Robert W. Freckmann Herbarium
University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point

Vascular Plants

Plants of Wisconsin


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Wildflowers of Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest  

Sample PDF   -  Publisher has sold out!
Copies are still available at some retail outlets
Watch for the second edition  - details to follow soon

Thomas A. Meyer
Conservation Biologist
State Natural Areas Program
Bureau of Endangered Resources
WI Dept.of Natural Resources
"..fine publication! Wildflowers of Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest fills a really deep void. Thanks to you both for producing an accurate, usable guide to our flora. This one will undoubtedly find its way into the backpacks of many a naturalist --neophyte and professional alike."
Robert E. Lee
Rockland, WI
Quoted from the Coulee Times


 "...unlike anything I had ever seen before...Filled with high-quality pictures of hundreds of plants I knew - and a few that I had never seen before! And the pictures weren't restricted to only one view per plant. There were many supplementary photos showing diagnostic characteristics of difficult species. And, for every species, there was a little map of Wisconsin counties showing which counties constituted the range of species in our state. Without those maps, the uninitiated could spend a lot of time looking for some species in all the wrong places! There is also a very pithy text for each plant described in this volume....This book is meant for field use, and it's a dandy!"
Eric Epstein
Heritage Ecologist, Wisconsin DNR
"The format works (and I HATE icons), and I'm amazed and pleased that you found so many good images of obscure and overlooked species. For the most part, the size of the photos is sufficient, and the images are sharp with good color.  It's a bargain, crams an incredible amount of information into a small space, and (from the geezer contingent) is compact enough to be a great field companion for those of us who are now looking for every opportunity to shed gear. I'm going to recommend the book to our 5 Regional Ecologists."
Andrew L. Hipp
Herbarium Curator
The Morton Arboretum
Chicago, Ill
"I am sometimes asked, "what is the single best wildflower book for the Midwest?" I've just received a copy of a book by two Wisconsin colleagues that may be the answer to that question: Wildflowers of Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest. The book answers Courtney and Zimmerman's old (and out of print) Wildflowers and Weeds with current nomenclature, more thorough descriptions, and >50% more species (1087 in all, with >2100 photographs). If you're looking for wildflowers, this will be a great book to carry with you, maybe the book."
Matthew L. Wagner
Langlade/Lincoln County Shoreland Protection Specialist
"I have three words to describe Wildflowers of Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest: Bar None Excellent! I love the fact that each plant has colored photographs, county status, and the definition of the Latin nomenclature. I think that this book can be useful for dyed in the wool plant nerds to the average individual. I will gladly recommend this book to the shoreland property owners of both Langlade and Lincoln Counties. Good work and congratulations"
Dr. Hugh Iltis
Professor Emeritus of Botany
Director of the Wisconsin State Herbarium from 1955-1995
“Congratulations on your amazing, and fact-filled (geography!) book, you did it, and more, too!”
Calumet, Michigan

"Your new book arrived today. The book looks wonderful! I'll definitely carry it around and show it to people I know (also will bring to a local bookstore)."

Milwaukee, WI
"Congratulations! The book is excellent, and will have a permanent spot in my bookcase (between Gray and Britton & Brown)..."
Washburn, Wisconsin
"I ordered a copy of your new book the other day and just received my copy of it today. I just wanted to let you know that I am very impressed with it! The book really incorporates a number of nice features such as range maps, rarity of plants, clear pictures, to-the-point plant descriptions, good keys and like Dr. Freckmann said the benefit of having the UWSP herbarium website in the field with you."
Kay Yatskievych
Missouri Botanical Garden
"I got my copy of the Wildflowers of Wisconsin yesterday. It looks great!"
"I showed my mom the WI wildflower book last night and she said it was "pretty" and "had a very nice layout". I think the best compliment was that she said "Even I could use it to identify plants". So, that's a good thing to hear!"
"I've have heard nothing but praise for your book. I even had one woman (who had called me about ordering the book) tell me that the book was so wonderful that she was honored to have her daughter attending the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Though I'm a bit biased, I don't believe I've ever seen as good a field guide to wildflowers. You have much to be proud of."
Middleton, Wisconsin
"The book is such a pleasure. I spent several hours last evening just reading through it. I talked to a friend and he said he didn't get any of his work done for four hours this morning because he was too wound up in reading it. We're really excited about it."
Madison, Wisconsin
"I am so impressed with the book, it is just fantastic."
Neil Harriman
"Yesterday's mail brought a copy of your magnificent Wildflowers of Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest. The color reproduction is really excellent. I can only imagine the trouble you took to find all these excellent photographs. The decision to adopt the names in FNA was inevitable, and I like how you handled that problem in the introductory material on page vi."
Bagley, Wisconsin
"I have a new favorite book! Finally those tattered old Wildflowers and Weeds can get resting spots on the bookshelf. Very, very, VERY nicely done. A huge contribution to the field. I can't wait for the growing season to take it into the field!"
Dr. Robert Freckmann
UW-Stevens Point
"Wildflowers of Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest by Merel Black and Emmet Judziewicz sets a new standard for wildflower books. This new book, published by Cornerstone Press and the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point Press, covers 1087 species, including essentially every plant species in Wisconsin that might be considered a wildflower. The book includes over 2100 color photographs, and 300 drawings, showing the important characters for identification." [more]
Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin
"It was so good to see that we FINALLY have a book on wildflowers of Wisconsin."

Vascular Plants

Plants of Wisconsin


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