[till graphic]


News & Events

Cover Crops

Insectary Plantings

Strip Tillage



Integrated Farming Systems logo

A source of information on progressive agricultural practices research conducted in the Willamette Valley.

Led by John Luna, Assistant Professor of Horticulture at Oregon State University, the main research areas of the program include cover cropping, beneficial insectary plantings, and strip tillage.

NEWS FLASH: Western Region SARE Conference 2000 Farming and Ranching for Profit, Stewardship and Community will be held in Portland on March 7-9, 2000.

On-farm research is a major component of Intergrated Farming Systems Program.

Integrated Farming Systems Program staff:
John M. Luna, Assistant Professor of Horticulture
Mary L. Staben, Faculty Research Assistant
Kris Small, Summer Intern
Katie Goldberg, Summer Intern

Comments to: IFS webmaster
File last modified: Mon, Jul 12, 1999.

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