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Hurricane Relief Activities in the Gulf Coast


OBI gives Katrina victim a reason to smile

After losing family members, a personal business, and their home of 27 years to Hurricane Katrina, Lynda and her husband thought they had escaped the worst. But shortly after moving into their temporary trailer, on the morning of April 12, 2006, a propane leak caused a severe explosion. Her husband Jerry helped Lynda escape, but suffered third-degree burns over 40 percent of his body and died in the hospital several days later.

When Lynda arrived at OBI’s Command Center in Slidell to request help for fence repairs, OBI staff were not only able to repair her fence, but they also furnished Lynda with a fully-outfitted work shed and contacted a local dental office to fit Lynda with a new set of dentures – since her previous set were destroyed in the explosion.

“I will never forget what Operation Blessing did for me for the rest of my life,” she said.


OBI treats over 10,000 at New Orleans' clinics

This month, the number of patients treated at Operation Blessing’s medical and dental clinics in New Orleans East exceeded 10,000! To date, over 10,157 patients have received free medical treatment by volunteer doctors, nurses, and dentists. In addition, more than 19,000 prescriptions have been filled free-of-charge for post-Katrina residents.

In the year since Hurricane Katrina hit, Operation Blessing partners have empowered our staff and volunteers to provide relief and recovery to Gulf Coast communities through:

  • 279 cash grants totaling more than $4.7 million.
  • Nearly 900,000 meals served from three food kitchens.
  • Distribution of more than 11.4 million pounds of food and supplies.

Over 119,000 hours of volunteer service that includes house-gutting, debris removal, mosquito fish distribution, and more.


OBI volunteer helps single father

While procuring electrical supplies at a local retail store in Louisiana, an OBI volunteer met Kevin, one of the store’s employees.

He mentioned that he had mostly recovered from the hurricane but still needed a twin mattress for his five-year-old son.

Following Hurricane Katrina, Kevin did not receive the anticipated $15,000 in insurance money and has been paying out-of-pocket for all of his home repairs.

Operation Blessing provided Kevin with a new twin mattress, helping both father and son as they continue to rebuild following Katrina.

Want to volunteer with OBI? Click here for more details!


Volunteers share their experience with Operation Blessing

Last week, a group of 15 volunteers from D.C., Chicago, and Georgia, arrived in Slidell, La. to help gut houses and clear debris with Operation Blessing. Below, three members of the team share their most memorable moments:

"August 6, 2006

Surrounded by hard hats, respirators, and a mountain of trash, (i.e. all the insides of Maria's house) the 15 of us heard young 7-year-old Vinnie say to Tim [volunteer], "I don't want you to go." Vinnie clung to Tim's leg with tears in his eyes.

Vinnie is the grandson of Maria. He told his grandmother that they had to leave before the August 28, 2005 storm flooded their Chalmette, LA, home.

"I know I act tough but you're breaking my heart. I love you," Sergeant Tim said to Vinnie.

Maria called us "My Company." She spent every day with us and waited for our breaks so she could serve us and talk with us. She had lived 30 years in this house and raised her children and was now raising her grandson, Vinnie.

She is living in a FEMA trailer in Chalmette, but gutting her house took her another step closer to coming home.

Awesome and wonderful are small words to cover the 5 days of sweat, mold and in the same breath, joy."

Myrna, Mary Kathryn, & Kathie

Want to volunteer with OBI? Click here for more details!


Louisiana residents receive new stoves

A small coastal community located near the "toe" of Louisiana, Port Sulphur has largely been overlooked in the scramble to get aid to damaged communities post-Katrina.

Nearly one year after the disaster, the town still only has one working gas station and no grocery stores. Houses are hundreds of yards off their foundations and debris litters the side of the road.

On Monday, July 24, an Operation Blessing convoy of trucks delivered a load of 29 electric range stoves/ovens to Port Sulphur Baptist Church for distribution to residents in need. The week before, they delivered 21 stoves, for a grand total of 50.

The church, which partnered with Operation Blessing to help distribute the stoves, also operates as food warehouse to meet the needs of their devastated community. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, they offer residents free meals and groceries.

To date, Operation Blessing has delivered 291 truckloads of food and product to help victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Thank you for continuing to support Operation Blessing's hurricane relief efforts!


Volunteers restore New Orleans Juvenile Detention Center

Recently, Richard Winder, Director of Human Services in New Orleans, approached Operation Blessing with a request for help in restoring the New Orleans Youth Study Hall, the only youth detention center in Orleans Parish.

Pre-Katrina, the center had more than 165 beds. Katrina forced the evacuation of staff and juveniles due to flooding and afterwards, only eight beds were available for use.

A volunteer team of 11 from "Nechama," a Jewish organization, and 13 volunteers from "Hands of Light in Action" helped restore the center's living quarters by cleaning up mildew and debris and other flood-related damage.

The center is now able to bring back 20 male juveniles, with the ability to house 32.

Want to volunteer with OBI? Click here for more details!


Summer Camp for "Katrina Kids" a success

"Katrina Kid's Camp," a summer day camp aimed at helping children cope with negative emotions stemming from Hurricane Katrina, completed the last of its three week-long camps last month at First Presbyterian Church in Slidell, Louisiana.

The Operation Blessing-sponsored camp hosted 66 children in its final week for a three-week total of 184 children. Dr. Beth Cape of First Presbyterian Church directed the program.

"It went very well," Cape said. "I wish I could have taken each kid individually. Parents afterwards came up to us and thanked us and said how much the camp had meant to them."

A main focus of the camp was rehearsing for the children's musical "Don't Give Up," performed for the community at the end of each camp. Several groups of local high school students volunteered to help, including a group of youth from North Carolina.

"All the kids came with their parents, grandparents, friends, and for twenty minutes they were the star," Cape said. "We gave them DVDs because a professional video guy filmed the whole thing. They'll be able to see their friends, their leaders, and… their parents will get to listen to those songs forever."

As an added bonus, each performance ended with a hot-dog dinner and ice cream sundaes for everyone.

"The fact that the kids knew that Operation Blessing had given all the grants, and that they knew the people were going to come and video it all, really spurred them on and made them excited," Cape added.


Where Are We Now?

In the eleven months since Katrina hit, Operation Blessing partners have empowered our staff and volunteers to provide relief and recovery to Gulf Coast communities:

  • 276 cash grants totaling more than $4.7 million.
  • Over 11.4 million pounds of supplies distributed, including everything from roofing supplies and kitchen equipment to food and medicine.
  • More than 822,000 meals served from three food kitchens.
  • Over 5,000 medical and dental patients treated by 118 volunteer doctors, nurses, practitioners, and office staff in multiple clinics.
  • Thousands of Gambusia fish released into stagnant pools as part of the "Bug Busters" mosquito eradication program.
  • Over 3,162 volunteers logged over 119,672 hours of service doing everything from debris clean-up and house-gutting to food and supply distribution.


Official ribbon-cutting ceremony celebrates New Orlean's medical clinic

"I promise you these people are going to meet the needs," said Chairman Powell, White House federal coordinator of Gulf Coast rebuilding, regarding Operation Blessing and the medical clinic run by OBI and partnering group International Medical Alliance. "This is the best of America."

Joined by federal and state officials, Operation Blessing and IMA held an official ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the free medical clinic in New Orleans East.

The original 12' X 60' modular unit has recently expanded to three buildings and now includes seven medical exam rooms; a minor surgery and trauma suite; a triage room; a lab; four dental exam rooms; a reception area; waiting rooms and several utility rooms.

To date, nearly 4,000 patients have been treated and more than 9,000 prescriptions filled for Katrina victims. The clinic, located at 5501 Read Blvd. in New Orleans East, is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Dental clinic provides over $70,000 in services to patients

This past week, the new and improved dental clinic in New Orleans East has been buzzing with activity. A volunteer staff of three dentists is treating an average of 30-40 patients a day.

In the 11 days that the 4-room clinic has been open, over 250 patients have been treated for emergency dental work and preventative care, including hygiene services. In all, more than $70,000 in free services has been provided to victims of Hurricane Katrina.

"We're here and it's going well," said dental manager, Pam Fincher.

Volunteer opportunities are available at Operation Blessing's dental clinic! If you are a dental professional (i.e., dentist, hygienist, dental assistant, etc.) and would like to volunteer, click here for more information or contact our national volunteer manager, Scott Hill at 757-226-3858.


Medical clinic treats over 3,000

This week marked a significant milestone for Operation Blessing's relief and recovery activities in the Gulf Coast.

Over 3,000 patients have been treated at OBI's medical clinic and more than 7,000 prescriptions have been filled free-of-charge for hurricane victims.

Cash grants totaling $4.7 million have been given out to churches and organizations to strategically meet victim's needs at the local level.

And more than 3,162 volunteers have dedicated over 119,672 hours of volunteer service – planting mosquito-fish into abandoned pools, gutting houses, clearing debris, distributing food and more.

Interested in volunteering with Operation Blessing in the Gulf Coast? Visit our volunteer page for more information or contact our national volunteer coordinator, Scott Hill at 757-226-3858.


Hurricane victim thankful for her "angels"

When Deb went on a business trip to Texas with her husband last August, never in her wildest dreams did she expect to have her 84-year-old mother rescued by helicopter, her dog missing for three months, and all of her possessions destroyed, including her house.

Both Deb's and her mother's house sustained 9 to 12 feet of water from Katrina and nothing was salvageable. But thanks to a team of volunteers from Operation Blessing who came and gutted their homes and cleared them of debris, both are now making plans to move back into their homes.

"They were incredible. They are my angels. My heart goes out to these young people who are helping us," Deb said.

Read more about Deb and other OBI activities in the Gulf Coast…


Bug Busters still on the move

Since late April, OBI has been on a mission to thwart a growing population of mosquitoes and the potential outbreak of mosquito-born diseases such as West Nile. Operation Blessing's "Bug Buster" teams have been tackling the problem by planting thousands of Gambusia fish – a small breed of mosquito-eating fish - into abandoned pools throughout New Orleans.

The project was slated to be completed at the end of May, but with new pools continuing to be identified, OBI will continue to fund the project for as long as needed.

Plans are currently underway to support a permanent fish hatchery located at the New Orleans Prison which has an extensive aqua-culture research facility. Due to damaged equipment by Hurricane Katrina, however, the fish hatchery has not been operable. OBI is working to have the equipment repaired so that distribution of mosquito fish can continue.

Want to know more about OBI's Bug Busters? Click here


Cross-country road trip lands couple in New Orleans

Shalyn and Daniel of Temecula, California, were headed to Michigan when an unexpected turn of events happened; they decided to make a pit stop in New Orleans.

After searching for organizations to volunteer with and coming up short, the couple spent the night in their car. The next day they were referred to Operation Blessing and immediately went to work flooring houses, handing out food at OBI's mobile kitchen and placing mosquito-eating fish in abandoned pools throughout New Orleans.

"Devastation. It was just sheer devastation," said Shalyn, 43. "This has changed our lives. I am totally grateful for my family and a simple roof over my head and food. It still looks like a week later (after Katrina). The U.S. needs to understand that this is our fellow citizens and if they had the opportunity to see a true glimpse of what we were able to see, they would bring their groups and their church groups to come and help. Our lives may have gone in a different direction because of this," she said.

Click here to find out more about available volunteer opportunities!


Cash grant brings furniture to Katrina victims

Since Hurricane Katrina, Operation Blessing has given out 274 cash grants totaling over $4.7 million. Number 239 on the list of grant recipients was Christian Life Center located in Kenner, LA.

Pastor Jeff Oettle used a portion of the OBI grant to cover the costs of transporting an 18-wheeler loaded with free furniture for Katrina victims. The furniture came via a donation from a church ministry in Washington state.

Within two hours, Pastor Jeff and his team of volunteers had supplied couches, tables, chairs and other furniture to an estimated 35 New Orleans families.

In addition to supporting the grassroots Katrina relief and recovery efforts of local organizations and churches, Operation Blessing is continuing to provide free medical and dental care at clinics located in New Orleans East, dump mosquito-eating fish into hundreds of abandoned swimming pools, and gut and clean flood-damaged houses.


New dental clinic coming soon!

Due to the overwhelming medical needs of the New Orleans community, Operation Blessing has not only purchased a 48' X 56' modular medical unit, but they are also expanding their dental clinic. The new 28' x 60' modular dental unit has been purchased and is slated to open at the end of May, next to the medical clinic in New Orleans East.


Surprise...it's a baby!

When Celeste Hulin, arrived at Operation Blessing's medical clinic last week, she was not feeling well. Her husband was out of town, so she came to the free clinic to discuss her symptoms with the doctor. Dr. Betterton suggested a pregnancy test. Celeste took the test and discovered she was nearly 10 weeks pregnant! "This clinic is definitely a blessing to me," she said. "I can now get the proper care for my baby."

Operation Blessing is expanding their temporary medical clinic to meet the pressing medical needs of New Orleans residents, many of whom suffer from chronic illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure but do not have access to medicines since many local doctor's offices still remained closed.

As of this week, the clinic has treated over 1,000 patients and given out over 2,390 prescriptions.


Strength in numbers
This Spring season, thousands of volunteers have cycled through the Operation Blessing command center in Slidell, spending their Spring breaks and other vacation time to help Katrina residents get back on their feet. Since February, 3,162 volunteers have given over 119,672 hours of labor - gutting homes, removing debris, assisting at the dental and medical clinics and more.

Operation Blessing is currently recruiting adult volunteer teams for the Summer and Fall. For more information, visit our volunteer page or contact OBI's national volunteer coordinator, Scott Hill at 757-226-3858.


Mosquito fish bite back

Last week, Operation Blessing launched their Bug Buster program, unloading thousands of mosquito-larvae eating fish into hundreds of abandoned swimming pools in New Orleans. As the summer heat approaches, millions of mosquito larvae are beginning to hatch, threatening an out of control mosquito population and the spread of deadly viruses throughout Louisiana.

Working closely with the New Orleans Mosquito and Termite Control Board, OBI purchased the initial stock of fish as well as supplied volunteer teams to help plant the fish in swimming pools throughout New Orleans. Future plans include the establishment of a fish hatchery in New Orleans.


A Letter of Thanks
As hundreds of volunteers arrive weekly to OBI's Slidell command center, more residents are able to receive the help they need. Homes are being gutted, debris is being removed and little by little, progress is being made. Last week, OBI staff received the following letter from a resident in Chalmette, Louisiana:

I just want to say thank you for helping my sister gut her house. She told me how nice the young men and women were who gutted her house. They were very gentle and respective of the items in her house. They were so kind in listening to my sister and asked questions about our families' plight during Hurricane Katrina. We had over 20 family members who lost their homes and everything they owned. Thank you again!
With great appreciation and love,
Chalmette, La.


Medical Clinic Opens

On Monday, April 3, Operation Blessing opened the door to their modular medical facility in New Orleans East, at 5501 Read Street. The clinic, which treated seven patients on Tuesday, will be converted into a pharmacy when OBI's custom-made modular unit arrives later this month. The larger facility, expected to open at the end of April, will serve as a joint medical and dental clinic to treat the thousands of residents returning to New Orleans and in need of healthcare.

Pictured: Surrounded by Americorps volunteers and OBI staff, Dr. Dale Betterton and Dorothy Davison (center) will help oversee the clinic.


Volunteers Arrive from the Midwest
Last week, 248 volunteers filled the Slidell command center; they came as teams representing various churches, colleges and universities, and Americorps, to name a few.

A group of 12 students from Hastings College in Nebraska were able to help one elderly victim, Jo-Ann, by gutting her home. As an added bonus, when the group found out it was her 67th birthday, they finished work on her home, then cleaned up and took her to dinner in the French Quarter of New Orleans for a special birthday celebration. Read more about Jo-Ann and other OBI activities...


Spring Break

This week, a group of nineteen students from Doane College, Nebraska, joined Operation Blessing at their command center in Slidell, Louisiana, to spend their week of Spring Break gutting houses and removing debris. Students helped Sharon and Joseph of Chalmette, La., begin the recovery process by gutting their home of 28 years. Following Katrina, the resulting flood and mold damage forced the couple to abandon their newly remodeled home and relocate to Nevada to live with their daughter.


Where Are We Now? Katrina Relief Stats for Operation Blessing:

  • Awarded 264 Fast Cash Grants – totaling over $4.4 million - to 215 faith-based organizations.
  • Delivered 268 truckloads of food and aid to the Gulf Coast since August 29, 2005.
  • Served 584,872 hot meals to residents & volunteers from three mobile kitchens.
  • Logged over 53,000 hours of volunteer labor - gutting houses, clearing debris, tarping roofs, removing trees, and more.
  • Opened free dental clinic in St. Bernard Parish, staffed by volunteer dentists.
  • Purchased over 1.3 million pounds of lumber and building supplies for home rebuilding projects.
  • Donated $23 million in medicine to LSU health care system for Katrina victims
  • Launching free medical clinic in New Orleans East with anticipated open date of April 2, 2006.
  • 3-17-06

    A Visit from the Mayor

    Ben Morris, mayor of Slidell, visited Operation Blessing's Slidell Command Center Thursday night and personally thanked the hundreds of volunteers for their gift of service to the city. Mayor Morris stood on a chair in the middle of the feeding tent and talked with volunteers about the brokeness of his city and how thankful the people of Slidell are for the faithfulness of OBI and their volunteers. "Slidell is a better place because of the faithful service of Operation Blessing," he said.

    This week, OBI is hosting over 335 volunteers, including eight different colleges and universities; one AmeriCorps team; one church group; and one group of school teachers. To date, volunteers have worked over 53,000 hours gutting homes, tarping roofs, removing debris and more.


    Medical Clinic Trailer Arrives
    Today the trailer for the medical clinic arrived, parking across the street from the Methodist Hospital in New Orleans East. Work crews immediately began installing walls to create three examination rooms as well as an onsite pharmacy.

    Another trailer is expected to arrive later this month which will give Operation Blessing the facility space to treat thousands of New Orleans residents in desperate need of medical care.


    Spring Break in Louisiana
    The Slidell command center was bustling this week with over 245 volunteers – mostly college students – who chose to spend their Spring Break gutting homes, shoveling debris, installing sheet rock and more. They are trading in sunglasses for gas masks, swimsuits for protective body suits, and sun hats for hard hats.

    One 18-member team from Wayne State College worked five consecutive days, eight hours a day, for a total of 720 work hours for the week. "It is not the devastation that I will forget," said one volunteer. "It is the people that have survived it – especially the ones who are helpless, full of dedication, and completely unselfish."


    Helping Hands
    Jessica lives with her two sons and newborn baby in Chalmette, La. Forced to evacuate when Katrina came ashore, she returned to a severely flood-damaged home. Nothing was salvageable. In addition, having just received carpel tunnel surgery, Jessica had no money to afford repairs on her home. Jessica's miracle moment came, however, when Operation Blessing supplied her with the sheet rock needed to fix her home as well as provided her with all the furniture needed to fill it! Pictured: Surrounded by a team of volunteers, Jessica sits with her children on their new couch.


    "While the tacticians, the scientists, the engineers and the bureaucrats were talking about color-coded schemes of what could not be done . . . Operation Blessing said we will bridge the gap." - Cynthia Willard-Lewis, New Orleans City Council Member.

    Today marks the six month anniversary of Hurricane Katrina - the most damaging storm ever to be recorded in U.S. History. During the week prior to Katrina making landfall, Operation Blessing sent a fleet of tractor-trailer trucks carrying food, aid and relief supplies to strategic staging areas in the Gulf Coast. Today, exactly six months later, Operation Blessing is still there - bringing help to the hurting.

    Click here for a full recap on past and current OBI activities in the Gulf Coast.


    Miracle Moments
    Last week, Operation Blessing helped to bring some "miracle moments" of recovery to Katrina victims.

    In Chalmette, La., Glen and his wife Cindy are no strangers to tragedy. Just four days prior to Katrina making landfall, their daughter died in a car accident. Like thousands of other families, they too evacuated the area only to return and find their home destroyed. Despite their personal loss, their resolve was to remain in the area and rebuild their lives. "My students need me," said Cindy, who teaches locally. OBI heard about this family and their efforts to rebuild and were able to supply them with sheet rock and insulation to begin reconstruction on their home.


    "We Love New Orleans"
    This week of Valentine's, Operation Blessing demonstrated their love for the people of New Orleans and their continued commitment to help rebuild the community by hosting three special events throughout the city.

    On Saturday and Sunday, OBI hosted a family day and three banquets for residents in the St. Bernard and City Park Parishes. Games, rock walls, and spacewalks were provided for the children in addition to live music and entertainment. OBI transformed these major feeding locations – sites that normally provide thousands of hot meals a day to residents - into a first-class dining experience for the community.

    Operation Blessing was also recognized by the New Orleans City Council for their relief efforts as council member Cynthia Willard-Lewis presented a Proclamation of Honor to OBI President Bill Horan.

    Play Ball!
    Homes in the Gulf Coast were not the only structures that took a hit from Katrina's waves. Schools and city parks were also devastated, leaving youth without educational facilities or safe places for after-school recreation. In the St. Bernard Parish, three separate school systems have combined to form one school – St. Bernard United Schools. OBI initiated a community-wide project – named the St. Bernard Project - to rebuild recreational parks for these students, building three baseball diamonds, concession stands, scoreboards, soccer goals and more – just in time for spring training!


    Dental Clinic Opens
    Today, Operation Blessing launched their first Hurricane Katrina dental clinic in St. Bernard Parish – a suburb of Louisiana that was 100% flooded. On day one of the clinic, volunteer dentist, Dr. Custra, treated eight patients.

    OBI Medical Clinic
    In addition to the dental clinic, OBI is also partnering with a network of doctors - International Medical Alliance (IMA) – to set up clinics and provide medical care to thousands of victims. With only one hospital operating in New Orleans, the clinics are a strategic part of OBI's recovery phase for Louisiana.

    On Monday, OBI and IMA kicked off a medical fair in New Orleans and in four days treated over 10,000 patients and gave out over 650 prescriptions.

    Medical Highlight
    At the end of the day, a shortage of medicine prompted team leaders to contact doctors nationwide to secure more medicine. Several doctors met the challenge, with one doctor from Idaho offering his private plane to help transport the medicine.

    Want to Volunteer?
    OBI is looking for dental and medical volunteers to be a part of our recovery efforts in New Orleans. If you are a medical professional and interested in volunteering, please visit our volunteer page or email our volunteer coordinator, Scott Hill at scott.hill@ob.org.


    Slidell, La. - Last week, a group of seven volunteers put in over 332.5 hours helping Katrina victims. The group tarped one home, gutted out three buildings and two homes, and cleaned up a baseball field for a local high school.

    In addition to volunteer help, OBI continues to provide cash grants to local churches and organizations in order to best meet the needs of the community. To date, OBI has given out 244 grants totaling over $4 million!


    In Diamond Head, MS, six volunteers spent two days working on CL and Mary's home. In the past year CL has had five bypass surgeries and his wife Mary is disabled. At 76 years old, CL was trying to do the reconstruction on his home alone. A skilled team of volunteers arrived at their home last week and cleared out debris, hung sheet rock, and repaired electrical and plumbing problems.

    Save of the Day: Two of the volunteers, who were also electricians, spotted a faulty wire under their house that had ignited. Now, with their home safe and secured, CL and Mary can continue to rebuild.


    A Home for the Generations: When Katrina hit, Irvin and his family decided to stay home and ride out the storm. They were not willing to leave Annie St., named after his mother, much less abandon the home that had been in their family for three generations.

    As Katrina's floodwaters reached their rooftop, the family was forced to flee to the attic where they remained for two days. As the waters slowly receded, Irvin left to seek help. Just as he began swimming through the water, he spotted a boat floating towards him. Irvin safely evacuated his family, but their home was destroyed.

    Last week, a second group of skilled volunteers arrived from Minnesota and began work on residential homes in St. Bernard Parish, which included a work order for Irvin's home. Moved by his story, the team worked quickly to gut out his home and remove the debris. In just one day, the work was completed, allowing Irvin and his family to begin reconstruction on their home.


    Helping Hands: Barbara, a Louisiana resident, commutes an hour each day from Harvey, LA to her home in Arabia to clean up the damage left by Katrina. Because she didn't have flood insurance, she has been working as a team of one to clean up her house and clear out debris. Early last week, a team of 13 volunteers arrived at her home and in less then one work day cleared out all the debris and mud.

    It took 4 men, 2 hours just to reach the carpet inside the home that was covered 4 inches thick in muck/mud, debris, and fiberglass. In another room, 30 wheelbarrow loads of muck were removed. Now Barbara's home is ready to be gutted and she is one step closer to being able to return home.

    Pictured: Barbara chats with the volunteers outside her home.


    Hurricane Relief for 2005: With a record-breaking 30 storms that formed in the Atlantic ocean in 2005, Operation Blessing has had a busy year!

    In response to Hurricane Dennis, OBI's Hunger Strike Force sent 4 truckloads carrying 167,620 pounds of food and relief to victims. Hurricane Emily victims received 45,341 pounds of aid.
    Responding to both Hurricane Katrina, the most devastating natural disaster to strike U.S. soil, and Hurricane Rita, OBI drove 245 truckloads into the hardest-hit areas of the Gulf Coast and provided victims with 9,548,538 pounds of aid.
    Finally, for Hurricane Wilma victims, OBI delivered 12 truckloads carrying a total of 521,514 pounds.

    Thank you to all of our OBI partners for helping us reach those in need!


    Toy Distribution at Miracle Place Church and Local FEMA Trailer Park: On Thursday, OBI continued their outreaches and moved into the Baton Rouge area. First stop: A FEMA Trailer park hosting 580 evacuee families from the New Orleans area. As we walked through the park, our hearts were both warmed and broken. The residents were making the best of their situation, decorating their trailers with Christmas lights, yard decorations and Christmas trees. We met one evacuee, a single mom with two teenagers and a toddler. Not only had she lost her home, but her mother recently passed away. With tears falling down her cheeks she told the volunteers, "Thank you for giving us presents. I don't know what we would have done without it. That would have been just too hard to face with my children, in addition to everything else."

    As the OBI pick-up truck rounded the corner with Santa sitting in the back, the children's eyes lit up - and the smiles on their face were priceless! Santa climbed out, took his seat, and for the next two and a half hours, visited with every child. Each child received a brand new toy and got their picture taken with Santa.

    The next stop was Miracle Place Church, one of our cash grant recipients. The church has hosted over 2,200 evacuees, moved over 3 million tons of food and resources, and are now launching a plan to build 1,084 homes in the next 36 months. They are successfully helping evacuees relocate, find jobs and began new lives! The OBI gift distribution event was for parents only, allowing them to come without children so they could take presents home and place them under their tree for Christmas morning.

    One evacuee told OBI volunteers how thankful she was. She had been praying the night before, asking God to provide a way for her to get gifts for her children and grandchildren. She knew that unless there was a miracle, she would be empty handed on Christmas morning. The night OBI announced that parents could take presents home, she said she had to hold back tears because she realized God had heard her prayers. Thank you to our OBI partners - your gifts made it possible for these parents to take pride and joy in providing Christmas for their children!


    Hispanic Outreach: Christmas Toy Distribution: On December 14, Operation Blessing joined arms with local Hispanic pastors for a special toy distribution packed full of fun, smiles and even pictures with Santa and Mrs. Clause. The OBI Disaster Relief team jumped in, delivering toys and serving cake and drinks. For a brief moment this community in the New Orleans area could forget about their broken homes and struggles and have a taste of normalcy as they celebrated the Christmas season. It began to rain that night, but that did not stop over 350 people from attending the event. Our hearts of gratitude go out to the faithful partners of Operation Blessing who helped make this possible. Thank you!


    Operation Blessing has set up another relief site in the St. Bernard Parish of New Orleans. Yesterday, tents arrived to help house a team of volunteers from Iowa City. That same day, OBI's kitchen served meals to 1,450 local residents.

    Helping hurricane victims celebrate the Christmas holidays, OBI also gave two pallets of toys to a local pastor to distribute to his community.


    Christmas for Katrina Victims: Girl Scout troops in Virginia Beach hand-made hundreds of teddy bears to send to Katrina victims this Christmas. The bears were shipped by Operation Blessing to the OBI headquarters in Slidell, LA and distributed to families.

    Operation Blessing continues to give cash grants to organizations and faith-based groups who use the funds to purchase food, clothes, fuel, construction materials, medicine, household items and other supplies. To date, OBI has awarded 224 grants totaling more than $3.5 million.


    Picture This: Residents of Slidell come to OBI's command center located on Gause St. to place work orders for tree and debris removal, mold remediation, temporary light pole installation and more. The center continues to process hundreds of work orders a day.


    Thanksgiving Meals for Hurricane Victims: On Saturday, November 26, OBI partnered with Victory Fellowship to provide over 12,000 turkey dinners with all the trimmings to hurricane victims in New Orleans. The meals were prepared in the OBI Mobile kitchen at Victory’s Church site in Metairie. Volunteers then shuttled the hot meals to ten neighborhood locations throughout New Orleans.  

    Slidell Command Center: OBI's tree and debris removal, roof repair and site work continues throughout St Tammany Parrish to accommodate FEMA trailers.


    Cash grants given out by Operation Blessing are making a difference! OBI gave a cash grant to Christ in Action, a non-profit organization based in VA. The grant is being used to purchase food supplies for four different outreach sites in Louisiana, allowing this ministry to serve over 168,000 meals to hurricane victims!


    Picture This: A tree hanging perilously over a nursery school in Slidell, LA, prevented the children from being able to use the playground. Operation Blessing sent out a team of volunteers from OBI and the Christian Contractor's Association who skillfully removed the tree and cleared the debris.

    Pictured: After scaling the tree, the climber cuts the treetop off with a chainsaw.
    Pictured: A crew on the ground assists the climber and cuts up the tree. The OBI loader then comes in to remove the limbs.


    As Thanksgiving approaches, Operation Blessing would like to thank you for partnering with us to bring relief and recovery to victims of the Gulf Coast hurricanes. Take a look at some of the highlights of our work to date:

    OBI is still in Slidell sending out crews of around 100 volunteers a day all over St Tammany Parish. In addition to tree and debris removal and roof repair, OBI crews are clearing sites for FEMA trailers as well as providing temporary electrical poles with wiring and meter boxes so recipients can get power hooked up.

    OBI's Slidell Command Center is being used as a model by other non-profits doing relief work. FEMA officials and contractors are so impressed that they have asked OBI to create a technical manual on how to set up and facilitate a Disaster Relief Command Center. The manual will be completed and delivered to FEMA this week. 

    OBI is nearing completion of another Command Center in Metairie, LA, just outside the New Orleans city limits. This facility will house and feed an additional 100-150 volunteers and facilitate teams dispatched into specific neighborhoods of New Orleans. Teams will focus on roof repair, debris removal and reconstruction. OBI's mobile kitchen is already on site supplying thousands of hot meals a day that are transported to inner city neighborhoods.

    OBI set up a satellite internet cafe at a mid-city New Orleans church to allow returnees access to email and the internet.   OBI has awarded 208 grants to church groups helping hurricane victims averaging $16,500 each and totaling almost $3.5 million.   OBI has delivered over 9 MILLION pounds (230 truckloads) of food and relief supplies to the Gulf Coast since Katrina hit.


    Operation Blessing is not only proving to be a first responder in disaster relief, but a quick responder as well.

    Last night, a Slidell police officer arrived at the Operation Blessing command center after hours to report an emergency situation: his neighbor, Crystal, an elderly woman, had a tree that was beginning to fall on her home as well as the FEMA trailer parked in her driveway. Within half an hour, a crew, crane and loader were dispatched to her home, securing the tree. Another team of OB volunteers placed a blue tarp over a damaged portion of her roof to protect it from the thunderstorms forecasted to hit later that evening.

    Within an hour and a half, the work was completed - another wonderful example of team work and 'Compassion in Action!'


    To assist hurricane victims with food, clothing, shelter, debris removal, medical supplies and more, Operation Blessing continues to award cash grants to its network of churches and faith-based organizations in hard-hit disaster areas.

    To date, OBI has awarded 203 grants to 190 different organizations, totaling $3,360,800 million.


    In St. Tammany Parish, on the Northshore of Louisiana, Operation Blessing continues to concentrate their efforts on tree removal and debris clean-up, tarping roofs, and setting up temporary electric poles for hurricane victims living in FEMA trailers.

    OBI officials met with state representatives, informing them of our operations which include the Slidell Command Center, feeding kitchens and cash grants in addition to all other disaster relief activities. OBI is working closely with government officials, federal emergency programs and our network of faith-based organizations to assist victims and communities with reconstruction.


    Food distributions are going strong in southern Florida. In Belle Glade, FL, Operation Blessing gave food boxes to over 7,000 people and served 10,200 hot meals over the weekend. The city manager is also there helping with relief efforts.

    In Pahokee, FL, OBI gave out 5,620 food boxes and served over 6,000 meals to hurricane victims.


    Operation Blessing’s Hurricane Relief efforts are expanding into New Orleans 

    Last week, in addition to Hurricane Wilma Relief in Florida, OBI focused on new targets in New Orleans. At Victory Fellowship Church in Metairie, on the edge of New Orleans City limits, volunteers running the OBI Mobile Kitchen cooked thousands of hot meals a day. An increasing number of the meals are transported daily to three New Orleans neighborhoods for delivery to victims unable to visit the church site.

    In further Metairie developments, OBI construction teams framed in three 40’X60’ raised wooden floors to allow for tents to be erected this week. The heated tents will be equipped with cots to accommodate up to 200 volunteers. A shower and laundry facility will also be added to facilitate volunteer needs and the OBI mobile kitchen will provide meals. Operation Blessing will fund the effort and manage volunteer teams provided by Mennonite Disaster Relief, AmeriCorps and various Christian volunteer groups. Volunteers will dispatched daily into New Orleans to do tree work, roof repair and debris removal.   

    OBI staff met with New Orleans City officials to secure a Mid City warehouse for a satellite operation with Victory Fellowship Church. The site will function as a strategically placed warehouse and distribution point for relief supplies and hot meals. Work on the site started this weekend. 

    Electricity is on in scattered neighborhoods, but phone and internet service is still not available in most of New Orleans. To help returnees communicate, OBI is establishing a satellite based wireless hotspot and a free inner-city internet café which will provide internet access to victims unable to get online.  

    On Saturday, OBI organized a team of 75 volunteers in the first assault on the flood damage at Praise Church in New Orleans. The church was flooded with 11 feet of water when the 17th street levee failed. Until late last week, city officials had not allowed anyone into the area, but OBI, working with the pastor, obtained permission to clean out the church. Volunteers pulled out furniture, soaked carpets and assorted debris, then scrubbed walls and floors and cleaned yard areas.

    This week, OBI teams will steam clean and kill mold. The 12,000 square foot church sanctuary will function as a warehouse for relief supplies. OBI is funding Praise Church efforts to establish a major distribution and feeding site consisting of kitchen, tents and distribution center. The Praise Church site will also house volunteers that will work in surrounding neighborhoods. 

    The OB Slidell HQ site continued to serve Saint Tammany Parrish (County) last week with over 100 volunteers a day doing crane and loader services, tree removal, debris removal and site clearing for FEMA trailers. OBI volunteer electricians continued to meet unmet needs by constructing and installing temporary power poles for victims receiving FEMA trailers. 

    OBI’s Hunger Strike Force are continuing their efforts to support The Salvation Army and other NGOs in mass feeding programs across the Gulf region. A total of 228 truckloads (8.9 million pounds) have now been delivered since Katrina hit. 

    OBI’s cash grant program is still pumping cash to church groups doing grassroots hurricane relief. One hundred and eighty-seven cash grants averaging about $17,000 each have been given to church groups doing relief work across the Gulf Coast. Hundreds of thousands of victims are being helped by cash provided by Operation Blessing.


    Despite the rain and storms, disaster relief is making its way to residents of Southern Florida. In Medley, FL, at the Community of Faith Church, over 2000 meals were served and two pallets of blue tarps were delivered by Operation Blessing. Meals and food were also delivered to elderly residents living in a 9-floor apartment complex with no elevator.

    In Pembroke Pines, FL,World Harvest Church served 1,900 hot meals. OBI delivered half a truckload of dry goods and two pallets of tarps. One load of water and dry goods was delivered by God's Pit Crew.

    In Pahokee, FL, the Church of God delivered one pallet of tarps. In Copper City, FL, tarp teams are in place to help repair roofs, a special needs shelter is in full operation and food boxes are being delivered to the elderly.

    Tarp and clean up teams are in place, working with the Church of God in Chocoloskee, FL, and power has been restored. In Bella Glade, FL, one pallet of tarps has been delivered.


    Eight cash grants have been awarded to faith-based organizations in Texas and Louisiana. Grants are being used to purchase food, household supplies, medicine as well as provide housing, clothes, clean-up and construction assistance to hurricane victims and evacuees.


    OBI continues to concentrate their relief efforts in key areas of Southern Florida. In Medley, FL, over 4,400 meals were served in the past two days. The Mayor, Police Chief, and County Commissioner assisted in serving the meals.

    3,000 hot meals were served today in Pembroke Pines, FL. Cutting Edge Ministries, in partnership with OBI, delivered an 18-foot box truck of food and milk to residents in Pahokee, FL.

    In Copper City, FL, a generator has been installed and a special needs shelter is up and running. Food boxes are being distributed to the elderly in the community. Also, a 12 man crew from Servierville, TN, is assisting residents of the Chocoloskee community with disaster relief needs.


    While wreckage left behind by Hurricane Wilma is not as widespread as other recent hurricanes, for those unfortunate enough to have been in Wilma’s path, the pain and suffering is as intense as any inflicted by a category five storm.

    Operation Blessing is helping to ease some of that suffering. This week, OBI Directors scouted stricken Florida areas and zeroed in on communities suffering in the silence of power blackouts.

    In Pahokee and Clewiston Florida, small villages on the edge of Lake Okeechobee, OBI set up distribution of food and generators. In Chokoloskee, a once quaint Everglades fishing village, OBI distributed food and water and provided hot meals to residents whose homes were destroyed by Wilma’s raging storm surge.

    In Pembroke Pines, just West of Hollywood, OBI made arrangements for a Church of God mobile kitchen to feed hot meals starting Friday. In Medley, Florida, a tiny Hispanic community near Miami, the Mayor told OBI that “Operation Blessing is like an angel sent by God.” We called our Mennonite partners in Alabama for help. A team of 15 Mennonites are driving all night to set up a mobile kitchen and serve hot meals with food delivered by OBI Hunger Strike Force trucks. OBI will also provide the Medley Community of Faith Church with roof tarps, relief supplies and cash. 

    In Chiapas and Hidalgo, Mexico, OBI Mexico teams with over 150 volunteers hike through rough terrain to deliver food and relief supplies to remote areas ravaged by Hurricane Stan. In Guatemala and El Salvador, OB teams are feeding Hurricane Stan victims and fighting hurricane-caused suffering in a variety of ways. 

    In Metairie, New Orleans and Slidell, OBI continues to feed thousands, conduct tree removal, repair roofs and assist in installation of FEMA trailers. OBI Hunger Strike Force Trucks continue delivery of food boxes and supplies to Salvation Army locations across the Gulf Coast in support of mass feeding programs. 

    In Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas OBI cash grants totaling over three million dollars empower churches to assist their members and communities with grassroots relief. 


    Responding to Hurricane Wilma, Operation Blessing is in Chokoloskee, Florida, and together with Church of God are distributing water, ice, food and blue tarps to hurricane victims. Over 450 hot meals were given out and several cash grants have been awarded to local ministries in an effort to increase food distribution.


    Operation Blessing continues their work in Slidell, LA with 110 volunteers removing trees, clearing debris and repairing roofs. Crews are also assembling "temporary power poles" to facilitate electrical hook-ups for FEMA trailers. Partnering with the City of Slidell Building Dept and the local power company, OBI is purchasing the installation components, assembling them on 16’ long 4X4 pole, and installing them for free. The City Building Dept inspects installations and then orders the power company to make the hook-ups. This new system allows residents to move into their trailers much sooner and protects them from electrical contractors who are overcharging residents.


    In preparation for Hurricane Wilma, OBI is moving assets to their Ocala Storm headquarters in north-central Florida. Yesterday they dispatched trucks containing loads of water, cots, generators and roof repair supplies. Ocala may be ideally located to support relief efforts if Wilma comes ashore in Florida.  

    Operation Blessing storm headquarters in Slidell, LA has approximately 150 volunteers and staff fully engaged in relief work reaching communities throughout St. Tammany Parish. Their main functions are tree and debris removal, roof repair and site prep work that enables placement of FEMA trailers. About 80 Mennonite men are helping on site and a team of Mennonite ladies cook for the entire team. Christian Contractors Assoc, Church of God Disaster Relief and AmeriCorps are other important partners. Volunteers from various churches across America round out the work force. 

    Operation Blessing partner Victory Fellowship (VF) is running OBI's mobile kitchen in Metairie, LA. Approximately 6,000 hot meals are made every day and delivered to three New Orleans neighborhoods. OBI is funding equipment that will enable more meals to be prepared and delivered into New Orleans. In addition, VF is sending 75 volunteers to various work projects in New Orleans daily.

    Today Operation Blessing is starting to set up a headquarters camp on Victory Fellowship property in Metairie for the purpose of housing additional 150-200 volunteers. Large tents with cots, a portable shower and laundry facility will be a part of the camp. OBI plans to train VF team leaders effective ways of debris removal, roof repair and mold remediation.  

    OBI's fleet of Hunger Strike Force tractor trailer trucks has delivered 195 truckloads and over 7.5 million pounds since Hurricane Katrina hit. The Hunger Strike Force's loads of supplies continues to support The Salvation Army's mass feeding programs across Gulf Coast.  

    OBI continues to award cash grants to partnering organizations and churches directly helping victims. They have made 173 grants totaling almost three million dollars.


    In Metaire, LA, Operation Blessing's mobile kitchen continues to serve hot meals, food boxes, ice and water to local residents. Hundreds of volunteers from Victory Fellowship Church and other churches are serving hot meals to thousands of New Orleans residents at this site and sending an ever-increasing number of meals and relief supplies into New Orleans neighborhoods via church vans and vehicles. Operation Blessing's goal is to increase the capacity of the kitchen and the delivery process.


    Five additional cash grants were sent to faith-based organizations in Texas! The funds are being used to provide Katrina evacuees with food, clothing, fuel, basic necessities and help with minor construction projects including roof repairs and debris removal.

    The Hunger Strike Force continues to deliver food and supplies to victims. To date, a total of 192 truckloads of aid have been distributed to disaster relief areas in LA, MS, TX, AL and FL, bringing nearly 7.5 million pounds of aid to hurricane victims.


    Operation Blessing and the Hunger Strike Force are bringing in aid by the truckloads! This week relief items including diapers, blankets and rice are being delivered to disaster areas in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida. In the coming days, four truckloads of treated plywood and corner posts will be sent to relief teams working in Slidell, LA.

    Flying over Slidell, the landscape is dotted with bright blue squares – a good sign that progress is being made. Thanks to a team of nearly 100 volunteers from the Christian Contractors Association, OBI, and the AmeriCorps, the ‘blue tarp’ crew is working tirelessly to remove trees, debris and repair roofs for several hundred homes and churches.

    Operation Blessings has sent almost 2.7 million dollars of aid to 143 faith-based organizations of various denominations, reaching more than 300,000 hurricane victims. Louisiana and Texas have both received nearly one million in cash grants from OBI – grants that are being used by partners to purchase Wal-mart gift cards, generators, gasoline and air conditioners for families in need.


    Today a team of 91 volunteers worked on repairing roofs and removing debris in Slidell, LA. There were six Christian Contractors Association team leaders, 14 Operation Blessing volunteers from York, PA, 18 AmeriCorps volunteers from Montana, and a group of 51 AmeriCorps volunteers from Baton Rouge.

    OBI's fleet of Hunger Strike Force trucks has delivered 6.1 million pounds or 162 truckloads of relief supplies including food, water, medical supplies and construction materials to drop off locations actively involved with hurricane relief and recovery efforts.

    More than 275,000 hurricane victims are or have benefited from the 145 cash grants that Operation Blessings has given to 136 faith based organizations in the states of AL, FL, LA, MS, TX and VA. A total of $2,632,000 has been given to these OBI partners. The funds are being used for everything from construction materials and debris removal items to food, toiletries and gas cards.


    Operation Blessing's efforts to help hurricane victims get back in their homes is picking up momentum. The Army Corps of Engineers is so impressed with OBI's tree/debris removal and roof repair operation that they have agreed to send teams of AmeriCorps volunteers to assist them.

    The first team, 18 volunteers from Montana, arrived in Slidell, Louisiana on Saturday. Within minutes of arrival, they were put to work erecting a 40'X70' tent on OBI's Slidell headquarters parking lot. The tent will house an inbound team of 50 skilled Mennonite men who will also work with OBI for the next several months. The mayor and people of Slidell are thankful OBI is in Slidell for the long term.

    Beginning Sunday, the AmeriCorps team will join OBI's crews and be supervised by foremen provided by OBI's partner, The Christian Contractors Association. OBI will house and feed the Montana team until 10/23 when they will rotate out and be replaced by a fresh AmeriCorps team.

    Operation Blessing removed 20 trees from five houses on Friday. One house had a huge pine tree that had crashed through the roof. The owner said a contractor quoted $11,000 to remove the tree. OBI's crane and the CCA crew cut the tree up and removed it from the house in 30 minutes.


    Operation Blessing's new 18-ton crane began removing trees off of hurricane damaged roofs in Slidell, LA yesterday. The crane is being manned by an experienced crew from OBI's Florida-based partner, Christian Contractors Association. There are hundreds of homes in Slidell with large trees on their roofs. Roof repair is impossible until the trees are removed. Unscrupulous contractors have descended on Slidell and are gouging elderly and beleaguered storm victims as much as $7,000 per tree. OBI will do the work for free and their volunteer crews will come behind the crane with a tarp and/or repair the roofs.

    More than 125,000 hurricane victims are benefiting from the 105 cash grants that Operation Blessings has given to 99 faith based organizations in the states of AL, FL, LA, MS, TX and VA. A total of $2,102,550 has been given to these OBI partners. The funds are being used for everything from cleaning supplies to construction materials, food, toiletries, cots, and phone and gas cards.


    On Thursday, OBI concluded mobile kitchen feeding operations in Kountze, Texas. A local Baptist church is now able to feed those still needing hot meals. The County Judge said OBI's quick response to his urgent plea was a blessing that will never be forgotten.

    This morning, OBI senior staff met with the judge and a group of Kountze area pastors to discuss the need and distribute cash grants that will assist local churches in relief and recovery efforts.

    Today the OBI mobile kitchen is moving to Metairie, Louisiana. This community is on the north side of the Mississippi River and on the edge of New Orleans. OBI's local partner, Victory Fellowship Church, is on higher ground and serving thousands of returning victims. OBI's kitchen will help Victory Fellowship be able to expand their emergency food services to thousands of more individuals that are returning to flood-ravaged New Orleans.

    To date, more than 100,000 hurricane victims have benefited from the 102 cash grants that Operation Blessings has given to 96 faith based organizations in the states of AL, FL, LA, MS, TX and VA. A total of $2,065,050 has been given to these OBI partners. These funds are being used for everything from cleaning supplies to construction materials, food, toiletries, cots, and phone and gas cards.


    OBI's fleet of Hunger Strike Force trucks has delivered 5.3 million pounds or 143 truckloads of relief supplies including food, water, diapers and construction materials to drop off locations actively involved with hurricane relief and recovery efforts.

    These items are helping OBI's mobile kitchen and multiple of The Salvation Army's canteens to be able to serve hot meals to hundreds of thousands of victims every day as well as give 5,000 families (every week) who are returning to their homes a food box that will last at least four days.

    To date, more than 70,000 hurricane victims have benefited from the 94 cash grants that Operation Blessings has given to 99 faith based organizations in the states of AL, FL, LA, MS, TX and VA. A total of $2,036,650 has been given to these OBI partners. These funds are being used for everything from cleaning supplies to construction materials, food, toiletries, cots, and phone and gas cards.


    Yesterday OBI crews continued with debris removal and roof repair in Slidell, LA and the surrounding communities.

    The Army Corps told OBI President Bill Horan that countless roof repair jobs on are on hold because large trees need to be removed. OBI has purchased a 18-ton capacity rough-terrain crane. The machine will be delivered Monday and be put to work immediately. Once the crane lifts the trees off the roofs, OBI and FEMA crews will patch holes and make repairs.   

    OBI's fleet of Hunger Strike Force trucks delivered five truckloads of relief yesterday. This included two loads of chili to be included in The Salvation Army's food boxes and one load of diapers and paper products to a partner in San Antonio, TX. To date, OBI has delivered 5.3 million pounds or 143 truckloads of food, water, building supplies and other essential goods.


    To date, 88 faith based organizations actively involved with hurricane relief and in the states of LA, MS, AL, TX, FL and VA have received cash grants valuing a total of $1,904,350 from Operation Blessing. These funds are being used for items including cleaning supplies, construction materials, food, toiletries and gas cards.

    OBI's fleet of Hunger Strike Force trucks has delivered 5.2 million pounds or 140 truckloads of food, water, building supplies and other essential goods. Thanks to this food and OBI's partners, tens of thousands of victims and their families will receive a hot meal today.

    Cars in Kountze, TX line up to receive hot meals at OBI's mobile kitchen

    Cars in Kountze, TX line up to receive hot meals at OBI's mobile kitchen


    Troopers and hurricane victims in Kountze, TX are thrilled that OBI's mobile kitchen has begun to serve hot meals. Living without electricity, running water or food since Hurricane Rita hit, cars line up by the hundreds with drivers eagerly anticipating their turn to receive the prepared food. 

    Led by Sam Constantine, over 70 volunteers made up OBI's debris removal and blue roof crews yesterday. With a list of elderly, infirm and handicapped hurricane victims needing roof repairs, the crews have almost completed 130 jobs with the help of their partner Seabees.

    OBI president Bill Horan continues to work with the Army Corps of Engineers to ensure that those who don't qualify for roof repair from other sources, will still receive emergency assistance. The Army Corps of Engineers will be sending OBI loads of tarps, furring strips, nails and tape to help with this effort.


    After successfully meeting Katrina victims' needs for emergency food and water in Slidell, LA, Operation Blessing's 53' mobile kitchen traveled four-and-a-half hours to its new destination yesterday. OBI has set up operations in the parking lot of Kountze High School in Kountze, TX. Last week Hurricane Rita's destructive eye passed directly over them. Residents in Hardin County don't have food, water, power or fuel. This morning two Hunger Strike Force trucks are delivering food to support the kitchen, and OBI partner Kenneth Copeland Ministries is delivering two more truckloads of food later today.

    In Slidell, LA, OBI has transitioned from relief efforts to recovery efforts. The goal will now be to help people return to their homes as quickly as possible via debris removal, cleaning and repair.

    Yesterday OBI signed a six-month lease agreement securing a new  22,000-square-foot warehouse in Slidell. OBI now has a huge paved parking lot to park trucks and RVs as well as can store relief supplies inside, house the medical clinic and provide sleeping quarters for volunteers willing to sleep on cots. OBI president Bill Horan commented, "This warehouse is a huge blessing and will enable OBI to better serve this area as well as provide logistic support for new Texan outreach."

    Today OBI is sending a crew to fix the roof's of victims including a metal roof on a mobile home belonging to an 80-year-old man. This need came to their attention when The Army Corps of Engineers officer in charge of St. Tammany Parish, LA asked them to do blue roof repair and debris removal for victims who, for a variety of technical reasons, do not qualify for FEMA roof repair assistance.

    OBI's fleet of Hunger Strike Force trucks has delivered 5.1 million pounds or 135 truckloads of food, water, building supplies and other essential goods. Thanks to this food and OBI's partners, tens of thousands of victims and their families will receive a hot meal today.


    OBI's 53' mobile kitchen is on its way to Kountze, Texas. Local officials are desperate and report no electricity, food, water or fuel. County officials as well as State Police have asked us for immediate help. The kitchen will be set up in a high school parking lot where Texas State troopers are camped. Firemen and public workers will begin delivering meals to families throughout Kountze as early as tomorrow.


    Operation Blessing’s disaster relief teams and partnering organizations are working throughout the weekend in hurricane affected areas. Over the last month, OBI's fleet of Hunger Strike Force trucks has delivered 4.9 million pounds or 132 truckloads of food, water, building supplies and other essential goods. Thanks to this food and OBI's partners, tens of thousands of victims and their families will receive a hot meal today.

    To date, 82 faith based organizations actively involved with hurricane relief and in the states of LA, MS, AL, TX, FL and VA have received cash grants valuing a total of $1,845,150 from Operation Blessing. These funds are being used for items including cleaning supplies, construction materials, food, toiletries and gas cards.


    Operation Blessing’s Hunger Strike Force trucks have now topped 4.9 million in the pounds of hurricane relief supplies delivered to those in need.  These 131 truckloads of food, water and other essential goods are an integral part of relief efforts.

    OBI has given more than 1.8 million dollars in cash grants to 81 organizations and churches supplying hurricane relief services throughout the areas impacted by Hurricane Katrina.


    This in from OBI's President Bill Horan...
    It’s 5AM in Slidell, Louisiana, and I am writing this in a travel trailer shuddering from the buffeting of early winds announcing the arrival of an unwelcome invader named Rita. The approach of the Hurricane has most of Louisiana and much of Texas in a state of fearful panic. People still reeling from Katrina’s devastation are once again evacuating and preparing for the worst. Our team in Slidell is hunkered down, waiting and praying that the storm does not hit hard.

    Late yesterday we moved all of our people, partnering medical team, mobile kitchen, trucks, and supplies across town to a solidly built warehouse. The building is on higher ground than our feeding site and farther from the rising waters of Lake Ponchatrain. We have our RVs and Travel trailers snug against the building, supplies stored inside and if we need it, safe haven inside the windowless structure built of block and brick.

    Today we wait… and we pray for the thousands of people whose lives are already upside down, and for those about to experience the wrath of yet another terrible storm. Whatever happens, with the Grace of God and the support of faithful donors, we will respond with swift and effective relief. - Bill Horan

    As massive Hurricane Rita continues to plow toward the Texas coast, Operation Blessing is rushing relief supplies to staging areas and preparing to respond immediately after the storm makes landfall. OBI leadership is coordinating with local and national officials to ensure the fastest and most effective response to help those in need.

    Six new cash grants were provided yesterday by OBI to organizations and churches supplying hurricane relief services throughout the areas impacted by Hurricane Katrina. Operation Blessings cash grant totals have now surpassed $1.6 million for direct disaster relief projects.

    OBI Hunger Strike Force tractor trailer trucks continue to canvass the disaster-stricken Gulf Coast and yesterday delivered blue tarps, cots, clean-up kits, food and other supplies to storm victims and humanitarian partners for immediate distribution. 127 truckloads of relief goods have been delivered so far.


    Operation Blessing’s Hunger Strike Force trucks have now topped 4.4 million in the pounds of hurricane relief supplies delivered to those in need.  These 119 truckloads of food, water and other essential goods are an integral part of relief efforts.


    Operation Blessing is closely monitoring the progression of powerful Hurricane Rita. OBI leadership is scheduled to be on the ground in Houston, Texas, tomorrow for pre-storm assessment and staging of supplies.

    Meanwhile, relief activities for Hurricane Katrina continue to expand. Sixty-six cash grants totaling $1,269,500 have been given by Operation Blessing to churches and other grassroots organization working on disaster recovery projects.

    OBI continues its direct support of Salvation Army feeding operations, supplying truckloads of food daily to fixed and mobile feeding sites. In addition to food and provisions, Operation Blessing trucks are shipping diapers, hygiene supplies, blue tarps and additional items throughout the affected areas.

    Yesterday, the Mayor of Slidell, Louisiana, requested that Operation Blessing assist in an emergency "blue roof" project that involves installing tarps on houses with damaged roofs. There is an urgent need for roof protection since many area homes that suffered only roof damage are susceptible to serious damage if it rains. FEMA contractors are working frantically in the area, but cannot possibly reach the thousands of homes in time. The situation is especially daunting due to oncoming hurricane Rita and predicted heavy rains.

    OBI then obtained 200 tarps from a faith-based partner and purchased ladders, saws, hammers, nails and wooden furring strips and had two volunteer crews fully engaged within hours of the request. This morning, five crews are working, focusing first on homes owned by handicapped, and 1,100 additional tarps are scheduled for delivery later today.


    Operation Blessing’s Hunger Strike Force trucks have now topped 4 million in the pounds of hurricane relief supplies delivered to those in need.  These 109 truckloads of food, water and other essential goods are an integral part of relief efforts, including one truckload of first aid kits, soap and other hygiene items and water supplied directly to the 82nd Airborne unit in New Orleans, Louisiana. As the largest parachute force in the world, this military contingent is assisting with medical care and immunizations for hurricane victims as they return home. 

    New cash grants have been given to churches in Mississippi and Louisiana to fund constructions supplies, food and gas vouchers, debris removal and more.


    To date, Operation Blessing has granted over $1 million for Hurricane Katrina relief to local churches and organizations providing services to those affected by the disaster. With services spanning four states and utilizing numerous denominations, hundreds of volunteers are working round-the-clock to supply shelter, food, clothes, bedding and an array of essential items to displaced families and individuals.


    Today, OBI's Hunger Strike Force delivered its 100th truckload of relief supplies to hurricane victims. This amounts to 3,667,592 pounds.


    To date, more than three million pounds of food, water and relief products have been delivered by OBI’s Hunger Strike Force trucks in 88 shipments.

    Yesterday, Operation Blessing issued $90,000 in new grant monies for churches and organizations working in hurricane relief. OBI is providing essential funding to these agencies that are leading multifaceted relief and recovery efforts, including supplying water, groceries, cleaning supplies, debris removal and roof repair.


    Yesterday, Operation Blessing volunteers served 6,600 meals to hurricane victims in Slidell, Louisiana. Along with hot meals, local residents can receive ice, water, canned goods, and other supplies, along with medical care, at OBI’s unique multi-purpose relief site.

    To date, Operation Blessing has also granted more than $700,000 for Hurricane Katrina relief to local churches and organizations providing services to those affected by the disaster. With services spanning four states and utilizing numerous denominations, hundreds of volunteers are working round-the-clock to supply shelter, food, clothes, bedding and an array of essential items to displaced families and individuals. Funds from OBI are helping to support that work directly.


    Operation Blessing now has a medical clinic on site at the mobile kitchen in Slidell, Louisiana. Volunteer doctors and nurses from as far away as California are staffing the facility and have already treated a variety of patients with services such as tetanus shots, stitching up injuries and treatment for dehydration. Many hurricane victims coming to the clinic are also in need of essential medications such as insulin, which OBI is providing funds to supply.

    Three OBI tractor trailers loaded with antibiotics and medical supplies arrived in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, for delivery to the LSU Health Care System. These vital goods will be an integral part of medical relief efforts in this community which has almost doubled in population since floodwaters saturated nearby New Orleans.


    Partner churches and agencies in Louisiana and Mississippi were supplied three truckloads of diapers from Operation Blessing for young children affected by Hurricane Katrina. Meanwhile, two truckloads of mixed food products were delivered to the Salvation Army site in Biloxi, Mississippi, and the LSU Health Care System received three truckloads of medicine from OBI.

    Operation Blessing sent 800 cots to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and also ordered 9,400 blankets for both Baton Rouge and Houston relief efforts.

    OBI’s mobile kitchen in Slidell, Louisiana, continues to provide hot meals to thousands of disaster victims three times a day.


    Today volunteers at OBI's 53-foot mobile kitchen served 4,200 meals to survivors, US Army infantrymen and Marines in Slidell, LA.

    Operation Blessing awarded four more cash grants
    to partnering organizations in Gulfport, MS as well as Zachary, Gonzales and Robert, LA. Funds will be used to purchase school supplies for evacuee children, food vouchers, medicine, debris removal, baby items and hot meals.

    OBI's Hunger Strike Force has delivered 50 truckloads
    of food, beverages and relief supplies totaling 2,042,449 pounds.

    Today, a total of four truckloads of ready-made sandwiches, canned vegetables and beef stew were delivered to OBI's feeding kitchen in Slidell, LA.

    Multiple truckloads of food and beverages were delivered to locations in Arkansas, Georgia and Texas
    that are feeding thousands of evacuees.


    Volunteers at OBI's 53-foot mobile kitchen in Slidell, LA served 3,850 meals today. Among those served were 400 US Marines who arrived to help in the area.

    Yesterday, six grants were awarded
    to partnering churches and agencies in both Louisiana and Mississippi. Funds will purchase food and shelter provisions. One grant will help the Lighthouse Christian Center (LCC) in Galliano, LA assist communities like Grand Isles, LA. LCC is also working with the mayor to help feed the police, fire and rescue teams.

    OBI's Hunger Strike Force has delivered 37 truckloads
    of food, beverages and relief supplies totaling 1,474,489 pounds.

    OBI is continuing to support mass feeding projects run by The Salvation Army and Southern Baptist throughout the Gulf region.


    OBI's 53-foot mobile kitchen and three supporting trailers arrived in Slidell, LA. Preparations are being made to be able to begin to feed people on Friday. The mayor is thrilled that OBI is there because this demolished city has received very little assistance so far.

    To date, 18 hurricane relief grants have been awarded
    to partnering agencies in Houston, Dallas, Kountze, San Antonio and Beaumont, Texas. Funding is being used to purchase blankets, bedding, toiletries, baby supplies, food, clothing, gasoline vouchers and grocery vouchers for evacuees.

    OBI's Hunger Strike Force has delivered 28 truckloads of food, beverages and relief supplies totaling 1,128,078 pounds.

    OBI is delivering medicines to the newly established LSU Hospital warehouse and triage location in Zachary, LA today.

    OBI is continuing to support mass feeding projects run by The Salvation Army and Southern Baptist throughout the Gulf region.


    The Hunger Strike Force picked up and delivered two truckloads of frozen chicken to The Salvation Army's cold storage in Hattiesburg, MS.

    Delivered one truckload of food to Long Beach, MS
    and one truckload of food to Slidell, LA in support of relief efforts.

    OBI is continuing to support mass feeding projects run by The Salvation Army and Southern Baptist throughout the Gulf region.


    Operation Blessing's 53-foot mobile kitchen is on its way to Slidell, Louisiana. It will be set-up for operation on Friday.

    OBI has secured two helicopters and one DC-3 to provide logistic support and command control. Medicine was delivered to areas in need and stranded victims from Slidell, LA were evacuated to a safe location.

    As of today, Operation Blessing's Hunger Strike Force
    has delivered a total of 24 truckloads of food, drinks and relief supplies totaling 958,284 pounds.

    Operation Blessing is continuing to support mass feeding projects run by The Salvation Army and Southern Baptist throughout the Gulf region.

    5,000 cots and 10,000 blankets have been ordered for Operation Blessing staff to place in hurricane evacuee shelters.


    Yesterday, over 660 families received food and gift cards
    at one of OBI's outreach centers in Houston, Texas.

    1,000 cots arrived last night in Houston.
    They are being distributed today.

    Operation Blessing is transporting a mobile medical clinic
    from Houston, TX to Picyune, MS. Houston doctors will man the clinic and provide free medical treatment to hurricane victims.

    280 gift cards were given to Beaumont
    area pastors to distribute to hurricane evacuees living in shelters.

    Three grants were given to partners
    helping hurricane victims in Dallas and Houston, Texas.

    Every day 490 people
    are being fed hot meals and/or given food and clothing at the Hosanna Church in Houston.


    As of September 2nd, the Hunger Strike Force has delivered a total of 23 truckloads of food, drinks and relief supplies totaling 920,969 pounds.

    Operation Blessing gave a cash grant to People That Care in Dallas to support a feeding program for evacuees located in the Reunion Center.

    700+ families have received food/gas vouchers and/or clothing from Operation Blessing partner Somebody Cares Houston.

    Every day 490 people are being fed hot meals and/or given food and clothing at the Hosanna Church in Houston.

    5,000 disposable blankets and pillow cases have been ordered to be used with cots already at Somebody Cares Houston - will arrive Saturday morning.


    Operation Blessing Hunger Strike Force trucks continued transportation and delivery of emergency equipment, food and supplies to The Salvation Army in support of mass feeding programs in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

    Satellite Phones were secured for OBI staff to carry into hardest hit areas where cell service is out. Phones will be made available for free use of storm victims, giving them an opportunity to call loved ones who may not know that they are alive.

    Heavy-duty generators have been purchased for Louisiana and Mississippi churches acting as shelters for evacuees in areas where power is out.

    Hundreds of cots have also been bought for use in Houston churches acting as evacuee shelters. OBI’s partner Somebody Cares Houston has been given a cash grant for purchase of food, cots, blankets, and hygiene supplies for network of (20) churches housing evacuees.

    Operation Blessing gave a cash grant to Church of God Disaster Relief for support of feeding kitchen and debris removal in Gulf Port, Mississippi. Additionally, frozen chicken and food was delivered by OBI to The Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge, LA for mass feeding of victims. The Healing Place is also serving as drop-off and distribution point for donations of food and clothing and supporting teams of volunteers for debris removal.

    OBI gave a cash grant to Hosanna Church for groceries, food vouchers and baby supplies to be distributed to evacuees in east Houston. Hosanna serves as drop-off point for local food and clothing donations.

    Operation Blessing gave a cash grant to Community in Action for purchase of food vouchers, clothing and baby supplies. This Houston volunteer organization has mobile teams focused on helping evacuees housed in Houston motels and hotels. OBI also funded $10,000 to Somebody Cares Beaumont, TX to assist them in care of 1,200 evacuees housed in Ford Center.


    OBI's partner outreach center Somebody Cares Houston (SCH) is coordinating efforts to accommodate thousands of refugees streaming into Houston from New Orleans. Many refugees have been in Houston for days and are out of money. Dozens of churches are acting as shelters and calling SCH for cash and supplies. OBI wired $50,000 to them yesterday for cots, blankets, food and water. SCH is also providing cash vouchers for groceries, and OBI sent staff to Houston last night to assist SCH in coordination efforts.

    In Baton Rouge, OBI partner outreach center Johnny Green's The Healing Place Church reports 100,000 refugees now in Baton Rouge. THPC is feeding thousands of meals a day. OBI sent two truckloads of food yesterday and will send more today.

    Salvation Army is feeding on the fringes of New Orleans, Hattiesburg, Gulfport, Long Beach, Mobile and other locations. OBI trucks support these and other Salvation Army and Southern Baptist relief efforts.


    The National Guard still has the hardest hit areas sealed off in all three states. OBI trucks are waiting along with other relief groups to be able to move into the disaster-ravaged regions. Strategy meetings continue with FEMA and other relief groups.

    Truckloads of food, water and emergency supplies were delivered to Salvation Army staging areas in Baton Rouge, Hattiesburg, Jackson and Pensacola.


    With the magnitude of Hurricane Katrina’s destruction still unfolding, Operation Blessing teams are on the ground along the U.S. Gulf Coast. Hardest hit areas are Mississippi and Louisiana. New Orleans is inundated with floodwaters.

    OBI is collaborating with emergency officials and making final assessments of the heavily-impacted areas. Together with partner agencies like the Salvation Army, a large-scale disaster response is unfolding.

    Truckloads of food and mobile kitchen equipment have been delivered by OBI to Salvation Army staging areas in Mississippi, Louisiana and Florida.


    Hurricane Katrina came ashore this morning with destructive fury. Winds topped 145 mph and torrential rainfall inflicted widespread damage and flooding along the U.S. Gulf Coast.

    With urgent needs continuing to emerge, Operation Blessing's disaster relief team is readying a large-scale response throughout the affected areas. Six of Operation Blessing’s tractor trailer trucks have been dispatched to pick up food, cleaning kits and relief supplies for delivery to those impacted by the storm.

    As damage assessment continues, OBI is working with local churches and other non profits to determine strategic and effective ways to bring aid to those struggling to cope in the aftermath of the brutal hurricane.

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    Who is Operation Blessing?

    An international humanitarian aid organization dedicated to alleviating human need and suffering by providing food, water, medicine and disaster relief to those in need.

    Contact Operation Blessing online or by phone at 1-800-730-2537

    Charity Navigator, America's premier charity evaluator, has awarded Operation Blessing four stars, its highest rating.



    Efficiency Over 99.3% of OBI’s spending goes toward humanitarian programs.


    Operation Blessing International is ranked as one of the top 50 charities in the USA by the NonProfit Times.


    High ValueFor every $10 you give, it helps us secure more than $100 of donated food and relief supplies (10 to 1 return on your charitable investment).
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