Maryland Bay Grass Restoration and Projects Maryland Dept of Natural Resources
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As a result of significant losses in bay grass acreage, one component of the Chesapeake 2000 Bay Agreement specified the restoration of 114,000 acres of bay grasses. In 2003, Maryland and its Bay Partners proposed a new goal and strategy to accelerate the protection and restoration of submerged aquatic vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries. The enhanced bay grass restoration goal calls for the protection and restoration of 185,000 acres of bay grass by 2010. View the Maryland Bay Grass Restoration Timeline.

There are many regions within Chesapeake Bay in which habitat conditions are suitable for bay grass growth, but are currently lacking vegetation, probably due to a lack of adequate seed or propagule sources. By identifying and strategically planting or reseeding beds in these areas, it is expected that these beds would serve as a seed source to greatly accelerate natural revegetation on a much larger scale. Additionally, there are many areas of Chesapeake Bay that are currently vegetated by exotic SAV species. By establishing native SAV beds in these areas, it is expected that the more beneficial, native species may replace the exotics.

Learn About Maryland DNR’s
Bay Grass Restoration Projects
images of bay grasses
Maryland DNR is currently involved in several bay grass restoration projects throughout the state.

Large scale eelgrass restoration projects
on the Potomac and Patuxent Rivers

Bay Grasses in Classes (BGIC):  a hands-on,
interactive education project that enables students
to play a direct role in bay grass restoration.

Coupling Oyster and SAV Restoration
in Harness Creek, South River

And several  other bay grass restoration projects.  

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