Searchable Databases

This page provides direct access to Ecology's searchable databases. Databases identified in bold below include map access.

Information about freshwater algae (including toxic algae) found in Washington state water bodies.
Database includes map access. Ambient air quality data
Carbon monoxide, ozone, and particulate matter for selected sites. Also includes Air Quality Index (AQI).
Database includes map access. Aquatic plant survey
Aquatic plant monitoring results from selected rivers and lakes with an emphasis on invasive non-native species.
Database includes map access. Coastal Atlas
Information about Washington’s marine shorelines and the land areas near Puget Sound, the outer coast, and the estuarine portion of the Columbia River.
  Cleanup Levels and Risk Calculations (CLARC)
Chemical-specific information related to the establishment of cleanup levels under the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) Cleanup Regulation, Ch. 173-340 WAC
  Contaminated Site Cleanup - Integrated Site Information System (ISIS)
Selected reports on cleanup sites, brownfield sites, and underground storage tanks.
Database includes map access. Environmental Information Management (EIM) System
Ecology's major environmental data repository. Also see MyEIM for sediment bioassay and chemistry data.
  Environmental Permit Handbook
Information on permits, licenses, certifications, and other approvals.
Database includes map access. Facility/Site Identification (F/SID) System
Information on facilities and sites of interest to the Department of Ecology.
  Fertilizer Database (Wastes in Commercial Fertilizers)
Information about commercial fertilizers that are registered for distribution in the state of Washington.
  Grade Level Expectations (GLE) Correlations to Environmental Education Resources
Links Project WET and Healthy Water, Healthy People with Washington’s OSPI Grade Level Expectations.
  Hazardous Waste Services Directory
Information for hazardous waste generators to help identify businesses who can help manage wastes.
  Industrial Permits
Active and proposed permits for aluminum smelters, oil refineries, and pulp and paper mills.
  Laboratory Accreditation
Information on accredited laboratories including analytical parameters.
  Lake Water Quality Monitoring
Historical water quality monitoring data for more than 180 lakes.
Database includes map access. Marine water quality monitoring
Water quality monitoring data for Puget Sound, Grays Harbor, and Willapa Bay; data for 1990 and beyond is on-line.
  Materials Exchange ("2Good2Toss")
Information on available or wanted used or surplus building materials and large household items.
Database includes map access. Polluted Waters - 303(d) Listing
Listing of streams, lakes, and estuaries whose beneficial uses are impaired by pollutants.
  Public Events Calendar
Information on Ecology's public hearings, meetings, workshops, open houses, and open comment periods.
  Publications and Forms
Information on Ecology's publications and forms.
  Recycling (1-800-RECYCLE)
Information on recycling opportunities in your neighborhood.
Database includes map access. River and Stream Flow Monitoring
Instantaneous flow measurements (discharge) for selected stations.
Database includes map access. River and Stream Water Quality Monitoring
Data from monthly water quality monitoring at hundreds of stream stations throughout the state since before 1959.
Database includes map access. Shoreline Aerial Photos
A collection of over 10,000 oblique aerial photos of Washington's 2,500 miles of marine shoreline.
  Staff directory
Ecology staff e-mail addresses and phone numbers.
  State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Register
List of SEPA documents received by Ecology in the past two weeks or earlier if comment period has not yet closed.
  Subject referral directory
Ecology staff contact information by subject.
Database includes map access. Stream biological monitoring
Benthic macroinvertebrate data for selected streams beginning in 1993.
  Well Construction and Licensing System (WCLS)
Well drilling projects and well logs since 1995. Current licensed drillers and drilling companies.
Database includes map access. Well Logs
Information on the location, ownership, construction details, and lithology of completed wells.

In addition to the above on-line databases, Ecology distributes several databases for local installation and use.

  Toxics Release Inventory Display System (TRIDS)
A database that identifies facilities, chemicals manufactured and used, the annual amounts of these chemicals released (in routine operations and in accidents and other one-time events) and otherwise managed on- and off-site in waste.
  Water Quality Permit Life Cycle System (WPLCS)
Information on water quality permits for municipalities, industries, dairies, fish-rearing facilities, stormwater, sand and gravel operations, and aquatic pesticides.

Also see Geographic Information Systems Data for information on available spatial data.

Also see Information Management for additional information on the Department of Ecology's Information Technology Portfolio and enterprise approach to information management.


Environmental Information Management (EIM) System -- Environmental Data

Facility/Site Identification (F/SID) System


Washington Natural Resources Information Portal

Pacific Northwest Water Quality Data Exchange.