Water Quality Program

Aquatic Plants, Algae & Lakes

Aquatic Plant Identification | Aquatic Plant Management | Aquatic Weed Grants | Planning | Pesticides to Control Aquatic Plants | Algae Control Program | Lake Information | Links

Aquatic Plant and Algae Identification

Aquatic Plant Identification Manual for Washington's Freshwater Plants

Descriptions, photographs, and line drawings of 100 aquatic plants.

Discover What Freshwater Plants are Found in Washington Lakes

Search Ecology's plants database to see which plants are growing in each water body (not all water bodies in Washington have been surveyed).

Discover What Algae is Growing in Washington Lakes

Search Ecology's algae database to see if blue-green algae are growing in each water body and if they are toxic (not all algae blooms have been tested).

Tips for Identifying Aquatic Plants

Information on how to press plants, prepare for mailing for identification, how to distinguish look-alike aquatic plants.

Aquatic Plant Management

Aquatic Plant Management/Control Methods

Descriptions of commonly used aquatic plant control techniques including manual, biological, and chemical methods.

Eurasian Watermilfoil Eradication and Control Strategies

Specific methods used in Washington to eradicate or control Eurasian watermilfoil.

Native Aquatic Plants

Information about some of Washington's common native aquatic plants.

Nonnative, Invasive Aquatic Plants

Information about some of Washington's invasive freshwater plants.

Aquatic Weed Grants

Aquatic Weeds Financial Assistance Information (Washington State Residents Only)

Grant Guidelines, lists of grant projects, grant applications, sample grant applications and grant agreements.

Planning for Aquatic Plant Management

A Citizen's Guide for Developing Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plans (html version)

A manual that guides people through the steps needed to develop a plan for the control of aquatic vegetation. Lake groups using herbicides under Washington's Nuisance Weed and Algae Permit should use the guidance below.

Integrated Plan for Early Infestations of Eurasian Watermilfoil

An integrated plan for the management of pioneering infestations of the state-listed noxious weed Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum).

Some Ecology-approved plans for Washington State listed Noxious Aquatic Weeds are listed below. Many of these PDF files load slowly; be patient.

Freshwater Noxious Emergent Integrated Pest Management Plan (pdf file)
This plan covers noxious emergent freshwater plants such as purple loosestrife, yellow iris, garden loosestrife, and others and contains management information. This plan is required to be used by those treating noxious, emergent weeds under Washington's NPDES permit for state-listed noxious weeds.

Pesticides to Control Aquatic Plants and Algae

Aquatic Pesticide Permits Information

Aquatic pesticide NPDES permits for Washington (noxious weeds, aquatic plants and algae, irrigation, mosquito, etc.).

Risk Assessments and the Aquatic Plant Management Environmental Impact Statement for Washington

Risk assessments and environmental impact statements for the aquatic use of 2,4-D, endothall, diquat, and triclopyr.

Aquatic herbicide residue monitoring after aquatic herbicide application in lakes

Information about herbicide concentrations and other environmental data collected from Washington's lakes after herbicide treatment for noxious weed control.

A Process for Evaluating Pesticides in Washington State Surface Waters for Potential Impacts to Salmonids

This paper describes the pesticide evaluation process that will be used to screen the approximately 750 pesticide active ingredients that are currently registered in Washington State.

An Innovative Approach to Applying Aquatic Herbicides
See how the Mason Lake group are using "tents" to contain aquatic herbicides over small infestations of Eurasian watermilfoil.

Algae Control Program

Algae Program Overview

Read about Ecology's new algae management program that includes algae identification, toxicity testing, and coming soon a new grant program.

Public Health and Algae

Discover which algae pose threats to humans, pets, and livestock.

Algae Monitoring Program

Is your lake experiencing an algae bloom? See photographs of blue-green blooms and find out how to have your algae identified and tested for toxicity (Washington state waters only).

Algae, Algae Management, and General Lake Information

Information about algae, control methods for algae, nutrient-reduction technologies for lakes, and general lakes information. 

Grants for Algae Management

A small grant program for algae management in Washington waters will start fall of 2007.

Algae Database

Search this database to see which Washington water bodies experience toxic algae blooms.

Lake Information

The Washington Lakes Book has lots of fun and useful information to help you live with your lake.

Educational materials about lakes

Information about lake landscaping practices and forming a lake association.

A Citizen's Guide to Understanding and Monitoring Lakes and Streams

A great overview of water quality monitoring methods for lakes and streams in language anybody can understand.

Information about environmental quality in lakes in Washington

A list of lakes that Ecology has monitored. Bathymetric maps are included for many Washington lakes.

Reducing Phosphorus to Improve Water Quality

Read about efforts to reduce phosphorus in common household products.


Links to other lake and aquatic plant sites