Source: California Invasive Plant Council

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Invasive Plant Policy

Public policy offers significant opportunities for improving invasive plant management. Cal-IPC is active in developing and supporting policy initiatives at both the state and national level.

State Policies and Programs

On-the-ground invasive plant management may be the most obvious way of protecting wildlands, but other efforts such as preventing new introductions and coordinating rapid response networks can be implemented at the state government level. Cal-IPC works with diverse partners to educate decision makers about the issue, support effective existing programs, and helping to plan for new or improved programs. More on state policy efforts...

Federal Policies and Programs

Cal-IPC coordinates with partner groups across the country to develop strategy for improved national policy. Because invasive species are an international issue, some types of programs must be implemented at the federal level to be most effective. Networking on a national level also helps state and local groups share insight and experience. More on federal policy efforts...

Cal-IPC Policies

Cal-IPC weighs in on broad policy issues when appropriate to our mission, and on specific land management situations when our input is requested. Our policy on Integrated Weed Management (below) is the basis for our perspective on local management decisions.