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KBS Recent Publications 2002- present

Agrawal AA, Conner JK, Johnson MTJ, Wallsgrove R. 2002. Ecological genetics of an induced plant defense against herbivores: Additive genetic variance and costs of phenotypic plasticity. Evolution 56: 2206-2213.

Agrawal AA, Kosola KR, Parry D. 2002. Gypsy moth defoliation and N fertilization affect hybrid poplar regeneration following coppicing. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 32: 1491-1495.

Agrawal AA, Conner J, Stinchcombe J. 2004. Evolution of plant resistance and tolerance to frost damage. Ecology Letters 7: 1199-1208.

Ambus P, Robertson GP. 2006. The Effect of increased N deposition on nitrous oxide, methane, and carbon dioxide fluxes from unmanaged forest and grassland communities in Michigan. Biogeochemistry 79: 315-337.

Basso B, Ritchie JT. 2005. Impact of compost, manure and inorganic fertilizer on nitrate leaching and yield for a 6-year maize -alfalfa rotation in Michigan. Agriculture Ecosystems, and the Environment 108: 329-341.

Beaulieu JJ, Arango CP, Hamilton SK, Tank JL. 2008. The production and emission of nitrous oxide from headwater streams in the midwestern United States. Global Change Biology 14: 878-894.

Becker C, Boersma M. 2007. Effects of essential fatty acids on the reproduction of a generalist herbivore. Journal of Plankton Research 29: 463-470.

Bergsma TT, Robertson GP, Ostrom NE. 2002. Influence of soil moisture and land use history on denitrification end-products. Journal of Environmental Quality 31: 711-717.

Bird GW. 2003. Role of integrated pest management and sustainable development. Pages 73-85 in Maredia KS DD, Mota-Sanchez D,, ed. Integrated Pest Management in the Global Arena. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: CABI Publishing.

Bird GW, Harwood RR, Sanchez JE, Berney MF, Smeenk J, Smith JJ. 2004. Role of nematodes in nutrient cycling. Phytopathology 94: 129.

Bird GW, Brewer MJ. 2006. Innovative integrated pest management for sustainable systems. Pages 25-49 in Francis CR PC, Bird GW, ed. Developing and Extending Sustainable Agriculture: A New Social Contract. Binghampton, New York, USA: Haworth Press.

Birdsley J. 2002. Phylogeny of the tyrant flycatchers…. Auk 119: 715-734.

Blackwood CB, Marsh T, Kim SH, Paul EA. 2003. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism data analysis for quantitative comparison of microbial communities. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69: 926-932.

Blackwood CB, Paul EA. 2003. Eubacterial community structure and population size within the soil light fraction, rhizosphere, and heavy fraction of several agricultural systems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 35: 1245-1255.

Blackwood CB, Dell CJ, Smucker AJ, Paul EA. 2006. Eubacterial communities in different soil macroaggregate environments and cropping systems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38: 720-728.

Bradshaw HD, Schemske DW. 2003. Allele substitution at a flower colour locus produces a pollinator shift in monkeyflowers. Nature 426: 176-178.

Brassil CE. 2006. Can environmental variation generate positive indirect effects in a model of shared predation? American Naturalist 167: 43-54.

Buckley DH, Schmidt TM. 2002. Exploring the diversity of soil - a microbial rainforest. Pages 183-208 in Staley JT RA, ed. Biodiversity of Microbial Life: Foundation of Earth's Biosphere. New York, New York, USA: Wiley.

Buckley DH, Schmidt TM. 2003. Diversity and dynamics of microbial communities in soils from agroecosystems. Environmental Microbiology 5: 441-452.

Bunn SE, Thoms MC, Hamilton SK, Capon SJ. 2006. Flow variability in dryland rivers: Boom, bust and the bits in between. River Research and Applications 22: 179-186.

Burgin AJ, Hamilton SK. 2007. Have we overemphasized the role of denitrification in aquatic ecosystems? A review of nitrate removal pathways. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5: 89-96.

Butler R, et al. 2007. Cyberinfrastructure for the analysis of ecological acoustic sensor data: a use case study in grid deployment. Cluster Computing 10: 301-310.

Cáceres CE, Tessier AJ. 2003. How long to rest:  the ecology of optimal dormancy and environmental constraint. Ecology 84: 1189-1198.

Cáceres CE, Tessier AJ. 2004. To sink or swim: Variable diapause strategies among Daphnia species. Limnology and Oceanography 49: 1333-1340.

Cáceres CE, Tessier AJ. 2004. Incidence of diapause varies among populations of Daphnia pulicaria. Oecologia 141: 425-431.

Cáceres CE, Hall SR, Duffy MA, Tessier AJ, Helmle C, MacIntyre S. 2006. Physical structure of lakes constrains epidemics in Daphnia populations. Ecology 87: 1438-1444.

Cáceres CE, Christoff AN, Boeing. WJ. 2007. Variation in ephippial buoyancy in Daphnia pulicaria. . Freshwater Biology 52: 313-318.

Caldeira K, Morgan MG, Baldocchi D, Brewer PG, Chen CTA, Nabuurs G-J, N.Nakicenovic, Robertson GP. 2004. A portfolio of carbon management options. Pages 103-130 in Field CB, Raupach MR, eds. The Global Carbon Cycle: Intergrating Humans, Climate, and the Natural World. New York, New York,: Island Press.

Chase JM, Leibold MA. 2002. Spatial scale dictates the productivity-diversity relationship. Nature 416: 427-430.

Chase JM. 2003. Experimental evidence for alternative stable equilibria in a benthic pond food web. Ecology Letters 6: 733-741.

Chase JM. 2003. Strong and Weak Trophic Cascades Along a Productivity Gradient. Oikos 101: 187-195.

Cohen GM, Shurin. JB. 2003. Scale-dependence and mechanisms of dispersal infreshwater zooplankton. Oikos 103: 603-617.

Conner JK, Neumeier R. 2002. The effects of ultraviolet-B radiation and intraspecific competition on growth, pollination success, and lifetime female fitness in Phacelia campanularia and P. purshii (Hydrophyllaceae). American Journal of Botany 89: 103-110.

Conner J. 2002. Genetic mechanisms of floral trait correlations in a natural population. Nature 420: 407-410.

Conner JK, Rice AM, Stewart C, Morgan MT. 2003. Patterns and mechanisms of selection on a family-diagnostic trait: evidence from experimental manipulation and lifetime fitness selection gradients. Evolution 57: 480-486.

Conner JK, Franks R, Stewart C. 2003. Expression of additive genetic variances and covariances for wild radish floral traits: Comparison between field and greenhouse environments. Evolution 57: 487-495.

Conner JK. 2003. Artificial selection: a powerful tool for ecologists. Ecology 84: 1650-1660.

Conner JK, Hartl DL. 2004. A primer of ecological genetics. Sunderland, Mass: Sinauer Associates.

Conner JK, Agrawal AA. 2005. Mechanisms of constraints: The contributions of selection and genetic variance to the maintenance of cotyledon number in wild radish. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18: 238-242.

Costamagna AC, Landis DA. 2004. Effect of food resources on adult Glyptapanteles militaris and Meteorus communis (Hymenoptera : Braconidae), parasitoids of Pseudaletia unipuncta (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae). Environmental Entomology 33: 128-137.

Costamagna AC, Menalled FD, Landis DA. 2004. Host density influences parasitism of the armyworm Pseudaletia unipuncta in agricultural landscapes. Basic and Applied Ecology 5: 347-355.

Costamagna AC, Landis DA. 2006. Predators exert top-down control of soybean aphid across a gradient of agricultural management systems. Ecological Applications 16: 1619-1628.

Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST). 2004. Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation: Challenges and Opportunities for Agriculture. Ames, Iowa, USA: Task Force Report No. 141, Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST).

Currie DJ, et al. 2004. Predictions and tests of climate-based hypotheses of broad-scale variation in taxonomic richness. Ecology Letters 7: 1121-1134.

Dalal RC, Wang W, Robertson GP, Parton WJ. 2003. Nitrous oxide emission from Australian agricultural lands and mitigation options: a review. Australian Journal of Soil Research 41: 165-195.

Darcy-Hall TL. 2006. Relative strengths of benthic algal nutrient and grazer limitation along a lake productivity gradient. Oecologia 148: 660-671.

Darcy-Hall TL, Hall SR. 2008. Linking limitation to species composition: importance of inter- and intra-specific variation in grazing resistance. . Oecologia 155: 797-808.

Davies P, Bunn SE, Hamilton SK. 2007. Primary production in tropical streams and rivers in Dudgeon D, ed. Tropical Stream Ecology: Elsevier Science.

Davis A, Renner KA, Gross KL. 2005. Weed seedbank and community shifts in a long-term cropping systems experiment . Weed Science 53: 296-306.

Davis AS, Cardina J, Forcella F, Johnson GA, Kegode G, Lindquist JL, Lusche EC, Renner KA, Sprague CL, Williams MM. 2005. Environmental factors affecting seed persistence of annual weeds across the US corn belt. Weed Science 53: 860-868.

Davis A, Renner K, Sprague C, Dyer L, Mutch D. 2005. Integrated Weed Management: One Year's Seeding. East Lansing, Michigan, USA: Michigan State University Extension E-2931.

Davis AS, Kathleen AI, Hallett SG, Renner KA. 2006. Weed seed mortality in soils with contrasting agricultural management histories. Weed Science 54: 291-297.

Dazzo FB. 2004. New CMEIAS image analysis software for computer-assisted microscopy of microorganisms and their ecology. . Microscopy Today 12: 18-23 

Dazzo FB. 2004. Applications of quantitative microscopy in studies of plant surface microbiology. Pages 503-550 in Varma A, Abbott L, Werner D, Hampp R, eds. Plant Surface Microbiology. Germany: Springer Verlag.

Dazzo FB. 2004. Production of anti-microbial antibodies and their utilization in studies of microbial autecology by immunofluorescence microscopy and in situ CMEIAS image analysis. Pages 911-932 in Kowalchuk GA, deBruijn F, Head I, Akkermans A, Elsas J, eds. Molecular Microbial Ecology Manual, 2nd ed. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer.

Dazzo FB, Gao L. 2005. CMEIAS v. 1.28 Help User Manual. East Lansing, Michigan, USA: Center for Microbial Ecology, Michigan State University.

De Gryze S, Six J, Paustian K, Morris SJ, Paul EA, Merckx R. 2004. Soil organic carbon pool changes following land-use conversions. Global Change Biology 10: 1120-1132.

de Roos AM, Leonardsson K, Persson L, Mittelbach GG. 2002. Ontogenetic niche shifts and flexible behavior in size-structured populations. Ecological Monographs 72: 271-292.

DeMott WR, Tessier AJ. 2002. Stochiometric constaints versus algal defenses: Testing mechanisms of zooplankton food limitation. Ecology 83: 3426-3433.

DeMott WR, Edington JR, Tessier AJ. 2004. Testing zooplankton food limitaiton across gradients of dept and productivity in small…. Limnology and Oceanography 49: 1408-1416.

DeMott WR, Pape BJ, Tessier AJ. 2004. Patterns and sources of variation in Daphnia P-balance in nature. Aquatic Ecology 38: 433-440.

DeMott WR, Pape BJ. 2005. Stoichiometry in an ecological context:testing for links between Daphnia P-content, growth rate and habitatpreference. Oecologia 142: 20-27.

Dethlefsen L, Schmidt  TM. 2005. Differences in codon bias cannot explain differences in translational power among microbes. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 1471-2105.

Dodds WK, et al. 2002. N uptake as a function of concentration in streams. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 21: 206-220.

Dodds WK, et al. 2004. Carbon and nitrogen stoichiometry and nitrogen cycling rates in streams. Oecologia 140: 458-467.

Dorn NJ, Wojdak JM. 2004. The role of omnivorous crayfish in littoral communities. Oecologia 140: 150-159.

Dorn NJ, Mittelbach GG. 2004. Effects of a native crayfish (Orconectes virilis) on the reproductive success and nesting behavior of sunfish (Lepomis spp.) . Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61: 2135-2143.

Downing AL, Leibold MA. 2002. Ecosystem consequences of species richness and composition in pond food webs. Nature 416: 837-841.

Downing A. 2005. Relative effects of species composition and richness on ecosystem properties in ponds. Ecology 86: 701-715.

Dubois N, Getty T. 2003. Empty nests do not affect female mate choice or maternal investment in house wrens. Condor 105: 382-387.

Dubois NS, Kennedy ED, Getty T. 2006. Surplus nest boxes and the potential for polygyny affect clutch size and offspring sex ratios in house wrens. Proceedings of the Royal Society B- Biological Sciences 273: 1751-1757.

Dudycha JL. 2003. A multi-environment comparison of senescence between sister species of Daphnia. Oecologia 135: 555-563.

Dudycha JL. 2004. Mortality dynamics of Daphnia in contrasting habitats and their role in ecological divergence. Freshwater Biology 49: 505-514.

Duffy MA, Tessier AJ, Kosnik MA. 2004. Testing the ecological relevance of Daphnia species designations. Freshwater Biology 49: 55-64.

Duffy MA, Hall SR, Tessier AJ, Huebner M. 2005. Selective predators and their parasitized prey: Are epidemics in zooplankton under top-down control? Limnology and Oceanography 50: 412-420.

Duffy MA, Sivars-Becker L. 2007. Rapid evolution and ecological host-parasite dynamics. . Ecology Letters 10: 44-53.

Duffy MA. 2007. Selective predation, parasitism, and trophic cascades in a bluegill- Daphnia-parasite system. Oecologia 153: 453-460.

Duffy MA, Hall SR. 2008. Selective predation and rapid evolution can jointly dampen effects of virulent parasites on Daphnia Populations. American Naturalist 171: 499-510

Duffy MA, Brassil CE, Hall SR, Tessier AJ, Caceres CE, Conner JK. 2008. Parasite-mediated disruptive selection in a natural Daphnia population. BMC Evolutionary Biology 8: Article Number: 80.

Dwyer G. 2005. Should Models of Disease Dynamics in Herbivorous Insects Include the Effects of Variability in Host-Plant Foliage Quality? The American Naturalist 165: 16-31.

Ebert-May D, Williams KS, Weber EP, Hodder J, Luckie D. 2004. Practicing scientific inquiry: what are the rules? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2: 492-493.

Eichorst SA, Breznak JA, Schmidt TM. 2007. Isolation and characterization of soil bacteria that define Teniglobus gen. nov., in the phylum Acidobacteria. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73: 2708-2717.

Elwadie ME, Pierce FJ, Qi J. 2005. Remote sensing of canopy dynamics and biophysical variables estimation of corn in Michigan. Agronomy Journal 97: 99-105.

Emery SM, Gross KL, Suding KN. 2003. Summer burning bests controls spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa) populations in a Midwest prairie restoration. Ecological Restoration 21: 137-138.

Emery SM, Gross KL. 2005. Effects of timing of prescribed fire on the demography of an invasive plant, Centaurea maculosa spotted knapweed. Journal of Applied Ecology 42: 60-69.

Emery SM, Gross KL. 2006. Dominant species identity regulates invasibility of old-field plant communities. Oikos 115: 549-558.

Emery SM, Gross KL. 2007. Dominant species identity, not community evenness, regulates invasion in experimental grassland plant communities. Ecology 88 954-964.

Emery SM. 2007. Limiting similarity between invaders and dominant species in herbaceous plant communities? Journal of Ecology 95: 1027-1035.

Farber S, et al. 2006. Linking Ecology and Economics for Ecosystem Management. BioScience 56: 121-133.

Ferrao ADS, DeMott WR, Tessier AJ. 2005. Responses of tropical cladocerans to a gradient of resource quality. Freshwater Biology 50: 954-964.

Ferrão AD, Tessier AJ, DeMott WR. 2007. Sensitivity of herbivorous zooplankton to phosphorus deficient diets:Testing stoichiometric theory and the growth rate hypothesis. Limnology and Oceanography 52: 407-415.

Findlay S, et al. 2002. A cross-system comparison of bacterial and fungal biomass in detritus pools of headwater streams. Microbial Ecology 43: 55-66.

Fortuna AM, Harwood RR, Kizilkaya K, Paul EA. 2003. Optimizing nutrient availability and carbon sequestration in an agroecosystem. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 35: 1005-1013.

Fortuna AM, Paul EA, Harwood RR. 2003. The effects of compost and crop rotations on carbon turnover in the particulate organic matter fraction. Soil Science 168: 434-444.

Fortuna AM, Harwood RR, Robertson GP, Fisk JW, Paul EA. 2003. Seasonal changes in nitrification potential associated with application of N fertilizer and compost in maize systems of southwest Michigan. Agriculture Ecosystems and the Environment 97: 285-293.

Fox  TB, Landis DA, Cardoso FF, Difonzo CD. 2005. Impact of predation on establishment of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines in soybean, Glycine max. BioControl 50: 545-563.

Francis CR, Poincelot CR, Bird GW, eds. 2006. Developing and Extending Sustainable Agriculture: A New Social Contract Binghamton, New York: Haworth Press.

Fuller RC. 2003. Disentangling female mate choice and male competition in the rainbow darter, Etheostoma caeruleum. Copeia 1: 138-148.

Gage SH, Gosz JR, Michener W. 2002. Site to regional scaling. Pages 37-41 in Withey A, Michener W, Tooby P, eds. Scalable Information Networks for the Environment. San Diego, California, USA: San Diego Supercomputer Center.

Gage SH. 2003. Climate variability in the North Central Region: Characterizing drought severity patterns. Pages 56-73 in Greenland D, Goodin D, Smith R, eds. Climate Variability and Ecosystem Response at Long Term Ecological Research Sites. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Gantner S, Schmid M, Durr C, Schuhegger R, Steidle A, Hutzler P, Langebartels C, Eberl L, Hartmann A, Dazzo FB. 2006. In situ quantitation of the spatial scale of calling distances and population density-independent N-acylhomoserine lactone-mediated communication by rhizobacteria colonized on plant roots. . FEMS Microbiology Ecology 56: 188-194.

Garcia EA, Mittelbach GG. 2008. Regional coexistence and local dominance in Chaoborus: Species sorting along a predation gradient. Ecology 89: 1703-1713.

Geml  J, Davis DD, Geiser DM. 2005. Systematics of the genus Sphaerobolus based on molecular and morphological data, with the description of Sphaerobolus ingoldii sp nov. Mycologia 97: 680-694.

Gerrish GA, Cáceres EC. 2003. Genetic versus environmental influence on pigment variation in the ephippia of Daphnia pulicaria. Freshwater Biology 48: 1971-1982.

Getty T. 2002. The Discriminating Babbler meets the Optimal-Diet Hawk. Animal Behaviour 63: 397-402.

Getty T. 2002. Signaling health versus parasites. American Naturalist 159: 363-371.

Getty T. 2004. A kind man benefits himself - but how? Evolutionary models of human food sharing. Behavioral & Brain Sciences 27: 563+.

Getty T. 2006. Sexually selected signals are not similar to sports handicaps. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 21: 83-88.

Getty T. 2007. In evolutionary games, enlightened self-interests are still ultimately self-interests. Behavioral & Brain Sciences 30: 25+.

Golubski AJ, Gross KL, Mittelbach GG. 2008. Competition among plant species that interact with their environment at different spatial scales. Proceeding of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences 275: 1897-1906 

Grace PR, Jain MC, Harrington LW, Robertson GP. 2003. Long-term sustainability of the tropical and subtropical rice and wheat system: An environmental perspective. Pages 27-43 in Ladha JK, Hill JE, M.Duxbury J, Gupta RK, Buresh RJ, eds. Improving the Productivity and Sustainability of Rice-Wheat System: Issues and Impacts, vol. 65. Madison, Wisconsin: American Society of Agronomy.

Grace PR, Ladd JN, Robertson GP, Gage SH. 2006. SOCRATES - A simple model for predicting long-term changes in soil organic carbon in terrestrial ecosystems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38: 1172-1176.

Grace PR, Colunga-Garcia M, Gage SH, Safir GR, Robertson GP. 2006. The potential impact of agricultural management and climate change on soil organic carbon resources in terrestrial ecosystems of the North Central Region of the United States. Ecosystems 9: 816-827.

Grandy AS, Robertson GP. 2006. Initial cultivation of a temperate-region soil immediately accelerates aggregate turnover and CO2 and N2O fluxes. Global Change Biology 12: 1507-1520.

Grandy AS, Robertson GP. 2006. Aggregation and organic matter protection following tillage of a previously uncultivated soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal 70: 1398-1406.

Grandy AS, Loecke TD, Parr S, Robertson GP. 2006. Long-term trends in nitrous oxide emissions, soil nitrogen, and crop yields of till and no-till cropping systems. Journal of Environmental Quality 35: 1487-1495.

Grandy AS, Robertson GP, Thelen KD. 2006. Do productivity and environmental trade-offs justify periodically cultivating no-till cropping systems? Agronomy Journal 98: 1377-1383.

Grandy AS, Robertson GP. 2007. Land-use intensity effects on soil organic carbon accumulation rates and mechanisms. Ecosystems 10: 58-73.

Gross KL, Smith RG. 2002. Incorporating ecology into agriculture. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17: 490-491.

Gross KL. 2004. Promoting ecological research in National Parks by investing in the next generation of scientists. Ecological Applications 14: 15-17.

Gross KL, Mittelbach GG, Reynolds HL. 2005. Grassland invasibility and diversity: Responses to nutrients, seed input, and disturbance. Ecology 86: 476-486.

Hall SR, Leibold MA, Lytle DA, Smith VH. 2004. Stoichiometry and planktonic grazer composition over gradients of light, nutrients, and predation risk. Ecology 85: 2291-2301.

Hall SR. 2004. Stoichiometrically-explicit competition between grazers: species replacement, coexistence, and priority effects along resource supply gradients. American Naturalist 164: 157-172.

Hall SR, Duffy MA, Cáceres CE. 2005. Selective predation and productivity jointly drive complex behavior in host-parasite systems. American Naturalist 165: 70-81.

Hall SR, Duffy MA, Tessier AJ, Cceres CE. 2005. Spatial heterogeneity of daphniid parasitism within lakes. Oecologia 143: 635-644.

Hall SR, Smith VH, Lytle DA, Leibold MA. 2005. Constraints on primary producer N:P stoichiometry along N:P supply ratio gradients. Ecology 86: 1894-1904.

Hall SR, Leibold MA, Lytle DA, Smith VH. 2006. Inedible producers in food webs: Controls on stoichiometric food quality and composition of grazers. American Naturalist 167: 628-637.

Hall SR, Tessier AJ, Duffy MA, Huebner M, Cáceres CE. 2006. Warmer does not have to mean sicker: temperature and predators can jointly drive timing of epidemics. Ecology 87: 1684-1695.

Hall SR, Shurin JB, Diehl S, Nisbet. RM. 2007. Food quality, nutrient limitation of secondary production, and the strength of trophic cascades. . Oikos 116: 1128-1143.

Hall SR, Sivars-Becker L, Becker C, Duffy MA, Tessier AJ, Cáceres CE. 2007. Eating yourself sick: transmission of disease as a function of foraging ecology. . Ecology Letters 10: 207-218.

Hall SR, Leibold MA, Lytle DA, Smith VH. 2007. Grazers, producer stoichiometry, and the light : nutrient hypothesis revisited. Ecology 88: 1142-1152.

Hamilton SK. 2002. Human impacts on hydrology in the Pantanal wetland of South

America. Water Science and Technology 45: 35-44.

Hamilton S, Sippel S, Melack J. 2002. Comparison of Inundation Patterns among Major South American Floodplains. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 107: art. no. 8038.

Hamilton SK, Sippel SJ, Melack JM. 2004. Seasonal inundation patterns in two large savanna floodplains of South America: the Llanos de Moxos (Bolivia) and the Llanos del Orinoco (Venezuela and Colombia). Hydrological Processes 18: 2103-2116.

Hamilton SK, J.L.Tank, Raikow DF, Siler E, Dorn NJ, Leonard N. 2004. The role of instream vs allochthonous N in stream food webs: modeling the results of an isotope addition experiment. . Journal of the North  American Benthological Society 23: 429-448.

Hamilton SK, Sippel SJ, Bunn. SE. 2005. Separation of algae from detritus for stable isotope or ecological stoichiometry studies using density fractionation in colloidal silica. Limnology and Oceanography Methods 3: 149-157.

Hamilton SK, Bunn SE, Thoms M, Marshall JC. 2005. Persistence of aquatic refugia between flow pulses in a dryland river system (Cooper Creek, Australia). Limnology and Oceanography 50: 743-754.

Hamilton SK, Gehrke PC. 2005. Australia's tropical river systems: current scientific understanding and critical knowledge gaps for sustainable management. Marine and Freshwater Research 56: 243-252.

Hamilton SK, Kurzman AL, Arango C, Jin LX, Robertson GP. 2007. Evidence for carbon sequestration by agricultural liming. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 21: Art. No. GB2021.

Hamilton SK, Ostrom NE. 2007. Measurement of the stable isotope ratio of dissolved N-2 in N-15 tracer experiments. Limnology and Oceanography Methods 5: 233-240.

Hamilton SK, Kellndorfer J, Lehner B, Tobler M. 2007. Remote sensing of floodplain geomorphology as a surrogate for biodiversity in a tropical river system (Madre de Dios, Peru). Geomorphology 89: 23-38.

Hanson EJ, Throop PA, Serce S, Ravenscroft J, Paul EA. 2002. Comparison of nitrification rates in blueberry and forest soils. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 127: 136-142.

Hao X, Kravchenko AN. 2007. Management practice effects on surface soil total carbon: Differences along a textural gradient. Agronomy Journal 99: 18-26.

Harris CK, Bailey C. 2002. Public preferences for a clean, green agricultural machine. Pages 31-42 in Harris CK, Molnar J, Tomazic T, Wimberley R, eds. The Social Risks of Agriculture: Americans Speak Out on Food. New York, New York, USA: Praeger.

Harris CK, Molnar J, Tomazic T, Wimberley R, eds. 2002. The Social Risks of Agriculture: Americans Speak Out on Food New York, New York, USA: Praeger.

Hawkins BA, et al. 2003. Energy, water, and broad-scale geographic patterns of species richness. Ecology 12: 3105-3117.

Horn R, Smucker A. 2005. Structure formation and its consequences for gas and water transport in unsaturated arable and forest soils. Soil & Tillage Research 82: 5-14.

Houseman GR, Gross KL. 2006. Does ecological filtering across a productivity gradient explain variation in species pool-richness relationships? Oikos 115: 148-154.

Houseman GR, Mittelbach GG, Reynolds HL, Gross KL. 2008. Perturbations alter community convergence, divergence, and formation of multiple community states. . Ecology 89: 2172-2180.

Howeth JG, Leibold MA. 2008. Planktonic dispersal dampens temporal trophic cascades in pond metacommunities. Ecology Letters 11: 245-257.

Jager CG, Diehl S, Matauschek C, Klausmeier CA, Stibor H. 2008. Transient dynamics of pelagic producer grazer systems in a gradient of nutrients and mixing depths. Ecology 89: 1272-1286.

Jin L, Williams E, Szramek K, Walter LM, Hamilton SK. 2008. Silicate and carbonate mineral weathering in soil profiles developed on Pleistocene glacial drift (Michigan, USA): Mass balances based on soil water geochemistry. Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta 72: 1027-1042.

Jin LX, Hamilton SK, Walter LM. 2008. Mineral weathering rates in glacial drift soils (SW Michigan, USA): New constraints from seasonal sampling of waters and gases at soil monoliths. Chemical Geology 249: 129-154.

Johnson NC, Rowland DL, Corkidi L, Egerton-Warburton LM, Allen EB. 2003. Nitrogen enrichment alters mycorrhizal allocation at five mesic to semiarid grasslands. Ecology 84: 1895-1908.

Kaiser ME, Noma T, Brewer MJ, Pike KS, Vockeroth JR, Gaimari SD. 2007. Hymenopteran parasitoids and dipteran predators found using soybean aphid after its midwestern United States invasion. . Annals of the Entomological Society of America 100: 196-205.

Kaufman MG, Goodfriend W, Kohler-Garrigan A, Walker ED, Klug MJ. 2002. Soluble nutrient effects on microbial communities and mosquito production in Ochlerotatus triseriatushabitats. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 29: 73-88.

Kavdir Y, Smucker AJM. 2002. Soil aggregate sequestration of cover crop root and shoot residue nitrogen. Pages 134-142. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Land Use and Management. Turkey: Soil Science Society of Turkey.

Kavdir Y, Rasse DP, Smucker AJM. 2005. Specific contributions of decaying alfalfa roots to nitrate leaching in a Kalamazoo loam soil. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment. 109: 97-106.

Kavdir Y, Smucker AJM. 2005. Soil aggregate sequestration of cover crop root and shoot-derived nitrogen. Plant and Soil 272: 263-276.

Kay KM, Schemske DW. 2004. Geographic patterns in plant-pollinator mutualistic networks: Comment. Ecology 85: 875-878.

Kerfoot WC, Mittelbach GG, Hairston NG, Elser JJ. 2004. Planktonic biodiversity: Scaling up and down. Limnology and Oceanography 49: 1225-1228.

Klausmeier CA, Litchman E, Levin. SA. 2007. A  model of flexible uptake of two essential resources. Journal of Theoretical Biology 246: 278-289.

Knapczyk FN, Conner JK. 2007. Estimates of the average strength of natural selection are not inflated by sampling error or publication bias. American Naturalist 170: 501-508.

Knoche S, Lupi F. 2007. Valuing deer hunting ecosystem services from farm landscapes. Ecological Economics 64: 313-320.

Knoll LB, Sarnelle O, Hamilton SK, Kissman CEH, Wilson AE, Rose JB, Morgan MR. 2008. Invasive zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) increase cyanobacterial toxin concentrations in low-nutrient lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65: 448-455

Kosola KR, Dickmann DI, Parry. D. 2002. Carbohydrates in individual poplar fine roots- effects of root age and defoliation. Tree Physiology 22: 741-746.

Kosola KR, Dickmann DI, Hall RB, Workmaster BAA. 2004. Cottonwood growth rate and fine root condensed Tannin Concentration. Tree Physiology 24: 1063-1068.

Kosola KR, Durall DM, Robertson GP, Dickmann DI, Parry D, Russell CA, Paul EA. 2004. Resilience of mycorrhizal fungi on defoliated and fertilized hybrid poplars. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 671-680.

Kosola KR, Parry D, Workmaster BA. 2006. Responses of condensed tannins in poplar roots to fertilization and gypsy moth defoliation. Tree Physiology 26: 1607-1611.

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