Experimental Ponds

Michigan State University
W. K. Kellogg Biological Station Calendar · People ·
Publications 1998-2008

Publications based on research conducted at the experimental pond facility include:

Brown, J. M., M. A. McPeek and M. L. May. 2000. A phylogenetic perspective on habitat shifts and diversity in the North American Enallagma damselflies. Systematic Biology 49:697-712.

Chase, J. M. 2000. Food web effects of prey size-refugia: variable interactions and alternative stable equilibria. American Naturalist 154:559-570

Chase, J. M. 2000. To grow or reproduce? The role of life-history plasticity in food web dynamics. American Naturalist 154:571-586.

Chase, J. M. 2000. Are there real differences among aquatic and terrestrial food webs? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 15: 408-412.

Chase, J. M. 2003.  Strong and weak trophic cascades along a productivity gradient.  Oikos 101:187-195.

Chase, J. M. 2003. Experimental evidence for alternative stable equilibria in a benthic pond food web. Ecology Letters 6:733-741.

Chase, J. M., W. Wilson, and S. Richards. 2001. Foraging trade-offs and resource patchiness: Theory and experiments with a freshwater snail community. Ecology Letters 4:304-312.

Chase, J. M. and M. A. Leibold.  2002.  Spatial scale dictates the productivity-biodiversity relationship.  Nature 416: 427-430.

Chase, J. M. and W. A. Ryberg. 2004. Connectivity, scale-dependence, and the productivity-diversity relationship. Ecology Letters 7:676-683.

Cohen, G. M. and J. B. Shurin. 2003. Scale-dependence and mechanisms of dispersal in freshwater zooplantkon. Oikos 103:603-617.

de Roos, A., K. Leonardsson, L. Persson, and G. G. Mittelbach. 2001. Ontogenetic niche shifts and flexible behaviour in size-structured populations. Ecology 72:271-292.

Darcy-Hall. T. L. 2006. Relative strengths of benthic algal nutrient and grazer limitation along a lake productivity gradient. Oecologia 148:660-671.

Darcy-Hall, T. L. and S. R. Hall. 2008. Linking limitation to species composition: importance of inter- and intra-specific variation in grazing resistance. Oecologia 155:797-808.

Dorn, N. J. and G. G. Mittelbach. 1999. More than predator and prey: a review of interactions between fish and crayfish. Vie et Milieu 49:229-237.

Dorn, N. J. and J. M. Wojdak. 2004. Omnivorous crayfish deflect community succession in ponds. Oecologia 140:150-159.

Dorn, N. J. and G. G. Mittelbach. 2005. Effects of native crayfish on the reproductive success and  nesting behavior of freshwater sunfish (Lepomis spp.). Canadian Journal Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61:2135-2143.

Downing, A. L. 2005. Relative effects of species richness and composition on ecosystem properties in ponds. Ecology 86:701-715.

Downing, A. L. and M. A. Leibold. 2002. Ecosystem consequences of species richness and composition on pond food webs. Nature 416:837-841.

Downing, A. L. and J. T. Wootton. 2005. Trophic position, biotic context, and abiotic factors determine species contributions to ecosystem functioning. In: P. de Ruiter, J. Moore, and V. Wolters (eds). Dynamic food webs: multispecies assemblages, ecosystem development, and environmental change. Academic Press.

Dudycha, J.L. 2001. The senescence of Daphnia from risky and safe habitats. Ecology Letters 4: 102-105.

Duffy, M.A., S.R. Hall, A.J. Tessier and M. Huebner. 2005. Selective predators and their parasitized prey: Are epidemics in zooplankton under top-down control? Limnology and Oceanography 50:412-420.

Duffy, M.A. 2007. Selective predation, parasitism, and trophic cascades in a bluegill-Daphnia-parasite system. Oecologia 153(2):453-460.

Duffy, M.A. and S.R. Hall. 2008. Selective predation and rapid evolution can jointly dampen effects of virulent parasites on Daphnia populations. American Naturalist, 171(4): 499-510.

Garcia, E. A. and G. G. Mittelbach. 2008. Regional coexistence and local dominance in Chaoborus: species sorting along a predation gradient. Ecology (in press).

Grace, J. B. and R. G. Wetzel. 1998. Long-term dynamics of Typha populations. Aquatic Botany 61:137-146.

Hall, S. R. 2004. Stoichiometrically-explicit competition between grazers: species replacement, coexistence, and priority effects along resource supply gradients. American Naturalist 164:157-172.

Hall, S. R., M. A. Leibold, D. A. Lytle, and V. H. Smith. 2004. Stoichiometry and planktonic grazer composition over gradients of light, nutrients, and predation risk. Ecology 85:2291-2301.

Hall, S. R., V. H. Smith, D. A. Lytle, and M. A. Leibold. 2005. Constraints on preimary producer N:P stoichiometry along N:P supply ratio gradients. Ecology 86:1894-1904.

Hall, S. R., M. A. Leibold, D. A. Lytle, and V. H. Smith. 2006. Inedible producers in food webs: controls on stoichiometric food quality and composition of grazers. American Naturalist 167:628-637.

Hall, S. R., M. A. Leibold, D. A. Lytle, and V. H. Smith. 2007. Grazing and the light:nutrient hypothesis: revising bottom-up and top-down effects on producer stoichiometry. Ecology 88:1142-1152.

Hall, S. R., J. B. Shurin, S. Diehl, and R. M. Nisbet. 2007. Food quality and the strength of trophic cascades. Oikos 116:1128-1143.

Horner-Devine, M. C., M. A. Leibold, V. H. Smith, and B. J. M. Bohannan. 2003. Bacterial diversity patterns along a gradient of primary productivity. Ecology Letters 6:613-622.

Howeth, J. G. and M. A. Leibold. 2008. Planktonic dispersal dampens temporal trophic cascades in pond metacommunities. Ecology Letters 11:245-257.

Huckins, C. J. F., C. W. Osenberg, and G. G. Mittelbach. 2000. Ecological consequences of species introductions: an example with congeneric sunfish. Ecological Applications 10:612-625.

Kramer, A., O. Sarnelle, and R. A. Knapp. 2008. Allee effect limits colonization success of a sexually reproducing zooplankton. Ecology (in press) .

Leibold, M. A. 1998. Similarity and local coexistence of species from regional biotas. Evolutionary Ecology 12:95-110.

Leibold, M. A. and A. J. Tessier. 1998. Experimental compromise and mechanistic approaches to the evolutionary ecology of interacting Daphnia species. In: W. J. Resetarits and J. Bernardo (eds.) Perspectives in experimental ecology. Oxford University Press.

Leibold, M. A. 1999. Biodiversity and nutrient enrichment in pond plankton communities. Evolutionary Ecology Research 1:73-95.

Leibold, M. A. and G. M. Mikkelson. 2002. Coherence, species turnover, and boundary clumping: Elements of meta-community structure. Oikos 97:237-250.

Leibold, M. A., S. R. Hall, and O. Bjornstad. 2005. Food web architecture and its effects on consumer resource oscillations in experimental pond ecosystems. In: P. de Ruiter, J. Moore, and V. Wolters (eds). Dynamic food webs: multispecies assemblages, ecosystem development, and environmental change. Academic Press.

McGill, B. and G. G. Mittelbach. 2006. An allometric vision and motion model to predict prey encounter rates. Evolutionary Ecology Research. 8:1-11.

McPeek, M. A. 1998. The consequences of changing the top predator in a food web: a comparative experimental approach. Ecological Monographs 68:1-24.

McPeek, M. A., and G. A. Wellborn. 1998. Genetic variation and reproductive isolation among phenotypically divergent amphipod populations. Limnology and Oceanography 43:1162-1169.

McPeek, M. A., and J. M. Brown. 2000. Building a regional species pool: Diversification of the Enallagma damselflies in eastern North American waters. Ecology 81:904-920.

McPeek, M. A. 2000. Predisposed to adapt? Clade-level differences in characters affecting swimming performance in damselflies. Evolution 54:2072-2080.

Mittelbach, G. G. and L. Persson. 1998. The ontogeny of piscivory and its ecological consequences. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55:1454-1465.

Mittelbach, G. G., C. W. Osenberg, and P. C. Wainwright. 1999. Variation in feeding morphology between pumpkinseed populations: phenotypic plasticity or evolution? Evolutionary Ecology Research 1:111-128.

Mittelbach, G. G. 2002. Behavioural ecology of fish foraging. Pages 251-266 in  P. J. B. Hart and J. D. Reynolds (eds.), Handbook of Fish Biology and Fisheries. Blackwell Science.

Mittelbach, G. G., T. L. Darcy-Hall, N. J. Dorn, E. A. Garcia, C. F. Steiner, and J. M. Wojdak. 2004. The impact of density-independent mortality on species coexistence: an experimental test with zooplankton. Oikos 107:415-421.

Mittelbach, G. G., E. A. Garcia, and Y. Taniguchi. 2006. Fish reintroductions reveal smooth transition between lake community states. Ecology 87:312-318.

Moeller, R. E., R. G. Wetzel, and C. W. Osenberg. 1998. Concordance of phosphorus limitation in lakes: bacterioplankton, phytoplankton, epiphyte-snail consumers, and rooted macrophytes. Pages 318-325 in: E. Jeppesen, M. Sondergaard, and K. Christroffersen (eds.). The structuring roles of submersed macrophytes in lakes. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Olendorf, R., T. Getty, and K. Scribner. 2004. Cooperative nest defense in red-winged blackbirds: reciprocal altruism, kinship or by-product mutualism? Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 271:177-182.

Olendorf, R., T. Getty, K. Scribner, and S. K. Robinson. 2004. Male redwinged blackbirds distrust unreliable and sexually attractive neighbors. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 271:1033-1038.

Oseberg, C. W., C. J. F. Huckins, A. Kaltenberg, and A. Martinez. 2004. Resolving within- and between-population variation in feeding ecology with a biomechanical model. Oecologia 141:57-65.

Petchey, O. L., A. L. Downing, G. G. Mittelbach, L. Persson, C. F. Steiner, P. H. Warren, and G. Woodward. 2004. Species loss and the structure and functioning of multitrophic aquatic systems. Oikos 104:467-478.

Raikow, D. F. 2004. Food web interactions between larval bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) and exotic zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha). Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 61:497-504.

Rettig, J. E. 1998. Variation in species composition of the larval assemblage in four SW Michigan lakes: using allozyme analysis to identify larval sunfish. Transactions American Fisheries Society 127:661-668.

Rettig, J. E. 2003. Zooplankton responses to predation by larval bluegill: an enclosure experiment. Freshwater Biology 48:636-648.

Rettig, J. E., and G. G. Mittelbach. 2002. Interactions between adult and larval bluegill sunfish: positive and negative effects. Oecologia 130:222-230.

Shurin, J.B. 2000. Dispersal limitation, invasion resistance, and the structure of pond zooplankton communities. Ecology 81: 3074-3086.

Shurin, J.B. 2001. Interactive effects of predation and dispersal on zooplankton communities. Ecology 82:3404-3416.

Shurin, J. B., J. E. Havel, M. A. Leibold, and B. P. Alloul. 2000. Local and regional zooplankton species richness: a scale-independent test for saturation. Ecology 81:3062-3073.

Shurin, J.B and E.G. Allen. 2001. Effects of competition, predation, dispersal on local and regional species richness. American Naturalist 158:624-637.

Smiley, E.A., and A.J. Tessier. 1998. Environmental gradients and horizontal distribution of microcrustaceans in lakes. Freshwater Biol. 39:397-409.

Smith, G.R. 1999. Among family variation in tadpole (Rana catesbeiana) responses to density. Journal of Herpetology 33:167-169.

Smith, G.R. 1999. Microhabitat preferences of bullfrog tadpoles of different ages. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Science 25:73-76.

Smith, G. R., J. E. Rettig, G. G. Mittelbach, J. L. Valiulis, and S. R. Schaack. 1999. The effects of fish on assemblages of amphibians in ponds: a field experiment. Freshwater Biology 41:829-837.

Smith, V. H., B. L. Foster, J. P. Grover, R. D. Holt, M. A. Leibold, and F. deNoyelles. 2005. Phytoplankton species richness scales consistently from laboratory microcosms to the world's oceans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102:4393-4396.

Steiner, C. F. 2001. The effects of prey heterogeneity and consumer identity on the limitation of trophic-level biomass. Ecology 82:2495-2506.

Steiner, C. F. 2002. Context-dependent effects of Daphnia pulex on pond ecosystem function: observational and experimental evidence. Oecologia 131:549-558.

Steiner, C. F. 2003. Variable dominance in pond planktonic communities: assessing spatial and temporal variation in competition and predation intensity. Ecology 84:982-990.

Steiner, C. F. 2003. Keystone predator effects and grazer control of planktonic primary production. Oikos 101:569-577.

Steiner, C. F. 2004. Daphnia dominance and zooplankton community structure in fishless ponds. J. Plank. Res. 26:799-810.

Steiner, C. F. 2005. Temporal stability of pond zooplankton assemblages. Freshwater Biology .

Steiner, C. F., and A. H. Roy. 2003. Seasonal succession in fishless ponds: effects of enrichment and invertebrate predation on zooplankton community structure. Hydrobiologia 490:125-134.

Steiner, C. F., T. L. Darcy-Hall, N. J. Dorn, E. A. Garcia, G. G. Mittelbach and J. M. Wojdak. 2005. The influence of consumer diversity and indirect facilitation on trophic-level biomass and stability. Oikos 110:556-566.

Tessier, A.J. and P. Woodruff. 2002. Cryptic trophic cascades along a gradient of lake size.  Ecology 83: 1263-1270.

Tessier, A.J. and P. Woodruff. 2001. Trading off the ability to exploit rich versus poor food quality.  Ecology Letters 5: 685-692

Wilson, A. E. 2003. Effects of zebra mussels on phytoplankton and ciliates: a field mesocosm experiment. Journal of Plankton Research 25:905-915.

Wilson, A. E., and O. Sarnelle. 2001. Relationship between zebra mussel biomass and total phosphorus in European and North American Lakes. Arch. Hydrobiol. 153:339-351.

Wojdak, J. M. 2005. Top-down, bottom-up, and consumer species richness effects on ecosystems: context dependency and relative effect strengths. Ecological Monographs 75:489-504.

Wojdak, J. M. and B. T. Luttbeg. 2005. Relative strength of trait-mediated and density-mediated indirect effects of a predator vary with resource levels. Oikos 111:592-598.

Wojdak, J. M. and G. G. Mittelbach. 2007. Consequences of niche overlap for ecosystem functioning: an experimental test with pond grazers. Ecology 88:2072-2083.

Wootton, T.W. and A. Downing. 2003. Understanding the Effects of Reduced Biodiversity: A Comparison of Two Approaches, eds. P. Kareiva, and S. Levin. In: The Importance of Species. Princeton University Press.

Ph.D. dissertations using the experimental pond facility (1998-2008):

Chase, J. M. 1998. Size-structured interactions and multiple domains of attraction in pond  food webs. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

Darcy-Hall, T. 2004. Linking gradients of predators and productivity to the composition and limitation of benthic algal communities. Ph.D. Dissertation. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Dorn, N. J. 2003. Effects of omnivorous crayfish on fish populations and the structure of littoral communities. Ph.D. Dissertation. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Downing, A. L. 2001. The role of biological diversity for the functioning and stability of pond ecosystems. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

Duffy, M.A. 2006. Evolutionary and community ecology of parasitism in lake Daphnia. Ph.D. Dissertation. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Garcia, E. A. 2006. Regional coexistence and local dominance in Chaoborus: species sorting along a predation gradient. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

Geddes, P. 2004. DOC subsidy effects on the dynamics and structure of zooplankton communities.  Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

Hall, S. R.  2003.  Species sorting and biomass partitioning along light:nutrient:predation risk gradients in planktonic pond ecosystems.  Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

Olenforf, R. 2001. The evolution and maintenance of cooperation in natural and artificial populations. Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Raikow, D.F. 2002. How the feeding ecology of native and exotic mussels affects freshwater ecosystems. Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Rettig, J. E. 1999. Interactions in a stage-structured species: impacts of adult bluegill on larval growth and survival. Ph.D. Dissertation. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Shurin, J.B. 2000. Local and regional influences on the structure of freshwater zooplankton communities. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

Steiner, C. F. 2001. Seasonal succession and variable Daphnia dominance in fishless ponds:  ecological determinants and ecosystem consequences. Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Wojdak, J. M. 2004. Species interactions and the functioning of pond ecosystems. Ph.D. Dissertation, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

Last updated: March 26, 2008

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