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Renewable Energy

Photo of a New York windfarm
Energy from wind farms will help
New York meet its renewable
energy goals

New York State has great potential to generate power from renewable sources. By obtaining energy from renewable sources rather than from fossil fuel, we can conserve energy, cut our dependence on foreign oil, reduce air pollution and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Here you will find information on what DEC and other agencies in New York State are doing to develop and promote different types of renewable energy sources. By embracing renewable energy along with energy conservation practices, New Yorkers can ensure a reliable energy supply for the future.

Renewable Energy Task Force and Plan

The Renewable Energy Task Force recently issued its first report with recommendations for 16 groups of actions integral to a comprehensive policy roadmap. This will move New York toward greater renewable energy development and greater energy independence, which will work to attract clean-energy industries to New York State.

Elements of the Plan:

  • Reduction of electricity use by 15 percent from forecasted levels by the year 2015
  • Creation of new appliance efficiency standards
  • Establishment of more rigorous energy-related building codes
  • Investment in millions in renewable-energy projects throughout the state
  • Establishment of an expedited review process for new wind-power projects and other power plants that emit very low levels of carbon dioxide
solar energy panels
The RPS goal is to increase energy
generated from renewable resources
to 25% by 2013

Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS)

This standard was implemented by New York State in 2004 to promote the research, development and use of alternative energy. Its goal is to increase the proportion of renewable electricity used by New Yorkers to at least 25% by the year 2013. Renewable energy resources include wind, hydroelectric, solar and biofuels.

More about Renewable Energy:

  • Solar Energy - Information about incentives for solar energy installations and programs for educating children about solar energy
  • Water and Tidal Power - Information about hydropower and energy generated by tidal action
  • Biofuels - Information about biofuels, including the benefits of using biofuels as well as the concerns associated with them
  • Geothermal Energy - Information about using the temperature of the earth for heating and cooling
  • Wind Power - Information about wind energy's development as an important component of New York's clean renewable energy initiative and the state's ability to achieve the RPS described above