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County Weed Act
Montana has a law on the books to manage noxious weeds. An excerpt from the law: “It is unlawful for any person to permit any noxious weed to propagate or go to seed on the person's land, except that any person who adheres to the noxious weed management program of the person's weed management district or who has entered into and is in compliance with a noxious weed management agreement is considered to be in compliance with this section.” For additional information regarding the enforcement of this act, refer to FAQ #10 and #12.

Noxious Weed Trust Fund
Montana is the only states in the nation to offer grants through a noxious weed trust fund administered by the Department of Agriculture. The fund was established in 1985 with a $2.5 million cap. The interest off of this fund the vehicle license fee is what generates grant funding. Recently at the 2007 legislature, HB 269 increased the Trust and capped it at $10 million. The estimated interest off of this fund in 2008 is $409,000 and will be used for direct on the ground local cooperative, educational, and research projects. Grant deadlines are the first of December, with hearings held in March of the following year. For more information, refer to the MDA website: http://agr.state.mt.us/weedpest/weedforms.asp

Weed Seed Free Forage
Why the importance for weed seed free forage? An excerpt from the law states the reason: “the movement of agricultural crops or commodities as livestock forage, bedding, mulch, and related materials, including pellets, cubes, and other processed livestock feeds with noxious weed seeds, causes new and expanding noxious weed infestations on private and government‑managed lands, which adversely impact agricultural, forest, recreational, and other lands.”

- Administrative Rules of Montana, Chapter 5 Subchapter 3 and 5 (PDF)
- Administrative Rules of Montana, Chapter 5 Subchapter 3 (PDF)
- Noxious Weed Management Funding Act, Title 80, Chapter 7 Part 8 (PDF)
- Fed Nox Weed Control Erad Act (PDF)
- Salt Cedar & Russian Olive Control & Demonstration Act (PDF)