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New Mexico State University

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Showing all 69 web links.
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An Aquatic Plant Manual for Washington's Freshwater Plants
An Illustrated Guide to ARIZONA WEEDS
An On-line Version of an Aquatic Plant Identification Manual for Washington's Freshwater Plants
Aquatic Plant Management Society (APMS)
Cal photos
California Department of Agriculture Weed Identification database
California Invasive Plant Council (Cal-ipc)
California Weed Science Society (CWSS)
Center for Invasive Plant Management
Center for Invasive plants CIPM
Colorado Environmental Pesticide Education Program
Colorado State University extension
Colorado Weed Management Association Noxious and invasive weeds
Crop Data Management Systems Label and MSDS information
EPA Pesticide Fate Database
Evaluation of Organic herbicides
Institute for Natural Resource Analysis and Management (INRAM) biodiversity website
Interactive identification of Missouri plants
Interactive Thistle Identification website (Nebraska)
International Survey of herbicide resistant weeds
Invasive plants of Eastern United States: Identification and Control
Midwestern Turfgrass Weed Identification and Control
Minnesota dept. of Natural Resources
Montana State University
National Park Service factsheets
New Mexico Department of Agriculture Noxious Weed Information
New Mexico Department of Agriculture Pesticide Registered Website
NMSU Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business Department
NMSU Biology Dept Herbarium
New Mexico State University NMSU biology department herbarium NMC
NMSU DeptRange and Animal Sciences Department
NMSU Entomology Pathology and Weed Science Department
NMSU Extension Plant Science Department
NMSU Plant and Environmental Sciences Department
NMSU Range Science Herbarium
New Mexico State University NMSU Range Science Herbarium NMRS
NMSU Turf website
North Carolina State University Aquatic weed management website
Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook
Pesticide Information Profiles
Poisonous plant database
Purdue’s aquatic weed management documents (including straw to manage algae)
Sandbur control in turf
Society for Range Management (SRM)
Southwest Exotic Plant Information Clearinghouse
Southwest Vegetation Management Association (SWVMA)
Texas A & M Aquatic plant identification and management website
Texas A & M Weed Science
Texas Invasives
The Digital Flora of Texas
The Nature Conservancy detailed weed information
The Nature Conservancy Invasive Weed Photo Gallery
The Nature Conservancy photos
The Nature Conservancy weed control methods handbook
The organic weed management website
The UC IPM Weed Photo Gallery
Includes many, but not all, weed species commonly found in California.
UC IPM turf weeds herbicide treatment tables
UC Weed Research and Information Center Herbicide Susceptibility chart
University of Wyoming
University of Florida Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants
University of Montana-Missoula
University of Nevada Reno Extension
University of New Mexico Herbarium (UNM Herbarium)
Utah State University Extension
Viginia Tech University Weed Identification
Weed Research and Information Center
Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) the online source for turf weed management options
Western Aquatic Plant Management Society (WAPMS)
Western Society of Weed Science (WSWS)