An Interactive Guide for Land Managers

Research and on the ground experiences have clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of utilizing sheep and goats as a weed management tool. Targeted sheep and goat grazing rivals traditional chemical and mechanical control methods for the management of deleterious invasive plants including, but not limited to:

  1. Leafy spurge
  2. Spotted knapweed
  3. Yellow starthistle
  4. Cheatgrass
  5. Saltcedar
  6. Kudzu

Viewed as environmentally friendly alternative, land managers often achieve better results using targeted grazing, especially in the vast roadless areas. Like any other tool when misapplied, livestock grazing can cause harm instead of repair. Well implemented, targeted grazing removes weeds, leaves no chemical residue, and increases biodiversity.

Sponsored by

American Sheep Industry Association

American Land and Resources Foundation

National Sheep Industry Improvement Center

Joe Skeen Institute for Rangeland Restoration

Montana Sheep Institute


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