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Kenya Study Abroad Summer 2003


A Natural Resource, Environmental, and Educational Management Course in Kenya
- July 11- August 5, 2003 -

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Course Syllabus

The Program

This course is designed to acquaint students and educators with the diverse natural resource, environmental and educational situation in East Africa, specifically in Central Kenya. Students will be exposed to a wide range of natural resource, environmental, economic, educational, and cultural sustainable issues in Kenya which they will evaluate and analyze during their study abroad experience. At the end of the course, students will have a better understanding of natural resource and environmental management issue in Kenya.

Students will begin the course with seminars on the University of Georgia campus, after which they will spend approximately 24 days in Kenya. Students will spend the first three days in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, before traveling to Egerton University in Njoro. A typical day at Egerton University will include field trips to tea and coffee estates, export flower nurseries, smallholder farms, and rural schools to observe natural resource and environmental management practices. In the mid-afternoon, students will attend Swahili and Kenyan cultural lectures at Egerton University.

In the early evening, Kenyan faculty and international specialists will conduct seminars on special topics that complement the field trips. These seminars will include important political, economic, environmental, and educational issues in modern Kenyan society. In addition, students will travel on a weekend field trip to some of Kenya's beautiful national parks. Students will see abundant wildlife, Maasai cattle herders, and the scenic areas around Mount Kenya.

As students travel from Nairobi to Egerton University in Njoro, they will pass through small and large scale tea and coffee estates, Lake Naivasha's export-oriented estates where they grow string beans and flowers for sale to Europe. Other places of interest will include: Lake Nakuru national park, Kericho tea estates, dairy farms, and Lake Bogoria with flamingos and hot springs. In the Mt. Kenya region, students will stay at the beautiful Tree Tops Mountain Lodge.

Students will study:

  • Environmental issues impacting Kenya and sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Sustainable agriculture and food security in East Africa.
  • Economic, political, and social issues in modern Kenya.
  • Kenya's history and culture.

Sponsored by:
The Office of International Public Service and Outreach
The African Studies Institute


Students must register for six semester hours from any two of the following courses:

  • AAEC 4910/6910, International Agribusiness Marketing and Management
  • AAEC 4990/8020, Special Topics in Agricultural and Applied Economics
  • AESC 3150, Topics in International Agriculture
  • Others as approved by the student's academic advisor

Study areas will include:

  1. Kenyan history and culture,
  2. current economic, social and political issues in Kenya,
  3. regional development and the impact of globalization on Kenya,
  4. ethnic and sociological issues in contemporary Kenyan society, and
  5. issues in sustainable natural resource and environmental management.

Evaluation: Students will be required to critique special seminars, lectures and field trips, present a Power Point presentation on an important issue in their discipline, write a short paper related to their presentation, and complete a final examination on the reading list, seminars and lectures. See the course syllabus for specific details.


The cost of the program is $3,289. This includes: roundtrip airfare Atlanta-Nairobi, accommodations in Kenya, two meals per day in Kenya, local transportation in Kenya, and admissions to museums and game parks. Additonal expenses not included may consist of gifts, telephone and internet, one meal or snack per day, and laundry. Other expenses not included may consist of gifts, telephone and internet, one meal or snack per day, and laundry. Other expenses not included are passport and predeparture immunizations.

The program costs do not include UGA tuition for 6 semester hours of course work and associated fees. Students can use their Hope scholarship for UGA tuition and fees. Out-of-state students pay in-state tuition for study abroad programs.

Dates and Deadlines

The application deadline is March 15, 2003 at which time a $200 deposit is due. A second installment of $2,000 is due on April 18, 2003, and the final payment of $1,089 will be due on May 23, 2003. For details on scholarship information, see


  • Glenn C.W. Ames, International Public Service & Outreach,
    E-mail:, Ph: (706) 542-7887
  • Jennifer Frum, International Public Service & Outreach,
    E-mail:, Ph: (706) 542-6654
  • G. Keith Douce, Department of Entomology,
    E-mail:, Ph: (229) 386-3298
  • Sara Ray, African Studies Institute,
    E-mail:, Ph: (706) 542-5314


Kenya's landscapes are rich in diversity. Almost every known land form exists here in minature, from snow-clad mountains and glaciers to arid deserts, from dry Savannah to lush lakes and dense forest. The Great Rift Valley, its floor littered with lakes and extinct volcanoes, cuts through Kenya from north to south. On the equator, majestic Mount Kenya (5,199m) with its snow-capped peaks rises above endless grassland plains. To the North is the rugged and remote northern frontier district including lake Turkana, "the jade sea." The famous Massai Mara reserve to the southwest is the northern extension of the Serengeti. To the south, the Indian Ocean coast offers sandy white beaches, and turquoise seas protected by a fascinating coral reef. Kenya's culture is as diverse as the communities inhabiting the country. Each of Kenya's ethic communities has a unique cultural heritage although some practices are common among them. Most of the cultural values and practices have been passed down orally from generation to generation. There are more then 70 tribal groups in Kenya. English and Swahili are the languages taught throughout the country, but there are many other tribal languages.

Egerton University, Kenya

Egerton University is located in a scenic setting between Lake Nakuru and the volcanic Menengai caldera. Egerton University's main campus at Njoro is located on the Mau Escarpment of the Great Rift Valley of East Africa, part of the Kenya Highlands at an elevation of approximately 6,600 feet above sea level. Njoro campus is 27 kilometers from Nakuru Town. Lake Nakuru is a world-famous bird sanctuary, with over a million flamingoes and other species. Currently, the University has over 8,000 students and about 600 academic staff. More Information

More Related Information

Specific Relevant Media Articles

University of GeorgiaThe Bugwood Network Forestry Images Africa: Forestry, Agroforestry and Environment - The Bugwood Network
The University of Georgia - Warnell School of Forest Resources and
College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - Dept. of Entomology
Last updated on Tuesday, March 25, 2003 at 04:51 PM
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