For Informational Professionals in Government, Academics, Business and Industry
GL10 Conference Announcement
The needs and demands of Information Society are in constant state of change and flux. Information overload, information loss, information-on-demand are among just a few of the many factors confronting information professionals, practitioners, and net-users on a daily basis. To a great extent, grey literature is the cause of all this. For the past two decades grey literature has grown exponentially in relation to commercially published literature. The grey literature community realizes that while the challenges faced at the First International Conference on Grey Literature in 1993 may not have all been resolved, solutions today lay in a whole new order, on yet another scale and magnitude than ever before. GL10 seeks to address the challenges to grey literature that still remain, while dealing with even newer challenges and an infrastructure that can effectively integrate all. The title of this year’s conference, ‘Designing the Grey Grid for Information Society’ invokes an infrastructure, which must take into account social, political, and organizational factors. For these also impact system-to-system performance when dealing with the scale and diversity of information, data, document types, collections, and subject areas linked to grey literature. As such, interoperability becomes de facto a requirement in the design of the grey grid i.e. an infrastructure that can model and withstand the test of an ever changing Information Society.
Dr. Dominic Farace, Program and Conference Director
TextRelease GL10 Program and Conference Bureau Javastraat 194-HS 1095 CP Amsterdam The Netherlands