New & Renewing Memberships

Membership in the Native Plant Society of Oregon is open to all.

Presently, there are two methods for joining from the website, a Print & Mail form, and a fill-in form at the bottom of this page. Membership forms and information can also be obtained at most state and chapter events.

To use the Print & Mail form, click the link above to open it (it's in PDF format), print it off, fill in and mail it along with your check to the address shown on the bottom of the form.

For renewals, please use the Print & Mail form or the renewal envelope included with your January Bulletin.

To use the fill-in form (for new memberships only, please) just fill in the requested information below, double check to be sure it's accurate and complete, then click the Submit button at the bottom. When we receive your application, we will send you your first issue of the monthly Bulletin along with a return envelope for payment of dues. You will be fully enrolled as a member of the Native Plant Society of Oregon when we receive your dues payment.

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Chapter affiliation

Include my data in the next NPSO directory? Yes  No
Membership category:
Regular $18           Student $12       Family $24
Sustaining $50       Patron $100       Life $500
Subscription Only $18
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