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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Pesticide Fate Database
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Using This Database

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The information contained in the Pesticide Fate Database may be used by environmental scientists and researchers to describe or predict what could happen to a pesticide active ingredient under various conditions when it is released into the environment. The data are derived from studies submitted by pesticide manufacturers (registrants) in support of the registration/reregistration of their pesticide products.

The Pesticide Fate Database contains data on:

  • physical and chemical properties
  • chemical fate
  • transport of pesticide active ingredients registered in the United States
  • degradates or breakdown products of these registered pesticides
  • endpoint information such as half-lives and soil-water partitioning coefficients

It may be used to:

  • model or predict the fate of pesticides in the environment
  • develop exposure characterizations that describe the potential exposure of plants, animals, and water resources to pesticide residue

Active Ingredient Information:

View records for pesticide active ingredients

Degradate Information:

View records for degradates (break-down products of pesticides)

The Pesticide Fate Database is maintained by the U.S. EPA, Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP), Environmental Fate and Effects Division (EFED). Refer to the related information for additional information, including the fate assessments regarding these pesticides.


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