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Green Certified State Forests

Managing New York State Forests for Present and Future Generations

view of sunlight shining through woodlands
photo courtesy of Melody Wolcott

In January 2008, State Forests managed by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation's (DEC) Bureau of State Land Management earned the highly coveted status of "green certified" from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) - two organizations internationally recognized for establishing forest management standards. With this recognition, DEC has demonstrated that the forests under its care are managed to the highest sustainability requirements.

Everyone Benefits

More than 780,000 acres have been set aside as State Forests throughout New York. Green certification means that the millions of dollars of forest products harvested annually from these acres are eligible to carry the FSC and SFI labels, which are in increasing demand in the marketplace. Along with growing some of the best timber in New York, DEC foresters continue their long tradition of managing State Forests to benefit everyone in a variety of ways.

DEC's "Green Certification" Program

Stimulating Local Economies:
view of waterfall surrounded by forest
Well managed State Forests ensure
clean water for all living things.

Encouraging the efficient use of the forest's multiple products and services to ensure economic viability and a wide range of environmental and social benefits...

Protecting Water Quality:

Protecting water quality in streams, lakes, and other water bodies, by following guidelines that address erosion control and minimize forest damage during tree harvesting, road construction, and any other disturbances that may affect water quality...

Providing Recreational Opportunities:

Managing thousands of acres of State Forests for hunting, fishing, hiking, nature observation and many other exceptional outdoor recreational opportunities...

family cross country skiing in woods
State Forests offer a wide variety
of recreational opportunities.
Maintaining Forest Health:

Monitoring forests to halt the spread of tree diseases and invasive pests, as well as using techniques like thinning and controlled-burns to promote healthier tree growth and maintain unique ecosystems...

Preserving Historical and Cultural Resources:

Managing State Forests that are historically or culturally important in a manner that recognizes their special qualities...

Saw-whet owl in tree
Saw-whet owls are one of many
wildlife species who depend on
well managed State Forests for
food and shelter. Photo courtesy
of Melody Wolcott

Promoting Habitat Diversity and Conservation:

Managing the quality and distribution of wildlife habitats, and contributing to the conservation of biological diversity by developing and implementing measures that promote the conservation of forest plants and animals, including aquatic fauna found on State Forests.

Learn More...

For more information about DEC's Green Certification program, e-mail or call the Green Certification Coordinator at 518-402-9428.

Also, for more information about the Forest Stewardship Council and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative and their programs, please use the links to their websites, located in the right column of this web page.

Sustainable Forestry Initiative logo
New York State Forest Certificate from SFI (PDF, 82 kb)
NYSDEC use of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative ® (SFI) program logo indicates that State Forests have been certified by a qualified independent auditor to be in conformance with the SFI Standard.

F S C logo

New York State Forest Certificate from FSC (PDF, 370 kb)
1996 Forest Stewardship Council FSC © certification means that NYSDEC State Forests are managed according to strict environmental, social and economic standards.

fire control pond built by the Civilian Conservation Corp
Preserving features such as this
Civilian Conservation Corps
fire control pond help tell the
story of New York's history.

harvested timber on truck
Fostering responsible timber
harvesting while protecting the

The initial New York State Forest Audit Reports can be found in the right column of this page under Related Links.