Process ............................  62 / 62+
        Solid refrigerant ..................  62 / 379+
    Residue or sediment mover ..............  210 / 523+
    Roaster type combined peeler or ........  99 / 483
    Parer ..................................  99 / 483
    Robot cooperating with .................  901 / 7*
    Roller .................................  193 / 35 R+
        Live rolls .........................  198 / 780+
            Rotary .........................  198 / 624
        Acetylene generator carbide ........  48 / 48+
        Feed ...............................  48 / 48+
        Discharge assistants sets of .......  222 / 271+
        Dispensing .........................  222 / 410+
        Dispensing trap chamber ............  222 / 367+
        Drying apparatus ...................  34 / 184+
        Electrolytic with work .............  204 / 199+
        Gravity flow dryer with ............  34 / 166
        Heat exchange cylinder with ........  165 / 120+
        Heat exchange horizontal ...........  165 / 88
        Heat exchange vertical .............  165 / 89+
        Mercurial adhesion separating ......  209 / 70
        Power driven .......................  198
        Rotating drum sifter ...............  209 / 296
        Series dispensing means ............  222 / 236+
        Series dispensing means ............  222 / 233
        Reciprocating and ..................  222 / 233+
        Sheet delivering ...................  271 / 314+
        Sheet feeding ......................  271 / 275+
    Scales combined ........................  198 / 502.1+
    Screw ..................................  198 / 657+
        Acetylene generation carbide .......  48 / 54
        Feed ...............................  48 / 54
        Cam or screw conveyor ..............  29 / DIG 100
        Centrifugal fluid ..................  239 / 218.5
        Distributor feed ...................  239 / 218.5
        Ditcher ............................  37 / 351+
        Earth boring tool ..................  175 / 394+
        Furnace fuel feeder ................  110 / 110
        Pneumatic conveyor feed ............  406 / 56+
        Potato digger ......................  171 / 134
        Rotary discharge assistant .........  222 / 412+
        Series rotary discharge ............  222 / 240
        Assistants .........................  222 / 240
        Thermolytic distillation ...........  202 / 118
    Self loading vehicle ...................  414 / 467+
    Sheet feeding and delivering ...........  271
    Sifter .................................  209 / 261+
        Discharging ........................  209 / 257
        Discharging and valve ..............  209 / 256
        Feeding ............................  209 / 247+
        Feeding and discharging ............  209 / 241
        Feeding hopper .....................  209 / 245
        Plane reciprocating with ...........  209 / 320+
        Rotating drum combined .............  209 / 293+
        Superposed plane with ..............  209 / 316
        Intermediate .......................  209 / 316
    Store service ..........................  186
    Thermolytic distillation retort ........  202 / 117+
    Threshing machine dust .................  460 / 117
    Thrower ................................  198 / 638+
        Furnace charging ...................  414 / 193
        Scattering unloader ................  239 / 672+
        Track sander .......................  291 / 32
    Transversing wall aperture .............  198 / 950*
    Turning cigarettes end for end .........  198 / 951*
    Typesetting machine ....................  276 / 16+
    Washer type combined peeler or .........  99 / 623
    Parer ..................................  99 / 623+
    Washing apparatus having  
        Brushing scrubbing etc .............  15 / 3+
        Liquid contact with solids .........  134
    Washing apparatus having endless .......  137 / 124+
        Bottle brushing ....................  15 / 60+
        Control by work or work holder .....  134 / 48
        Sequential stations work ...........  134 / 67
        Transfer ...........................  134 / 67+
        Work transfer ......................  134 / 70+
    Wood cutting machine dust ..............  144 / 252.1+
    Wooden flight making machine ...........  144 / 10
Convolute Winding ..........................  242 / 520+
    Laminated article making ...............  156
    Paper tube machine .....................  493 / 303+
Cooker & Cooking  
    Barbecue unit ..........................  D07 / 332+
    Capacitive .............................  219 / 771
    Commercial equipment ...................  D07 / 323+
    Digester ...............................  422 / 307+
    Electric ovens .........................  219 / 391+
    Electric vessels .......................  219 / 438+
    Electric vessels and stands ............  219 / 429+
    Food ...................................  99 / 324+
        Non-cooking heat treatment .........  99 / 483
    Heat source ............................  D07 / 362+
    Household appliance ....................  D07 / 323+
    Household container ....................  D07 / 354+
    Inductive heating ......................  219 / 620
    Microwave heating ......................  219 / 725
    Popcorn ................................  D07 / 325
    Solar ..................................  D07 / 324
    Solid fuel .............................  D07 / 332
    Starch .................................  127 / 28
    Stoves .................................  126
Cookie Cutter ..............................  D07 / 672
Coolant ....................................  102 / 704*
    Nuclear reactors .......................  976 / DIG 1+
Cooler & Cooling (See Congelation; .........  62
    Quenchers; refrigeration) ..............  62
    Abrasive tool or support ...............  451 / 488
    Air ....................................  62 / 404+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 186+
        Process ............................  62 / 89+
    Air conditioning equipment .............  D23 / 351+
    Article in dispenser ...................  221 / 150 R
    Automatic cooling and heating ..........  165 / 201
    Bearings ...............................  384 / 313+
    Beds ...................................  5 / 284
        Metal rolling ......................  72 / 251
    Body ...................................  604 / 113+
        Treating material ..................  604 / 113+
            External .......................  604 / 291+
    Brakes .................................  188 / 264 R
    Cabinet combined .......................  312 / 236
    Castings ...............................  164 / 122+
        Continuous .........................  164 / 443+
    Chemical reaction or solids ............  62 / 4
    Dissolving .............................  62 / 4
    Cleaning or polishing ..................  15 / 230.1
    Tool or support ........................  15 / 230.1
    Clutches ...............................  192 / 113.1+
    Coating treatment ......................  427 / 398.1+
    Compositions ...........................  252 / 70
        Antifreeze type ....................  252 / 71
        Vaporization or expansion ..........  252 / 67+
    Congealed material drying ..............  34 / 302+
    Control ................................  236
    Cooling and heating apparatus ..........  165 / 58+
        Conveyer art .......................  198 / 952*
        Design .............................  D23
        Towers .............................  261 / DIG 11
    Discharge nozzle .......................  239 / 132.3
        Reaction motor .....................  239 / 127.1+
    Dispenser ..............................  222 / 146.6
    Distillate .............................  203
        Apparatus combined .................  202
    Drying combined with ...................  34 / 391+
        Cold gas contact ...................  34 / 428+
        Cooling means ......................  34 / 62+
        Vapor condensers ...................  34 / 73+
    Earth boring combined ..................  175 / 17
    Electric lamp ..........................  313 / 11+
    Electric lamp or electronic tube .......  315 / 112
    In system ..............................  315 / 112+
    Electrical apparatus ...................  174 / 15.1+
    Electron tube ..........................  313 / 11+
    Emulsion breaking by ...................  516 / 194+
    Evaporation, cooling by  
        In hydrocarbon synthesis ...........  585 / 940*
    Fluid handling systems or devices ......  417 / 243
    With ...................................  417 / 243+
        Discharge nozzles ..................  239 / 132.3
    Foundry mold ...........................  164 / 348
    Furnace ................................  432 / 233+
        Arc, electrical ....................  373 / 74
            Sidewall .......................  373 / 76
        Design .............................  D23 / 329
        Doors or casings ...................  110 / 180
        Doors or fronts by water ...........  122 / 497+
        Electrical induction ...............  373 / 165
            Coreless .......................  373 / 151+
        Industrial by water ................  122 / 6 R+
        Metallurgical shaft type ...........  266 / 190+
        Resistance, electrical .............  373 / 113+
    Fusion-bonding apparatus combined ......  228 / 46
    Gas and liquid contact .................  261 / 127+
    Glass manufacturing  
        For apparatus ......................  65 / 355
        Melt cooling .......................  65 / 137
        Product cooling ....................  65 / 348
    Grinder ................................  451 / 449+
    Heating combined or by heat ............  165
    Exchange ...............................  165
    Humidity regulation ....................  236
    Light projectors .......................  362 / 294
    Liquid .................................  62 / 389+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 177+
        Discrete commodity contacting ......  62 / 373+
        Indirect heat transfer liquid ......  62 / 430+
        Process ............................  62 / 98+
    Liquid purification ....................  210 / 774+
        Apparatus ..........................  210 / 175+
        Precipitation ......................  210 / 737
    Lubricators ............................  184 / 104.1
    Material during filling ................  53 / 127
    Milk treating apparatus ................  99 / 455
    Mold stereotype ........................  164 / 144
    Mold type ..............................  199 / 56
    Motor or pump  
        Combustion products power ..........  60 / 39.83
        Plant ..............................  60 / 39.83
        Compressor intercooler .............  417 / 243
        Condensers .........................  165 / 110
        Electric locomotive ................  105 / 59
        Internal combustion ................  123 / 41.01+
        Land vehicle system ................  180 / 68.4+
        Marine propulsion ..................  440 / 88
        Power plant combustion exhaust .....  60 / 310
        Power plant combustion exhaust .....  60 / 317
        Power plant combustion exhaust .....  60 / 320+
        Power plant combustion exhaust .....  60 / 685
        Power plant flue ejected ...........  60 / 685+
        Exhaust ............................  60 / 685+
        Radiator ...........................  165 / 121+
        Shaft coupling .....................  464 / 17
        Turbine ............................  415 / 175+
    Needle of sewing machine ...............  112 / 281
    Nozzles ................................  239 / 132.3
        Reaction motor discharge ...........  239 / 127.1+
    Nuclear reactors .......................  976 / DIG 187+
    Pipe joint .............................  285 / 41
    Pipe smoking ...........................  131 / 195
    Plastic metal working ..................  72 / 253.1+
    Power plant x-art ......................  60 / 912*
    Radio type tubes  
        Integral cooler ....................  313 / 11+
    Rolling mill ...........................  72 / 201
    Sewage treatment process ...............  210 / 612+
    Tires ..................................  152 / 153
    With comminution .......................  241 / 65
        By fluid or lubricant and other ....  241 / 17
        Methods ............................  241 / 17
        By fluid or lubricant method .......  241 / 15
        By gas or vapor method .............  241 / 18+
        Fluid applying means ...............  241 / 38+
        Material cooling means .............  241 / 65+
        Material cooling methods ...........  241 / 23
    Work holder electric metal heating .....  219 / 158+
    X ray generating apparatus with ........  378 / 141
    X ray tubes ............................  313 / 11+
Cooling Tower ..............................  261
    Ice prevention .........................  261 / DIG 86
Coop .......................................  119 / 437
Coopering See Barrels ......................  147
Coordinate Determination ...................  367 / 907*
Cop and Cop Winding ........................  242 / 470+
    Bobbins or spools ......................  242 / 118.3+
    Filling receptacles with ...............  53 / 235+
    Finishing apparatus ....................  28 / 284+
    Sorter .................................  209 / 927*
    Wound packages .........................  242 / 159
Copal ......................................  530 / 203
    Sand type ..............................  164 / 349+
        Making .............................  164 / 6+
Copier and Copying  
    Electrophotographic ....................  399
Coping .....................................  52 / 300
    Earth supported ........................  52 / 102
    Tubular ................................  52 / 244
    Alloys .................................  420 / 469
        Aluminum ...........................  420 / 489
    Compound inorganic .....................  423
        Biocides containing ................  424 / 630+
        Cuprates ...........................  423 / 592.1+
        Halides ............................  423 / 462+
            Hydrocarbon purification by ....  585 / 849
        Oxide or hydroxide .................  423 / 604
            Photoelectric cell battery .....  136 / 265
    Compound organic .......................  556 / 110+
        Medicine ...........................  514 / 184
    Electrolytic synthesis .................  205 / 574+
    Froth flotation ........................  209 / 901*
    Heat treatment .........................  148 / 679+
    Hydrometallurgy ........................  75 / 711+
    Plate ..................................  428 / 674+
        On iron ............................  428 / 676+
    Plating ................................  205 / 291+
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 638+
        Combined with hydrometallurgy ......  75 / 416+
    Advancing means ........................  226 / 168+
    Business distributed data files, .......  705 / 57
    Prevention of ..........................  705 / 57
        Using a program or origin id .......  705 / 58
    Electrophotographic copy ...............  399
    Holders (see copyholders) .............  248 / 441.1+
        Advancing means ....................  226 / 12
    Multiple ...............................  462 / 18+
        Photocopying equipment .............  D18 / 36+
Copyholder .................................  248 / 441.1+
    Card holder on typewriter ..............  400 / 521+
    Electrophotographic copier .............  355 / 72+
    Electrophotographic copier .............  399 / 377+
    Line guide type ........................  40 / 352+
    Movable copy ...........................  40 / 342+
    Passive guide for moving material ......  226 / 196.1
    Sheet or web holder on typewriter ......  400 / 578+
    Typewriter attachable ..................  248 / 442.2
Copying See Pattern Control  
    Camera .................................  355 / 18+
    Coated surface .........................  427 / 144
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 14.5
    Electrophotography .....................  399
    Machines see pattern control  
    Pads and forms .........................  118 / 264+
    Paper or carbon paper ..................  462 / 69+
        Coated .............................  427 / 153+
        Apparatus ..........................  101 / 131+
        Elements ...........................  101 / 473
        Processes ..........................  101 / 468+
        Design .............................  D18 / 50
    Wood turning ...........................  142 / 7+
Cord (See Strand)  
    Electric (see conductor)  
        Bed bottom .........................  5 / 190+
        Braided netted or lace .............  87
        Hammock ............................  5 / 122
        Knitted ............................  66 / 169 R+
        Woven ..............................  139 / 383 R+
    Fastener or tie ........................  24 / 115 R+
        Bale or package ....................  24 / 18
        Box closure ........................  229 / 125.22
        Flexible bag .......................  383 / 71
        Garment supporter ..................  2 / 341+
        Hat ................................  132 / 61
        Knotter combined ...................  289
        Necktie ............................  24 / 58
            Design .........................  D02 / 607
        Sash ...............................  16 / 202+
        Separable ..........................  24 / 660
        Window sash combined ...............  49 / 445+
    Finishing apparatus ....................  28 / 219+
    Guide ..................................  254 / 389
        Convolute winding, for .............  242 / 548+
        Knotter combined ...................  289 / 15
        Running material ...................  242 / 615+
        Sash ...............................  16 / 210+
        Strand .............................  242 / 157 R+
    Hat ....................................  2 / 175.7
    Opener, tear member  +
        Bag ................................  383 / 206
        Box ................................  229 / 239
        Envelope ...........................  229 / 311+
    Operating (see device operated)  
    Packaging ..............................  28 / 289+
    Picture frame ..........................  40 / 757+
    Pliant, deformable sheet ...............  402 / 8
    Retainer ...............................  402 / 8+
    Shortener (see take up)  
    Spun twisted or twined .................  57
    Spun twisted or twined design ..........  D05 / 7+
        Electric conductor type ............  174 / 69
            Insulator combined .............  174 / 154
        Spring device ......................  267 / 74
        Telephone cord type ................  379 / 441
        Light type .........................  362 / 407
        Package and article carrier ........  294 / 149+
        Picture type .......................  248 / 489+
        Sash balance .......................  16 / 193+
        Sheet retainer also serves to ......  402 / 7
        Insert binder strand thru ..........  402 / 7
        Sheet ..............................  402 / 7
        Tool cord type .....................  248 / 51+
    Terminal ...............................  439 / 775+
        Antiskid devices ...................  152 / 221+
        Carcass material ...................  152 / 548
        Carcass material arrangement .......  152 / 558
        Making .............................  156 / 117
    Tying or knotting ......................  289
        Harvester compressing and ..........  56 / 433
        Binding ............................  56 / 433+
        Harvester raking and bundling ......  56 / 343
    Winding and reeling ....................  242 / 470+
Cordeau Detonant ...........................  102 / 275.1+
    Composition ............................  149 / 105+
Corduroy ...................................  139 / 392
Core (See Casting, Plastics; Mandrel)  
    Assembling apparatus ...................  29 / 234
    Box ....................................  164 / 228+
        Planes .............................  30 / 479
        Sections hinged ....................  164 / 233
    Brush and broom ........................  15 / 204+
        Boxes ..............................  164 / 228+
        Cement pipe mold ...................  425 / 59+
        Cement pipe mold ...................  425 / 406+
        Chaplets ...........................  164 / 398+
        Materials ..........................  106 / 38.2+
        Means to expand or contract ........  249 / 178+
        Metal founding sand ................  164 / 369+
        Molds metal separable ..............  249 / 142+
        Molds sand combined ................  164 / 365+
        Of plural sections .................  249 / 184+
        Of resilient material ..............  249 / 183
        Plastic molds ......................  425 / 468
        Removing ...........................  164 / 132
        Removing apparatus .................  164 / 345+
        Static mold ........................  249 / 175+
    Cutters auger type .....................  408 / 199+
        Annular drills .....................  408 / 204+
        Button making ......................  79 / 16
        Earth ..............................  175 / 403+
        Tubular wood saw ...................  408 / 204+
        Wood disk ..........................  408 / 204+
    Dam ....................................  405 / 109
    Deforming metal  
        Destructible core ..................  72 / 57+
        Flexible core ......................  72 / 466
    Distillation retort ....................  202 / 225
    Electromagnet ..........................  335 / 297
        Circuit breaker armature ...........  335 / 281+
        Circuit breaker multiple ...........  335 / 180+
    Flexible for tube bending ..............  72 / 466
        Electromagnet with armature ........  335 / 220+
        Reactor ............................  336 / 233+
        Transformer ........................  336 / 233+
    Materials ..............................  106 / 38.2+
    Molding machines for foundries .........  164 / 228+
    Nuclear reactor ........................  376 / 347
    Nuclear reactor ........................  376 / 409
    Pile driving type ......................  405 / 245+
    Pillow .................................  5 / 636
    Plates for storage batteries ...........  429 / 209+
    Railway pedestal block .................  238 / 117
    Screw threading taps  
        Cam ................................  408 / 158
        Wedge ..............................  408 / 179
    Static mold having  
        Removable ..........................  249 / 142
    Strand structure covered ...............  57 / 210+
    Supports ...............................  164 / 397+
    Textile covering processes .............  57 / 3+
    Textiles covering ......................  57 / 3+
    Tires casing enclosed ..................  152 / 310+
    Winding of fabrics .....................  242 / 520+
    Hand manipulated .......................  30 / 113.1+
        Plural cooperating blades ..........  30 / 174
    Machine ................................  99 / 547
        Doffer parer combined ..............  99 / 541+
        Doffer parer segmenter combined ....  99 / 543
        Parer combined .....................  99 / 541
        Parer slicer combined ..............  99 / 543
        Parer slicer combined ..............  99 / 592
        Segmenter combined .................  99 / 545
        Slicer combined ....................  99 / 552
    Board making ...........................  264 / 124
    Bottle stoppers ........................  215 / 355+
    Coating or plastic compositions ........  106 / 169.1+
    Containing .............................  106 / 169.1+
    Fastener making ........................  140 / 85
    Hoof covering ..........................  168 / 26+
    Paving .................................  404 / 17+
    Polymers ctg (see synthetic resin  
    Or natural rubber)  
    Press ..................................  144 / 284
    Pullers ................................  81 / 3.07+
    Removing implement .....................  D08 / 42
    Wire applying to .......................  140 / 94+
Corkscrew ..................................  81 / 3.45
    Hayfork manipulator ....................  294 / 121
    Making .................................  140 / 86
    Cob splitter ...........................  225 / 93+
    Ear holder .............................  294 / 5
    Files ..................................  132 / 76.4
    Foods ..................................  426 / 627+
        Flakes .............................  426 / 621
    Grinding ...............................  241
    Harvesting .............................  56 / 51+
    Holder for eating ......................  D07 / 683
        Machines ...........................  460 / 25
    Means to butter ear corn ...............  401 / 12
    Medicines for ..........................  424
    Pads for ...............................  128 / 882
    Planter ................................  111
        Clutches ...........................  192 / 23
    Popping apparatus ......................  99 / 323.5+
    Shellers ...............................  460 / 45+
        Green corn .........................  99 / 567
    Stringers weaving ......................  139 / 19
    Stripper ...............................  30 / 121.5
    Pipe ...................................  131 / 230
    Splitter ...............................  225 / 93+
Corneal Cutting Device .....................  606 / 166
    Building component .....................  52 / 272+
        Concrete or plaster ................  52 / 250+
        Embedded protector .................  52 / 254+
        Panel edge binder ..................  52 / 264+
        Trim or shield .....................  52 / 287.1+
        Window frame post ..................  52 / 204.57
    Cabinets ...............................  312 / 238
        Folded wall extension ..............  229 / 190+
        Folded web .........................  229 / 186+
        Bedstead fastenings ................  5 / 288+
        Block ..............................  52 / 284+
        Bolted table leg ...................  108 / 156
        Bracket type support ...............  248 / 220.1
        Building component .................  52 / 272
        Coffins ............................  27 / 10
        Curbs and gutters ..................  404 / 8
        Elastic flat bedbottom .............  5 / 205+
        Land vehicle body ..................  296 / 29+
        Panel type switchboard .............  361 / 651
        Razors .............................  30 / 76
        Resilient tires sectional ..........  152 / 183
        Trunk shields and buffers ..........  190 / 37
Cornet .....................................  84 / 388+
    Design .................................  D17 / 11
    Drainage ...............................  84 / 397
    Mouthpieces ............................  84 / 398+
    Mutes ..................................  84 / 400
    Tremolos ...............................  84 / 401
    Curtain shade or screen combined .......  160 / 19+
    Design, fabric .........................  D06 / 575
    Design, rigid ..........................  D25 / 55
    Design, structural .....................  D25 / 55
    Metal sheathing ........................  52 / 287.1
        Trim or shield .....................  52 / 287.1+
    Discharge photography ..................  396 / 661
    Discharge process ......................  430 / 937*
        Chemical apparatus .................  422 / 907*
    Electrophotographic copier .............  399 / 170+
        Conductors .........................  174 / 127
        Dynamos ............................  310 / 196
    Carriers ...............................  27 / 28
        Display type .......................  62 / 246+
        Open support .......................  62 / 458
    Cremating furnace ......................  110 / 194
    Undertaking ............................  27
Corrosion Preventing  
    Agents .................................  252 / 387+
    Coating composition ....................  106 / 14.05+
    Distilling combined ....................  203 / 6+
    In hydrocarbon synthesis ...............  585 / 950*
    In nuclear reactors ....................  376 / 305
    Mineral oil conversion combined ........  208 / 47
    Processes ..............................  422 / 7
    Refrigeration with .....................  62 / 85
Corrugated Structure  
    Building panel .........................  52 / 630
        Metal ..............................  428 / 603+
        Flexible ...........................  138 / 121+
        Reinforced .........................  138 / 173
    Railway ties ...........................  238 / 82
    Receptacle wooden straps for ...........  217 / 67
    Reflector lantern combined .............  362 / 297+
    Sheet metal ............................  428 / 603+
    Ship ...................................  114 / 80
    Stock material .........................  428 / 179
        Making apparatus ...................  156 / 205+
        Making process .....................  264 / 286+
    Wrappers for bottles ...................  229 / 90
Corrugating See Crimping  
    Land furrowing implement ...............  172
    Metal ..................................  72 / 190+
        Curving and ........................  72 / 177
        Slitting and .......................  29 / 6.1
        Tube ...............................  72 / 102+
        Web or sheet .......................  72 / 196
        Crepe paper making .................  162 / 111+
        Processes for ......................  264 / 286+
    Plastic & earthenware shaping ..........  425 / 396
    Ruffler for sewing machine .............  112 / 132+
Corsage ....................................  D11 / 117+
Corset .....................................  450 / 94
    Covers .................................  2 / 110
    Design .................................  D02 / 701+
    Making .................................  223 / 53
        Reinforcing ........................  223 / 4
Corticosterone .............................  552 / 588
Cortisone ..................................  552 / 577
Cortisone, in Drug .........................  514 / 179
Corundum ...................................  423
    Abrasive composition ...................  51 / 309
    Refractory composition .................  501 / 127+
        Magnesium compound containing ......  501 / 119
Corynanthine ...............................  546 / 53
Cosmetic Product ...........................  D28 / 4+
    Applicator, bristled brush .............  D04
    Applicator,general .....................  D28 / 7+
    Box ....................................  206 / 542
    Brush ..................................  D04
    Cold cream .............................  514 / 772+
    Compacts ...............................  401 / 126+
        Design .............................  D28 / 78
    Facial .................................  514 / 844*
    Including toilet article, ..............  132 / 286+
        Eg mirror ..........................  132 / 316
            Compact ........................  132 / 301+
        With light .........................  362 / 135+
    Lipsticks ..............................  424 / 64
        Container ..........................  206 / 385
        Lipstick in container ..............  D28 / 76+
    Package for ............................  206 / 803*
    Powder applicator ......................  D28 / 8
    Powder in container ....................  D28 / 76+
    Shaped appliers ........................  132 / 320
        Design .............................  D28 / 76+
Cosmic Ray Detection .......................  250 / 336.1
    Cloud chamber ..........................  250
    Detector tubes .........................  376 / 153+
    Detector tubes .........................  313 / 93
    Photographic film ......................  250 / 475.2
    Scintillation ..........................  250 / 361 R+
Cosmid .....................................  435 / 320.1
Cost Determination  
    Automated ..............................  705 / 400
Costume ....................................  D02 / 741
    Garment prior to 1900 ..................  D02 / 729
Cots .......................................  5 / 110+
    Canopies ...............................  5 / 414+
    Nut locks  
        Design .............................  D08 / 382
        In bolt to nut lock ................  411 / 213
        In bolt to nut lock ................  411 / 320
        Making .............................  29 / 5
    Pin ....................................  411 / 513
    Pullers ................................  29 / 247+
    Railway car wheel ......................  295 / 50
    Shaft joint type .......................  403 / 378+
    Slot punching ..........................  470 / 161
    Chopper type plows .....................  172
    Fiber preparation ......................  19
    Harvesting .............................  56 / 28+
    Ripening ...............................  47 / 5
Cotton Candy Maker .........................  425 / 9
    Box type ...............................  297 / 188.08+
    Furniture design .......................  D06 / 334
    Hammock ................................  5 / 124+
    Kinestherapy ...........................  601 / 49
    Light thermal and electrical ...........  607 / 115+
    Applying ...............................  607 / 115+
    Orthopedic .............................  606 / 242+
    Roll ...................................  162 / 314
    Tub combined ...........................  4 / 547
    Ballistic galvanometer .................  324 / 97
    Electrolytic ...........................  324 / 94
Coulter ....................................  172 / 165
    Planting machine .......................  111 / 140
Coumarins ..................................  549 / 283
Coumarone ..................................  549 / 434
    Resins (see also synthetic resin or ....  526 / 266
    Natural rubber) ........................  526 / 266
Counter & Counting (See Recorders; .........  D10 / 97+
    Registers; shelf & shelving; tally; ....  D10 / 97
    Showcase) ..............................  D10 / 97
    Alarm for operation ....................  116 / 73
    Applications ...........................  377 / 1
    Bank protection trapping ...............  109 / 4
    Mechanism ..............................  109 / 4
    Blood ..................................  377 / 10
    Cabinet type ...........................  312 / 140.1+
        Check-out counter ..................  186 / 59+
    Coin ...................................  453 / 58+
        Box ................................  235 / 100
        Electronic tube type ...............  377 / 103
        Gas tube ...........................  315
    Electromechanical ......................  377 / 82
    Electromotive force ....................  322 / 86+
    Generator excitation control ...........  322 / 86+
    Electronic .............................  377
    Faucet operation .......................  235 / 94 R
    Geiger muller ..........................  250 / 374+
    Indicating means .......................  377 / 112
        Tube per se ........................  313 / 93
    Mechanical .............................  235
    Mechanism for package ..................  235 / 98 R
    Mechanism for turnstiles ...............  235 / 93
    Nuclear for fluid ......................  250 / 336.1
    Railway block signal in-and-out ........  246 / 77+
    Railway car actuated circuit ...........  246 / 247
    Control by .............................  246 / 247
    Recorder combined ......................  346 / 14 R+
    Registers ..............................  235
    Rotation ...............................  235 / 103+
    Scintillation ..........................  250 / 361 R+
    Sheets .................................  235 / 89 R
    Shoe ...................................  36 / 69
    Showcase ...............................  312 / 114+
        Cabinet type .......................  312 / 140.1+
        Protectors and guards ..............  312 / 137
        Boot and shoe ......................  36 / 68
        Shoe heel and ......................  36 / 69
    Systems ................................  377 / 27
    Typewriter words .......................  235 / 102
Counterbalance (See Counterpoise;  
    Cable hauling drum with ................  254 / 312
    Centrifugal metal ......................  164 / 287
    Casting device with ....................  164 / 287
    Closet seat ............................  4 / 241
    Crane ..................................  212 / 195+
    Cranks and wristpins ...................  74 / 603+
    Cultivator beam seat ...................  172 / 431+
    Electric lamp etc electrode ............  314 / 98
    Elevator ...............................  187 / 404+
    Pedals .................................  74 / 594.5
    Pitman and connecting rod ..............  74 / 589+
    Railway cable car ......................  104 / 174+
    Railway wheels with ....................  295 / 6
    Robot ..................................  901 / 48*
    Spring biased tool .....................  172 / 705+
    Stand and adjustable bracket ...........  248 / 123.11+
    Standard type support ..................  248 / 162.1
    Adjustable with ........................  248 / 162.1
    Suspended support adjustable with ......  248 / 323+
    Upending bed ...........................  5 / 164.1+
    Valves .................................  251 / 281+
    Weighted tool ..........................  172 / 611
    Weights per se .........................  16 / 404
    Weights support type ...................  248 / 364
    Boring head ............................  408 / 223+
Counterpane ................................  5 / 482
Counterpoise (See Counterbalance)  
    Disappearing gun mount .................  89 / 39
    Oval pattern lathe chucks with .........  142 / 51
    Radio antenna ..........................  343 / 846+
    Augers .................................  408 / 223+
    Drill combined .........................  408 / 223+
    Pipe and plate packed joint ............  285 / 211+
    Reamers ................................  408 / 223+
    Screw pipe joint external ..............  285 / 349+
    Packing and ............................  285 / 349+
    Screws .................................  411 / 378
    Tile ...................................  D23 / 308
Counterweight See Counterbalance  
    Carcass splitting saw ..................  452 / 160+
    Chute ..................................  193 / 24
    Chute vertical swing ...................  193 / 18+
    Drilling machine .......................  408 / 235
    Elevator fluid governors ...............  187 / 345+
    Grinder mount ..........................  451 / 166+
    Light supports with ....................  362 / 401+
    Material handling hoist ................  414 / 601
    Material handling hoist with ...........  414 / 673
    Railway car stop bumpers with ..........  104 / 255
    Railway switch and signal ..............  246 / 153+
    Mechanical locking with ................  246 / 153+
    Railway switch stands ..................  246 / 288
    Automatic with .........................  246 / 288
    Sash ...................................  16 / 216+
    Sash balances cord and .................  16 / 194
    Suspended support with .................  248 / 331
    Vertically swinging shovel with ........  414 / 719+
    Delivery twist textile spinning ........  57 / 60+
        Strand controlled starting and .....  57 / 82
        Stopping ...........................  57 / 82
    Printing ...............................  101 / 183+
Coupler for Organ See Organ  
Coupling (See Connection)  
    Agricultural implement to tractor ......  280 / 504+
    Bolt or nut substructure ...............  411 / 81+
    Bolt to nut ............................  411 / 190+
    Boxes to electric fixtures .............  174 / 61+
    Circuit ................................  333 / 24 R+
    Cord and cable  
        End holders ........................  24 / 115 R+
        Ship tension reliever ..............  114 / 216+
    Detachable from container ..............  206 / 831*
        Articulated land vehicle ...........  280 / 504+
        Cable ..............................  104 / 193
        Horse drawn streetcar ..............  278 / 2.1
        Plow type ..........................  172 / 677+
        Railway ............................  213 / 75 R+
        Railway tools ......................  294 / 18
        Thill ..............................  278 / 52+
        Amplifier (see amplifier)  
        Brake ..............................  310 / 93
        Circuit ............................  333 / 24 R+
        Clutch type ........................  310 / 92+
        Network type .......................  333 / 24 R+
        Wave guide .........................  333 / 202+
        With antenna .......................  343 / 850+
    Fluid ..................................  60 / 325+
        Clutch combined ....................  192 / 3.21+
        Gearing combined ...................  74 / 730.1+
        Impeller making ....................  29 / 889.5
        Planetary gearing combined .........  475 / 31+
    Rafting and booming timber type ........  441 / 50+
    Railway tools ..........................  294 / 18
    Railway wheel and axle .................  295 / 39+
    Rod pipe and shaft  
        Closet bowl ........................  4 / 252.1+
        Dredger pipe structure .............  37 / 335+
        Dredger pipe supports ..............  37 / 334
        Electrical pipe type ...............  439 / 191+
        Flexible shaft .....................  464
        Nozzle type dispenser ..............  222 / 567+
        Pipe type ..........................  285
        Railway draft pipe support .........  368 / 15+
        Rod type ...........................  403
        Scaffolding pole ...................  403
        Seal for a joint or juncture .......  277
        Sprinkler pipe .....................  239 / 266+
        Strainer and pipe ..................  4 / 288
        Valved pipe ........................  60 / 530+
    Electronic distribution or .............  705 / 14
    Redemption .............................  705 / 14
    Envelope ...............................  229 / 70
    Tallies ................................  283 / 51+
Course for Animals .........................  119 / 422+
Court (Tennis, Racquetball, Etc.) ..........  472 / 92+
Cover (See Closure; Covering; Guard; .......  150 / 154
    Lid; and notes to) .....................  150 / 154
    Ampoule stem ...........................  81 / 3.4+
    Article carrier (vehicle attached) .....  224 / 42.2
        Roof or trunk ......................  224 / 328
    Automobile .............................  150 / 166
        Engine attached drip catcher .......  180 / 69.1
        Type ...............................  180 / 69.1
    Ball hitch .............................  280 / 507
    Barrel .................................  217 / 81
    Baseball field .........................  473 / 504
    Bed (sheet, blanket, ...................  5 / 482+
    Bedspread, etc.) .......................  5 / 482+
        Electric blanket type ..............  219 / 212
    Beverage container .....................  428
        Insulating jacket type .............  220 / 903*
    Bicycle ................................  150 / 167
    Boat ...................................  114 / 361
    Body entering conduit ..................  604 / 192+
    Body treating insert ...................  604 / 287
    Boiler .................................  122 / 494
    Book ...................................  283 / 64+
        Design of cover ....................  D19 / 26+
        Indicia on cover ...................  283 / 64
        Removable book .....................  281 / 19.1+
    Boring bit (earth penetrating) .........  175 / 307
    Broom or brush .........................  15 / 247
    Building (materials cover, ground ......  52 / 3
    Anchored, etc.) ........................  52 / 3
    Button .................................  24 / 113 R
    Camera .................................  206 / 316.2
    Can, beverage ..........................  428
        Insulating jacket type .............  220 / 903*
    Car ....................................  150 / 166
    Christmas tree .........................  206 / 423
    Clothesline ............................  211 / 119.18
    Coffin .................................  27 / 19
    Corset .................................  2 / 110
    Cutlery ................................  30 / 326
    Cutting bit (earth penetrating) ........  175 / 307
    Cutting blade ..........................  30 / 504
    Dentists engine hand piece .............  433 / 116
    (During use) ...........................  433 / 116
    Engine or motor ........................  150 / 157
        Engine attached drip catcher .......  180 / 69.1
        Type ...............................  180 / 69.1
    Filter type cover ......................  55 / 490+
        For liquid purification ............  210 / 500.1+
    Fishing rod or reel ....................  43 / 26
    Floor (carpet) .........................  428 / 85+
    Flower pot (decorative wrapper) ........  47 / 72
        Faucet .............................  150 / 158
        Fluid handling device ..............  150 / 156
    Flush closet (toilet) lid ..............  4 / 242.1
    Flush closet (toilet) seat cover .......  4 / 245.1+
    Furniture ..............................  150 / 158
        Armrest ............................  297 / 227+
        Bed (sheet, blanket, bedspread, ....  5 / 482+
        Etc.) ..............................  5 / 482+
            Electric blanket type ..........  219 / 212
        Billiard and pool table ............  473 / 34
        Chair and seat .....................  297 / 219.1+
        Design of cover ....................  D06 / 617+
        Table ..............................  108 / 90
    Garment hanger .........................  223 / 98
    Golf bag or cart .......................  150 / 159
    Golf club ..............................  150 / 160
    Gun ....................................  206 / 317
        Barrel .............................  42 / 96
        Sight ..............................  42 / 143
        Stock ..............................  42 / 74
    Hand grip ..............................  16 / DIG 12
    Hand tool ..............................  150 / 161
    Handle of operating mechanism ..........  74 / 558.5
    Handlebar ..............................  74 / 551.9
    Headlight ..............................  150 / 166
    Hinge ..................................  16 / 250+
    Hitch ball .............................  280 / 507
    Hot water bag ..........................  383 / 901*
        Therapeutic structure ..............  607 / 114
    Hydrant ................................  137 / 296
    Ice bag ................................  383 / 901*
    Ice skate ..............................  206 / 315.1
        Boot attached cover ................  280 / 811
        Scabbard ...........................  280 / 825
    Ironing board ..........................  38 / 140
    Keyhole ................................  70 / 455
    Knob on a closure fastener .............  292 / DIG 2
    Lamp shade .............................  362 / 351
    Lock ...................................  70 / 55
    Luggage ................................  190 / 26
    Machine mechanism guard type ...........  74 / 608+
    Motor ..................................  150 / 157
        Engine attached drip catcher .......  180 / 69.1
        Type ...............................  180 / 69.1
    Motorcycle .............................  150 / 167
    Paint mask type ........................  118 / 504
    Person (hat, coat, etc.) ...............  2
        Building ...........................  52
        Design of cover ....................  D02 / 865+
        Knit wearing apparel type ..........  66 / 171+
        Leggings type ......................  36 / 1.5
        Tent or canopy type ................  135 / 87+
    Piano ..................................  84 / 177
    Pillow .................................  5 / 490
    Pipe end (conduit type) ................  138 / 96 R+
    Plant ..................................  47 / 20.1+
        Cut or artificial plant ............  206 / 423
    Platen .................................  355 / 72+
        Electrophotographic copier .........  399 / 377+
    Playing field ..........................  473 / 504
    Pool table .............................  473 / 34
    Protective for cigarette pack ..........  D27 / 186+
    Protective for matches .................  D27 / 173+
    Purse (decorative cover) ...............  150 / 105
    Racquet ................................  150 / 163
        Including press ....................  473 / 554
    Radiator ...............................  237 / 79
    Railcar step ...........................  105 / 450
    Receptacle .............................  150 / 154
    Roller skate ...........................  206 / 315.1
        Boot attached cover ................  280 / 811
        Scabbard ...........................  280 / 825
    Sap bucket .............................  47 / 54
    Saw ....................................  150 / 161
        Rigid guard type ...................  30 / 504
    Sewing machine .........................  150 / 164
        Design of cover ....................  D15 / 75
        Housing attached cover .............  312 / 208.6
    Shelf (covering) .......................  428 / 904.4*
    Shoe (during manufacture) ..............  36 / 72 R+
        Bag type ...........................  383
        Special receptacle type ............  206 / 278+
    Skate (roller or ice) ..................  206 / 315.1
        Boot attached ......................  280 / 811
        Scabbard ...........................  280 / 825
    Ski ....................................  206 / 315.1
        Binding ............................  150 / 154
        Body supported .....................  224 / 191+
        Clamp or tie attached to ski .......  280 / 814+
        Vehicle supported ..................  224 / 309+
    Soap (porous cover) ....................  401 / 201
    Sponge .................................  15 / 244.1
    Spoon ..................................  30 / 326
    Stair ..................................  52 / 177+
    Steering wheel .........................  74 / 558
    Stirrer ................................  366 / 349
    Suitcase ...............................  190 / 26
    Surgical drape type ....................  128 / 849+
        Thermal probe ......................  374 / 209
    Swimming pool ..........................  4
        Building type ......................  52
    Switch actuator ........................  200 / 333
    Table ..................................  108 / 90
    Tarpaulin ..............................  52 / 3+
    Telephone ..............................  379 / 451+
    Tent or canopy .........................  135 / 115
    Thermal probe ..........................  374 / 209
    Tire or inflated inner tube ............  206 / 304+
        Design of cover ....................  D12 / 202
        Vehicle attached tire ..............  224 / 42.2
    Toilet (flush closet) ..................  4
        Cover for seat .....................  4 / 245.1+
        Cover for tank .....................  4 / 901*
        Design of cover ....................  D23 / 311
        Lid for closet bowl ................  4 / 242.1
    Trailer hitch ball .....................  280 / 507
    Tree ...................................  47 / 23.1+
        Christmas tree bag type ............  206 / 423
        Trunk guard type ...................  47 / 32.4+
    Typewriter .............................  150 / 165
        Design of cover ....................  D18 / 12
        Housing attached cover .............  312 / 208.3
    Umbrella ...............................  135 / 33.2+
    Vault pavement type ....................  404 / 25+
        Design .............................  D25 / 36
    Vehicle ................................  150 / 166
        Body (while in operation; ..........  280 / 770
        Including a 'bra') .................  280 / 770
        Engine attached drip catcher .......  180 / 69.1
        Type ...............................  180 / 69.1
        Load ...............................  296 / 100.01+
            Design of cover ................  D12 / 401+
        Motorcycle or bicycle ..............  150 / 167
        Roll up type .......................  296 / 98
        Tire ...............................  206 / 304+
            Design of cover ................  D12 / 202
            Vehicle attached tire ..........  224 / 42.2
        Wall (wallpaper) ...................  428 / 904.4*
        Washing machine ....................  68 / 196
        Water heater  
            Boiler structure ...............  122 / 494
            Electrical .....................  219
            Tank ...........................  220 / 567.3
        Window .............................  150 / 168
            Rigid cover sections ...........  160 / 370.21+
            Vehicle combined ...............  296 / 95.1
        Windshield .........................  150 / 168
            Rigid cover sections ...........  160 / 370.21+
            Vehicle combined ...............  296 / 95.1
        Wire coil ..........................  206 / 303
        Wooden container ...................  217 / 3 CV
            Barrel .........................  217 / 81
            Coffin .........................  27 / 19
Covering (See Apparel; Clothes;  
    Coating; garment)  
    Applying by laminating .................  156
    Bridge .................................  14 / 74
        Carpet .............................  428 / 85+
        Laminated ..........................  428 / 54
        Slatted ............................  52 / 664+
    Insulating for electric conductors .....  174
    Making and applying ....................  156
        Button covering ....................  79 / 4+
        By laminating ......................  156
        Extruding metal sheath on wire .....  72 / 268
        Extruding plastic on core ..........  425 / 113
        Indefinite length electrical .......  156 / 47+
        Conductor ..........................  156 / 47+
        Metal covering .....................  29 / 33.2
        Paper ..............................  493
        Sheath to tube or rod ..............  228 / 126+
        Shoe heel ..........................  12 / 49.1
        Strap ..............................  12 / 59
        Textile spinning ...................  57 / 3+
        Wire ...............................  29 / 428+
        With sheet metal ...................  29 / 243.57
    Shelf ..................................  428 / 904.4*
    Stair ..................................  52 / 177+
    Wall ...................................  428 / 904.4*
Covert .....................................  139 / 416
    Ventilating ............................  454 / 3+
        Design .............................  D23 / 374+
        Vehicle ............................  454 / 146+
    Picker .................................  452 / 6
    Processing for food ....................  452 / 1+
Crack-Off ..................................  225
    Glass ..................................  225 / 94+
    Firecracker ............................  102 / 361
    Food ...................................  99
        Design .............................  D01 / 128+
    Hydrocarbon synthesis  
        Aromatic ...........................  585 / 483+
        Diolefin ...........................  585 / 613+
        Olefin .............................  585 / 648+
        Paraffin ...........................  585 / 752
        Triple bond ........................  585 / 534+
    Oils ...................................  208 / 46+
        Electrostatic or electric ..........  204 / 172
        Discharge ..........................  204 / 172
Crackled Coating ...........................  427 / 257
Crackled Glass Making ......................  65 / 111
    Battery ................................  429 / 96+
    Bed ....................................  5 / 101+
        Design .............................  D06 / 382
    Grain ..................................  56 / 324
    Land vehicle convertible ...............  280 / 31
    Receptacle stand .......................  248 / 139
    Squeezer type washing machine ..........  68 / 114
    Block tie ..............................  52 / 712+
Crane (See Derrick)  
    Automatic control ......................  212 / 276+
        Cut-off ............................  212 / 276+
        Cyclic .............................  212 / 286
        Sway ...............................  212 / 273+
    Cab ....................................  212 / 290
        Travelling bridge ..................  212 / 291
    Collapsible ............................  212 / 294+
    Cornstalk cutter with discharger .......  56 / 72+
    Counterweight ..........................  212 / 195+
        Removable ..........................  212 / 178+
    Davit ..................................  114 / 368
    Design .................................  D34 / 33
    Electric control .......................  212 / 328+
    Excavator with cable operated boom .....  37 / 395+
    Floating ...............................  212 / 307+
    Invalid lift ...........................  5 / 87.1
    Locomotive with turntable ..............  105 / 28
    Material or article handling ...........  414 / 561+
    Remote or dual control .................  212 / 285
    Rotary .................................  212 / 223+
    Self-erecting ..........................  212 / 176
        Climbing ...........................  212 / 199+
    Ship mounted ...........................  212 / 307
    Transmission of electricity to .........  191
    Traveling ..............................  212 / 71+
        Bridge .............................  212 / 312+
    Trolley type railway with transfer .....  104 / 98
    Trucks for overhead ....................  105 / 163.1+
    Vehicle mountable ......................  212 / 180
    Window .................................  49 / 148
    Foot operated ..........................  74 / 594.1
    Hand lever .............................  74 / 545+
    Mechanical movement including ..........  74
    Operated (see device operated)  
        Impeller ...........................  416 / 78
        Marine .............................  440 / 26+
        Water motor ........................  416 / 78
    Pedals combined ........................  74 / 594.1+
    Velocipede design ......................  D12 / 123
    Wrist pin combined .....................  74 / 595+
    Breathers ..............................  92 / 78+
    Drainers ...............................  184 / 1.5
    Housings ...............................  74 / 606 R
    Internal combustion engine .............  123 / 196 CP
        Antifriction .......................  384 / 457
        Plain ..............................  384 / 429+
        Thrust .............................  384 / 250
    Lapping ................................  451 / 180+
    Making .................................  29
        Apparatus ..........................  29 / 6.01
        By turning .........................  82 / 106+
        Method .............................  29 / 888.08
    Straightening ..........................  72 / 389.1+
        With indicator .....................  72 / 31.02+
    Twisting ...............................  72 / 299
        Methods ............................  72 / 371
    Fabric .................................  26 / 26
    Seat ...................................  297 / 216.1+
    Signal for airplane  
        Radio ..............................  342 / 385+
        Water dye ..........................  116 / 211
Crate ......................................  D09 / 414+
    Animal neck stocks combined ............  119 / 732+
    Animal shipping, design ................  D30 / 109
    Freight car combined ...................  105 / 373
    Shooks .................................  217 / 43 R
    Wooden receptacle ......................  217 / 36+
Cravats ....................................  2 / 144+
    Fasteners ..............................  24 / 49.1+
        Magnetic, adhesive, or snap type ...  24 / 66.1
    Processing for food ....................  452 / 1+
Crayon .....................................  401 / 49+
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 31.07+
    Holder .................................  401 / 88+
        Advancing means combined ...........  401 / 55+
    Modifying thermometers .................  374 / 183
    Molding device .........................  425 / 117
    Molding device .........................  425 / 425
    Cold ...................................  514 / 772+
    Separating decanter ....................  210 / 514+
    Separators .............................  D07 / 369+
    Treating processes .....................  426 / 334+
    Whipping ...............................  261 / DIG 16
Cream of Tartar ............................  562 / 585
    Baking powder ..........................  426 / 562+
Creaming Latex  
    Natural rubber .........................  528 / 937*
    Synthetic or natural rubber ............  523 / 335
Creaser (See Folder)  
    Boot and shoe making  
        Loose upper shaping ................  12 / 54.1
    Box, cut and crease ....................  493 / 59+
    Envelope ...............................  493 / 186+
    Horseshoe ..............................  59 / 36+
    Plaiting fluting shirring and ..........  223 / 29
    Cross creasing .........................  223 / 29
    Sewing machine .........................  112 / 131
        Leather ............................  112 / 51
Creatinine .................................  548 / 321.5
Creche .....................................  D11 / 122+
Credit Card Systems ........................  235 / 380+
    Electronic applications ................  705 / 38
    Used at point of sale terminal .........  705 / 17
        Security devices ...................  705 / 18
        To pay sales tax ...................  705 / 19
        With electronic funds transfer .....  705 / 17
Creel See Basket  
    Bobbin supporter and holder ............  242 / 131
    Fishing ................................  43 / 55
        Design .............................  D03 / 260
    Antislip shoe attachment ...............  36 / 59 R+
    Baby ...................................  297 / 5+
    Electric wire placing ..................  254 / 134.5+
    Horseshoe calk .........................  168 / 30
    Repairmans .............................  280 / 32.6
Cremation Furnace ..........................  110 / 194
Crematory Urns .............................  27 / 1
    Design .................................  D99 / 5
Creosote ...................................  568 / 716
Crepe Paper ................................  428 / 153+
    Making .................................  264 / 282
    By mechanical manufacture ..............  28 / 155+
    Cellulose fibers .......................  8 / 117
    Differential ...........................  8 / 114.5
Cresidine ..................................  564 / 443
CRESLANâ„¢    (Polyacrylonitrile .............  526 / 342
    Copolymers) ............................  526 / 342
Cresol .....................................  568 / 716+
Cresotinic Acid ............................  562 / 475
Cresting ...................................  52 / 57
    Bed ....................................  5 / 93.1+
        Design .............................  D06 / 382
    Blanket design .........................  D06 / 603+
    Chair convertible ......................  297 / 7+
    Infant, powered ........................  180 / 166
    Land vehicle convertible ...............  280 / 31
    Storage, with changing or ..............  414 / 288+
    Discharging means ......................  414 / 288+
Cribbage Board .............................  235 / 90
    Design .................................  D10 / 46.1
Cribbing ...................................  405 / 273
    Shaft ..................................  405 / 272
    Filament compound metal ................  428 / 603
    Filament fiber or strand ...............  428 / 369+
        Staple length fiber ................  428 / 362
    Metal closure ..........................  220 / 309.1+
    Twisted and coated or impregnated ......  57 / 250+
    Twisted synthetic ......................  57 / 247
Crimping See Corrugating  
    Ammunition loading .....................  86 / 39+
    Apparatus textile strands ..............  57 / 282+
        False twist ........................  57 / 282+
        Miscellaneous strands ..............  28 / 247+
        Plastic filaments ..................  425 / 66
        Plastic filaments ..................  425 / 303
        Plastic filaments ..................  425 / 325+
        Twisting and coating ...............  57 / 286
        Or impregnating ....................  57 / 286
    Barbed wire ............................  140 / 59+
    Boot and shoe making  
        Loose upper shaping ................  12 / 54.1+
        With diverse operations ............  12 / 52.5
    Box edge making ........................  493 / 109
    Cigar or cigarette end forming .........  131 / 89+
    Closure cap structure ..................  215 / 324+
    Glass reshaping apparatus ..............  65 / 269+
    Hair crimper ...........................  132 / 224+
        Design .............................  D28 / 35
        Process ............................  132 / 210
    Metal bending by rolls .................  72 / 199+
    Paper in wrapping machine ..............  53 / 370
    Paper receptacle end structure .........  229 / 5.6
    Pie making implement ...................  425 / 293
    Sewing machine running stitch ..........  112 / 174+
    Sleeve or tube connector ...............  29 / 282
        Hand tools .........................  29 / 282
    Textile fabrics ........................  26 / 21
    Textile fibers .........................  19 / 66.1+
    Textile strands  
        Plastic filaments ..................  264 / 168
        Twisting synthetic strands .........  57 / 282
    Wire ...................................  140 / 105+
Cringle ....................................  114 / 114
    Fabric .................................  66 / 193
    Knitting ...............................  66 / 85 R
    Needles ................................  66 / 118
    Sewing .................................  112 / 116
Crook ......................................  119 / 801+
    Riding .................................  231 / 2.1+
    Thinners ...............................  47 / 1.43
    Design .................................  D21 / 728
    Game ...................................  473 / 410+
    Mallet .................................  473 / 412
    Bail for harness .......................  24 / 172+
    Bearer for railway car under frame .....  105 / 419
    Braced pole arm ........................  52 / 697
    Chain antiskid for wheels ..............  152 / 223+
    Decorative item ........................  D11 / 96
        With illumination ..................  362 / 121
        Bearing slide ......................  384 / 11
        Die cutting machine ................  83 / 624+
        Mine elevator guide ................  187 / 406+
        Motor valve actuator ...............  91 / 218+
        Shoe heel nailing machine ..........  227 / 135
    Modulation (see intermodulation)  
    Rail for metal planer ..................  409 / 325
    Tree ship spar .........................  114 / 92
    Winding ................................  242 / 476.7+
        Fishing reels ......................  242 / 273+
        Spinning reels .....................  242 / 241+
Cross Laid Textile .........................  28 / 100+
Cross Talk  
    Suppression in telephone system ........  379 / 417+
    Telegraphy .............................  178 / 69 R
Cross Walk Pavement ........................  404 / 17+
    Closure fastener .......................  292 / 259 R+
    Exercising device ......................  482 / 16+
    Telephony selective switch .............  335 / 112
    Design .................................  D22 / 107
    Mechanical projector ...................  124 / 25
    Continuous rail signals ................  246 / 375+
    Protection railway .....................  246 / 111+
        Cables .............................  104 / 185+
        Conduit ............................  104 / 141
        Drawbridge signal ..................  246 / 118
        Extensible gates ...................  49 / 124
        Gates on opposite approaches .......  49 / 93
        Train actuated gates ...............  49 / 263+
    Road system ............................  404 / 1
    Signals car displayed ..................  246 / 208
    Signals highway automatic ..............  246 / 293+
    Street road bed railway ................  238 / 8
    Structure railway ......................  246 / 454+
    Trolley ................................  191 / 37
    Electric insulator midline spacer ......  174 / 147
    Portable railway track .................  238 / 12
    Preventer for skis .....................  280 / 817
Crotch .....................................  114 / 99
Crotonic Acid ..............................  562 / 598
    Design .................................  D08 / 88+
    Freight car door operator ..............  49 / 275
    Pushing and pulling element ............  254 / 133 R
    Tool combined with others ..............  7 / 166+
    Track tool .............................  104 / 10
Croweacin Acid .............................  549 / 436
    Boiler crown sheet .....................  122 / 496
        Protecting .........................  122 / 495
    Bridle loop ............................  54 / 13
    Dental crown making ....................  29 / 896.1
    Gearing interchangebly locked ..........  74 / 351
    Gem setting ............................  63 / 27
    Light shade or bowl support ............  362 / 452
    Tooth ..................................  433 / 218+
        Shaping instruments ................  433 / 156+
    Watch and clock crown making ...........  29 / 896.34
Crown Ethers ...............................  549 / 347+
Crowning Device  
    Dental instrument ......................  433 / 141+
    Piano sounding board ...................  84 / 196
Croze and Crozing  
    Barrel .................................  147 / 13+
        Closure ............................  217 / 80
    Staves .................................  147 / 18+
Crt Recorder ...............................  347 / 121+
    Electrical memories ....................  365 / 118
Crucible See Vessel  
    Electric furnace .......................  373
        Arc furnace device .................  373 / 72
        Electroslag remelting device .......  373 / 45
        Glass furnace device ...............  373 / 30+
        Induction furnace device ...........  373 / 138+
            Crucible .......................  373 / 156+
            Crucible or hearth .............  373 / 163
        Resistance furnace device ..........  373 / 109+
            Including crucible or hearth ...  373 / 122
            Structure details ..............  373 / 122
    Furnaces ...............................  432 / 156+
    Heating general application ............  432 / 262+
    Laboratory .............................  422 / 102
    Metallurgical ..........................  266 / 275+
    Thermit ................................  266 / 167
Crucifix Design ............................  D99 / 27
Crullers ...................................  426 / 556
Crumb Brush ................................  D04
Crupper ....................................  54 / 22
Crusher ....................................  241
    Elements ...............................  241 / 291+
    Grinding wheel dressing ................  125 / 11.11
    Hollow metal body ......................  100
    Nut edible .............................  99 / 568+
    Road in situ ...........................  404 / 90+
    Surgical instruments ...................  606 / 136+
    Tobacco stem ...........................  131 / 324
    Vegetable masher .......................  241 / 169.2
    Pie crust sheet metal mold .............  99 / 432
    Pie dough ..............................  426 / 391
    Culturing ..............................  119 / 204+
    Processing .............................  452 / 1+
Crutch .....................................  135 / 68+
    Design .................................  D03 / 8
    Stilts .................................  432 / 258+
Cryogenic Trap .............................  62 / 55.5
    Liquified gas content receptacles ......  220 / 901*
Crypt (See Mausoleum)  
Cryptography ...............................  178 / 89
    Code receivers .........................  178 / 89+
    Code transmitters ......................  178 / 79+
    Codes ..................................  341 / 67
    For business processing ................  705 / 50
        Data distribution ..................  705 / 51
            Copy protection or prevention ..  705 / 57
            Using a program or origin ......  705 / 58
            Identifier .....................  705 / 58
        Electronic negotiation .............  705 / 80
        Licensing ..........................  705 / 59
        Requiring additional user input ....  705 / 55
        For authorization ..................  705 / 55
            Input for authorization ........  705 / 55
            Specific computer id ...........  705 / 56
        Secure transactions ................  705 / 64
            Able to use multiple cards .....  705 / 73
            Anonymous user .................  705 / 74
            Multi-layered rights for use ...  705 / 54
            Authorization to proceed .......  705 / 76
            Third party billing ............  705 / 53
            Charge determination at ........  705 / 77
            Remote site ....................  705 / 77
            Communication between two ......  705 / 79
            Financial networks .............  705 / 79
            Home banking ...................  705 / 70
            With third party ...............  705 / 78
            Initializing ...................  705 / 73
            Key management .................  705 / 71
            Radio communication ............  705 / 73
            Specialized keypad .............  705 / 73
            Specialized terminal ...........  705 / 73
            Transaction confirmation .......  705 / 75
            Verification of pin ............  705 / 72
        With intelligent token .............  705 / 65
            Balancing account ..............  705 / 68
            Detecting double spending ......  705 / 69
            Initializing or reloading ......  705 / 66
            With authentication ............  705 / 67
    Fraud preventing .......................  283 / 73
    Home banking ...........................  705 / 70
    Printed matter .........................  283 / 17
    Signals ................................  116 / 18+
    Signals railway cab ....................  246 / 175
    Teaching ...............................  434 / 55+
    Typewriting ............................  400 / 89+
    Utility metering .......................  705 / 63
    With postage meters ....................  705 / 60
        Including printing or ..............  705 / 62
        Verification or mark ...............  705 / 62
        Reloading or recharging ............  705 / 61
    Composition, inorganic luminescent .....  252 / 6+
    Composition, organic luminescent .......  252 / 301.16
    Filter .................................  333 / 187+
    In sample holder .......................  378 / 79
    Liquid crystal composition .............  252 / 299.01+
    Liquid optical filter ..................  349 / 1+
    Liquid stock material ..................  428 / 1.1
    Metal working, making ..................  29 / DIG 17
    Microphones ............................  381 / 173
    Pickups ................................  369 / 144
    Piezoelectric ..........................  310 / 311+
    Scintillation ..........................  250 / 458.1
    Single-crystal, oriented-crystal,  
        Apparatus other than coating .......  117 / 200+
        Coating apparatus ..................  118
        Processes of growth ................  117
Crystallization of Glass  
    Apparatus ..............................  422 / 245.1+
    Coating, single-cyrstal ................  118
    Devitrifying or vitrifying .............  65 / 33.1+
    Crystalline glass ......................  65 / 33.1+
    Distilling processes with ..............  203 / 48
    Glass ..................................  65 / 33.1+
    Hydrocarbon recovered ..................  585 / 812+
    Inorganic compounds process ............  23 / 295 R+
    Non-coating, single-crystal ............  117 / 200+
    Single crystal formation ...............  117+
        Seed pulling .......................  117 / 22
        Sliding liquid phase epitaxy .......  117 / 61
        Tipping liquid phase epitaxy .......  117 / 59
        Vapor phase epitaxy ................  117 / 89+
        Apparatus ..........................  127 / 15+
        Processes ..........................  127 / 58+
Cubicle ....................................  52 / 329
    Billiard ...............................  473 / 44+
        Design .............................  D21 / 726
    Chalkers ...............................  473 / 35+
    Racks ..................................  211 / 68
    Rests ..................................  473 / 42+
    Structure ..............................  473 / 44+
    Trimmers ...............................  30 / 494
    Apparel design .........................  D02 / 858
    Handcuff ...............................  70 / 16+
    Holder .................................  24 / 41.1+
        Design .............................  D11 / 222+
    Making .................................  223 / 2+
        Ironing ............................  223 / 52.1+
    Protector ..............................  2 / 60
    Shirt ..................................  2 / 123+
Cuff Link ..................................  24 / 41.1+
    Design .................................  D11 / 222+
    Processes and apparatus ................  99
    Flame type .............................  47 / 1.44
        Crop thinning ......................  47 / 1.43
        Methods ............................  47 / 58.1 R
        Weed killer ........................  126 / 271.1+
    Harrow .................................  172
    Metalworking making ....................  29 / 14
    Plow type ..............................  172
    Animal husbandry  
        Aquariums ..........................  119 / 245+
        Aquatic ............................  119 / 200+
        Crustacean .........................  119 / 204+
        Fish ...............................  119 / 215+
        Insect .............................  119 / 6.5+
        Insect larvae ......................  119 / 6.5+
        Mollusk ............................  119 / 234+
        Silkworm ...........................  119 / 270
        Worm ...............................  119 / 6.7
    Bacterial culture ......................  426 / 43
    Bee culture ............................  449
    Incubators or racks ....................  435 / 809*
    Plant husbandry  
        Algae culture ......................  47 / 1.4
        Electroculture .....................  47 / 1.3
        Mushroom culture ...................  47 / 1.1
        Water culture ......................  47 / 59 R+
    Tissue cell culture ....................  435 / 41
    Virus culture apparatus ................  435 / 283.1+
Culvert ....................................  405 / 124
    Static mold ............................  249 / 11+
Cup (See Dish; Receptacle) ................  215
    Cleaning attachments drip ..............  15 / 248.1+
    Corrugating wall .......................  72 / 176
    Dispenser ..............................  D06 / 516
    Drinking ...............................  215
        Collapsible ........................  220 / 8
        Design .............................  D07 / 509+
        Dispensers .........................  D06 / 516
        Stand, rack, or tray for ...........  D07 / 701+
        Strainer detachable ................  210 / 464+
    Drinking fountain bubble ...............  239 / 31+
        Holders ............................  312 / 43
    Drip see drip cup  
        Making machine .....................  493 / 109
        Trimming ...........................  83 / 178+
    Egg ....................................  211 / 14
        Design .............................  D07 / 503
    Footed .................................  D07 / 524
    Holder .................................  222
    Ice cream ..............................  D01 / 116+
    Inkwell desk-attached ..................  108 / 26.2
        Extractors .........................  604 / 74
        Pads ...............................  604 / 346
    Measuring ..............................  73 / 426
        Design .............................  D10 / 46.2
    Metal working, cup formed & bottom .....  29 / DIG 9
    Removed ................................  29 / DIG 9
    Oil cup closure ........................  184 / 88.1+
    Pessary ................................  128 / 839+
        Sounding combined ..................  33 / 713
        Thermometer combined ...............  374 / 157
    Sewing machine feed ....................  112 / 18
    Shaving ................................  220
    Sounding with sampling .................  33 / 717+
    Stamping from sheet ....................  72 / 343+
        Bracket support ....................  248 / 205.5+
        Light supports .....................  362 / 397
    Surgical vacuum ........................  604 / 313+
    Umbrella drip ..........................  135 / 48
    Latch ..................................  D08 / 331+
    Building ...............................  52 / 208
    Design .................................  D25 / 35+
    Gas generators .........................  48 / 62 R+
    Metallurgical ..........................  266 / 197+
        Discharging ........................  266 / 195+
        Forehearths ........................  266 / 166
        X-art ..............................  266 / 900*
    Ore treating ...........................  266 / 219
Cuprammonium Acetate  
    Hydrocarbon purification by ............  585 / 846
Cuprammonium Cellulose .....................  536 / 57
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 167.01
    Fiber modification .....................  8 / 123
Cupreine ...................................  546 / 134
    In drug ................................  514 / 305
    Design .................................  D25 / 119
    Feeler .................................  D10 / 117
    Flower bed edging ......................  D25 / 38+
    Hydrants ...............................  137 / 272+
    Pin for watch balance regulating .......  368 / 176
    Street .................................  404 / 7+
        Catch basin with strainer ..........  210 / 299+
        Electric conductor containing ......  174 / 39
        Static mold for making .............  249 / 8
Curbing Chain Making .......................  59 / 28
Curd Breaker ...............................  99 / 452+
Curette ....................................  606 / 160
    Hay and fodder .........................  426 / 636
        Electrical or radiant energy .......  131 / 299
        Fluids or fluent material ..........  131 / 300+
    Apparel ironers ........................  223 / 52.2+
    Curling iron for hair ..................  D28 / 38
    Curling irons self heating by ..........  126 / 408
    Burner .................................  126 / 408+
        Electric heaters ...................  219 / 222+
    Hair ...................................  132 / 226+
        Design .............................  D28 / 35+
    Hat brim shaping apparatus .............  223 / 14
    Metal edge curling rolls ...............  72 / 102
    Textile fiber working ..................  19 / 66.1
    Yarn twister ...........................  57 / 29
Curling Stone ..............................  473 / 587
    For electronic commerce ................  705 / 26
Current Electric  
    Alternating in telegraph systems .......  178 / 66.1+
    Alternating rotary field and ...........  290 / 5
    Armature dynamo ........................  290 / 5
    Belts ..................................  607 / 149
        Dynamo .............................  310 / 219+
        Moving vehicle .....................  191
        Rotatable connector ................  439 / 13+
    Conductive fluids ......................  174 / 9 F
        Arc discharge ......................  315
        Electrolytic apparatus .............  204 / 193+
        Electrostatic discharge ............  422 / 186.28+
        Railway signal systems .............  246
    Converting .............................  363
        Current conversion .................  363 / 13+
    Direction indicators polarity ..........  324 / 133
    Testers ................................  324 / 133
    Distribution in vehicle ................  191 / 2
    Transmission ...........................  191 / 2+
    Electric music instrument ..............  84 / 600+
    Food preservation ......................  426 / 244+
    Generating stress strain test ..........  73 / 763+
    Generating thermometers ................  374 / 179
    Measurement of electricity .............  D10 / 75+
    Meters electric ........................  324 / 76.11+
    Modifying thermometers plural zone .....  374 / 110+
        Averaging ..........................  374 / 115
        Distinct temperatures ..............  374 / 166+
    Operated telautograph ..................  178 / 19.06
    Operated thermometers ..................  374 / 163+
        Digital output .....................  374 / 170+
    Pulsating in telegraph systems .........  178 / 66.1
    Railway block signals ..................  246
    Regulation for x rays ..................  378 / 109
    Regulation of alternating ..............  322 / 27
    Current generators .....................  322 / 27
    Regulators .............................  323
    Reversing in telegraphy ................  178 / 16
    Shifting switch in arc lamps ...........  314 / 2
    Superposed telegraph system ............  178 / 49
    Supply to electric furnaces ............  373
        Arc furnace ........................  373 / 102+
        Glass furnace ......................  373 / 39+
        Induction furnace ..................  373 / 147+
    Supply to electric railways ............  191
    Transformers ...........................  336
Current Fluid  
    Brake operators ........................  188 / 155
    Centrifugal fluid ......................  239 / 214.13
    Distributor operated by ................  239 / 214.13
    Classifying separating and .............  209 / 132
    Assorting solids .......................  209 / 132+
    Cleaning implements operated by ........  15 / 104.061+
    Conveyer for railway snow ..............  37 / 202
    Excavator ..............................  37 / 202
    Conveyers ..............................  406
    Dredges operated .......................  37 / 325+
        Scouring ...........................  37 / 342+
    Evaporators blast or current ...........  159 / 16.1
    Evaporators film type ..................  159 / 8+
    Evaporators spray type .................  159 / 4.01
    Fumigators .............................  422 / 305+
    Massage ................................  601 / 154
        Flow direction .....................  73 / 170.11+
        Ships logs .........................  73 / 181
    Motor ..................................  416
        Dynamo with ........................  290
        Pump with ..........................  417 / 334
    Rotary fluid distributor ...............  239 / 222.17
    Operated by ............................  239 / 222.17
    Steam injection ........................  159 / 16.3
    Submerged combustion ...................  159 / 16.2
    Valve reciprocating disk rotating ......  137 / 330+
Currycomb ..................................  119 / 625+
    Design .................................  D30 / 159
    Compositions ...........................  252 / 8.57
    Process ................................  8 / 94.21+
Cursor, Display Input Control ..............  345 / 157+
    Bedstead ...............................  5 / 163
    Cabinet ................................  312 / 3+
    Camera shutter .........................  396 / 479+
    Design,window ..........................  D06 / 575
    Lace or net ............................  87
        Design .............................  D05 / 11+
    Loop threader for curtain rods .........  223 / 105
    Material see textile  
    Net or mesh fabric .....................  D05 / 11+
    Piano pianissimo device ................  84 / 220
    Portable flexible panel type ...........  160
    Projection lantern dimmer ..............  362 / 278
        Knob and cord ......................  16 / 442
        Tassels ............................  428 / 28
    Rail or runner .........................  16 / 87 R+
    Railway sleeping car ...................  105 / 324
    Releaser for train vestibule ...........  105 / 23+
    Rigid tieback ..........................  D08 / 368
    Ring ...................................  16 / 108+
        Design .............................  D08 / 367+
    Rod ....................................  211 / 86.01+
        Bracket ............................  248 / 261+
            Design .........................  D08 / 363+
            Design .........................  D08 / 380
        Decorative element .................  52 / 301
        Design .............................  D08 / 376+
        Shade roller bracket combined ......  248 / 252+
        Single .............................  211 / 105.1+
        Wall or window mounted .............  211 / 87.01
    Rope for pulling .......................  160 / 340+
    Sheet delivery .........................  271 / 67
    Shower bath ............................  4 / 608+
    Stretcher ..............................  38 / 102.1+
    Support or rack with ...................  211 / 180
    Theater curtain derrick hoist ..........  254 / 266+
    Valve head .............................  137 / 625.28+
        Design .............................  D12 / 183
        Storm front ........................  296 / 83
        Tops ...............................  296 / 138+
Curtain Wall ...............................  52 / 235
    Curved wall ............................  52 / 245+
    Picture window .........................  52 / 766+
    Analysis, chart & ......................  33 / 1 C
    Cable railway ..........................  104 / 189+
    French .................................  33 / 561.2+
    Ruler and scriber  
        Gauge ..............................  33 / 561.2+
        Line ...............................  33 / 27.01+
            Compass ........................  33 / 27.02+
            Conic section ..................  33 / 27.08
            Rose engine ....................  33 / 27.11
            Sine curve .....................  33 / 27.1
            Spiral .........................  33 / 27.09
        Line combined ......................  33 / 26
        Pantographic .......................  33 / 23.01+
        Surface ............................  33 / 21.1+
    Track ..................................  238 / 15+
Curved Work Forming Means  
    Gear cutting ...........................  409 / 1+
    Glass molding ..........................  65 / 286+
    Metal bending ..........................  72 / 380
    Milling ................................  409 / 64+
    Pattern curvilinear draw ...............  164 / 215+
    Planing ................................  409 / 309+
    Plate cutting ..........................  82 / 72+
    Saw table gauges .......................  83 / 471+
    Stave jointing traveling saw ...........  147 / 34
    Wood shaping guide .....................  144 / 152+
Cushion See Mattress .......................  5 / 652+
    Billiard table .........................  473 / 32
    Bowling alley ..........................  473 / 114
    Dash board mounted .....................  280 / 727+
    Design .................................  D06 / 596
    Elevator well end ......................  187 / 343+
    Land vehicle letdown top ...............  296 / 125+
    Pillow .................................  5 / 636+
    Pin cushion ............................  D03 / 27
    Pump pressure compensator ..............  417 / 540+
    Rail seat ..............................  238 / 283+
    Railway wheels .........................  295 / 11+
    Saddle .................................  54 / 41.1
    Spring device ..........................  267
        Reciprocating bed ..................  267 / 75
    Well rig walking beam ..................  74 / 581+
Cushioned Device  
    Axle box ...............................  105 / 224.1
    Bedpans ................................  4 / 456+
    Boxes ..................................  217 / 5+
    Chair seat .............................  297 / 452.16+
    Chair seat .............................  297 / 452.48+
    Connecting rods ........................  74 / 583
    Container ..............................  493 / 904*
    For piston of expansible chamber .......  92 / 85 R
    Device .................................  92 / 85 R
    Gun stock ..............................  42 / 74
        Design .............................  D22 / 111
    Heel ...................................  36 / 35 A+
    Horseshoe ..............................  168 / 12+
        Design .............................  D30 / 147+
    Impacting device .......................  173 / 210+
    Power hammer and presses ...............  72 / 431+
    Railway draft devices ..................  213 / 7+
    Shell ..................................  102 / 473+
        Heel ...............................  36 / 35 A+
        Heel antislip ......................  36 / 59 R+
        Heel ventilated ....................  36 / 3 R+
        Insole .............................  36 / 44
        Insole design ......................  D02 / 961
        Pads ...............................  36 / 71
        Sole ...............................  36 / 28
        Sole ...............................  D02 / 947+
        Sole ventilated ....................  36 / 3 B
    Sole ...................................  36 / 28+
    Tires ..................................  152 / 151+
    Tool driving means .....................  173 / 162.1
    Typewriter key cap and stem ............  400 / 491+
    Wheel and axle .........................  301 / 2
    Window sash ............................  49 / 428
    Cleaner ................................  15 / 73
    Dental apparatus combined ..............  433 / 97
    Design .................................  D34 / 2
    Stove attachment .......................  126 / 32
    Structure ..............................  4 / 258+
Cut Film Holders ...........................  396 / 517+
    Magazine ...............................  396 / 360+
Cut Pile Fabric  
    Cutting ................................  26 / 13
    Finishing ..............................  26 / 2 R+
    Woven ..................................  139
    Cutlery ................................  30
        Combined ...........................  132 / 73.5
Cutlery ....................................  30
    Blades .................................  30 / 346+
    Cutting tools ..........................  30 / 165+
    Design, miscellaneous ..................  D07 / 649+
    Handles & blade connections ............  30 / 340+
    Holder for .............................  D07 / 637
    Holders for detachable blades ..........  30 / 329+
    Making .................................  76 / 104.1+
        Dies for ...........................  72 / 470+
    Sheathed ...............................  30 / 151+
    Silverware sorting .....................  209 / 926*
    Brake system flow retarder and .........  303 / 84.1
    Expansible chamber motor  
        Admission ..........................  91 / 247+
        Multiple expansion .................  91 / 152+
    Fluent material ........................  251
        Automatic weigher combined .........  177 / 60+
        Fluid distribution valve ...........  251
        Actuation ..........................  251
        Food depositing machine ............  425 / 447+
        Food depositing machine ............  222
        Hopper cutoff to sifter ............  209 / 246
        Lubrication gravity feed ...........  184 / 66+
        Milking machine vacuum line ........  119 / 14.08
        Nozzle with preset .................  239 / 67+
        Receptacle filling .................  141 / 192+
        Sand feeder ........................  291 / 31
        Slit resilient diaphram ............  222 / 490
        Dispenser ..........................  222 / 490
        Water distribution spout and .......  137 / 872+
    Fluent material dispenser  
        Biasing closure ....................  222 / 511+
        Contents pressure operated .........  222 / 491
        Flow controller ....................  222 / 544+
        Gravity actuated ...................  222 / 500
        Motor operated .....................  222 / 504
        Preset cutoff ......................  222 / 14
        Rate of flow responsive ............  222 / 59
        Relatively movable actuator for ....  222 / 505
        Sectional ..........................  222 / 502+
        Snap action ........................  222 / 498+
    Fluid pressure regulator combined ......  137 / 456+
    Fuel feed  
        Automatic burner control ...........  431 / 18+
        Boiler .............................  122 / 447
        Burner nozzle ......................  239 / 569+
            Selectively preset .............  239 / 67+
    Milking machine vacuum line ............  119 / 14.08
    Steam engines ..........................  91 / 247+
Cutout (See Circuit, Maker & Breaker)  
    Arc lamp circuit .......................  314 / 10+
    Electric vehicle supply ................  191 / 8
    Fluid heater ...........................  236 / 21 R
    Lamp circuit ...........................  315 / 119+
        Acoustic ...........................  181 / 236
        Valve structure ....................  137 / 625.44+
    Sign letters ...........................  40 / 602
    Switches ...............................  200
Cutter & Cutting (See Abrading; ............  83
    Filing; sawing; trimming) ..............  83
    Abrading ...............................  451
        Citrus fruit cutter hand tool ......  30 / 113.1+
        Colters ............................  172
        Corncob splitting ..................  225 / 93
        Cornstalk ..........................  56 / 53+
        Cutter type harvester ..............  56 / 229+
        Design .............................  D08 / 1+
        Fruit gatherers ....................  56 / 328.1+
        Green corn .........................  460 / 45
        Harrow disk ........................  172 / 518+
        Harvester ..........................  56
        Planting machines with seed ........  111
        Cutters ............................  111
        Plow moldboard furrow slice ........  172 / 758+
        Potato cutters for planting ........  83
        Potato diggers .....................  171 / 26+
        Pruning saws .......................  30 / 166.3+
        Scythes ............................  30 / 309
        Sickles ............................  30 / 309
        Sod cutters ........................  172 / 19+
        Stalk choppers .....................  56 / 500+
        Tree hacks for debarking ...........  30 / 121
        Vine cutters .......................  56 / 229+
    Block and board ........................  269 / 289 R
    Board,household ........................  D07 / 698
    Brick ..................................  83
    Broaching machine ......................  409 / 243+
    Buttonholes ............................  30 / 118+
        Machines ...........................  83 / 905*
    Cable ..................................  30
        Fishing line .......................  43 / 43.12
        Ships anchor cable .................  114 / 221 R
        Well cable .........................  166 / 54.5+
        Well torpedo cable .................  89 / 1.14
    Candle .................................  83
    Candy ..................................  83
    Cigar tip ..............................  30 / 109+
        Design .............................  D27 / 195
    Cleaner for inside of pipe .............  15 / 104.13+
    Coating processes with .................  427 / 289+
    Combined with other tools ..............  7 / 158+
    Computer controlled, monitored .........  700 / 159+
    Product manufacturing ..................  700 / 159+
    Cutlery hand manipulated ...............  30
        Eraser combined ....................  15 / 105.53
        Hair planers .......................  30 / 30+
        Hair thinning shears ...............  30 / 195
        Knives .............................  30 / 165+
        Manicure ...........................  30 / 26+
        Nippers ............................  30 / 175+
        Razors .............................  30 / 32+
        Saws ...............................  30 / 166.3+
        Scrapers ...........................  30 / 169+
        Shears .............................  30 / 194+
    Dental instruments .....................  433 / 144+
    Dermatome ..............................  606 / 132
    Design hand held tools .................  D08 / 14+
        Abrading ...........................  D08 / 90+
        Bayonet, dagger, hunting ...........  D22 / 118
        Cleaning ...........................  D32 / 35+
        Combined with key holder ...........  D03 / 210
        Hair ...............................  D28 / 52+
        Kitchen ............................  D07 / 693+
        Knife, fork, spoon .................  D07 / 642+
        Letter opener ......................  D08 / 102+
        Pencil sharpener ...................  D19 / 73+
        Razor ..............................  D28 / 45+
        Silverware .........................  D07 / 642+
    Dispenser with .........................  222 / 80+
        Article dispenser ..................  221 / 30+
        Article impaler ....................  221 / 213+
        Gas or vapor dispensing ............  222 / 5
        Soap dispenser .....................  241 / 602+
    Earth and stone  
        Bush hammers and chisels ...........  125 / 41
        Core type posthole diggers .........  294 / 50.5+
        Earth boring .......................  175
        Earth boring bits ..................  175 / 327+
        Earth core drills ..................  175 / 403+
        Earth excavating ...................  37
            Stone remover ..................  37 / 303
        Earth reamers ......................  175 / 406+
        Earth scoops .......................  37 / 411+
        Earth working ......................  172
        Grinding wheel dressing ............  125 / 11.11
        Millstone dressing machine .........  125 / 27+
        Millstone picks ....................  125 / 42
        Mining machines ....................  299 / 29+
        Precious stone working .............  125 / 30.01
        Rock drilling ......................  175
        Rockworking in situ in earth .......  299
        Shave type mining machine ..........  299 / 34.01+
        Stone chisels ......................  125 / 6+
        Stone dressing .....................  125 / 2+
        Stone planing ......................  125 / 9
        Stone sawing .......................  125 / 12+
            In place in earth ..............  299
        Stone turning ......................  125 / 10+
        Stoneworking .......................  125
        Street surface removal .............  299 / 36.1+
        Tunneling machines .................  299 / 29+
        Well drilling ......................  175
    Edge ...................................  83 / 425.2
    Eraser combined ........................  15 / 105.53
    Eraser mutilating ......................  30 / 169+
        Burnisher combined .................  7 / 124
    Feeding and cutting ....................  83 / 401+
        Butter .............................  83
        Cheese .............................  83
        Citrus fruit .......................  30 / 113.3
        Cleavers ...........................  30 / 308
        Cooking molds with trimmer .........  99 / 430
        Or divider .........................  99 / 430
        Corer ..............................  99 / 547+
            Annular cutter hand tool .......  30 / 178+
            Citrus fruit hand tool .........  30 / 113.1+
            With segmenters ................  99 / 545
            With segmenters hand tool ......  30 / 302
            With two blades ................  30 / 174
        Fish cutters .......................  54 / 63
        Indiscriminate comminution .........  241
        Indiscriminate cutting .............  83
        Meat saws (see wood saws)  
        Parers for fruit ...................  99 / 588+
        Pastry making ......................  425 / 289+
        Pie segmenters .....................  30 / 114
        Tub or block with ..................  241 / 199+
        Vegetable end ......................  99 / 635+
        Waffle irons with excess ...........  99 / 375
        Trimmer ............................  99 / 375
    Furbishing .............................  409 / 63
    Gear cutting, milling, planing .........  409
    Glass (see search notes) ...............  83 / 879+
        Machines with charging molding  
        Machines with shaping and ..........  65 / 174+
    Guide combined .........................  30 / 286+
    Hair guide for cutting .................  132 / 213+
    Hard material in situ ..................  299
        Boring .............................  175
        Cutter .............................  299 / 79.1+
        Disintegrating machine .............  299 / 29+
        Ice boring .........................  175 / 18
        Ice working tool ...................  299 / 24
    Heated see 4 note to class 30 ..........  83 / 171
    Heel and sole edge .....................  12 / 85+
    I-beam cutter ..........................  83 / DIG 2
        Chippers ...........................  30 / 164.5
        Harvesting implements ..............  299 / 24+
        Heat cutting .......................  62 / 320
        Heat cutting electrically ..........  30 / 140
        Implements .........................  299 / 24+
        Picks ..............................  30 / 164.5+
        Scraper hand held ..................  30 / 136+
        Scrapers for removing ice from .....  37 / 266+
        Sidewalks ..........................  37 / 266+
        Ship ice breaker ...................  114 / 42
        Snow plows with ice scrapers .......  294 / 54.5
    Inflatable tube ........................  83 / DIG 3
    Insulation .............................  81 / 90.1+
        With remover .......................  81 / 9.4+
    Leather manufactures ...................  69
    Making cutters .........................  76
        Edge by electric weld ..............  219 / 77
        Deposition .........................  219 / 77
    Manicure compound tool with ............  132 / 75.4+
    Metalworking ...........................  407
        Air current generated by ...........  29 / DIG 82
        Ambulatory, with fluent conduit ....  29 / DIG 64
        Auger lip cutting ..................  76 / 3
        Ax making ..........................  76 / 7+
        Boring head ........................  408 / 234
        Boring machines ....................  408
        Broaches ...........................  407 / 13+
        Cable sheath cutters ...............  30 / 90.1+
        Can openers ........................  30 / 400
        Casting combined ...................  29 / 527.6
        Casting device with ................  164 / 262+
        Chain making machine with ..........  59 / 16+
        Chasing screw thread ...............  408 / 215+
        Chemical heat employed to cut ......  148 / 194+
        Cold chisels .......................  30 / 168
        Contained supply reservoir .........  29 / DIG 65
        Countersinks .......................  408 / 223+
        Cutter making processes ............  76 / 116+
        Cutters for machine mounting .......  407
        Die shaping sheet metal and ........  72 / 324+
        Drilling machines ..................  408
        Drills .............................  408 / 199
        Drive ..............................  29 / DIG 55
        Engaging cleaner ...................  29 / DIG 97
        Expanded metal making ..............  29 / 6.1
        Fan coaxial with ...................  29 / DIG 83
        Feed ...............................  29 / DIG 57
        Fence barb cutting .................  29 / 7.1
        File cutting .......................  76 / 12+
        File resharpening sand blast .......  451 / 79
        Files and filing ...................  29 / 76.1+
        Flame cutting ......................  148 / 194+
        Flame cutting apparatus ............  266 / 48+
        Fluid channel in ...................  29 / DIG 92
        Fluid spreader contacts ............  29 / DIG 69
        Forging machine with cutting .......  29 / 34 R
        Machine ............................  29 / 34 R
        Forging machines with ..............  72 / 324
        Incidental cutting .................  72 / 324+
        Gear cutting machines ..............  409 / 1+
        Hand manipulated tools for .........  30 / 165+
        Hood encased .......................  29 / DIG 86
        Horseshoe making machine with ......  59 / 37+
        Immersion complete .................  29 / DIG 71
        Immersion partial ..................  29 / DIG 74
        Lathes .............................  82 / 117+
        Milling machines ...................  409 / 64+
        Nail making machines with ..........  470 / 157+
        Needle making machine with .........  163 / 1+
        Pin making machine with ............  163 / 6
        Pipe and rod cutters ...............  30 / 92+
        Planing machines ...................  409 / 288+
        Printers leads .....................  83
        Punching ...........................  83
        Reamers ............................  408 / 227
        Rifling ............................  409 / 306
        Rolling and cutting machines .......  72 / 203+
        Rotating ...........................  29 / DIG 67
        Saw tooth cutting ..................  76 / 28+
        Sawing .............................  83
        Scrap cutting ......................  83 / 923*
        Screw cutting lathe ................  82 / 110+
        Screw threading dies ...............  408 / 215+
        Screw threading machines ...........  408 / 72 R+
        Screw threading taps ...............  408 / 215+
        Screw threading with cut off .......  408 / 28+
        Shapers ............................  409 / 288+
        Sharpeners abrading ................  451 / 419+
        Sharpeners for cutting tools .......  76 / 82+
        Sharpeners for saw teeth ...........  76 / 30+
        Sheet and bar cutting ..............  83
        Sheet metal shaping die with .......  72 / 324+
        Shredding ..........................  29 / 4.51+
        Staple making machine with .........  59 / 71+
        Stereotype concave surface .........  409 / 309
        Finishing ..........................  409 / 309
        Tap or die .........................  408 / 215+
        Tire upsetting machine with ........  29 / 22
        Cutter .............................  29 / 22
        Tube and sheath splitters ..........  30 / 90.1+
        Tube cutters for well tubing .......  166 / 55
        Turning to taper ...................  82 / 15+
        Turning with profiled cutter .......  82 / 13
        Turning with radial cutters in .....  82 / 130
        Hollow head ........................  82 / 130
        Type casting mechanism with ........  199 / 54+
        Valve refitting portable tool ......  409 / 64+
        Wire ...............................  83
        Wire cutting with tag machine ......  493 / 343+
        Wire fabric making with slat .......  140 / 26
        Wire straightening and .............  140 / 139+
        Wire stretching implements with ....  140 / 123.6
        Wrench attached cutter .............  81 / 181+
    Oiler ..................................  83 / 169
    Paper ..................................  D15 / 127
    Pencil sharpener .......................  30 / 451+
    (See pencil sharpener)) ...............  30 / 451+
        Machine ............................  144 / 28.1+
    Pipe hand tools ........................  30 / 92+
    Plastic block apparatus ................  425 / 289+
    Plastic material implements ............  30 / 115
    Punching ...............................  234
    Receptacle openers  
        Implement ..........................  30 / 2+
        Metallic receptacle with ...........  220 / 260
        Refrigeration related ..............  62 / 294
    Rotary see notes to ....................  30 / 347
    Rotating axially moving tool ...........  408
    Safety devices .........................  83 / DIG 1
    Selective ..............................  234
        Pattern controlled .................  234 / 59
    Severing by tearing or breaking ........  225
    Sewing machines combined ...............  112 / 128
        Thread .............................  112 / 285+
    Shaping devices ........................  407
    Sheet and bar ..........................  83
        Cigar receptacle with ..............  206 / 238+
        Cigar wrapper cutter ...............  131 / 33+
        Cigarette mouthpiece making ........  131 / 91
        Cloth finishing ....................  26 / 7+
        Dispensing package with ............  206 / 216
        Fabric reels with ..................  83
        Label machine strip severing .......  156 / 510+
        Measurer fabric and cord with ......  83 / 522.11+
        Paper aperture making punch for ....  402 / 1
        Sheet retainer .....................  402 / 1
        Paper bag making with ..............  493 / 227+
        Paper box making with ..............  493 / 56+
        Printing machine with ..............  101 / 224+
        Sheet material associating and .....  270 / 21.1
        Folding with .......................  270 / 21.1
        Sheet material folding with ........  493 / 340
        Stenciling machine .................  101 / 117
        Tobacco leaf disintegrating ........  131 / 311+
        Tobacco plug .......................  131 / 117+
        Tobacco stem .......................  131 / 317+
    Shoemaking .............................  12
    Soap ...................................  83
    Solid material comminution or ..........  241
    Disintegration .........................  241
    Sound waves ............................  83 / 14
    Sound waves ............................  83 / 701
    Stone working ..........................  125
    Street surface removal  
        Ice ................................  299 / 24
    Surgical ...............................  606 / 132+
        Design .............................  D24 / 146+
        Electrical .........................  606 / 39+
        Cutting edge testing ...............  73 / 104+
        Shear stress, eg 1zod, charpy ......  73 / 844
    Textile and strand .....................  83 / 913*
        Beria type cutter ..................  83 / 403
        Bobbin and cop winding with ........  242 / 487.1+
        Buttonhole cutter ..................  30 / 118+
            On sewing machine ..............  112 / 68
        Cloth finishing ....................  26 / 7+
        Convolute with .....................  242 / 522+
        Cordage winding with ...............  242 / 487.1+
        Knitting strand controlled stop ....  66 / 159
        Measurer for fabric with ...........  33 / 732+
        Severing cutter for sewing .........  112 / 130
        Machine ............................  112 / 130
        Sewing machine shuttle with ........  242 / 487.1+
        Shears .............................  30 / 194+
        Spool or twine holders with ........  83 / 649+
        Textile knitting ...................  66 / 125 R+
        Textile spinning strand ............  57 / 86
        Control stop .......................  57 / 86+
        Textile weaving fabric .............  139 / 291 C
        Textile weaving pile ...............  139 / 43
        Textile weaving thread control .....  139 / 260+
        Textile weaving weft ...............  139 / 302
        Thread cutter for sewing ...........  112 / 285+
        Machine ............................  112 / 285+
        Trimmer for sewing machine .........  112 / 129
        Tufting sewing machine .............  112 / 80.01+
        Well torpedo cable .................  89 / 1.14
    Threshing ..............................  460
    Tobacco and tobacco products ...........  131
        Cigar end cutters ..................  83
        Cigar or tobacco receptacle with ...  206 / 238+
        Cigar tip cutters hand .............  30 / 109
    Tools with additional tools ............  7 / 158+
        Monkey wrench ......................  7 / 139+
        Plier type .........................  7 / 129+
        Plier type .........................  7 / 132+
    Torch ..................................  266 / 48+
        Feed dispersing ....................  239 / 398+
    Tracheotome ............................  606 / 185
    Trepan .................................  606 / 176+
    Trepanning .............................  408 / 703*
    Turning ................................  82
    Vehicle body ...........................  296 / 2
    Woodworking ............................  144 / 36+
        Coopering ..........................  147
        Draw knives ........................  30 / 313
        Knives .............................  30 / 165+
        Pencil sharpener ...................  30 / 451+
        Reciprocable along .................  83 / 746
        Elongated edge .....................  83 / 746+
        Sawing .............................  83
        Spokeshaves ........................  30 / 281
        Turning ............................  142
    Work attached device ...................  83 / 743+
Cyanamides .................................  423 / 368
    Catalysts containing ...................  502 / 200
    Electrolytic synthesis  
        Aqueous bath .......................  205 / 551
        Fused bath .........................  205 / 360
    Fertilizers containing .................  71 / 55+
    Organic radical containing .............  564 / 103
Cyanates ...................................  423 / 364+
    Esters .................................  560 / 301
    Catalysts containing ...................  502 / 200
    Electrolytic synthesis  
        Aqueous bath .......................  205 / 479
        Fused bath .........................  205 / 360
    Leaching ores with .....................  75 / 711+
        Electrolysis combined ..............  205 / 477+
    Organic ................................  558 / 303+
    Preserving, disinfecting, ..............  422 / 35
    Sterilizing with .......................  422 / 35
    Salts inorganic ........................  423 / 364
Cyanine Dyes  
    Cyanoethylation of fibers ..............  8 / DIG 13
    Photographic compositions ..............  430 / 581+
    Containing .............................  430 / 581+
Cyano Group, Formation of ..................  558 / 308+
Cyanoacetic Acid ...........................  558 / 443
    Ammonia from compounds .................  423 / 352
    Biocides containing ....................  424 / 607+
    Electrolytic synthesis  
        Aqueous bath .......................  205 / 551
        Fused bath .........................  205 / 360
    Hydrocyanic acid .......................  423 / 364
    Salts ..................................  423 / 364+
Cyanoguanidines ............................  564 / 104
Cyanohydrins ...............................  558 / 451
Cyanuric Acid ..............................  544 / 192
Cycle See Velocipede  
    Bicycle type ...........................  280 / 200+
        Design .............................  D12 / 111
    Design .................................  D12 / 107+
    Electric bicycle signal ................  340 / 432
    Electric light .........................  362 / 509+
    Locks ..................................  70 / 233
    Mud guards .............................  280 / 152.1+
    Parallel connected .....................  280 / 209
    Polycycles .............................  280 / 282
    Rack or holder .........................  D12 / 115
    Saddles ................................  297 / 195.1+
    Sidecar ................................  D12 / 116
    Single axis or wheel ...................  280 / 205+
    Stirling ...............................  62 / 6
    Theft preventing alarms ................  116 / 33
    Tricycle type ..........................  280 / 200+
        Convertible ........................  280 / 7.15+
        Design .............................  D12 / 112+
        Simulations ........................  280 / 828+
    Vehicle energy actuated signal .........  116 / 56+
Cyclic Hydrocarbon (See Alicyclic  
    Hydrocarbon; aromatic hydrocarbon)  
Cyclic Peptides ............................  530 / 317+
Cyclic Polymerization, Hydrocarbon .........  585 / 415+
    Synthesis ..............................  585 / 415+
    Aromatic hydrocarbon synthesis .........  585 / 415+
Cyclic Thiocarbonates ......................  549 / 30+
    Dithiocarbonates, monothiocarbonate ....  549 / 30
    Trithiocarbonates ......................  549 / 36
    Mineral oil ............................  208 / 46+
3,5-Cycloandrostanes .......................  552 / 500+
Cyclobutyl Carboxylic Acid Esters ..........  560 / 123
3,5-Cyclocholesterols ......................  552 / 500+
3,5-Cyclogonanes ...........................  552 / 500+
Cyclohexamide ..............................  546
    In drug ................................  514 / 328
Cyclohexanol ...............................  568 / 835
Cyclohexanone ..............................  568 / 376
Cyclohexylamine ............................  564 / 462
Cyclometers ................................  235 / 95 R+
Cyclone Separator ..........................  406 / 173
    Gas separation .........................  55 / 337
    Liquid separation ......................  210 / 512.2
Cycloolefines ..............................  585 / 23
    Synthesis ..............................  585 / 350+
        By dehydrogenation .................  585 / 379+
Cycloparaffins .............................  585 / 20+
    Synthesis ..............................  585 / 350+
Cyclopentadiene Synthesis ..................  585 / 350+
    By alkylation ..........................  585 / 446
Cyclopentanohydrophenanthrene ..............  552 / 502
    Compounds ..............................  552 / 502+
    Heterocyclic ...........................  540 / 2+
Cyclopentyl Carboxylic Acid Esters .........  560 / 121+
Cyclopropane ...............................  585 / 350+
Cyclopropyl Carboxylic Acid Esters .........  560 / 124
Cycloserine ................................  548 / 244
3,5-Cyclosteroids ..........................  552 / 500+
    Energizing systems .....................  315 / 502
    Nuclear fusion reactions use in ........  376 / 100
    Structure ..............................  313 / 62
    Systems including ......................  315 / 502
    Tubes ..................................  313 / 62
Cyclovitamin D .............................  552 / 653
3,5-Cyclovitamin D .........................  552 / 653
    Airplane with sustaining rotor .........  244 / 10
    Bracket support ........................  248 / 230.1+
    Caster .................................  16 / 22+
        Movable cylinder with ..............  417 / 460
        Reciprocating piston ...............  417 / 460+
        Multiple cylinder ..................  417 / 521+
        Rotary cylinder ....................  417 / 462
    Door closing and liquid checking .......  16 / 57
    Earthworking ...........................  172 / 554
    Escapement .............................  368 / 129
    Expansible chamber device ..............  92 / 169.1+
        Concentric cylinders ...............  92 / 51+
        Lubricating means ..................  92 / 153+
        Movable cylinder ...................  91 / 196+
        Moving cylinder multiple ...........  92 / 117 R+
    Gauges .................................  33 / 542+
    Glass cylinder making ..................  65
    Glass handling .........................  414 / 24
    Grinding ie internal grinding ..........  451 / 51+
    Handles, hollow cylinder ...............  414 / 910*
    Heat exchange means ....................  165 / 181
    Holding member .........................  292 / 261
    Internal combustion engine seal ........  277 / 591+
        Construction .......................  123 / 193.1
        Cooling ............................  123 / 41.72+
        Multiple ...........................  123 / 52.1+
        Oscillating ........................  123 / 42
        Reciprocating ......................  123 / 50 R
        Rotary .............................  123 / 43 R+
    Joint for rotating cylinder ............  285 / 121.3+
    Lagging ................................  165 / 135+
    Lock ...................................  70 / 357+
        Housing ............................  70 / 449
        Key ................................  70 / 406
    Lubricator .............................  184 / 18+
    Machine gun ............................  89 / 13.05+
    Material treating  
        Abrading floors ....................  451 / 350+
        Abrading with rotary flexible ......  451 / 490+
        Tool ...............................  451 / 490+
        Abrading with rotary rigid .........  451 / 541+
        Tool ...............................  451 / 541+
        Acetylene generator ................  48
        Baffle .............................  210 / 512.1
        Brushing ...........................  15 / 3+
        Comminuting ........................  241 / 293+
        Corn sheller .......................  460 / 45
        Drying and cooling with rotary .....  34 / 63
        Cylinder ...........................  34 / 63
        Fiber carding ......................  19 / 112
        Fiber combing ......................  19 / 126+
        Filter element .....................  210 / 497.01
        Huller .............................  99 / 600+
        Leather treatment ..................  69 / 37
        Movable filter .....................  210 / 402+
        Paper stuff straining ..............  210 / 402+
        Photographic printing ..............  355 / 104+
        Potato digger with screen ..........  171 / 111+
        Reactor compartment ................  210 / 207+
        Scouring ...........................  451 / 109+
        Textile treatment with fluid .......  68 / 5 R+
        Threshing ..........................  460 / 59
        Web forming ........................  162 / 323+
        Weighted land roller ...............  404 / 111+
        Winding by orbital guide ...........  242 / 439+
        Winding by rotating cylinder .......  242 / 443
    Meter having expansible chamber ........  73 / 232+
    Music boxes automatic playing ..........  84 / 95.1+
        Comb actuator ......................  84 / 95.1+
        Organ pin cylinder .................  84 / 86
        Separable from keyboard ............  84 / 106
    Panel hanger ...........................  16 / 89
    Percussive tool rammer .................  173 / 125
    Pistol or rifle revolving ..............  42 / 59
    Cylinder ...............................  42 / 59+
    Pump (see pump fluid)  
        Multiple cylinder ..................  417 / 521+
        Rotary cylinder ....................  417 / 462
        Rotary cylinder with ...............  417 / 460
        Reciprocating piston ...............  417 / 460+
    Rotor sustaining airplane ..............  244 / 21
    Sheet handling  
        Associating ........................  270 / 60
        Folding and associating ............  270 / 32+
        Folding, associating & printing ....  270 / 1.01+
    Solid separation devices ...............  209
    Steam locomotive .......................  105 / 42
    Syringe ................................  604 / 218+
    Telescoping ............................  92 / 51+
    Toothed cylinder manufacture  
        Apparatus ..........................  29 / 23.1
        Method .............................  29 / 895.31
    Vehicle support resilient ..............  152
    Wood and metal treating  
        Barrel stave cutter ................  147 / 35
        Corrugating ........................  72
            Method .........................  72 / 370.19+
        Cutter .............................  144 / 221+
        Planer with rotary cutter ..........  144 / 116+
        Slicer with rotary cutter ..........  144 / 172+
    Photographic printing apparatus  
Cymbal Beater ..............................  84 / 422.1
CYMELâ„¢    (Aminoplast) .....................  528 / 254
Cymene (See Aromatic Hydrocarbon) .........  585 / 350+
Cyproheptadine, in Drug ....................  514 / 325
Cysteine Ester, in Drug ....................  514 / 550
Cystine ....................................  562 / 557
    Preparation from protein ...............  562 / 516
Cystoscope .................................  600 / 135
Cytidine ...................................  536 / 28.5
Cytidine 5'-Phosphate ......................  536 / 26.8
Cytosine ...................................  544 / 317
Czochralski Type Crystallization ...........  117 / 13+

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