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2009 Special Issue of the American Journal of Botany, Darwin Bicentennial: The Abominable Mystery
In 2009, researchers from many fields celebrate the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species. In reflecting on how Darwin influenced the field of botany, and in honor of his bicentennial, the American Journal of Botany has published this special issue for January, 2009 that presents a series of articles on Darwin’s “abominable mystery”: the rapid origin, evolution, and rise to dominance of flowering plants. Just as Darwin and his contemporaries did not agree on their scientific theories, our authors provide a wide range of expertise---and often differences of opinion---on the topics presented in the issue. The abominable mystery is still as hot a topic today as it was in 1879, when Darwin first penned this most frequently quoted phrase, and this issue assembles a group of papers from such diverse approaches as history of science, anatomy, morphology, paleobotany, pollination biology, molecular systematics, genetics, and ecology.
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