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Field Trial License

Statutory Authority: ECL Section 11-0507, 11-0927, and 6 NYCRR Part 175

The Department may issue a Field Trial License authorizing the holding of field trial(s), the liberation of legally possessed artificially propagated game, and the shooting of liberated legally possessed artificially propagated game, during a field trial.

Domestic Game Birds taken by shooting pursuant to this license must be immediately tagged for identification. Tags are furnished by the Special Licensing Unit at $0.05ea. Game so tagged may be possessed, transported, bought, or sold at any time, without limitation.

Please note:

  • Wild game means free ranging native animals existing in the wild.
  • Wild game shall not be taken, only artificially propagated game may be taken with this license.
  • A Field Trial License for wild game is only needed between April 16, and August 15.
  • This license expires annually on December 31.
  • There is no fee on this license.

Please contact the Special Licenses Unit with any questions or concerns about qualifying or applying for this license. To apply for this license complete the Field Trial License Application (PDF 495 kb), and send to the Department of Environmental Conservation Special Licenses Unit.

Special Licenses Unit
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233-4752

List of applicable Laws and Regulations

  • New York Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) to read visit Department of State website at
    • 11-0507
    • 11-0927
  • New York Codes Rules and Regulations (6NYCRR)
  • Page applies to all NYS regions
  • PDF Help:
  • For assistance with PDFs on this page, please call 518-402-8985.
  • Contact for this Page:
    Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources
    625 Broadway
    Albany, NY 12233-4752
    email us