Consumer Confidence Reports | Region 10 | US EPA

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Consumer Confidence Reports

Community Water Systems are required by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) to prepare annual "consumer confidence reports" on the source of their drinking water and the levels of contaminants found, in the drinking water. Consumers must be notified by mail. The report must include:

1. Information on the source of drinking water
2. Brief definitions of terms
3. The MCLG, MCL and the level found
4. Information on health effects
5. Information on the levels of unregulated contaminants.

Consumer Confidence Reports, Final Rule (PDF) - published in the Federal Register, Vol. 63, No. 160, page 44512.

If you have questions about definitions, terms or acronyms used on this Webpage visit Drinking Water Glossary

Contact: Wendy Marshall (206) 553-1890

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