Research Facilities

Michigan State University
W. K. Kellogg Biological Station Calendar · People ·

An interdisciplinary resident faculty and support staff maintain year round activities within the Laboratories.  The close proximity of varied natural and managed habitats makes an ideal setting for education, research, and training programs in ecology and evolutionary biology.

Graduate, undergraduate, and pre-college classes are taught by resident and visiting faculty.  Undergraduate and graduate training programs provide tomorrow's scientists with a broad knowledge of ecology and the life sciences.  Educational outreach programs, involving community issues such as land use and k-12 science education, are carried out by faculty, students, and staff.

Laboratory research facilities are based in the 3-story Academic Building, which houses research labs for faculty and visiting researchers; common-equipment facilities and instruments; faculty, student, and administrative offices; and classrooms, teaching labs, and computer workrooms.

Field research facilities include the: Experimental Ponds, a series of eighteen 30m diameter ponds with an associated field laboratory; the LTER Site, a series of agricultural and successional sites at which long-term experiments in agricultural ecology are conducted; the Farming Systems Center and Dairy, at which most Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) research is conducted; the Research Greenhouse, which houses experimental plant research adjacent to the Academic Building; and the Field Laboratories, which include the Boathouse Lab on Gull Lake, the Plant Ecology Lab adjacent to successional fields, and the Pond Lab at the Experimental Ponds Facility.

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Last updated: October 22, 2006

A Legacy of Conservation
A Commitment to Sustainability

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