Botanical Soceity of America

The Botanical Society of America Merit Award

The Botanical Society of America MERIT AWARD is the highest honor the Society bestows. The award was instigated at the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Botanical Society in 1956. That year fifty awards were given to honor contributions to the botanical sciences spanning the previous half century. Below we honor BSA Merit Award recipients and thank them for their contributions to the richness of botanical history.

Requirements for Nomination

The selection of awardees is driven by nominations from the membership. Nominations should include: (1) a formal letter of nomination including a clear statement of (a) the notable accomplishments of the candidate; (b) disciplines that have been significantly influenced by the contributions of the candidate; (c) letters of support and evaluation regarding the nominee's candidacy, with complete contact information (postal address, phone and e-mail address); and (2) the curriculum vita of the candidate being considered.

We are pleased to present the recipients of the Botanical Society of America MERIT AWARD

Dr. Thomas Rost, BSA Merit Award 2008
Dr. Thomas Rost
- 2008
Dr. Thomas L. Rost is one of the world’s foremost researchers on root development. His research record spans four decades and includes more than 140 published papers in highly regarded journals, with 82 on root structure and development, plus 10 co-authored and co-edited books. These studies have laid down the foundations for understanding of root apical growth, especially involving cell cycle control and meristem function, lateral root production, root differentiation, epidermis and rootcap development, and root meristem structure in an evolutionary context. Tom’s papers have corrected the misconceptions about Arabidopsis that have dominated the previous 15 years of research on that model plant for developmental and molecular studies. He has led his students and post-doctoral researchers to a modern and accurate understanding of the development of this model root system. Specifically, he and his colleagues have shown that the architecture of the root apical meristem changes as the meristem ages. Also of particular importance, he has shown that the pattern of root apical meristem ontogeny is associated with periclinal divisions and gives rise to a three-dimensional arrangement of periclinal derivatives arranged in a helix.

Further, Tom has gone beyond Arabidopsis to put it in the context of root organization in angiosperms, especially dicotyledons, as a whole. Tom’s research on root apical meristems of a broad range of species (Azolla, pea, maize, cotton) have provided an important framework for understanding the streamlined structure of Arabidopsis roots. He has enabled his group to make unique contributions to understanding the structure and development of this genetic model organism. Tom Rost has done more than any other current structural botanist to bring the plant root to our attention as a dynamic developmental entity. However, his research has not been limited to roots. He has authored or co-authored impressive articles regarding seed structure and histochemistry, plant morphogenesis, and agriculture, and especially the recent studies on Pierce’s disease in grapevine. Further, Tom’s contributions to botanical education via his teaching/mentoring and his writings have been quite well known and recognized. With great pleasure, the Botanical Society of America is proud to recognize Dr. Thomas L. Rost with this highest award.
Dr. Warren Wagner, BSA Merit Award 2008
Dr. Warren Wagner
- 2008
The botanical community is indebted to Dr. Warren L. Wagner for his major contributions: monography of Oenothera, The Manual of the Flowering Plants of Hawaii, studies on speciation and relationships of Marquesan plants, and service at the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution) are among those that will be most remembered. Born January 8, 1950 (Las Cruces, New Mexico), Warren early showed the enthusiasm for the New Mexico landscape. His work on Oenothera for his doctorate (1981) was at Washington University, St. Louis (Peter Raven, advisor). In 1982, he undertook what was probably one of the most difficult and at the same time, the most needed contribution in floristic botany: a flora of Hawaii. The previous flora (Hillebrand, 1888) was out of date, and subsequent contributions featured varied species concepts and were published in scattered places. The 1990 Manual (rev. 1999) was a major factor in permitting botanists to explore the amazing insular evolutionary phenomena that the Hawaiian flora contains. Wagner’s work on islands continued with the Marquesas, where cladistic studies and contributions using DNA permitted an understanding of the biogeographic nature of the remote and neglected archipelago. Wagner is both imaginative and practical, and has served as Chair of Botany at the Smithsonian, managed funds for IAPT and ASPT, and served in numerous capacities for professional societies. Moreover, his genial presence, encouragement, and knowledge have helped advance the careers of younger scientists. Thus, his identity in monographic, floristic, and phylogenetic botany has been multiplied significantly.
Dr. Bruce Baldwin
Dr. Bruce Baldwin
- 2007
Dr. Bruce Baldwin is recognized for his contributions in plant systematics. Beginning in graduate school, Dr. Baldwin studied one of the icons of island biogeography, the Hawaiian Silversword Alliance. His dissertation work using chloroplast DNA was one of the pioneers on island plant groups and confirmed that this morphologically diverse group represented a single colonization event from ancestors in North America. Baldwin reconfirmed these results using nuclear genes, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region. His development of ITS for plant phylogenetic study is perhaps his most widely recognized contribution. Less well-known outside of California is that Dr. Baldwin has made major contributions to plant floristics, through his efforts editing the Jepson Desert Manual and the 2nd edition of the Jepson Manual of California plants. For his many contributions to the systematics of Asteraceae, Hawaiian plant biogeography and evolution, and advances in molecular systematics, the BSA is pleased to recognize Dr. Bruce Baldwin with its highest award.

Dr. William Crepet
- 2007
Dr. William Crepet is recognized for his contributions in paleobotany, especially the reproductive structures of seed plants. Dr. Crepet's early work on interpreting the development of Cycadeoidea reproductive structure led to a better understanding of the enigmatic fossil group Bennettitales. However, for many, his most important contributions come from his ability to connect fossil and extant plants through phylogenetic study. This is especially true for his contributions to knowledge about fossil angiosperm floral structure, particularly ancient pollination syndromes and their role in flowering plant diversification. For his many contributions to paleobotany and plant phylogeny, the BSA takes pride in recognizing Dr. William Crepet with its highest award.
Dr. Edith Taylor
Dr. Edith Taylor
- 2007
Dr. Edith Taylor is recognized for her contributions in paleobotany. Her work has focused on the structure and evolution of fossil plants. Her detailed investigations have permitted the interpretation of functional and ecological aspects of plants, including phloem development, plant/insect interactions, and tree growth and adaptation to high latitudes. For over two decades she has brought to light the diversity of plants once living in present day Antarctica. The wealth of information from these studies has shed light on plant diversity at high latitudes in the southern hemisphere, plant biogeography and evolution, and climate history. For her many contributions to paleobotany, Antarctic paleoclimatology, and the biology and evolution of fossil plants, the BSA is delighted to recognize Dr. Edith Taylor with its highest award.
Dr. Ruth Stockey
Dr. Ruth Stockey
- 2006
Dr. Ruth Stockey is recognized for her contributions to paleobotany, especially to our understanding of the anatomy and development of fossil conifers and angiosperms. Dr. Stockey has been a member of the Botanical Society of America for more than 30 years. She began her research career elucidating the structure and development of fossil conifers and is recognized as the world's expert in this area. Since moving to the University of Alberta, she has concentrated on anatomically preserved fossil angiosperms, providing data on floral structure, development, and phylogeny in these ancient plants. Her research has been supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada for more than 26 years. Dr. Stockey is truly an "ambassador of botany" and is involved in collaborative work with colleagues around the world; her letters of support came from five countries! She is an enthusiastic teacher and her support and training of students is exceptional--one student began research in her laboratory in high school, and received her Ph.D. this year. For her many contributions to paleobotany, including her dedication to training the next generation of botanists, the BSA is proud to recognize Dr. Ruth A. Stockey with its highest award.
Dr. Barbara Webster
Dr. Barbara Webster
- 2006
Dr. Barbara Webster is recognized for her many contributions to plant development and structure. Her early work focused on abscission and senescence in higher plants, and included anatomy, ultrastructure, histochemistry, and physiology, as well as experimental work, especially on the genus Phaseolus. Beginning in the 1970s, Dr. Webster began to concentrate more on reproductive biology, but she has contributed to a wide range of topics, including nitrogen fixation in the legumes, environmental stress, and yield of crop plants. Her impressive publishing career spans more than five decades and includes more than 100 published papers and book chapters; her research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the USDA and USAID. Dr. Webster was truly a pioneer in advocating for increased participation of women and minorities in science, and has served as a role model and mentor to both undergraduate and graduate students in plant biology. She is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Society for Horticultural Science, served as Treasurer and President of the Botanical Society of America, and has served as Associate Vice-Chancellor for Research at the University of California, Davis since 1989. As one letter writer noted, "It is hard to believe that Barbara has not already received this award." For her numerous contributions in many arenas to the field of botany, the BSA is proud to recognize Dr. Barbara D. Webster with its highest award.
Dr. Scott Russell
Dr. Scott D. Russell
- 2005
Dr. Scott Russell’s career has been devoted to understanding the morphological, physiological, and developmental aspects of double fertilization in plants, and in particular the structure and behavior of sperm cells during reproduction. Dr. Russell has explored this question using approaches ranging from descriptive works to experimental studies, resulting in over 100 scientific publications. His contributions have reshaped this field and have stimulated research in plant anatomy and morphology for a generation of botanists.

One of his most significant findings is that plant sperm from a single pollen grain are dimorphic, with dissimilar complements of organelles, and that this dimorphism leads to a predictable pattern of fertilization. His research has led to major advances in our understanding of key processes in sexual plant reproduction such as double fertilization and the maternal inheritance of organelles. Dr. Russell also continues to enhance public awareness of botany through his teaching and his informative website.

While the BSA Merit Award to Dr. Russell is based on his significant contributions to botanical science, he also has given generously of his time to the Botanical Society of America, serving as President, Webmaster, and longtime member of the Executive Committee, among other offices. Dr. Russell is most definitely a technically skilled, forward-thinking scholar who has made a lasting mark on botanical science and on the Botanical Society of America. In recognition of his myriad accomplishments, the BSA is proud to present him with a Merit Award.
Dr. Harry T. Horner
Harry (Jack) T. Horner
- 2004
Dr. Horner’s research has primarily focused on the cytology and development of anthers and pollen and on calcium oxalate crystal formation in plants. His research has been innovative, ground-breaking, and sustained. Over the past 43 years, he has published or has in press 110 papers in 43 high-quality refereed journals. His work is described by peers as “meticulous,” “pioneering and outstanding,” and “carefully documented.” His work calls on multiple tools and approaches, is often collaborative and interdisciplinary, and has earned him an international reputation as one of the most eminent specialists worldwide on plant ultrastructure. An indication of his stature as a researcher is invitations to three Gordon Conferences on calcium oxalate, for one of which he was chair and another vice-chair.

His “heroic service” and numerous contributions to BSA over many years are greatly appreciated. Through his participation on committees, as Chair of the Financial Advisory Board, and in elected office (two terms as Treasurer and President), he has been an agent of many positive changes in our Society. He has also served his department and Iowa State University as Director of the Bessey Microscopy Facility for 34 years, in administrative positions, and on numerous committees. He served as President of the Iowa Academy of Science. He has reviewed manuscripts for about 30 journals.

Along with this impressive research productivity and service, Dr. Horner has been a dedicated and effective teacher. He has taught three different courses on microscopy each for over 20 years and up to the present, and his teaching of microscopy techniques is renowned. He has successfully advised 13 M.S. students and eight Ph.D. students. Many of his students have gone on to highly successful careers, indications of the solid training and mentoring he gave them. He has served on well over 100 graduate student advisory committees in 21 different programs at ISU or elsewhere.

It is not surprising that his numerous accomplishments have brought him many awards, including a Special Award for long-standing continuous service to the Botanical Society of America, a Centennial Citation and Distinguished Service Award from the Iowa Academy of Science, and the highest award at ISU, a University Professorship.

One of the best measures of one’s reputation is recognition by peers. Hence from the supporters of Dr. Horner’s nomination we hear that he maintains “the highest standards of performance imaginable,” that he is a “model of clarity and rigorous scholarship,” as well as “an exemplary scholar and citizen–and a good guy.”
Dr. James L. Seago, Jr.
James L. Seago, Jr.
- 2004
This award is in recognition of the tremendous contributions Dr. Seago has made in encouraging and supporting students to pursue careers in botany. Dr.Seago has spent the majority of his career at the State University of New York, Oswego, a primarily undergraduate institution where the faculty carry heavy teaching responsibilities. Despite this, he has maintained an active research program involving undergraduate students and has mentored many of them to continue to graduate school in botany. It is primarily for his mentoring of undergraduates that we recommend Dr. Seago for this award.

If students do not enter botany, the field will wither away. Attracting students into botany may not advance one’s career as publications and grants do, but without a steady flow of new students, and especially students who are bright and interested, into botanical graduate programs, all botanists will have increasing difficulty publishing and obtaining funding. Dr. Seago has made remarkable and long-standing contributions to the flow of students into our discipline. He has the ability to spot interest and aptitude, to involve students in research, and thus to nurture their ability and interest. He has fostered student attendance at professional meetings and their presentation of papers at these meetings, and he has co-authored papers with students. In more than half of the past 30 years, Dr. Seago has coauthored a presentation or a paper with a student.

One colleague noted that “Jim obviously works closely with the students in planning the research and in helping prepare the talk, and the results are clear to all. Jim’s students know their stuff and are well prepared to present their work in the most professional and effective manner.” One colleague summarized Dr. Seago’s mentoring of students as an “unrivaled, significant, and persistent commitment toward fostering undergraduate botanical research over the last 30 years.”

Dr. Seago has encouraged many students to pursue careers in botany by actively promoting their applications to graduate schools. His matching of students with graduate programs that are right for them has not only benefitted the students but also the programs and ultimately plant sciences.

Dr. Seago has served his profession and his home institution in many important ways in addition to bringing students into botany. He was department chair for six years and has served on numerous committees at SUNY Oswego. He has served the Botanical Society of America as Program Director of the Developmental and Structural Section (1994-1997) and has been a diligent and hard-working reviewer for the American Journal of Botany.

Dr. Seago’s research deals with root developmental anatomy as well as the structure, development, and function of aquatic and wetlands plants. One colleague notes that “When one thinks of plants and roots, one must think of Jim Seago.” He has published 14 papers in refereed journals (nine papers in the American Journal of Botany) and has one in press. His research program, while modest in terms of number of publications and grant support, is admired by colleagues who describe it as “solid and substantial,” and “solid scholarly contributions.”

For his outstanding contributions to botanical science, and especially for being, as a colleague observed, the “vibrant, enthusiastic teacher and researcher” that he is, Jim Seago is unquestionably deserving of the Botanical Society of America’s highest honor.
Dr. Spencer Barrett
Spencer C.H. Barrett
- 2003
For his myriad contributions to reproductive biology, plant breeding systems and aquatic ecology. He established heterostyly as a model system in reproduction, contributed to understanding of the evolutionary modification of floral development, genetic structure of populations, the role of incompatibility in the breeding systems of natural populations, the evolution of dioecy and the influence of gender ratio in determining plant breeding systems. In addition to his service as Associate Editor and Book Review Editor of the American Journal of Botany, he mentored a generation of plant biologists, including 2 Master's students, 9 Ph.D. students and 6 postdoctoral associates who have occupied faculty positions.
Dr. Jack B. Fisher
Jack B. Fisher
- 2003
The 30 years of contributions made to botany by Dr. Fisher have been broad, deep, original, and patient. He has carefully combined anatomical, developmental, physiological, and ecological considerations, to show how tropical plants grow and adapt. He has made critical contributions to our understanding of water transport in lianas and fundamental discoveries on the developmental basis of tropical tree geometry. In the same way that he has waited patiently for tree seedlings to mature and yield their anatomical secrets, he has worked for 20 years to forge alliances between Fairchild Botanical Garden and institutions of higher learning to promote education of the next generation of comparative botanists. Dr. Fisher has benefited botany through his research and his thoughtful outreach and he richly deserves recognition through a BSA Merit Award for these admirable accomplishments.
Dr. Leslie Hickok
Leslie G. Hickok
- 2003
Dr. Hickok has made a career out of defying the odds and generating surprises. While others were intimidated by the high chromosome numbers of ferns, he showed that valuable insights into polyploidy and speciation could be obtained by studying their cytogenetics. While the mainstream focused attention on Arabidopsis as a plant model system, Hickok promoted the unique properties of the fern Ceratopteris. His pioneering work on selection and mutation using this model demonstrated the power of a system that separated gametophytic and sporophytic life stages. More recently, he has succeeded in marrying his deep commitment to advancing botanical knowledge and his desire to provide meaningful, enriching experiences for biology students. Through his insight and perseverance, he transformed Ceratopteris into C-fern, and now over 60,000 students per year are learning about plant genetics using this inexpensive but effective teaching system. Dr. Hickok is a distinguished scholar whose research and teaching efforts at all levels from K-12 to international seminars can be characterized as groundbreaking, inspirational, dedicated, and unselfish. For his outstanding contributions and longstanding generosity, the BSA is pleased to present a Merit Award to Dr. Leslie G. Hickok.

Jeffrey D. Palmer
- 2003
Dr. Palmer has excelled in his contributions to botanical science. His astonishing research productivity has resulted in over 200 scientific papers, many of them published in the most prestigious scientific journals. Dr. Palmer has fundamentally transformed the scientific landscape we now operate in through his legendary contributions to phylogenetics and gene and genome evolution. He has arguably been the most influential person in the development of the field of molecular systematics of plants and has been directly responsible for the paradigm shift in our current views of evolutionary relationships among eukaryotes, including higher plants. Other major contributions from his laboratory include the characterization and evolution of introns and plant mitochondrial genomes, the evolution of plastid genes in non-photosynthetic plants, and the origin and evolution of chloroplasts. The list of the graduate students and post-docs trained in his laboratory reads like a who's who of botanical science. His collaborative approach and willingness to share data has built a sense of community among plant molecular phylogenetics workers unparalleled in other fields of organismal biology. At the same time, Dr. Palmer has generously served as department chair at Indiana University as well as on review panels and editorial boards and has promoted outreach through his many public presentations. For his innovative and productive scientific contributions, Dr. Palmer has received many awards, among them the Wilhelmine Key Award from the American Genetic Association, election to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and an ISI Highly Cited Award for the top 15 most cited plant and animal scientists. In honor of his extraordinary accomplishments, the BSA is proud to present him with a Merit Award.
Dr. Caroly Baskin

Dr. Jerry Baskin

Carol C. & Jerry M. Baskin
- 2001
We were impressed by their extensive contributions to the field of seed ecology, each having about 300 articles and other important publications. Their lab is the only one in the world that has been able to maintain a research focus on seed ecology for such a long time, since the mid-1960s.

The Baskins have also written a highly-praised book, "Seeds-Ecology, Biogeography, and Evolution of Dormancy and Germination, published in 1998 by Academic Press. An exerpt from one review of this book states " Carol and Jerry Baskin bring many years of seed germination experience with a wide array of species to what is an inspiring work. They interweave their own studies of numerous temperate North American species with those done by others world-wide. To provide some idea of scope, individual chapters contain hundreds of references, with two chapters each having more than a thousand. Just as the number of studies presented is extensive, so too is the number of species. Nearly 6400 are listed in the taxonomic index! These species provide a substantive base for the concluding discussion of biogeographic and evolutionary aspects of seed dormancy and germination. We are indebted to the Baskins' for their fine contribution, surely a labor of love, to the seed literature."

Proponents also cite Carol and Jerry Baskin's generous service to the Botanical Society of America and other societies, on editorial boards, and in helping undergraduate and graduate students. They have been an inspiration to their own students and colleagues worldwide as exceptionally kind and tolerant people.

Leslie Gottlieb
- 2000
Dr. Leslie Gottlieb has had a profound impact on the direction of plant systematics and has been one of the most influential plant evolutionary biologists over the past several decades. His 1977 paper in the Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, laid the foundation for the intelligent application of allozyme data in plant systematics. His 1982 paper in Science is a classic study of the duplication and conservation of isozyme loci in plants. His 1984 paper in the American Naturalist has been called one the most important papers in plant evolutionary biology during the past half century. However, his greatest contribution may have come through his influence on the careers and research of a substantial number of plant evolutionary biologists, including many of the people most active in this field today. Despite the fact that his research has often been more genetic or molecular in nature, Leslie has remained a botanist at heart.
Dr.Daniel Crawford
Daniel J. Crawford
- 1999
A role model in botany, combining service to plant science and a productive research program. Prof. Crawford's service to the profession has covered an impressive span of over 30 years, with some 23 years as an officer, committee member, and most recently, president in 1996. He received the Alston Award for the best paper in the Phytochemical section in 1983. He has been very active with the NSF, with the International Organization of Plant Biosystematists, has provided frequent service as a member of editorial and review bodies, and as a cornerstone of the American Society of Plant Taxonomists. He served the ASPT as President in 1988, and received their most prestigious award, the Asa Gray Award, in 1997. His research record is prodigious, with over 150 research articles. His passionate dedication to botanical research marks him as one of the leading systematic botanists/evolutionists of our time. He made great contributions to understanding macroevolutionary trends in plants and played a major role in the development of molecular systematics, in particular with the publication of the book, Plant Molecular Systematics. Through it all he has kept his focus on the key scientific questions, not on techniques. He has trained 19 graduate students. He exemplifies impeccable scientific ethics while maintaining a genuinely warm and considerate personality. He embodies the award criteria " have made outstanding contributions to botanical science."
Dr. Barbara Schaal
Barbara Schaal
- 1999
A long and distinguished record of excellence in research, service, and teaching. Dr. Schaal has made many outstanding contributions in over 80 publications to a variety of botanical disciplines, including population genetics, systematics, ecology, conservation biology, and economic botany. She is perhaps best known for her ability to apply new molecular methods to interesting and important questions. Her studies of ecological genetics and genetic divergence in domesticated plants are especially noteworthy. Furthermore, she has trained 12 Ph.D. students, and hosted many postdoctoral and visiting scientists in her laboratory. Her service to professional societies is truly exceptional, including the presidency of BSA. As BSA President, she was a leader in the best sense of the word; she inspired others to contribute, and earned respect because she had a clear vision of her goals, and articulated them lucidly. She has also served as Executive Vice President of the Society for the Study of Evolution, on the Editorial Boards of three journals (Molecular Ecology, Functional Ecology, and Molecular Biology and Evolution), and on several NSF panels, while also serving as Chair of the Biology Department at Washington University, and most recently was elected to the National Academy of Sciences. Dr. Schaal is widely viewed as one of the most eminent of the Botanical Society of America, and has been the role model for many in the classroom and in her profession.

Tod Stuessy
- 1999
A productive and influential botanist with particular impact in plant systematics. His contributions include monographic studies in the Asteraceae, very early promotion of the burgeoning field of cladistics, strong advocacy for collections, and insights into the origin and evolution of island plants. He is a consummate internationalist, with huge influence in South America, Asia, and now Europe. His mastery of Spanish, and clear understanding and sensitivity for Latin American cultures, close ties with scientists, and various agencies has led to a multitude of collaborations and prodigious productivity—with over 200 publications including seven edited or single authored books. The highlight of the latter was his 1990 book, Plant Taxonomy: The Systematic Evaluation of Comparative Data, winner of the prestigious Henry Allan Gleason Award. He has trained 18 graduate students. His service to professional societies is exemplary. His presidency of the American Society of Plant Taxonomists was marked by perhaps the greatest number of initiatives in the past three decades. He has also served the NSF as a program director, held multiple offices in the Association of Systematics Collections and the BSA, and worked tirelessly to promote botany at the local level though the Ohio Academy of Science. He has been honored by selection as a fellow of the Linnean Society of London, and by the AAAS. During his 30 year career, he made extraordinary contributions to botany.

Margaret B. Davis
- 1998
For her fundamental contributions in quantifying modem and fossil pollen abundances and relating them to existing and past vegetations, the essential starting point for broader scale analyses using proxy data sources in the quantitative reconstructions of past climates. Insights gained from such reconstructions have challenged and changed assumptions of neo-ecologists and have been critical in discussions of possible patterns of vegetation change in the wake of global climate, change.

Paul B. Green
- 1998
For his innovative, technically brilliant and analytically fundamental work on plant morphogenesis; for the first direct measurements of cell turgor pressure and the quantitative description of the importance of wall theology in governing growth rates in Nitella; for microscopic studies of the initiation and early growth of leaves and flowers; for elucidating the bioengineering principles underlying phyllotactic pattern; for his eloquent, good-humored, inspired, and inspiring presentations that have linked the communities interested in developmental and theoretical biology.

Dominick Paolillo
- 1998
For his innovative and scholarly research on the developmental anatomy of Isoetes; for his visualization of the three-dimensional arrangement of the lamellar components of the higher plant chloroplast; for his detailed and comprehensive studies of moss sporogenesis, spermatogenesis and the release of sperms, the developmental analyses of the growth of moss sporophytes and the expansion of their capsules; for his revisionist insights into Onoclea male sexuality and photobiology; and for his continuing contribution to the effects of dwarfing genes on the development of wheat.
Dr. Edward Schneider
Edward L. Schneider
- 1998
For his skill as a researcher in vascular plant anatomy, as a teacher of plant sciences, and as a botanical administrator. Edward L. Schneider has inspired cooperation, enterprise, and excellence at the institutions he has served.
Dr. Nels Lersten
Nels Lersten
- 1997

Elbert Little
- 1997

Dr. Grady Webster
Grady Webster
- 1997

Hugh H. Iltis
- 1996
Distinguished botanist, for his research on the evolution of Zea mays and the systematics of Capparaceae, for his strong concern for the next generation of botanists in the U.S. and Mexico, for his extensive botanical field work and development of the University of Wisconsin herbarium, and for his devotion and tireless commitment to the preservation of biological resources.
Dr. Karl Niklas
Karl J. Niklas
- 1996
For his innovative and scholarly research on the paleobiochemistry of vascular and non-vascular fossil plants, for his almost single-handed development of the field of biomechanics, in particular the aerodynamics of wind pollination in extinct and extent seed plants, for his skilled communication of research findings, for being unfailingly helpful to his colleagues, for his talent as an award winning teacher, and for his service to the Botanical Society of America on several committees and as editor of the American Journal of Botany.
Dr. Robert Thorne
Robert F. Thorne
- 1996
Internationally renowned giant in the field of plant systematics for landmark contributions in understanding large-scale phylogenetic patterns in flowering plants evolution, for insightful papers in the field of plant geography, most notably those on major disjunctions in seed plants, South African-American plant relationships, Australasian rain forests, major floristic regions of North America and desert vegetation in south-western North America, and as an enthusiastic and inspirational teacher.
Dr. Isabella Abbott
Isabella A. Abbott
- 1995
The first Hawaiian woman to receive a Ph.D., eminent phycologist, authority on algal diversity along the California coast; and ethnobotanist, authority on traditional use of Hawaiian plants.

James E. Canright
- 1995
Scholar on the Ranales, his systematic studies of primative angiosperm groups contributed to the understanding of flowering plant evolution and his pioneering work in palynology established the significance of the discipline for both basic and applied research.
Dr. Gregory Anderson
Gregory J. Anderson
- 1994
Tropical systematist, authority on Solanum and pollination biology, stimulation teacher, dedicated and effective voice of the Botanical Society as Secretary and President, and whole plant biologistin every sense.
Dr. Lafayette Frederick
Lafayette Frederick
- 1994
Prominent educator, mycologist, tireless promoter of students in science, superlative and inspiring teacher for over 40 years, and outstanding role model for students and faculty.

Daniel I. Axelrod
- 1993
Outstanding paleobotanist and geologist; authority on evolution of paleofloras and the origin of modern vegetation types; expert on palaeoclimates and on changing morphospecies through geological time; author of the theory of tropical highland origin of angiosperms.

Robert Ornduff
- 1993
Inspiring and imaginative scholar and teacher; President of the American Society of Plant Taxonomists and the California Botanical Society; significant contributor to advancing our fundamental understanding of the reproductive biology and systematics of plants.
Dr. David Dilcher
David L. Dilcher
- 1991
Dedicated researcher who has revolutionized the study of angiosperm fossils and contributed significantly to our understanding of the origin of the angiosperms; inspiring teacher who has given outstanding service to the Botanical Society of America as Program Director, Secretary, and President.
Dr. Patricia Holmgren
Patricia K. Holmgren
- 1991
Distinguished botanist who has served the Botanical Society of America as President, Vice President and Secretary, this award recognizes her dedication to the profession of botany as the inestimable Director of the Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden, and her exemplary conduct as a role model for aspiring young botanists.

Ian W. Sussex
- 1991
Productive scientist whose morphogenetic research extends from the classical to the molecular; devoted and able teacher, mentor of many excellent and influential graduate students; co-author of an outstanding book on plant development; planner of important symposia and conferences; excellent botanical citizen and colleague.
Dr. W. Hardy Eshbaugh
W. Hardy Eshbaugh
- 1992
Inspiring and caring teacher, dedicated researcher, able administrator, president of the American Society of Plant Taxonomists, the Botanical Society of America, and the Society of Economic Botany, and champion of the science of botany.

Raymond Carl Jackson
- 1992
Outstanding contributor to cytogenetics, particularly to our understanding of polyploidy, discoverer of low chromosome numbers in angiosperms, dedicated teacher, systematist, administrator, and servant of the Botanical Society of America.
Dr. Beryl B. Simpson
Beryl B. Simpson
- 1992
Distinguished botanist recognized for her research in systematics, biogeography, and pollination biology, for her teaching, for her service to biological societies, including presidencies of the Botanical Society of America and the Society for the Study of Evolution, and as the author of a widely used textbook on economic botany.
Dr. Kenton Chambers
Kenton Chambers
- 1990
Eminent biosystematist, internationally recognized for his studies of various genera of Asteraceae; a pioneer in the development of plant conservation in Oregon; stimulating teacher who has inspired many students to become botanists.

Bassett Maguire
- 1990
Author of numerous and outstanding contributions to neotropical botany; explorer and plant collector in the "Lost World" of the Guiana Highlands; prime mover in the creation of the Intermountain Flora. He is the taxonomic authority on the family Clusiaceae.

Carlos A. Miller
- 1990
Effective and dedicated teacher; patient and ingenious experimenter; co-discoverer of the nature of the cytokinins and of their interactions with auxin in the control of morphogenesis; co-author of one of the most cited papers in the field of plant physiology.

Philip Barry Tomlinson
- 1990
A leading authority on plant form and structure, and one of the primary exponents of modern morphology and anatomy, with special emphasis on monocots and woody plants. Barry has served us as a model and an inspiration for investigating many neglected aspects of the botany of the tropics.

Joseph A. Ewan
- 1989
Historian of American botany and natural history, including Rocky Mountain naturalists and such early figures as Banister, Bartram and Barton; a prolific writer, engaging teacher and sparkling public speaker.

David E. Fairbrothers
- 1989
Eminent taxonomist, authority on New Jersey plants and their history; pioneer and international leader in chemosystematics using protein data to clarify relationships; promoter of the National Pinelands Preserve and consultant to lawmakers of endangered species.

Arthur R. Kruckeberg
- 1989
Pioneer and authority on serpentine endemism; builder of bridges across fields of edaphic ecology, systematics, cytotaxonomy, evolution, conservation and ornamental and native plant horticulture; outstanding teacher.

Richard W. Pohl
- 1989
Premier expert on grasses of temperate and tropical America; inspiring classroom teacher and advisor of many noted agrostology students; botanist whose notoriously wry sense of humor keeps him from being "glumey".

Shirley C. Tucker
- 1989
Worldwide leader in the use of floral ontogeny to elucidate evolution in many families, most recently the legumes, ardent lichenologist on the side; tireless worker for the Botanical Society as committee member, section officer, Program Director and President.

Aubrey Willard Naylor
- 1988
Distinguished plant physiologist, author and botanical statesman for 50 years; innovative investigator of mechanisms of action of plant growth regulators, and of amino acid and nucleic acid metabolism.

Richard Evans Schultes
- 1988
World renowned economic botanist, editor, explorer, and inspiring professor; author of definitive works on orchids and rubber, and on hallucinogenic, narcotic and medicinal plants.

T. Elliot Weier
- 1988
Pioneer in chloroplast structure, particularly ultrastructure, lichenologist of note; superb teacher; exceptional mentor of students and teaching assistants; author of widely used texts.

Josiah L. Lowe
- 1987
Exuberant mycologist, top specialist of polypores with classical monographs on Fomes, Poria, and Tyromyces; fiercely dedicated teacher of botany for fifty years.
Dr. William Stern
William Louis Stern
- 1987
Erudite systematist in wood anatomy of dicotyledons, keen investigator in biology of orchids, superlative teacher, theorist, curator, editor, leader and trustee.

Thomas N. Taylor
- 1987
Topnotch teacher, author, administrator; already a worldwide leader in pale-botanical research, ranging from spores to cambium and from U.S.A. to Antarctica.
Dr. Bernard Phinney
Bernard O. Phinney
- 1986
Meticulous research in plant physiology and student of the biochemical genetics of hormonal metabolism, he has deciphered the metabolic pathway of gibberellins and made profound contributions to phytoendocrinology.

John G. Torrey
- 1986
Developmental botanist and student of root biology, he has contributed classic works on the origin of vascular patterns, cambium activation, quiescent center, lateral root development, and the symbiosis of the actinomycete Frankia with roots of non-leguminous plants.
Dr. Billie Turner
Billie L. Turner
- 1986
Exuberant champion of plant systematics, pioneer in chemotaxonomy, and critical student and monographer of Compositae and Leguminosae, he has served with distinction as administrator, inspiring teacher of graduate students, and as ubiquitous catalyzer in contemporary botany.

Alden S. Crafts
- 1985
Renowned plant physiologist and bulwark of botany.
Dr. Charles Heimsch
Charles Heimsch
- 1985
Comparative plant anatomist, national leader in botany, President of the Botanical Society of America, and consummate Editor of the Journal.

Barbara Palser
- 1985
Botanist and plant anatomist of many talents, editor, writer of handbooks, adviser of students, Secretary and President of the Botanical Society of America.
Martin Zimmermann
- 1985
In appreciation of his singularly imaginative approaches to botany, which spanned artificial boundaries between disciplines and inspired a generation of colleagues to look at the close interdependence of structure, function and development.
Dr. Donald Kaplan
Donald R. Kaplan
- 1984
A developmental morphologist par excellence, whose detailed investigations and insightful analyses of leaf development have set the standard in the field. - University of California, Berkeley

Theodore T. Kozlowski
- 1984
A distinguished forest physiologist whose contributions to our understanding of tree growth are unsurpassed. His studies of water movement are classics as are his investigations of the mobilization and utilization of photosynithates and seed reserves. - University of Wisconsin

Rolla M. Tryon
- 1984
Who is preeminently knowledgeable in matters of taxonomy and nomenclature. This foremost pteriodologist is a perceptive student of phytogeography and of the evolutionary impact of the selective process during plant migration. - Harvard University

Harold A. Mooney
- 1983
In recognition of his efforts linking plant ecology and plant physiology; for his contributions to increasing our understanding of carbon balance, photosynthesis, and water relations of native, plants. - Stanford Universityb
Dr. Winslow Briggs
Winslow R. Briggs
- 1983
For pre-eminence in research ranging from vernation in ferns and hormone transport to the chemistry and biophysics of light-mediated growth of plants. He is researcher, professor and director par excellence. - Carnegie Institution of Washington

Richard Allen Popham
- 1983
In recognition of a long-term student of plant apices, including root, shoot and flower; histologist and anatomist with a penchant for precision; a hard-working and innovative manager of the purse strings of the Society's journal; - for his devotion to his field, to his students and to the Society . - Ohio State University

Ralph O. Erickson
- 1982
For contributions to our understanding of integrative mechanisms of plant development using mathematical analyses; for introducing the plastochron index for measuring the shoot apical activity and for leadership in developing models allowing computer analysis of pl ant growth. - University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Ray Evert
Ray F. Evert
- 1982
For furthering understanding of ontogeny, structure and seasonal development of phloem; for analyses of leaf structure relative to solute transport and for co- authorship of a population general botany text. - University of Wisconsin, Madison
Dr. William Jensen
William A. Jensen
- 1982
For basic contributions in plant cytology, histochemistry and embryology: for preparation of three widely used botanical texts and for loyal service to the Botanical Society. - University of California, Berkeley

Frank B. Salisbury
- 1982
For contributions to understanding flower initiation, growth of alpine plants, and plant responses to ultraviolet light and gravity; for authorship of texts on pl ant physiology, general botany and plant form and function, and for service to the
Botanica1 Society. - Utah State University

Clanton C. Black, Jr.
- 1981
For his significant contributions to our knowledge of the photosynthetic process; for probing the similarities and differences in carbon metabolism in C3' C4 and CAM plants; and for seeing the immediate implications for both agriculture and ecology in new advances in photosynthetic chemistry. - University of Georgia
Dr. Ernest Gifford
Ernest M. Gifford
- 1981
For his services to The Society as Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Botany, for contributions to botanical science as mentor of many professional botanists and as an author of a popular text, and for research that has extended the frontiers of plant development and structure. - University of California at Davis

Herbert G. Baker
- 1980
For his contributions to evolutionary ecology and for his teaching of ecology and economic botany. - University of California, Berkeley

Oswald Tippo
- 1980
For his devotion and service to the botanical profession as a teacher, editor, phylogenist and anatomist. - University of Massachusetts

Carl L. Wilson
- 1980
Honored for his contributions to floral morphology (telome theory) and his studies on evolution in the Gesneriaceae. - Dartmouth College

David W. Bierhorst
- 1979
For his incisive and significant investigations of vascular cryptogams, expecially Psilotum and Tmesipteris; for his painstaking studies of lesser-known ferns; and for his comprehensive book on the morphology of vascular plants. - University of Massachusetts

Margaret H. Fulford
- 1979
For her excellent studies of the morphology and taxonomy of the leafy liverworsts, for her syntheses regarding the phylogeny of liverworts, and for her distinguished career as a teacher and investigator in Bryology. - University of Cincinnati

Anton Lang
- 1979
For his extensive and diverse contributions to developmental botany, especially the physiology of plant hormones, flowering, plant response to environment, cell differentiation, and organ formation; for numerous efforts in behalf of international botany, including many editorial tasks; and for coordinating the research of others as director of several laboratories. - Michigan State University

Samuel N. Postlethwait
- 1979
For his contributions to the art of botanical teaching, specifically for his long-standing love of students and his development of the audio-tutorial system of laboratory instruction; and for research on the morphology of corn. - Purdue University

Lyman D. Benson
- 1978
For many years of outstanding teaching and close association with students; for his taxonomic research on the flora of North America, especially such groups as the Ranunculaceae and Cactaceae; and for his preparation of taxonomic and botanical textbooks. - Pomona College
Dr. Theodore Delevoryas
Theodore Delevoryas
- 1978
For distinguished contributions to Mesozoic paleobotany, especially to our knowledge of the cycadeoids, cycads and conifers and the elucidation of the reproductive structures of Glossopteris. - University of Texas at Austin

Warren H. Wagner, Jr.
- 1978
For his numerous and outstanding contributions to our knowledge of the morphology, classification and evolution of ferns and for his most distinguished career as a teacher of botany to both undergraduate and graduate students. - University of Michigan

W. Gordon Whaley
- 1978
In recognition of his early contributions to genetics and morphogenesis and of his pioneering role in elucidating the cellular biology of plants, with special reference to the Golgi apparatus. - University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Sherwin Carlquist
Sherwin Carlquist
- 1977
Noted anatomist, naturalist, and explorer, Professor Carlquist has given us new understanding of adaptations of xylem, island evolution, and plant dispersal. - Claremont Graduate School, Pomona College, and Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden

Plant Discoveries - Sherwin Carlquist

Rogers McVaugh
- 1977
For distinguished contributions to the exploration for, and systematic studies of, New World plants and to the general area of plant nomenclature. - University of Michigan
Dr. Peter Raven
Peter Hamilton Raven
- 1977
In recognition of his excellent contributions to angiosperm biogeography and the systematics and general biology of Onagraceae as well as his outstanding success in both teaching and administration. - Missouri Botanical Garden

Charles M. Rick
- 1976
For major work basic to economic importance involving both the cytology and genetics of crop plants and for spreading his knowledge and capabilities as an authority on this subject to many places in the world. - University of California, Davis

Paul Weatherwax
- 1976
For long continued devotion to gaining an understanding of the probable origin and evolution of one of our most important crop plants, Zea mays, and for ancillary information essential to comprehending the problems dealing with and improving this most important grain. - Indiana University

Thomas W. Whitaker
- 1976
For distinguished contributions to the understanding of economic plants, notably their improvement, and for a unique contribution in interpreting this understanding in terms of their domestication and their influence on the development of civilizations.

Harlan P. Banks
- 1975
For his distinguished teaching of undergraduate and graduate students, numerous contributions to our knowledge of early land vegetation and services as a former President of the Botanical Society of America. - Cornell University
Dr. F. Herbert Bormann
F. Herbert Bormann
- 1975
For his distinguished studies of nutrient and water flow through the Hubbard Brook Watershed, for his numerous important pronouncements on environmental hazards and for his responsible actions on behalf of the biological community. - Yale University

William C. Steere
- 1975
For his fundamental contributions in the biology of the bryophytes and Arctic botany, and a long-term successful development in the administration of the New York Botanical Garden. - New York Botanical Garden

Chester A. Arnold
- 1974
Distinguished student of the structure and evolutionary significance of fossil plants; his many contributions have greatly advanced our knowledge of the vegetation of past ages and exemplify the highest standards of objective reporting and honest interpretations. - University of Michigan

Arthur Cronquist
- 1974
Systematist sensu lato: creator of imaginative phylogenetic systems; effective organizer of and prolific contributor to monumental regional floras of North America; monographer and foremost student of North American Compositae. - New York Botanical Garden

Gerald W. Prescott
- 1974
Influential teacher and knowledgeable student of the taxonomy, ecology and geography of fresh water algae, especially desmids, of North America; proponent of the importance of algae in limnology; prime mover in the founding of the Phycological Society of America. - University of Montana Biological Station, Flathead Lake

Charles Stacy French
- 1973
Skillful and persistent investigator of the spectral properties and state of chlorophyll in tissues; inventor and gadgeteer par excellence; able and genial administrator of a productive center of botanical research. - Carnegie Institution of Washington at Stanford

Mildred Esther Mathias
- 1973
Scholarly systematist and distinguished student of the Umbelliferae; enthusiastic and able teacher; her effective encouragement of tropical botanical education and her leadership in the development of American botanical gardens suggest the breadth of her influence. - University of California at Los Angeles

Richard Cawthon Starr
- 1973
Distinguished student of soil algae, sexuality of desmids, and reproduction and differentiation of Volvox; his great service to biology in founding and maintaining the culture collection of algae at Indiana University is widely appreciated. - Indiana University

Aaron J. Sharp
- 1972
Bryololgist, plant geographer; he has demonstrated the floristic relationships between North America and Asia from the Arctic to the Tropics. An outstanding and enthusiastic teacher, he has inspired and guided many who have become leading botanists. - University of Tennessee

Charles B. Heiser, Jr.
- 1972
Scholarly student of the systematics and evolution of vascular plants; his original and significant contributions through extended studies of Compositae and Solanaceae have utilized many techniques; his interest in the origins of cultivated plants and weeds has led to a new appreciation of such plants as materials for important evolutionary studies. - Indiana University
Dr. Frank Lewis
Frank Harlan Lewis
- 1972
Eminent evolutionary biologist, teacher, and administrator; his studies of chromosome behavior in such genera as Clarkia, Mentzelia, Delphinium, and their relatives have provided the cytotaxonomic basis for his brilliant generalizations as to population dynamics, the processes of speciation, and the nature of biological taxa. - University of California at Los Angeles

Ruth Patrick
- 1971
A gifted teacher and scholar with a consuming curiosity, she brings out the best in both scholars and students by her unique ability to generate excitement over intellectual ideas. Best known for her work on the systematics of diatoms, she has also been deeply concerned with the pollution of streams, rivers and bays, and has used her knowledge of diatom taxonomy and ecology - and her eloquence - to convince industries and cities of their responsibility in this area. - Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia

Verne Grant
- 1971
Evolutionist and student of the biology of flowers, especially of the phlox family. His works on speciation and adaptation in the higher plants are models of clarity and erudition. - University of Texas

A. Earling Porsild
- 1971
Famous for his share in the Great Reindeer Trek; intrepid arctic explorer and distinguished student of the flora of Canada; and a Canadian diplomat as well. - National Museum of Canada

Murray F. Buell
- 1971
Eminent ecologist, teacher, and editor; his research on ecological processes in eastern North America has led to an understanding and public awareness of man's role in changing natural ecosystems. - Rutgers University

Albert C. Smith
- 1970
For his monumental work on the Flora of the Fiji Islands has set exceptionally high standards and placed him in the front ranks of the students of the systematics of higher plants. - University of Hawaii, now University of Massachusetts

Charles Drechsler
- 1970
Though one of the leading authorities on root diseases of truck crops, he is best known for his masterful work on the zoophagous fungi and particularly the nematode-catching fungi which he has illustrated with beautiful artistry. - Plant Industry Station, Beltsville

Arthur Galston
- 1970
Superb teacher, creative investigator in plant hormones, and bold fighter to prevent misuse of such substances. - Yale University
Dr. James Schopf
James M. Schopf
- 1970
For his studies of fossil plants, and especially his work on the petrology of coal, are among the definitive works in this field. - U.S. Geological Survey, Ohio State University

Alexander H. Smith
- 1969
For his prodigious work on the classification and ecology of the Agaricales, Criteria and Terminology in Fungi Imperfecti.

John R. Raper
- 1969
For his demonstration of sex hormones in aquatic fungi and work on genetics of the Agaricales.

Jacob R. Schram
- 1969
For his very thoughtful studies of the ecology of the black mining wastes of the Pennsylvania anthracite region.

Armin C. Braun
- 1969
For his many significant studies on tumor inception and development in plants.

Elso S. Barghoorn
- 1968
Brilliant investigator of structure and evolution in plants of the present and the remote past, and an outstanding pioneer in the discovery of a wide variety of precambrian fossils, the most ancient life-forms at present known to science.

F. K. Sparrow
- 1968
For the unique breadth and quality of his scholarship and teaching, and for his superb monographic work on the fungi of fresh and marine waters of the world: A fabled collector, meticulous observer and vibrant personality.

George F. Papenfuss
- 1966
Eminent investigator of the world's marine algae from the viewpoint of their comparative morphology, reproduction and systematic relationships. - University of California, Berkeley

Henry N. Andrews, Jr.
- 1966
Original investigator in the field of paleobotany and author of several significant volumes on plant life of past ages.

R. H. Burris
- 1966
Distinguished as a teacher of plant biochemists and for his outstanding contributions to the role of nitrogen in plants. - University of Wisconsin

C. J. Alexopoulos
- 1967
Mycologist, authoritative writer in general mycology, an outstanding teacher; his research in diverse groups of fungi has greatly expanded our knowledge of these important plants.

William M. Miesey
- 1967
Ecological physiologist, imaginative experimenter, a pioneer in elucidating the genecological nature of species; he has done much to encourage and help students in all areas of plant science.

Daniel I. Arnon
- 1965
For his contributions to our knowledge of the mineral nutrients of plants and for his distinguished pioneering work on the way green plants utilize the energy of sunlight.
Dr. Harold C. Bold
Harold C. Bold
- 1965
or his classical research on morphology, cytology, and cultivation of unicellular algae and his scholarly surveys of the plant kingdom; an outstanding teacher and considerate editor.

Ralph Emerson
- 1964
For his unparalleled success in integrating research and teaching; a superb teacher and accomplished investigator, indefatigable in his efforts to inspire students to learn by discovery.

Sterling Hendricks
- 1964
For his pioneering work on responses of organisms to their environment and for setting an ex-ample of the use of highly refined basic science for the solution of problems in applied disciplines.

Ira Wiggins
- 1964
Intrepid botanical explorer, architect of floras of the Sonoran Desert and the Arctic slope of Alaska; we salute him as a botanical citizen of high purpose, persistent effort and rich production in systematic botany.

Harry A. Borthwick
- 1963
For his research on the effects of light on plants and the enrichment of our understanding of the photoperiodic response, and for his role in the discovery of the red far-red system with its many ramifications in the life and form of plants.
Dr. Vernon I Cheadle
Vernon I. Cheadle
- 1963
For his deep and abiding interest in science, his service to biology through untiring efforts to promote scholarly teaching and research, and for his major contribution to the interpretation of the evolution of vascular tissues in the monocotyledons and of the structure of phloem in the dicotyledons.

John C. Walker
- 1936
For his sustained and perceptive research on the physiology and genetics of the host-parasite relationship in plants, and for his signal success in the development of disease resistant varieties of vegetable crops.

David R. Goddard
- 1962
For his perceptive investigations of respiratory enzymes and respiratory mechanisms in plants, his deep interest in problems of cellular growth, and his wise counsel to students, colleagues and fellow botanists.

Marcus M. Rhoades
- 1962
Cytogeneticist, whose fundamental contributions to our knowledge of chromosome structure and behavior, and of the relations between nucleus and cytoplasm, have greatly advanced the science of genetics, and furthered the development of improved strains of crop plants, especially of maize.

F. C. Steward
- 1961
Plant physiologist and biochemist, widely known for his research on salt accumulation, nitrogen metabolism, and plant tissue cultures; also an editor of numerous important contributions in the field of plant physiology.

William Randolph Taylor
- 1961
World-renowned authority on the algae, especially of marine waters, with first-hand knowledge of the floras of many parts of the world. Author of numerous important books and articles dealing with the algae of such diverse areas as the northeastern coast of North America, the Caribbean, the west coast of tropical America, and Bikini.

James P. Bennett
- 1960
Distinguished investigator of dormancy and growth; helpful, wise, and understanding counselor; and godfather to succeeding generati6ns of students in plant physiology who have carried his influence to every corner of the globe.

William Dwight Billings
- 1960
For his fruitful ano stimulating studies of the physiological behavior of plant species and ecotypes in nature. His investigations have covered the continent from east to west, giving us new insight into the ecology of deserts, forests, and meadows. He and his colleagues have created one of the world's leading ecological centers.

Walter Conrad Muenscher
- 1960
A truly versatile botanist, for his many distinguished contributions, especially his books on weeds, aquatic plants, poisonous plants and garden herbs. His lifelong devotion to all phases of botany has stimulated the lives and the careers of his numerous students.

Kenneth B. Raper
- 1960
For his pioneering and continuing studies on the slime molds and for his distinguished contributions to the morphology and classification of Aspergillus and Penicillium.

Reed Clark Rollins
- 1960
A leading exponent of an up-to-date plant taxonomy that embraces morphology, ecology, cytology, and genetics, in well balanced emphasis. He has brought new lustre to an already distinguished institution.

James Bonner
- 1959
Outstanding in plant biochemistry, prolific and original contributor to diverse aspects of that intricate field, author of several penetrating and widely influential texts of plant biochemistry and plant physiology.

Lincoln Constance
- 1959
Astute and sound taxonomist, pioneer in cytotaxonomy, and, in an era of diversified outbursts in scientific endeavors, distinguished exponent of the dictum that plants are still plants.

Adriance S. Foster
- 1959
Bold and yet careful investigator in histogenesis, and especially of the shoot apex, where all kinds of things begin to happen, and author of several trail-blazing volumes on comparative morphology and plant anatomy.

Bernard S. Meyer
- 1959
Outstanding plant physiologist, author of an exceedingly important and much used volume in that field, devoted and unselfish servant in the scholarly activities of The Botanical Society of America.

Loren C. Petry
- 1959
Paleobotanist and anatomist, unusually effective botanical teacher who has skillfully guided the careers of thousands of students in the right direction, wise and generous counselor in scientific affairs.

Harry James Fuller
- 1958
For continued, self-sacrificing service to Botany, whether as a teacher, a writer of needed textbooks, an editor, or as an officer of the Botanical Society of America. - University of Illinois

Philip Alexander Munz
- 1958
For his penetrating studies of the Onagraceae, of the flora of California, and for his farsightedness and breadth of purpose resulting in the development of a model botanic garden. - Rancho Ana Botanic Garden

Lester Whyland Sharp
- 1958
His contributions, both by personal investigations and by successive editions of carefully edited textbooks, have made plant cytology a significant field of Botany. - Cornell University

Donald F. Jones
- 1957
Through many years an outstanding geneticist, plant breeder and horticulturalist, a profound and versatile student of a wide range of hereditary phenomena, especially known for his contributions to an understanding of hybrid vigor, and for his pioneer role in the development of hybrid corn.

Paul Mangelsdorf
- 1957
Leading investigator in the fields of agronomy, genetics and economic botany, foremost authority on the history and evolution of maize, for his contribution to the classification, morphology and genetics of corn, and for his role in the development of maize breeding programs throughout the Americas.

Barbara McClintock
- 1957
Early student of radiation-induced chromosomal aberrations, pioneer in the use of such aberrations for purposes of genome analysis, important contributor to the theory of gene structure, world leader in the broad field of cytogenetics.

William H. Weston
- 1957
Master of the spoken and written word, for his contributions to the lower fungi, which are models of perfection in execution and writing and particularly for his unselfish devotion to his students and his superlative ability as a graduate teacher.
Dr. Harry Allard
Harry Ardell Allard
- 1956
For his pioneer investigations of photoperiodism in plants and for his long-continued contributions to our knowledge of this phenomenon and to other areas of botanical science.
Dr. Edgar Anderson
Edagar Anderson
- 1956
For his extensive contributions to the general problems of evolution, including the species problem, self-sterility, and particulary for his sponsorship of the idea of introgressive hybridization.
Dr. Dixon Bailey
Dixon Lloyd Bailey
- 1956
Discering analyst and interpreter of the concepts of plant pathology, enriching influence in the lives of his associates, and outstanding contributor to the vigor of scientific study in Canada.
Dr. Irving Bailey
Irving Widmer Bailey
- 1956
Plant anatomist and inspiring teacher, for his outstanding contributions on the structure of the cell wall and the histology of the cambium and for his application of anatomy and morphology to problems of evolution of angiosperms.
Dr. Harley Bartlett
Harley Harris Bartlett
- 1956
For his unflagging support and encouragement of the whole field of botany and its students and for his diverse contributions to paleobotany, enthnobotany, ecology, and systematics.
Dr. George Beadle
George Wells Beadle
- 1956
For his long list of contributions to the cytogenetics of Zea mays and Drosophila and the tremendous impetus he has lately given to the field of phhysiological and chemical genetics, particularly in Neurospora.
Dr. Enst Bessey
Ernst Athearn Bessey
- 1956
Who with an undeviating zeal for accuracy has fashioned our generation's magisterial presentation of the science of mycolocy.
Dr. Sidney Blake
Sidney Fay Blake
- 1956
For his scholarly contributions to the taxonomy of the Compositae and other vascular plants and to our knowledge of the floras of the world.
Dr. Emma Braun
Emma Lucy Braun - 1956

For her contribution to our knowledge of the origin and structure of the Eastern American deciduous forest. Her critical evaluation of the works of others, her capacity to observe correctly in the field and to interpret forcefully have given biogeographers a new point of departure.
Dr. Stanley Cain
Stanley Adair Cain
- 1956
Whose sensitive perception of complex environmental problems and intimate understanding of conflicting points of view have provided us with many new insights. His courage in opening up new areas has made him an outstanding interpreter and a leader of men.
Dr. Ralph Chaney
Ralph Works Chaney
- 1956
For his notable achievements in paleobotany, which have so greatly enriched our knowledge of Tertiary floras.

Dr. Agnes Chase
Agnes Chase
- 1956
One of the world's outstanding agrostologists and preeminent among American students in this field.
Dr. Jens Clausen
Jens Christian Clausen
- 1956
For his work toward the improvement of our understanding of the nature and origin of plant species.
Dr. Ralph Cleland
Ralph Erskine Cleland
- 1956
For his extensive researches into the species relationships and segmental-interchange problems in Oenothera and also for his statesmanship in representing plant science at the national level.
Dr. Henry Conard
Henry Shoemaker Conard
- 1956
Taxonomist, morphologist, mycologist, ecologist, bryologist, shining proof that versatility may serve only to multiply excellences, and above all a beloved teacher.
Dr. William Cooper
William Skinner Cooper
- 1956
One of the creators of an American tradition in ecology. His deep feeling for the relatedness and parallel developments of geology, physiology, taxonomy, and vegetation science has been a guiding light to a whole generation.
Dr. John Couch
John Nathaniel Couch
- 1956
Whose studies of the small, the intricate, and the odd among fungi and their relatives have come to fructification in the vivid, the significant, and the delectable.
Dr. Bernard Dodge
Bernard Ogilvie Dodge
- 1956
Whose perceptive researches into the taxonomy, evolution, and pathological relations of the fungi have not been surpassed, but only overshadowed, by his discovery and exploitation of Neurospora as a principal source of the genetical truth.
Dr. Benjamin Duggar
Benjamin Minge Duggar
- 1956
For his outstanding researches in plant physiology, plant pathology, and mycology for over half a century and for his wise and patient counseling to many students for whom he provided inspiration, imagination, and high standards of scholarship.
Dr. Arthur Eames
Arthur Johnson Eames
- 1956
Plant anatomist and morphologist, for his sustained researches on the morphology and anatomy of vascular plants and for his noteworthy contributions to our knowledge of floral development and evolution.
Dr. Katherine Esau
Katherine Esau
- 1956
Plant anatomist and histologist, for her numerous contributions on tissue development of vascular plants and in particular for her outstanding studies on the structure, development, and evolution of phloem.
Dr. Alexander Evans
Alexander William Evans
- 1956
Who, to a fruitful life as the honored master of hepaticology has added a second as profitably devoted to the disentangling of the noble genus Cladonia.
Dr. Henry Gleason
Henry Allan Gleason
- 1956
For his work on tropical and temperate floras of America and for the ideas and inspiration which he has supplied to the field of systematic botany.
Dr. Thomas Kearney
Thomas H. Kearney
- 1956
For his early theoretical contributions to plant geography, his work in cotton breeding, his systematic studies in the Malvaceae, and his part in the preparation of the "Flora of Arizona."
Dr. George Keitt
George Wannamaker Keitt
- 1956
For his many contributions to plant pathology, and in particular for his excellent researches on fruit-tree diseases, for his leadership in plant-pathology administration, and for his patience and kindness in counseling many students for whom he provided by illustrative example the life of a true gentleman.
Dr. Paul Kramer
Paul Jackson Kramer
- 1956
For productive investigations in various branches of plant physiology, and especially for significant contributions to our knowledge of plant-water relations and tree physiology.
Dr. Louis Kunkel
Louis Otto Kunkel
- 1956
For his researches and indefatigable efforts in experimentation, for his wise counseling of associates and students, for experimental techniques and publications, and for his productive studies on the nature of plant viruses.
Dr. Daniel MacGougal
Daniel Trembly MacDougal
- 1956
For numerous contributions over many years to our knowledge of various phases of plant physiology and plant ecology, and especially for advances in our understanding of growth and physiology of tree species.
Dr. George Martin
George Willard Martin
- 1956
Courageous investigator, teacher, editor, and philosopher, who has brought to the elucidation of the classification of the fungi field familarity, laboratory exactness and a critical intelligence that neither claims nor acknowledges authority.
Dr. Maximino Martinez
Maximino Martinez
- 1956
For his many technical and semipopular books and articles on the plants of Mexico. His works have made him a recognized authority on the Mexican flora and the use of plants by man.
Dr. Frederick Popenoe
Frederick Wilson Popenoe
- 1956
For his efforts toward the improvement and increased utilization of horticultural crops in tropical America.
Dr. William Robbins
William Jacob Robbins
- 1956
A physiologist whose studies have enlarged our knowledge of the growth and nutrition of plants, and an administrator the breadth of whose labors has notably contributed to the growth and nutrition of all phases of botany.
Dr. Andrew Rodgers
Andrew Denney Rodgers III
- 1956
A unique figure on the American literary scene. His biographies of well-known botanists and histories of phases of the development of botanical science are readable, scholarly, and authentic.
Dr. Jacques Rousseau
Jacques Rousseau
- 1956
Whose explorations of the unknown North have provided an important contribution to Pleistocene biogeography. His sympathetic interest in Indian and Eskimo folklore and ways of life and his encyclopedic knowledge of the history of Canadian exploration have yielded a rich harvest of ethnobotanical studies.
Dr. Karl Sax
Karl Sax
- 1956
For his classical studies on the chromosomes of wheat, his continued interest in the chromosomes of the ornamental woody plants, and his extensive contributions about the effect of irradiation on chromosome structure.
Dr. Paul Sears
Paul Bigelow Sears
- 1956
Whose pioneering efforts in pollen analysis and continued interest in geochronological problems have made him the leader of all in this field, on our continent. The keenness of his mind, the warmth of his personality, the quality of his writing, and his capacity to relate all scientific problems to man have earned for him the distinction of an exemplary figure in American science.
Dr. Homer Shantz
Homer Leroy Shantz
- 1956
Plant physiologist, plant ecologist, and administrator of note. His contributions to the understanding of drought resistance in plants, to the ecology of grasslands, and to world-wide plant geography have been laudable achievements in botanical science.
Dr. Edmund Sinnott
Edmund Ware Sinnott
- 1956
Morphologist, anatomist, geneticist, and botanical statesman, for his numerous, varied, and sustained contributions to plant anatomy, histology, evolution, and botanical theory.
Dr. Folke Skoog
Folke Karl Skoog
- 1956
For outstanding contributions to knowledge in various subdivisions of plant physiology, especially tissue culture, hormonal regulation of plant growth, and algal physiology.
Dr. Gilbert Smith
Gilbert Morgan Smith
- 1956
Morphologist, for his numerous contributions to cryptogamic botany, and in particular for his study of life histories of marine and fresh-water algae.
Dr. Elvin Stakman
Elvin Charles Stakman
- 1956
For his illustrious international leadership in science, for his recognized world leadership in researches on the pathogens of cereal smuts and rusts, and for his genius in inspiring students and workers to labor untiringly to provide food for mankind.
Dr. George Stebbins
George Ledyard Stebbins
- 1956
For his specific contributions to the cytogenetics of parthenogenesis, hybridization, and polyploidy, particularly in Guayule, Kok-saghyz, and the forage grasses, and for his outstanding review of the whole problem of evolution in plants.
Dr. John Stevenson
John Albert Stevenson
- 1956
Whose encyclopedic knowledge of the fungi of the world and the diseases they induce has with generosity and humility been placed at the service of a generation of botanists.
Dr. Kenneth Thimann
Kenneth Vivian Thimann
- 1956
For his extensive and preeminent contributions to the biochemical physiology of green and nongreen plants and to the physiology of plant growth.
Dr. Edgar Transeau
Edgar Nelson Transeau
- 1956
For his lifetime of support and encouragement of botanical science in its broadest sense, both its educational and scientific aspects. He has made substantial contributions to plant ecology, algology, and to botanical education at all levels, from high school to graduate school.
Dr. Cornelius Van Niel
Cornelius Bernardus Van Niel
- 1956
Whose studies in the realm where kingdoms and classes scarcely exist have provided illumination for syntheses of diverse phases of biology.
Dr. John Weaver
John Ernst Weaver
- 1956
For his lifetime of research on the ecology of the grasslands. His investigations have contributed to the understanding of the dynamics of vegetation and have helped provide a necessary background for new policies in range management.
Dr. Fritz Went
Fritz Warnolt Went
- 1956
For his breadth of constructive interest in botanical science and especially for his contributions in the fields of plant physiology and ecology. The first botanist to put the assay of auxins on a quantitative basis, he subsequently has added substantially to our knowledge of the hormonal relations of plants. He has also been an outstanding investigator of the growth of plants under controlled environmental conditions.
Dr. Ralph Wetmore
Ralph Harley Wetmore
- 1956
Plant anatomist and student of morphogenesis, for his numerous investigations of the developmental anatomy of vascular plants and for his studies on morphogenesis of vascular cryptograms.
Dr. Truman Yuncker
Truman George Yuncker
- 1956
For his lifetime of effective teaching at the undergraduate level, which has resulted in launching many able young scholars into careers in botany, and for effective contributions in taxonomy, especially of the Piperaceae.

  Society Awards


  Student Travel Awards

» Developmental & Structural Section
» Ecological Section
» Genetics Section
» Mycological Section
» Phycological Section
» Phytochemical Section
» Pteridological Section
» Why should you join the Society as a student?

  Named Awards

» Charles Edwin Bessey Teaching Award
» Vernon I. Cheadle Student Travel Awards
» Michael Cichan Award
» Conant "Botanical Images" Student Travel Award
» Isabel Cookson Award
» The Darbaker Prize
» Katherine Esau Award
» J. S. Karling Graduate Student Research Award
» Margaret Menzel Award
» Maynard Moseley Award
» Jeanette Siron Pelton Award
» Winfried and Renate Remy Award
» A. J. Sharp Award
» Grady L. Webster Structural Botany Publication Award
» Edgar T. Wherry Award

  Sectional Awards

» Ecological Section Student Presentation
       & Poster Awards
» Genetics Section Graduate Student Research Awards
» Genetics Section Student Poster Award
» Historical Section Student Presentation Award
» Physiological Section Li-COR Prize
» Physiological Section Student Presentation Award

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Grady L. Webster Award Vernon I Cheadle STA Conant Botanical Images STA BSA Image Collection Charles E Bessey Award
