Sustainability: GRI list

Strategy & analysis

Indicator Related content Notes
1.1 Chair & Chief Executive report (Report 2008)
Highlights (Report 2008)
Landcare Research viewpoints
Our business strategy
Our reporting journey
Our sustainability aims
1.2 A climate for change (Report 2008)
Alignment to national priorities
Business strategies (Report 2008)
Chair & Chief Executive report (Report 2008)
Financial summary (Report 2008)
Invited external thinkpieces
Landcare Research viewpoints
Our business strategy
Our people
Our reporting journey
Our stakeholders
Our sustainability progress
Protection & restoration of biodiversity (Report 2008)
Science for sustainability
Sustainable business & living (Report 2008)
Sustainable land environments (Report 2008)
Sustainable land environments

Organisational profile

Indicator Related content Notes
2.1 Landcare Research at a glance (Report 2008)
Management approach

Refer to the ABOUT US section of our website for more information: about Landcare Research, our Guiding Philosophy, vision & values, company structure, contacts and Corporate Social Responsibility.

2.2 A climate for change (Report 2008)
Alignment to national priorities
Climate change mitigation & adaptation
Impact & integrity of our research
Landcare Research at a glance (Report 2008)
Management approach
Our business strategy
Our science outcome areas
Partnerships and networks
Protection & restoration of biodiversity (Report 2008)
Science for sustainability
Sustainable business & living
Sustainable business & living (Report 2008)
Sustainable land environments (Report 2008)
Sustainable land environments
Sustainable Maori futures
Sustaining and restoring biodiversity
Weeds, pests & diseases

Landcare Research is in an unusual position in that the focus of our work is sustainability. Hence virtually all of our science is relevant.
We have a strong focus on collaborative research, partnerships & networks.

2.3 Directory (Report 2008)
Management approach
Our economic impacts

Economic impacts.
Also refer to the ABOUT US section of our website for more information:
About the company: company structure

2.4 Directory (Report 2008)
Landcare Research at a glance (Report 2008)

Landcare Research site locations

2.5 Landcare Research at a glance (Report 2008)
Our economic impacts

Economic impacts
Also refer to our Annual Report 2008: Landcare Research at a glance

2.6 Landcare Research at a glance (Report 2008)

Report 2008
Refer to Part 2 of our Annual Report 2008: Consolidated Financial Statements and other statutory responsibilitiesPDF file
Also refer to the ABOUT US section on our website for more information: About the company

2.7 Partnerships and networks

Economic impacts
Also refer to Partnerships & Networks for more information about international linkages

2.8 Business strategies (Report 2008)
Developing our science
Impact & integrity of our research
Our science outcome areas
Our sustainability progress

Report 2008
More information about Landcare Research, our philosophy and values, company structure, locations and contact details can be found on our website under the ABOUT US section.
Refer to Part 2 of our Annual Report 2008: Consolidated Financial Statements and other statutory responsibilitiesPDF file
Also refer to the ABOUT US section on our website for more information: About the company
Landcare Research is principally New Zealand based and overseas revenues/ sales / employees are less than 5% of totals.  However for Sirtrack Ltd, approximately half their sales are to overseas agencies.

2.9 Annual Report 2008

Point 1: Not material - there were no changes to report

Point 2: Report 2008
Refer to Part 2 of our Annual Report 2008: Consolidated Financial Statements and other statutory responsibilitiesPDF file .
Landcare Research moved to using International Financial Reporting Standards (IRFS) in 2007/08.

2.10 Celebrating success (Report 2008)
External initiatives
Knowledge management
Our people
Our sustainability progress

Landcare Research as a company did not receive any awards during the reporting period. However, a number of our staff received prestigious awards and other forms of professional recognition.

Report parameters

Indicator Related content Notes
3.1 Our sustainability progress
Scope of our sustainability web pages
3.2 Our sustainability progress
Scope of our sustainability web pages
3.3 Our sustainability progress
Scope of our sustainability web pages
3.4 Our sustainability progress
3.5 Materiality
Our sustainability progress
3.6 Our sustainability progress
Reporting boundaries
3.7 Our sustainability progress
Reporting boundaries
3.8 Our sustainability progress
Reporting boundaries
3.9 Reporting boundaries
3.10 Our environmental performance
3.11 Annual Report 2008


The applicable GRI indicators are linked to the relevant text. A complete list of all the GRI indicators is available from the navigation bar above, or by clicking on any one of the GRI indicators, then clicking on the All GRI Indicators button in the right hand column. Explanations for indicators not covered (not material) can be found in the notes attached to each indicator.

3.13 Reporting responsibilities (Report 2008)


Governance, communities & engagement

Indicator Related content Notes
4.1 Voices for sustainability

Report 2008
Refer to Part 2 of our Annual Report 2008: Directors' report PDF file .
Also refer to the ABOUT US section on our website for more information: About the company: Ownership & governance

4.2 Directory (Report 2008)

Report 2008
Refer to Part 2 of our Annual Report 2008: Directors' report PDF file .
Also refer to the ABOUT US section on our website for more information: About the company: Ownership & governance


Report 2008
Refer to Part 2 of our Annual Report 2008: Directors' report PDF file .
Also refer to the ABOUT US section on our website for more information: About the company: Ownership & governance

4.4 Our stakeholders

Refer to Part 2 of our Annual Report 2008: Directors' report PDF file .
Also refer to the ABOUT US section on our website for more information: About the company: Ownership & governance.
The only shareholders are the two Government Ministers: Minister of Finance and Minister for Research, Science & Technology.

4.5 Our stakeholders

Refer to the ABOUT US section on our website for more information: About the company: Ownership & governance.

4.6 Our stakeholders

Report 2008
Refer to Part 2 of our Annual Report 2008: Directors' report PDF file .
Also refer to the ABOUT US section on our website for more information: About the company: Ownership & governance.


Report 2008
Refer to Part 2 of our Annual Report 2008: Directors' report PDF file .


Refer to the ABOUT US section on our website for more information: Our principles: Corporate Social Responsibility, Ethics, Sustainability policy, Our vision and values


Report 2008
Refer to Part 2 of our Annual Report 2008: Directors' report PDF file .
Also refer to the ABOUT US section on our website for more information: About the company: Ownership & governance


Report 2008
Refer to Part 2 of our Annual Report 2008: Directors' report PDF file .
Also refer to the ABOUT US section on our website for more information: About the company: Ownership & governance


Report 2008
Refer to Part 2 of our Annual Report 2008: Directors' report PDF file .
Also refer to the ABOUT US section on our website for more information: About the company: Ownership & governance

4.12 External initiatives
ISO 14001
4.13 External initiatives

In addition, a number of our staff hold positions in governance bodies (directorships and board memberships) and advisory groups.  However, we do not provide substantive funding beyond routine membership dues.
Also refer to CCMAU and Landcare Research  indicators

4.14 About our stakeholders
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Our stakeholders
4.15 About our stakeholders
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Our reporting journey
Our stakeholders
Partnerships for influence and impact (Report 2008)
Voices for sustainability
4.16 About our stakeholders
Invited external thinkpieces
Networks to foster knowledge (Report 2008)
Our communities
Our reporting journey
Our stakeholders
Partnerships and networks
Partnerships for influence and impact (Report 2008)
Sustainable Maori futures
Voices for sustainability
4.17 Alignment to national priorities
Invited external thinkpieces
Maori & sustainable development
Our reporting journey
Partnerships for influence and impact (Report 2008)
Sustainable Maori futures
Voices for sustainability

Landcare Research has commited to annual reviews, with a consistent format, alternating between at least 20 key contacts at our four largest non-FRST customers (in 2007: MAF, DOC, AHB and MfE) one year and a similar number of contacts in the next tier of customers the following year (in 2008: Auckland Regional Council, Environment Canterbury, Horizons Regional Council, Environment Waikato, Te Puni Kokiri, Meridian Energy and Solid Energy).

The survey questions are designed to demonstrate the depth of the relationship, for example:

  • To what extent (on high/low scale of 1-5, including ‘don’t know’) has Landcare Research provided input into your <the client’s> corporate, research or product development strategy;
  • How integrated or aligned is Landcare Research’s strategy with your <the client’s> strategy (on a scale of 1-5, including ‘don’t know’);
  • How relevant to your <the client’s> strategy is the research conducted by Landcare Research (on a scale of 1-5, including ‘don’t know’).

It is proposed that, at the end of the financial year, Landcare Research report (in its September quarterly report to shareholding Ministers) on its achievement against the targets above and that it discuss the reasons for over- or under-performance.”Both reviews have been undertaken by the same independent consultant, Douglas Wood of Thought Partners (formerly Navigate), using the same review format.


Management disclosure approach

Our environmental performance

Indicator Related content Notes
EN1 Computers & mobile phones
Organisational development (Report 2008)
Our environmental performance
Paper use & recycling
EN2 Computers & mobile phones
Organisational development (Report 2008)
Our environmental performance
Paper use & recycling
EN3 Energy
Organisational development (Report 2008)
Our climate change impacts
Our environmental performance
EN4 Energy
Organisational development (Report 2008)
Our climate change impacts
Our environmental performance
EN5 Our environmental performance
EN6 Climate change mitigation & adaptation
Our environmental performance
EN7 Climate change mitigation & adaptation
Organisational development (Report 2008)
Our climate change impacts
Our environmental performance
EN8 Organisational development (Report 2008)
Our environmental performance
Water & wastewater

Except where rainwater harvesting is stated, all our water is drawn from reticulated municipal supplies.


Not Material.
We are not significant users of water compared to primary producers or manufacturers. No water resources are significantly affected by our water consumption. Never-the-less, water efficiency is an important issue.

EN10 Our environmental performance
Water & wastewater

We are able to report on this for our Auckland facilities that are also part of our research into low impact urban technologies.

EN11 Biodiversity
EN12 Biodiversity
Our environmental performance
Protection & restoration of biodiversity (Report 2008)
Sustaining and restoring biodiversity
EN13 Climate change mitigation & adaptation
Protection & restoration of biodiversity (Report 2008)
Sustaining and restoring biodiversity

We have a number of research programmes focused on protecting and restoring natural, productive and urban habitats. Our preferred source of carbon credits for offsetting our greenhouse gas emissions is from natural regeneration of forest on marginal hill country (EBEX21 credits).

EN14 Protection & restoration of biodiversity (Report 2008)
Sustaining and restoring biodiversity
Use of animals
Weeds, pests & diseases

Much of our research is focused on managing and restoring biodiversity.


Not material
Our research benefits endangered species. While we report on the number of native species accidentally killed as bycatch, none of these species are endangered & we have put considerable effort into field techniques that minimise accidental bycatch.

EN16 Emissions & offsets
Organisational development (Report 2008)
Our climate change impacts
Our environmental performance
EN17 Our environmental performance

Our business travel data is sourced through the agency that manages our travel. We have worked closely with them to develop monitoring and reporting systems to meet our needs. We do not report on emissions associated with staff commuting to work although we are conscious of this issue. We support car-pooling and biking, and work with public transport agencies to improve public transport options.

EN18 Climate change mitigation & adaptation
Emissions & offsets
Organisational development (Report 2008)
Our climate change impacts
Our environmental performance

Not material.


Not material. 
We produce minimal ozone depleting substances.


Not material. 
We produce minimal other air emissions. Part of our research is focused on reducing and mitigating NOx emissions associated with pastoral farming, especially dairying.

EN21 Our environmental performance
Water & wastewater

We report comprehensively on our Auckland facilities but not our other sites. Our water discharges are not significant.

EN22 Our environmental performance
Solid waste

Not material and not reported.
We had no spills. If a spill had occurred, it would have been covered in our environmental performance and compliance reporting.


Not material and not reported.
We do use minimal quantities of some hazardous substances and these are disposed off in a safe and proper manner. This is part of our ISO 14001 audit and part of the ACC’s Workplace Safety Management Practices tertiary accreditation.

EN25 Our environmental performance

Not Material.
Our water discharges cause no adverse affects. Part of our research is focused on low impact technologies that help prevent water bodies being contaminated by stormwater runoff. Another part of our research assesses the biological impacts of discharges and contaminants, and seeks ways to reduce and mitigate these to improve the health of receiving waters.

EN26 Our environmental performance
Weeds, pests & diseases

Not Material.
Landcare Research is a scientific research organisation and does not manufacture or sell packaged products. However our reports to clients on contracted research results are presented on recycled paper.

EN28 Compliance with environmental legislation
ISO 14001
Organisational development (Report 2008)
Our environmental performance
EN29 Organisational development (Report 2008)
Our environmental performance
EN30 Our business strategy
Our economic impacts
Revenue & expenditure

All our research programmes are for environmental protection.

Labour practices and decent work

Management disclosure approach

Our people

Indicator Related content Notes
LA1 Good employer
Knowledge management
Organisational development (Report 2008)
Our people

Staff on fixed term contracts of < 1 year not identified

LA2 Good employer
Organisational development (Report 2008)
Our people

Turnover by employment group is reported but not by age group and gender; all staff are within New Zealand.

LA3 Good employer
Our people

Differences between temporary, part time and full time staff not discussed.

LA4 Good employer
Our people

Tier 3 managers are excluded from being part of the collective employment agreement.


Not material.
There were no significant operational changes this year. However, in past years where there has been significant restructuring, there was extensive on-going consultation with staff, including the PSA (the only union that we have). Impacts of restructuring are included in our collective employment agreement and individual contracts.

LA6 Good employer
Our people
LA7 Good employer
Organisational development (Report 2008)
Our people
LA8 Good employer
Organisational development (Report 2008)
Our people
LA9 Good employer
Our people
LA10 Good employer
Knowledge management
Our people

We report on $ investment in training, including a a proportion of the payroll. We do not report the hours spent on training.

LA11 Good employer
Our people

Staff transitioning to retirement.
We have a number of initiatives to assist staff in managing career endings including moving to part-time employment and becoming Research Associates . However we have not reported in depth.

LA12 Good employer
Our people
LA13 Our people
Social responsibility
LA14 Good employer
Our people


Management disclosure approach

Not material: Issues relating to the GRI’s G3 Society indicators are well covered in New Zealand legislation and we are fully compliant with the legislation. Where our research programmes may be relevant to local communities, we engage with them as stakeholders but we do not have an adverse impact on those communities. Our research is of public-good benefit. Our performance is closely scrutinised by the Government through CCMAU; CRIs, we are not permitted to engage in political lobbying. Our financial accounts are audited by a Government-appointed auditor.

Indicator Related content Notes
SO1 Our communities

Not reported & Not material to the scale of our research programmes; if research programmes may be relevant to local communities, we engage them as stakeholders in our programmes so that any benefits (outcomes) persist after completion of the research.


Not reported & Not material.
Corruption is not a significant issue in New Zealand; our performance is scrutinised by our independent Board of Directors, and quarterly by the Government through CCMAU; and our financial statements undergo a comprehensive examination by an external Government-appointed auditor.


Not reported & Not material.
Corruption is not an issue.
Also refer to ABOUT US: Our principles: Ethics 


Not reported & Not material
There were no incidents of corruption.


Not reported & Not material
Much of our research underpins policy development for environmental sustainability but we do not engage in lobbying.


Not reported & Not material
We do not make contributions to political parties, etc.


Not reported & Not material
No legal actions; we do not engage in these types of activities … indeed funding for research is fiercely competitive.

SO8 Compliance

Product responsibility

Management disclosure approach

Impacts & integrity of our research.
As described in the Aspects and Indicators, this part of the GRI framework is not particularly material to our reporting.  However, we have provided an explanation of our approach to ensuring the impact & integrity of our research including issues such as ‘product’ responsibility in terms of research outputs and impartiality.

Indicator Related content Notes

Not reported & Not material 
We are a research organisation, not a manufacturer or producer. We have an Ethics Committee for work on human subjects (attitude surveys, focus groups etc) as well as an Animal Ethics committee.


Not reported & Not material 
We are a research organisation, not a manufacturer or producer.

PR3 Product responsibility

Not reported & Not material 
We are a research organisation, not a manufacturer or producer. However we take the integrity of our research and research outputs very seriously. We use peer review processes and external reviews.


Not reported & Not material 
We are a research organisation, not a manufacturer or producer. We work with research clients and users to make sure any technologies or processes are fully compliant with all legislation.
Our carboNZero and Enviro-Mark NZ programmes are certification schemes with a strong focus on the quality of external auditing and verification processes.


Client survey
In addition to the formal client survey, which is conducted by an independent company, we have regular meetings with customers at both senior manager and operational level staff. We are strong advocates for a partnership approach to research and have a number of client staff and research users in our research programmes.


Not reported & Not material
We are a research organisation, not a manufacturer or producer; we contribute a small amount of sponsorship to scientific conferences or local community events but this is not material to product responsibility. Our carboNZero and Enviro-Mark NZ programmes engage in a limited amount of advertising but are fully compliant.
Landcare Research uses the certification marks (ISO 14001, ACC’s WPSM tertiary certification) for which we are fully compliant in some of our communications.


Not reported & Not material
We are a research organisation, not a manufacturer or producer. We have had no instances of non-compliance.

PR8 Product responsibility

Not reported & Not material
We carry out research under contract to customers but respect all agreements; we have had no incidences or complaints regarding privacy breaches or loss of data, and are fully compliant with New Zealand laws on Privacy and Anti-Spam.


Not reported & Not material
We had no instances of non-compliance.


Management disclosure approach

Our business strategy
Also refer to Economic impacts, Our people, Science for sustainability, and our Annual Report 2008 part 2PDF file

Indicator Related content Notes
EC1 Financial summary (Report 2008)
Our economic impacts
Revenue & expenditure
Science for sustainability
EC2 Our climate change impacts
EC3 Organisational development (Report 2008)

Good employer:  Pension schemes
Also refer to Socially responsible: insurances
Also refer to our Annual Report 2008:  Organisational development

EC4 Our economic impacts
Revenue & expenditure
EC5 Good employer
Organisational development (Report 2008)

Good employer:  Market relativities
Also refer to our Annual Report 2008:  Organisational development

EC6 Supply chain
EC7 Good employer
Organisational development (Report 2008)

Country that our employees come from.
Also refer Good employer:  Recruitment
Also refer to our Annual Report 2008:  Organisational development
There is no discrimination for or against local employees; we seek the best person for the job.

EC8 About our stakeholders
Backbone databases & collections
Capability & new ideas
Developing our science
Impact & integrity of our research
Our economic impacts
Partnerships and networks
Product responsibility
Revenue & expenditure
Sustainable business & living (Report 2008)

Most of our research provides public benefit. Benefit to New Zealand is one of the requirements under the CRIs Act 1992.

EC9 Capability & new ideas
Developing our science
Product responsibility
Revenue & expenditure
Sustainable business & living (Report 2008)

Human rights

Management disclosure approach

Not material: Human Rights are well covered in New Zealand legislation and we are fully compliant with the legislation.  We have comprehensive management policies and monitoring systems covering all aspects of EEO, good employer and ethical responsibilities. These policies are available to our staff on our intranet.

Indicator Related content Notes

Not material. 
We do not have investment agreements where this situation could be of concern. We principally operate in New Zealand where human rights issues are covered by comprehensive legislation and high public awareness.


Not material.
The most material issue for us relates to our purchase of IT equipment. We use suppliers that advocate for corporate social responsibility and global citizenship, and use third party audits of suppliers. 


Not material.
All staff must comply with EEO requirements as a matter of course. Similarly staff are expected to meet our responsibilities under the Treaty of Waitangi. 
Some staff work in countries that have a less than ideal human rights record but their role in aid-funded projects is capacity building and training in sustainable land management and health to alleviate poverty and improve the livelihood of local people. 

HR4 Compliance

Not material. 
We principally operate in New Zealand where human rights issues are covered by comprehensive legislation and high public awareness. Some staff work in countries that have a less than ideal human rights record but their role in aid-funded projects is capacity building and training in sustainable land management and health to alleviate poverty and improve the livelihood of local people. Staff are not permitted to engage in politics. These projects form only a small part of our total research.


Not material. 
The most material issue for us relates to our purchase of IT equipment. We use suppliers that advocate for corporate social responsibility and global citizenship, and who use third party audits of suppliers. 


Not material.
The most material issue for us relates to our purchase of IT equipment. We use suppliers that advocate for corporate social responsibility and global citizenship, and who use third party audits of suppliers. 


Not material.
Not material to our reporting; private security companies are contracted to make periodic checks on premises at night. Human Rights is not a significant issue for New Zealand.

HR9 Compliance

No incidents or violations; on the contrary we have a very strong relationship with indigenous people of New Zealand. We are supporters of the rights of indigenous people and an advocate for their participation in and contribution to sustainable management of resources. Refer to the Voices section on our web site.


Sustainabilty: what we do