The Bugwood Network

Bugwood Network Help

Hello and welcome to the Bugwood Network. The Work Group gathers, creates, maintains and promotes the use of digital information as resources to enhance educational activities in the fields of entomology, forestry, forest health, natural resources, and other areas of agriculture. This web site contains management information, publications, videos and other products generated by the Work Group in a convenient and consistent manner. In order to ensure the optimum use of our site, this page provides general information on navigation, web browers and plugs-ins needed.

Hardware and Software Requirements

This web page is best viewed under Netscape Navigator 4.0 or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0. As newer versions of these and other browsers are released and become used then the site will be adapted to benefit from their newer features while also ensuring capability with older browsers.

This page was designed to be viewed on a monitor with a graphics card set at 800x600 resolution with thousands of viewable colors. In Windows 95, 98 or 2000 this can be set under the Control Panel, Display Properties, Settings. If your computer is only capable of 640x480 resolution or 256 colors then the site is still usable except some colors in the images may be distorted.

Getting Around

Getting around Bugwood is easy. Each page is designed to help you get to where you want to go and find the information you need as quickly as possible. Every page of the site has a consistent look.

Our logo (four converging arrows) is located in the upper left hand corner of every page represents the coming together of various disciplines and technologies in working toward a common goal. Across the top of each page of the different sections is the title of the page, the web address and a quick jump between sections of the site.


Above the top bar is three tabs that allow for quick jumping between the three major Bugwood sites.

The links located on the top right of each page provide accessibility to important parts of the site from each page.

Home - takes you to the Bugwood Network home page
About - takes you to information about the Bugwood Work Group.
Search - takes you to a search page where you can search for information on the Bugwood Network
Contacts - takes you to a page with contact information for additional information
Help - takes you to this page

Each of these plug-ins needed for sections in our site are described below:

The Adobe Portable Document format (PDF) is a cross platform format that allows for consistent viewing and printing. All of our fact sheets and publications are available in this format. The viewer is free and can be downloaded at: once you install the viewer all of the publications can be available to you both online and on your hard drive for offline viewing.

The RealPlayer enables you to access RealAudio and RealVideo files over the Internet thus letting you play live and on-demand audio and video without download delays. When you click a RealAudio or RealVideo link on a World Wide Web page, your RealPlayer automatically opens and plays the file you have selected. This player is available for Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000 and 3.1, or the Macintosh and can be download for free at:
RealPlayer Plus is also available for $29.95 and allows you to save and playback videoclips while offline.

To Receive Updates

If you would like to receive more information about our products and updates to our web site then send e-mail to and you will be added to our electronic mailing list.

Technical Information

This site was developed under Microsoft Windows 98 using Adobe Photoshop 5.5 and Net Objects Fusion 4.0. The images used on this site came from Forest Insects and Their Damage: Volumes I and II (G. K. Douce, G. J. Lenhard, B. T. Watson, and D. J. Moorhead), Forest Pests of North America (G. K. Douce, D. J. Moorhead, B. T. Watson, and C. T. Bargeron) and from Bugwood and KnowPics archive. All other graphics and original artwork used on this site were either developed by The University of Georgia; The University of Georgia, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Cooperative Extension Service; or The Entomology and Forest Resources Digital Information Work Group and are the property of these respective organizations.

Still have a question?

If you have any other questions or comments about our site, then send e-mail to

University of GeorgiaThe Bugwood Network Forestry Images The Bugwood Network and Forestry Images Image Archive and Database Systems
The University of Georgia - Warnell School of Forest Resources and
College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - Dept. of Entomology
Last updated on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 01:48 PM
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