The Washington State Legislature established the IMPACT Center in 1985 to address issues important to the future of Washington agriculture, food systems and the state’s economy.  As the most trade dependent state, the future of Washington’s economy depends on its ability to respond to market opportunities and address market barriers.

The Impact Center’s location at Washington State University – a major land grant university – positions it well to draw on the expertise and knowledge base of an array of talented researchers.

The original mission of the Center is now contained within an expanded Impact mission of performing regional economic development analyses of major economic sectors within the state, including regional economic impact studies focused on the industries and the economy of Washington State and the surrounding region. The center addresses economic, social, political, and technical problems that affect the competitiveness of Washington’s products.

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IMPACT Center, PO Box 646214, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-6214, 509-335-6653, Contact Us