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RCRA-C (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) in New York State: Managing Hazardous Waste

The following is a summary of the hazardous waste report entitled RCRA-C in New York State: Managing Hazardous Waste. To view the entire report, please click on the report link in the right hand column.

New York State's strong commitment to protecting its citizens and environment from potentially devastating exposure to hazardous chemicals is illustrated in the Department of Environmental Conservation's RCRA-C Program. The Department is committed to reducing, recycling and controlling hazardous wastes and restoring the State's natural resources. The Department implements the multi-faceted RCRA-C program in partnership with the United States Environmental Protection Agency, industry and commerce, and concerned citizens.

The RCRA-C hazardous waste management program has gradually but dramatically changed the ways in which commerce and industry handle their most toxic forms of waste. Once improperly stored, inadequately treated and indiscriminately dumped, hazardous wastes are now stored, treated and disposed in an environmentally-sound manner. To protect human health and the environment, hazardous waste is regulated in New York State from the moment it is generated to its final disposition - a concept known as "cradle-to-grave" waste management. Furthermore, through DEC's hazardous waste reduction program, the amount of hazardous waste generated has been reduced by 42 percent compared to 1991.

The State's RCRA-C program has made great strides. It has prevented the emergence of new superfund sites, cleaned up previously contaminated sites, and upgraded or closed poorly-designed facilities that discharged contaminants into the environment.

The Division of Solid & Hazardous Materials has the lead role implementing the authorized RCRA-C Program in New York State. The program is administered from the Central Office in conjunction with the Department's nine Regional Offices. Activities such as regulatory development, permit reviews, closure and corrective action approvals, development of technical guidance, maintenance of data bases, and development of annual program work plans are handled in the Central Office. Regional Offices also participate in permit reviews and closure and corrective action activities. The Regional Offices conduct the vast majority of compliance inspections.

Other Units/Divisions in the Department also participate in certain elements of the RCRA-C Program. The Pollution Prevention Unit conducts activities related to waste reduction and minimization. The Division of Environmental Enforcement and the Division of Law Enforcement are involved in the enforcement of the State hazardous waste laws and regulations. The Division of Legal Affairs provides counsel for legal interpretation and meeting program legal needs. The Division of Environmental Permits coordinates the issuance of all permits in the Department, including hazardous waste facility permits.