Organic & Integrated Fruit Production

Soil Management

Organic Fertilizer Calculator. An excel based tool to help you determine how much nutrient value various organic amendments have, how quickly they release N, and how much they cost. Check the on-line guide for details or look at the presentation from the WA Hort 2007 meeting.
Information on irrigation, soil fertilization, fumigation and other amendments, and other topics of practical interest.
Soil and Nutrient Management.
Irrigation Management.
The Compost Connection Home Page. Information on composting in agricultural, commercial, and industrial environments.
Managing Organic Sources of Nutrients. Find research-based information on manure, yard debris, compost, biosolids and more.

NutriSmartâ„¢ fertilizer evaluation.

NutriSmartâ„¢ biological fertilizer is reportedly a mix of several selected yeast strains in a leonardite and rock phosphate carrier. The different yeasts are intended to release P and K from the solid matrix and fix N from the air at rates that match plant need and avoid excess nutrient buildup in the soil that could lead to leaching. In field and greenhouse trials (2003-2004), the product showed no nitrogen benefit and some benefit for phosphorus and potassium nutrition. Heat-treated product (to kill the yeasts) performed as well or better than the live product, suggesting that any nutrient benefits were from the abiotic components of the fertilizer rather than the yeasts. Contact David Granatstein <> for more information.

Soil Health, Plant Health, and Fruit Quality

Does soil management impact the health of the plants and the quality of the food produced? Existing and emerging research does support this concept and more work is being done to understand the mechanisms and the economic and human health values. A panel discussed this issue at the 2004 Washington State Horticulture Association Annual Meeting. Presentations from that panel are accessible below.

Understanding the Soil-Tree-Fruit Nutrient System. Preston Andrews, Washington State University Dept. of Horticulture.

Organic Amendments and Biological Control of Diseases. Alex Stone, Oregon State University Dept. of Horticulture.

Comparative Effects of Organic Mulches/Amendments on Indicators of Soil Health ("low carb" vs."high carb" diets for the soil food web). Tom Forge, Pacific Agricultural Research Centre, Agriculture and Agrifood Canada, Agassiz, BC Canada.



Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center , Washington State University, 1100 N. Western Ave. Wenatchee WA 98801, 509-663-8181, Contact Us