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About the Connecticut Botanical Society

We are a group of amateur and professional botanists who share an interest in the plants and habitats of Connecticut and the surrounding region. The society was founded in 1903. Our goals are to increase knowledge of the state's flora, to accumulate a permanent botanical record, and to promote conservation and public awareness of the state's rich natural heritage.

Botanical Society Activities

  • We run field trips, led by knowledgeable botanists, on weekends from spring to fall. The trips provide a great opportunity to learn about wild plants and about the state's diverse ecosystems. Field Trip Schedule.

  • Meetings are held in spring and autumn, each with an illustrated lecture by a naturalist or other scientist. Next meeting.

  • We publish a quarterly Newsletter with botanical articles and news.

  • We maintain the Connecticut Botanical Society Herbarium, a "dried plant library" with over 36,000 sheets of plants. This collection records the changing distribution of Connecticut flora.

  • Notable Trees, a joint project with Connecticut College Arboretum and the Connecticut Urban Forest Council, tracks the state's historic trees and its largest trees.

A Passion for Plants: The First Century of the Connecticut Botanical Society

In 2003, the Connecticut Botanical Society celebrated its 100th anniversary! The century's activities are chronicled in A Passion for Plants: The First Century of the Connecticut Botanical Society, a book by Lauren Brown. This illustrated history of CBS describes the extraordinary skill and dedication of its founders - few of them professional botanists - and the combination of change and stability that has enabled the Society to continue its contributions to "a thorough knowledge of the state's flora." Also included are vignettes on selected individual members. To obtain a copy, send a check for $14.00 to:
Connecticut Botanical Society
P.O. Box 9004
New Haven, CT 06532-0004


Connecticut Botanical Society is open to anyone interested in plants, conservation, and natural history. Non-members are welcome to attend our field trips and meetings before joining. Membership information. white oak leaf

For More Information

Carol Lemmon, President
(203) 488-7813

Last updated March 6, 2008. Images © 2000, 2001 Janet Novak.