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New Mexico State University
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NMSU Weed Information

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Welcome to New Mexico State University's Weeds Information website. Weeds are defined as undesirable plants or plants that oppose the management objectives of the land. This project conducts research and education activities designed to provide useful information to the public that is specific to weedy plants of the southwestern US, specifically New Mexico.

Featured Weed of Concern
Sahara Mustard
Brassica tournefortii

Sahara Mustard is a short-lived, nonnative winter annual mustard that has recently been found in New Mexico. It primarily invades disturbed, arid habitats and is typically found along roadsides where it has been observed to have spread 1 mile in 7 years. While not common in New Mexico, it has expanded rapidly in Arizona, Nevada, and California over the past decade, making it a new potential threat to New Mexico.

Weed-Specific Sites

(These sites provide detailed information about specific weeds.)


Site Redesign
Welcome to the new site! You can search weed information by many criteria and view publications and presentations using the lefthand navigation bar.
Saltcedar Page Available
The new Saltcedar page, with lots of in-depth information and research, is now available.