Source: California Invasive Plant Council

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California Invasive Plant Inventory Database

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Scientific Name Common Name Rating Alert Imp. Inv. Dis. Doc. Regions Habitats of Concern and Comments
Acacia dealbata  silver wattle Moderate   B B B 2.5
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Coastal prairie, riparian woodland, riparian forest, North Coast coniferous forest, closed cone coniferous forest.
Acacia melanoxylon  black acacia, blackwood acacia Limited   C C B 2.7
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Coniferous forest, chaparral, woodland, riparian. Impacts are low in most areas.
Acacia paradoxa kangaroothorn Eval No List   D C C 2.5
  • ·CW
  • ·SW
Does not spread in wildlands.
Acroptilon repens   Russian knapweed Moderate   B B B 3.2
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·GB
Scrub, grasslands, riparian, pinyon-juniper woodland, forest. Severe impacts in other western states. Spreading in many areas of CA.
Aegilops triuncialis   barb goatgrass High   A A B 3.6
  • ·CaR
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·SN
  • ·MP
Grassland, oak woodland; spreading in NW and in Central Valley.
Aeschynomene rudis rough jointvetch Eval No List   D C D 3.2
  • ·GV
Serious agricultural weed, but not known to have impacts in wildlands.
Ageratina adenophora  croftonweed, eupatorium Moderate   B B B 2.8
  • ·CW
  • ·SW
Coastal canyons, scrub, slopes. Very invasive in Australia, limited information and distribution in CA.
Agrostis avenacea  Pacific bentgrass Limited   C C C 2.4
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
Vernal pools, coastal prairie, meadows, grasslands. Impacts are low in most areas.
Agrostis stolonifera  creeping bentgrass Limited   C B C 1.9
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
Wetlands, riparian; grown for domestic forage. Limited distribution and impacts unknown.
Ailanthus altissima   tree-of-heaven Moderate   B B B 3.0
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·GB
Riparian areas, grasslands, oak woodland. Impacts highest in riparian areas.
Aira caryophyllea silver hairgrass Eval No List   D C A 2.6
  • ·CA-FP
Widespread in grasslands, but impacts appear negligible.
Aira praecox European hairgrass Eval No List   D C C 2.8
  • ·NW
Appears to be spreading locally, but impacts unknown.
Albizia lophantha plume acacia Eval No List   U C C 1.5
  • ·CW
  • ·SW
Present in Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Need more information.
Alhagi maurorum  camelthorn Moderate   B B B 3.2
  • ·GV
  • ·SW
  • ·SNE
  • ·D
Grassland, meadows, riparian and desert scrub, Sonoran thorn woodland. Very invasive in southwestern states. Limited distribution in CA.
Allium triquetrum three-cornered leek Eval No List   U C C 1.6
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
Impacts unknown.
Alternanthera philoxeroides   alligator weed High
A B C 2.9
  • ·GV
  • ·SW
Freshwater aquatic systems, including marshes
Ammophila arenaria   European beachgrass High   A B B 3.2
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Coastal dunes
Anthemis cotula mayweed chamomile, dog fennel Eval No List   D B B 2.4
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
Abiotic and wildife impacts unknown
Anthoxanthum odoratum  sweet vernalgrass Moderate   B B B 2.7
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
Coastal prairie, coniferous forest. Little information available on impacts and limited ecological range.
Arctotheca calendula (fertile)  fertile capeweed Moderate
B B C 3.6
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
Coastal prairie; can produce seed. Important agricultural weed in Australia, but limited distribution in CA.
Arctotheca calendula (sterile)  sterile capeweed Moderate   B B B 2.8
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Coastal prairie; only propagates vegetatively. More competitive than fertile form, but limited distribution.
Arundo donax   giant reed High   A B A 2.8
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
  • ·D
Riparian areas, commercially grown for musical instrument reeds, structural material, etc.
Asparagus asparagoides  bridal creeper Moderate
B B D 2.6
  • ·CW
  • ·SW
Riparian woodland
Asphodelus fistulosus  onionweed Moderate
B A C 2.9
  • ·GV
  • ·SW
Coastal dunes, prairie, grasslands. More invasive in Australia. High invasiveness but limited distribution in CA.
Atriplex semibaccata   Australian saltbush Moderate   B B B 2.9
  • ·All CA
Coastal grasslands, scrub, upper salt marsh. Limited distribution, but can be very invasive regionally.
Avena barbata  slender wild oat Moderate   B B A 3.5
  • ·MP
  • ·D
Coastal scrub, grasslands, oak woodland, forest. Very widespread, but impacts more severe in desert regions.
Avena fatua  wild oat Moderate   B B A 3.2
  • ·MP
  • ·D
Coastal scrub, chaparral, grasslands, woodland, forest. Very widespread, but impacts more severe in desert regions.
Bassia hyssopifolia   fivehook bassia Limited   C C B 2.7
  • ·All CA
Alkaline habitats. Weed of agriculture or disturbed sites. Impacts minor in wildlands.
Bellardia trixago   bellardia Limited   C C C 1.9
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
Grasslands, including serpentine. Impacts and invasiveness appear to be minor.
Bellis perennis English daisy Eval No List   D C C 2.8
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Present along trails, not known to spread into undisturbed areas
Berberis darwinii Darwin barberry Eval No List   U B D 2.1
  • ·CW
Impacts unknown
Brachypodium distachyon  annual false-brome, false brome, purple false broom, stiff brome Moderate   B B B 2.6
  • ·CaR
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·SN
Valley and foothill grassland, cimontane woodland
Brachypodium sylvaticum  perennial false-brome Moderate
B A D 2.5
  • ·CW
Redwoods and mixed evergreen forest in Santa Cruz Mtns. Expanding range rapidly in OR, potentially very invasive.
Brassica nigra  black mustard Moderate   B B A 2.0
  • ·CA-FP
Widespread. Primarily a weed of disturbed sites, but can be locally a more significant problem in wildlands.
Brassica rapa   birdsrape mustard, field mustard Limited   C B B 1.8
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·SNE
Coastal scrub, grasslands meadows, riparian. Primarily in disturbed areas, Impacts appear to be minor or unknown in wildlands.
Brassica tournefortii   Saharan mustard, African mustard High   A A B 2.3
  • ·SW
  • ·D
Desert dunes, desert and coastal scrub
Briza maxima  big quackingrass, rattlesnakegrass Limited   B C B 2.3
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
Grasslands. Widespread in coast range. Impacts generally minor, but locally can be higher.
Bromus diandrus  ripgut brome Moderate   B B A 3.3
  • ·All CA
Dunes, scrub, grassland, woodland, forest. Very widespread, but monotypic stands uncommon.
Bromus hordeaceus   soft brome Limited   B C A 2.8
  • ·All CA
Grasslands, sagebrush, serpentine soils, many other habitats. Very widespread, but primarily in converted annual grasslands.
Bromus japonicus  Japanese brome, Japanese chess Limited   B C B 2.6
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·GB
  • ·D
Great Basin grassland, valley and foothill grassland, pinon and juniper woodland, lower montane coniferous forest
Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens  red brome High   A B A 3.0
  • ·All CA
Scrub, grassland, desert washes, woodlands
Bromus tectorum   downy brome, cheatgrass High   A B A 3.1
  • ·SW
  • ·D
Interior scrub, woodlands, grasslands, pinon/Joshua tree woodland, chaparral.
Buddleja davidii butterflybush Eval No List   D B D 2.5
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
Not known to be invasive in CA, although it is a problem in Oregon.
Cakile maritima  European sea-rocket Limited   C B B 3.6
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Coastal dunes. Widespread, but impacts appear to be minor.
Cardaria chalepensis  lens-podded white-top Moderate
B B C 3.2
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·GB
Central Valley wetlands. Limited distribution in CA. May not be as invasive as C. draba.
Cardaria draba  hoary cress Moderate   B B B 2.6
  • ·CW
Riparian areas, marshes of central coast. More severe invasive in northern CA.
Cardaria pubescens  hairy whitetop Limited   C B C 2.5
  • ·GV
  • ·SW
Grasslands and meadows. Impacts unknown but may be significant in meadows of CaR.
Carduus acanthoides  plumeless thistle Limited   B C C 3.0
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·MP
Valley and foothill grasslands. Distribution limited in CA, impacts higher locally.
Carduus nutans  musk thistle Moderate   B B B 3.1
  • ·CaR
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·MP
Grasslands. More invasive in other western states. Limited distribution in CA.
Carduus pycnocephalus  Italian thistle Moderate   B B A 2.9
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
  • ·DMoj
Forest, scrub, grasslands, woodland. Very widespread. Impacts may be variable regionally.
Carduus tenuiflorus  slenderflower thistle Limited   C C B 2.8
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
Valley and foothill grasslands. Limited distribution, Impacts appear to be minor.
Carpobrotus chilensis  sea-fig, iceplant Moderate   B B A 1.8
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Coastal dunes, scrub, prairie. Little information on species, most inferred from C. edulis.
Carpobrotus edulis  Hottentot-fig, iceplant High   A B A 3.3
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Coastal habitats, especially dunes
Carthamus lanatus   woolly distaff thistle Moderate
A B C 2.8
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
Grasslands. Expanding in coast ranges, may become more severe. Current distribution limited.
Centaurea calcitrapa  purple starthistle Moderate   B B B 2.7
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
  • ·MP
Grasslands. Impacts regionally variable. Distribution relatively limited.
Centaurea debeauxii  meadow knapweed Moderate
B B C 2.7
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
Grasslands. Spreading rapidly in NW CA, but distribution limited elsewhere. Little known of impacts.
Centaurea diffusa  diffuse knapweed Moderate   B B B 3.3
  • ·CaR
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
  • ·GB
Severe impacts in other western states. Limited distribution in CA with impacts higher in some locations.
Centaurea maculosa  spotted knapweed High   A B B 3.4
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·GB
Riparian, grasslands, wet meadows, forests. More widely distributed in other western states.
Centaurea melitensis   Malta starthistle, tocalote Moderate   B B B 2.6
  • ·CaR
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·D
Grasslands, oak woodland; sometimes misidentified as C. solstitialis. Impacts vary regionally.
Centaurea solstitialis  yellow starthistle High   A B A 3.0
  • ·CA-FP
Grasslands, woodlands, occasionally riparian
Centaurea virgata ssp. squarrosa  squarrose knapweed Moderate   B B B 2.8
  • ·CaR
  • ·NW
  • ·MP
Scrub, grassland, pinyon-juniper woodland. Highly invasive in UT and other western states. Limited distribution in CA.
Cestrum parqui willow jessamine Eval No List   U B C 2.0
  • ·CW
Impacts unknown
Chondrilla juncea   rush skeletonweed Moderate   B B B 3.1
  • ·CaR
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
Grasslands. Very invasive in other western states, but currently limited in distribution in CA.
Chorispora tenella blue mustard Eval No List   U C C 1.5
  • ·CaR
  • ·GV
  • ·SW
  • ·GB
Impacts unknown
Chrysanthemum coronarium  crown daisy Moderate   B B B 2.0
  • ·CW
  • ·SW
Coastal prairie, dunes, and scrub. Impacts generally low to moderate, but can vary regionally.
Cirsium arvense  Canada thistle Moderate   B B B 2.8
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·DMoj
Grasslands, riparian areas, forests. Severe impacts in other western states. Limited distribution in CA.
Cirsium vulgare   bull thistle Moderate   B B B 3.3
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·GB
Riparian areas, marshes, meadows. Widespread, can be very problematic regionally.
Cistus ladanifer gum rockrose Eval No List   D C C 3.3
  • ·CW
  • ·SW
Negligible known impacts in wildlands
Conicosia pugioniformis   narrowleaf iceplant Limited   C B C 2.1
  • ·CW
Coastal dunes, scrub, grassland. Limited distribution. Impacts generally minor but can be higher locally.
Conium maculatum   poison-hemlock Moderate   B B B 2.8
  • ·CA-FP
Riparian woodland, grassland. Widespread in disturbed areas. Abiotic impacts unknown. Impacts can vary locally.
Convolvulus arvensis field bindweed Eval No List   C B B 3.5
  • ·All CA
Only known as agricultural weed
Cordyline australis  giant dracaena, New Zealand cabbage tree Limited   C C C 2.0
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
Coniferous forest. Two reports of horticultural escape into wildlands. Appears best suited to moist, cool climates.
Cortaderia jubata   jubatagrass High   A A A 3.1
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
Many coastal and interior habitats
Cortaderia selloana   pampasgrass High   A A B 3.2
  • ·CaR
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
  • ·DMoj
Coastal dunes, coastal scrub, Monterey pine, riparian, grasslands, wetlands, serpentine soils. Still spreading both coastal and inland.
Cotoneaster franchetii  orange cotoneaster Moderate   B A B 2.6
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
Coniferous forest. Limited distribution. Abiotic impacts largely unknown.
Cotoneaster lacteus  Parney's cotoneaster Moderate   B B B 2.1
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Many coastal habitats, mainly a problem from SF Bay Area north along coast but also in San Diego County. Limited distribution. Abiotic impacts largely unknown.
Cotoneaster pannosus  silverleaf cotoneaster Moderate   B A B 2.5
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Many coastal habitats, mainly a problem from SF Bay Area north along coast. Limited distribution. Abiotic impacts largely unknown.
Cotula coronopifolia  brassbuttons Limited   C C B 2.2
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Salt and freshwater marshes. Impacts largely unknown, but appear to be minor.
Crataegus monogyna   hawthorn Limited   C B C 3.4
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
Riparian habitats, woodland. Limited distribution. Impacts appear to be minor.
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora  montbretia Limited   C B B 2.6
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Coastal scrub and prairie, north coast forests. Abiotic impacts unknown. Higher invasiveness in some areas.
Crupina vulgaris  common crupina, bearded creeper Limited   B C B 3.2
  • ·NW
  • ·MP
Forest, woodland, grassland. Distribution limited. More invasive in other western states.
Cupressus macrocarpa  Monterey cypress Native   B B B 2.3
  • ·CW
Native to Monterey area. Invades coastal prairie, desert scrub, riparian areas.
Cynara cardunculus  artichoke thistle Moderate   B B B 4.0
  • ·CW
  • ·SW
Coastal grasslands. Impacts more severe in southern CA where monotypic stands are more common.
Cynodon dactylon  bermudagrass Moderate   B B B 3.3
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·D
Riparian scrub in southern CA. Common landscape weed, but can be very invasive in desert washes.
Cynoglossum officinale   houndstongue Moderate   B B B 2.5
  • ·CaR
  • ·SN
Woodland, forest, interior dunes. Abiotic impacts unknown. Limited distribution. Can have impacts in other western states.
Cynosurus echinatus   hedgehog dogtailgrass Moderate   B B A 2.5
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
Oak woodland, grassland. Widespread, impacts vary regionally, but typically not in monotypic stands.
Cytisus scoparius  Scotch broom High   A B A 3.2
  • ·CA-FP
Coastal scrub, oak woodland, horticultural varieties may also be invasive.
Cytisus striatus  Portuguese broom Moderate   B B B 2.7
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Coastal scrub, grasslands; often confused with C. scoparius. Limited distribution.
Dactylis glomerata  orchardgrass Limited   C B B 2.9
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·GB
Grasslands, broadleaved forest, woodlands; common forage species. Impacts appear to be minor.
Daucus carota wild carrot, Queen Anne's lace Eval No List   D C B 2.7
  • ·All CA
Very widespread, but primarily in disturbed sites, particularly roadsides
Delairea odorata  Cape-ivy, German-ivy High   A A B 3.1
  • ·CaR
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Coastal, occasionally other riparian areas, common discard from gardens.
Descurainia sophia  flixweed, tansy mustard Limited   C B B 1.9
  • ·All CA
Scrub, grassland, woodland. Impacts appear to be minor, but locally more invasive in NE CA.
Digitalis purpurea  foxglove Limited   C B B 2.4
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
Forest, woodland. Widely escaped ornamental. Impacts largely unknown but appear to be minor.
Dimorphotheca sinuata African daisy Eval No List   D C B 1.8
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·SW
Impacts to abiotic processes and plant communities unknown
Dipsacus fullonum  common teasel Moderate   B B B 3.8
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
Grasslands, seep, riparian scrub. Impacts regionally variable, forms dense stands on occasion.
Dipsacus sativus  fuller's teasel Moderate   B B B 3.8
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Grasslands, seep, bogs. Impacts regionally variable, forms dense stands on occasion.
Dittrichia graveolens  stinkwort Moderate
B A C 3.0
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
Grasslands, riparian scrub. Spreading rapidly, impacts may become more important in future.
Echium candicans  pride-of-Madeira Limited   C B B 1.5
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Little information on impacts.
Egeria densa   Brazilian egeria High   A A B 3.1
  • ·GV
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
  • ·SNE
Streams, ponds, sloughs, lakes, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
Ehrharta calycina   purple veldtgrass High   A A B 3.4
  • ·CW
Sandy soils, especially dunes; rapidly spreading on central coast.
Ehrharta erecta   erect veldtgrass Moderate   B B B 2.2
  • ·CW
  • ·SW
Scrub, grasslands, woodland, forest. Spreading rapidly, impacts may become more important in future.
Ehrharta longiflora  long-flowered veldtgrass Moderate
B B C 2.8
  • ·SW
Coastal scrub. Limited distribution, but spreading rapidly in southern CA. Impacts largely unknown.
Eichhornia crassipes   water hyacinth High
A A C 3.2
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·SW
Aquatic systems in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Elaeagnus angustifolia  Russian-olive Moderate   B A B 3.3
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·SW
  • ·SNE
  • ·DMoj
Interior riparian. Impacts more severe in other western states. Current distribution limited in CA.
Emex spinosa  spiny emex, devil's-thorn Moderate
B B D 1.6
  • ·SW
Edges of beaches, other coastal habitats. Invasive in other states and countries. Spreading rapidly in southern CA. Impacts not well known.
Erechtites glomerata, E. minima   Australian fireweed, Australian burnweed Moderate   C B A 3.2
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Coastal woodland, scrub, forests. Widespread on coast, but impacts low overall. May vary locally.
Erigeron karvinskianus Mexican daisy Eval No List   U B C 1.9
  • ·CW
  • ·SN
Impacts unknown, but appears to be expanding. May become more problematic in future
Erodium botrys broadleaf filaree Eval No List   D C A 2.8
  • ·CA-FP
Present in wildlands but known impacts are negligible. Often transient.
Erodium brachycarpum short-fruited filaree Eval No List   C C A 2.6
  • ·CA-FP
Present in wildlands but known impacts are negligible.Often transient.
Erodium cicutarium  redstem filaree Limited   C C A 3.1
  • ·All CA
Many habitats. Widespread. Impacts minor in wildlands. High-density populations transient.
Erodium moschatum whitestem filaree Eval No List   D C A 2.7
  • ·CA-FP
Primarily an agricultural weed, little impact in wildlands.
Eucalyptus camaldulensis  red gum Limited   C C C 2.2
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Mainly southern CA urban areas. Impacts, invasiveness and distribution all minor.
Eucalyptus globulus   Tasmanian blue gum Moderate   B B B 2.8
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Riparian areas, coastal grasslands, scrub. Impacts can be much higher in coastal areas.
Euphorbia esula  leafy spurge High
A A C 3.5
  • ·CaR
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
  • ·MP
Forests, woodlands, juniper forest. More widespread invasive in northern states.
Euphorbia lathyris caper spurge Eval No List   D C B 2.2
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Abiotic impacts unknown
Euphorbia oblongata   oblong spurge Limited   C C B 2.0
  • ·CaR
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
Meadows, woodlands. Limited distribution. Impacts unknown. Locally in dense stands.
Euphorbia terracina  carnation spurge Moderate
B B C 1.7
  • ·SW
Coastal scrub. Limited distribution. Spreading in southern CA. Impacts unknown.
Festuca arundinacea   tall fescue Moderate   B B A 2.9
  • ·CA-FP
Coastal scrub, grasslands; common forage grass. Widespread, abiotic impacts unknown.
Ficus carica  edible fig Moderate   B A B 2.6
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·SW
Riparian woodland. Can spread rapidly. Abiotic impacts unknown. Can be locally very problematic.
Foeniculum vulgare   fennel High   A B A 3.0
  • ·CA-FP
Grasslands, scrub.
Fraxinus uhdei evergreen ash, shamel ash, tropical ash Eval No List   U B D 3.0
Fumaria officinalis fumitory Eval No List   D C D 2.3
  • ·SW
Abiotic impacts unknown
Genista monspessulana  French broom High   A A B 3.2
  • ·CaR
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
Coastal scrub, oak woodland, grasslands. Horticultural selections may also be invasive.
Geranium dissectum   cutleaf geranium Moderate   C B A 1.7
  • ·CA-FP
Numerous habitats but impacts appear minor.
Geranium molle dovefoot geranium Eval No List   D B A 1.7
  • ·CA-FP
Present in wildlands, but known impacts are negligible
Geranium retrorsum New Zealand geranium Eval No List   D B B 1.9
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
Present in wildlands, but known impacts are negligible
Geranium robertianum herb-robert, Robert geranium Eval No List   D B C 2.8
  • ·CW
Present in wildlands, but known impacts are negligible
Gleditsia triacanthos honey locust Eval No List   D B C 3.3
  • ·GV
Impacts unknown and distribution very limited
Glyceria declinata  waxy mannagrass Moderate   B B B 1.9
  • ·GV
  • ·SW
Vernal pools, moist grasslands. Often confused with native Glyceria. Impacts largely unknown, but may be significant in vernal pools.
Halogeton glomeratus  halogeton Moderate   B A B 3.0
  • ·CaR
  • ·SW
  • ·GB
  • ·DMoj
Scrub, grasslands, pinyon-juniper woodland. Larger problem in NV. Monotypic stands are rare.
Hedera helix, H. canariensis   English ivy, Algerian ivy High   A A A 2.7
  • ·CA-FP
Coastal forests, riparian areas. Species combined due to genetics questions.
Helichrysum petiolare  licoriceplant Limited   C B C 2.0
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
North coastal scrub. Limited distribution. Impacts unknown, but can form dense stands.
Hirschfeldia incana  shortpod mustard, summer mustard Moderate   B B A 1.9
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
  • ·DMoj
Scrub, grasslands, riparian areas. Impacts not well understood, but appear to be greater in southern CA.
Holcus lanatus   common velvet grass Moderate   B B A 2.9
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·GB
  • ·DMoj
Coastal grasslands, wetlands. Impacts can be more severe locally, especially in wetland areas.
Hordeum marinum, H. murinum  Mediterranean barley, hare barley, wall barley Moderate   B B A 2.8
  • ·All CA
Grasslands; H. marinum invades drier habitats, while H. murinum invades wetlands. Widespread, but generally do not form dominant stands.
Hydrilla verticillata  hydrilla High
A B C 3.2
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
  • ·D
Freshwater aquatic systems. The most important submerged aquatic invasive in southern states.
Hypericum canariense  Canary Island hypericum Moderate
B B C 1.2
  • ·SW
Coastal scrub, prairie. Impacts unknown, distribution limited. Spreading rapidly on central coast.
Hypericum perforatum  common St. John's wort, klamathweed Moderate   B B B 3.7
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Many northern CA habitats. Abiotic impacts low. Biological control agents have reduced overall impact.
Hypochaeris glabra   smooth catsear Limited   C B B 3.1
  • ·CA-FP
Scrub and woodlands. Widespread. Impacts appear to be minor. Some local variability.
Hypochaeris radicata  rough catsear, hairy dandelion Moderate   C B A 2.2
  • ·CA-FP
Coastal dunes, scrub, and prairie; woodland, forest. Widespread. Impacts unknown or appear to be minor.
Ilex aquifolium   English holly Moderate
B B C 2.7
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
North coast forests. Expanding range south from OR.
Iris pseudacorus   yellowflag iris Limited   C B C 2.3
  • ·CaR
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Riparian, wetland areas, esp. southern CA. Limited distribution. Abiotic impacts unknown.
Isatis tinctoria   dyer's woad Moderate   B B A 3.0
  • ·CaR
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·MP
Great Basin scrub and grasslands, coniferous forest. More severe impacts in other western states, but can be locally very invasive in northern CA.
Kochia scoparia   kochia Moderate   B C B 3.2
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·SW
  • ·GB
  • ·D
Scrub, chaparral, grasslands
Lactuca serriola prickly lettuce Eval No List   D B B 3.1
  • ·All CA
Primarily an agricultural and roadside weed
Lepidium latifolium  perennial pepperweed, tall whitetop High   A A A 3.1
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·GB
  • ·DMoj
Coastal and inland marshes, riparian areas, wetlands, grasslands; potential to invade montane wetlands.
Leptospermum laevigatum Australian tea tree Eval No List   D C D 2.2
  • ·CW
Very limited distribution.
Leucanthemum vulgare   ox-eye daisy Moderate   B B B 2.5
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
Montane meadows, coastal grasslands, coastal scrub. Expanding range, invasiveness varies locally.
Ligustrum lucidum glossy privet Eval No List   D B C 3.1
  • ·NW
May prove to be problematic in riparian areas.
Linaria genistifolia ssp. dalmatica  Dalmation toadflax Moderate   B B B 2.8
  • ·CA-FP
Grasslands, forest clearings. Limited distribution. More severe impacts in other western states.
Linaria vulgaris  yellow toadflax, butter and eggs Moderate   B B B 2.3
  • ·CA-FP
valley and foothill grassland, Great Basin grassland, riparian woodland, lower montane coniferous forest, upper montane coniferous forest
Lobularia maritima  sweet alyssum Limited   C B B 2.4
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Coastal dune, coastal scrub, coastal prairie, riparian.
Lolium multiflorum  Italian ryegrass Moderate   A B A 2.6
  • ·CA-FP
Grasslands, oak woodland, pinyon-juniper woodland; widely used for post-fire erosion control. Widespread. Impacts can vary with region.
Lotus corniculatus birdsfoot trefoil Eval No List   D B B 2.8
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·GB
Primarily a turf or agricultural weed in CA
Ludwigia hexapetala  Uruguay water-primrose High
A B C 2.6
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Freshwater aquatic systems. Clarification needed on taxonomic identification.
Ludwigia peploides ssp. montevidensis  creeping water-primrose High   A B B 2.5
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
  • ·DMoj
Freshwater aquatic systems. Clarification needed on taxonomic identification.
Lupinus arboreus  yellow bush lupine Native   B B B 3.5
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
Invasive in NW coastal dunes.
Lythrum hyssopifolium  hyssop loosestrife Limited   C B B 3.0
  • ·CA-FP
Grasslands, wetlands, vernal pools. Widespread. Impacts unknown, but appear to be minor.
Lythrum salicaria  purple loosestrife High   A A B 3.8
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
  • ·MP
Wetlands, marshes, riparian areas
Malephora crocea coppery mesembryanthemum Eval No List   D C C 2.0
  • ·CW
  • ·SW
A problem on southern CA islands, but statewide impacts are low
Marrubium vulgare   white horehound Limited   C C B 2.8
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·DMoj
Grasslands scrub, riparian areas. Widespread. Rarely in dense stands. Impacts relatively minor.
Maytenus boaria mayten Eval No List   D C D 2.4
  • ·CW
Infestation on Angel Island, San Francisco Bay
Medicago polymorpha  California burclover Limited   C C A 2.8
  • ·CA-FP
Grasslands. Widespread weed of agriculture and disturbed areas. Impacts in wildlands minor.
Melilotus officinalis yellow sweetclover Eval No List   D C C 3.3
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·GB
Present in human-disturbed habitats only
Mentha pulegium  pennyroyal Moderate   C A A 2.7
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Vernal pools, wetlands. Poisonous to livestock. Spreading rapidly. Impacts largely unknown.
Mesembryanthemum crystallinum  crystalline iceplant Moderate
B B C 3.7
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Coastal bluffs, dunes, scrubs, grasslands. Limited distribution. Locally problematic, especially in southern CA.
Myoporum laetum  myoporum Moderate   B B B 2.6
  • ·CW
  • ·SW
Coastal habitats, riparian areas; mostly along the southern coast. Abiotic impacts unknown.
Myosotis latifolia  common forget-me-not Limited   C B B 2.2
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·DMoj
Coniferous forest, riparian. Little information on impacts.
Myriophyllum aquaticum   parrotfeather High
A B C 2.8
  • ·CaR
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Freshwater aquatic systems
Myriophyllum spicatum   Eurasian watermilfoil High   A A B 2.8
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·SN
Freshwater aquatic systems
Nerium oleander oleander Eval No List   D B D 2.6
  • ·CaR
  • ·GV
Not known to be invasive, although reported from riparian areas in Central Valley and San Bernardino Mtns
Nicotiana glauca  tree tobacco Moderate   B B B 2.5
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
  • ·D
Coastal scrub, grasslands, riparian woodland. Abiotic impacts unknown. Impacts vary locally. Rarely in dense stands.
Nothoscordum gracile false garlic Eval No List   D B D 2.1
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·SW
Mainly an urban garden weed.
Nymphaea odorata fragrant waterlily Eval No List   D B C 2.3
  • ·GV
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
Present only at one site.
Olea europaea  olive Limited   C B B 2.5
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
A problem in Australia. Currently a rare escape in CA but is of concern due to the possibility of spread from planted groves.
Ononis alopecuroides  foxtail restharrow Limited   C B C 2.2
  • ·CW
Grasslands, oak woodland. Highly invasive. Impacts unknown. Nearly eradicated.
Onopordum acanthium   Scotch thistle High   B B B 2.9
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·MP
Wet meadows, sage brush, riparian areas
Oxalis corniculata creeping woodsorrel Eval No List   D C C 2.2
  • ·All CA
Primarily a turf weed in CA
Oxalis pes-caprae  Bermuda buttercup, buttercup oxalis, yellow oxalis Moderate   B B B 2.9
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Coastal dunes, scrub, oak woodland. Impacts in coastal areas may prove more severe in time.
Parentucellia viscosa  yellow glandweed, sticky parentucellia Limited   C B B 2.5
  • ·CaR
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Coastal prairie, grassland, and dunes. Impacts unknown, but can be locally significant.
Parkinsonia aculeata Mexican Palo Verde Eval No List   D B D 2.2
  • ·GV
  • ·SW
Has not escaped into wildland enough to cause impacts.
Pennisetum clandestinum  kikuyugrass Limited   C C B 2.3
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Present at low levels in numerous wildland habitats. Impacts unknown. Common turf weed.
Pennisetum setaceum   crimson fountaingrass Moderate   B B B 2.9
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·SW
  • ·D
Coastal dunes and scrub, chaparral, grasslands. Some horticultural cultivars sterile. Very invasive in Hawaii.
Pennisetum villosum feathertop Eval No List   U B C 2.4
Phalaris aquatica   hardinggrass Moderate   B B B 2.6
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
  • ·DMoj
Coastal sites, especially moist soils. Limited distribution. Can be highly invasive locally.
Phoenix canariensis  Canary Island date palm Limited   C B D 2.3
  • ·CW
  • ·SW
Desert washes; agricultural crop plant. Limited distribution in southern CA. Impacts can be higher locally.
Phragmites australis  common reed Native   B B B 2.5
  • ·All CA
Genetic issues make it unclear which strains are native to CA.
Phytolacca americana  common pokeweed Limited   C B C 2.8
  • ·CA-FP
riparian forest, riparian woodland
Picris echioides  bristly oxtongue Limited   C B B 2.4
  • ·CA-FP
Coastal prairie, scrub, riparian woodland. Widespread locally. Abiotic impacts unknown.
Pinus radiata cultivars  Monterey pine Native   B B B 2.6
  • ·NW
Five populations native to CA. Invades coastal scrub and prairie, chaparral.
Piptatherum miliaceum  smilograss Limited   C B B 2.4
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
Coastal dunes, scrub, riparian, grassland. Expanding range. Impacts largely unknown.
Pistachia chinensis Chinese pistache Eval No List   U C D 0.9
Impacts unknown
Pittosporum undulatum Victorian box Eval No List   D C D 2.7
Infestations in California are small. More problematic on north coast
Plantago coronopus cutleaf plantain Eval No List   U C B 1.7
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
Impacts unknown. Common on north coast
Plantago lanceolata  buckhorn plantain, English plantain Limited   C C B 2.1
  • ·CA-FP
Many habitats. Turf weed primarily. Low density and impact in wildlands.
Poa pratensis  Kentucky bluegrass Limited   C B B 2.7
  • ·All CA
Grasslands scrub, riparian areas. Widespread turf plant. Abiotic impacts unknown.
Polygonum cuspidatum  Japanese knotweed Moderate
B B D 2.7
  • ·CaR
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
Riparian areas, wetlands, forest edges. More severe impacts in NW wetlands. Distribution limited in CA.
Polygonum sachalinense  Sakhalin knotweed Moderate
B B D 2.5
  • ·CaR
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
Riparian areas. More severe impacts in NW wetlands. Distribution limited in CA.
Polypogon monspeliensis and subspp.  rabbitfoot polypogon, annual beardgrass Limited   C C B 2.3
  • ·All CA
Margins of ponds and streams, seasonally wet places, edge of coastal dunes. Widespread. Impacts appear to be minor.
Potamogeton crispus   curlyleaf pondweed Moderate   B B B 3.2
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
  • ·DMoj
Freshwater aquatic systems. Can be very invasive locally.
Prunus cerasifera  cherry plum Limited   C B B 1.8
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Riparian habitats, chaparral, woodland. Limited distribution. Abiotic impacts unknown.
Pyracantha angustifolia, P. crenulata, P. coccinea  pyracantha, firethorn Limited   C B B 2.8
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Coastal scrub and prairie, riparian areas. Horticultural escape. Impacts unknown or minor.
Ranunculus repens  creeping buttercup Limited   C C B 2.9
  • ·CaR
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
Riparian areas, coniferous forest. Impacts appear to be minor to negligible in most areas.
Raphanus sativus  radish Limited   C C B 2.5
  • ·CA-FP
Present at low levels in numerous habitats. Widespread in disturbed sites.
Retama monosperma  bridal broom Moderate
B B C 1.8
  • ·SW
Coastal scrub. Can spread rapidly but largely if uncontrolled. Limited distribution in CA.
Ricinus communis  castorbean Limited   C B B 2.5
  • ·CaR
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
  • ·DMoj
Coastal scrub and prairie, riparian areas. Widespread in southern CA. Impacts locally variable.
Robinia pseudoacacia  black locust Limited   C B B 2.8
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·GB
Riparian areas, canyons. Severe impacts in southern states. Impacts minor in CA.
Rubus armeniacus  Himalaya blackberry High   A A A 3.0
  • ·CA-FP
Riparian areas, marshes, oak woodlands
Rumex acetosella  red sorrel, sheep sorrel Moderate   B B A 2.3
  • ·CA-FP
Many habitats, riparian areas, forest, wetlands. Widespread. Abiotic impacts unknown. Impacts can vary locally.
Rumex crispus   curly dock Limited   C C A 2.7
  • ·All CA
Grasslands, vernal pool, meadows, riparian. Widespread. Impacts appear to be minor.
Saccharum ravennae  ravennagrass Moderate
  • ·GV
  • ·DSon
riparian scrub, marsh and swamp
Salsola paulsenii  barbwire Russian-thistle Limited   C C C 2.9
  • ·SW
  • ·SNE
  • ·D
Desert and Great Basin scrub. Limited distribution. Impacts in desert appear to be minor.
Salsola soda  oppositeleaf Russian thistle Moderate   B B B 2.8
  • ·CW
marine systems, estuaries, vernal pool, marsh and swamp
Salsola tragus  Russian-thistle Limited   C B B 2.8
  • ·All CA
Desert dunes and scrub, alkali playa. Widespread. Impacts minor in wildlands.
Salvia aethiopis   Mediterranean sage Limited   C B B 2.5
  • ·MP
Sagebrush, juniper, bunchgrass. Distribution limited. Impacts minor but can be locally higher.
Salvinia molesta  giant salvinia High
A A C 2.9
  • ·CW
  • ·DSon
Freshwater aquatic systems. Population in San Diego River was eradicated.
Sapium sebiferum  Chinese tallowtree Moderate
B B C 3.2
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
Riparian areas. Impacts severe in southeast US. Limited distribution in California, but spreading rapidly regionally.
Saponaria officinalis   bouncingbet Limited   C B C 2.5
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
  • ·GB
Riparian scrub and woodland. Impacts unknown or minor, but appear to be locally variable.
Schinus molle   Peruvian peppertree Limited   C B B 2.5
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
Riparian. Limited distribution. Impacts largely unknown in CA.
Schinus terebinthifolius   Brazilian peppertree Limited   C B C 2.6
  • ·SW
Riparian. Very invasive in tropics. Abiotic impacts unknown, but appear significant locally.
Schismus arabicus, Schismus barbatus  mediterraneangrass Limited   B C A 2.3
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·SW
  • ·D
Scrub, thorn woodland. Widespread in deserts. Impacts can be more important locally.
Senecio jacobaea   tansy ragwort Limited   C B B 2.8
  • ·CA-FP
Grasslands, riparian. Impacts generally minor. Can be locally important in NW CA.
Sesbania punicea  red sesbania, scarlet wisteria High
A B C 3.2
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·DSon
Riparian areas
Silybum marianum  blessed milkthistle Limited   C C A 3.5
  • ·CA-FP
Grasslands, riparian. Widespread, primarily in disturbed areas Impacts can be higher locally
Sinapis arvensis   wild mustard, charlock Limited   C C C 2.9
  • ·CA-FP
Grasslands. Primarily in disturbed sites. Impacts minor or unknown in wildlands.
Sisymbrium irio   London rocket Moderate   B B A 1.9
  • ·GV
  • ·SW
Scrub, grasslands. Widespread. Primarily in disturbed sites. Impacts vary locally.
Solanum elaeagnifolium silverleaf nightshade Eval No List   D B C 2.8
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·D
Primarily agricultural weed, but escaping to wildlands in other countries. May prove to be more important in future.
Sonchus asper spiny sowthistle Eval No List   D B B 3.1
  • ·All CA
Primarily an agricultural weed
Spartina alterniflora (and S. alterniflora x foliosa hybrids)  smooth cordgrass and hybrids, Atlantic cordgrass High
A A C 3.5
  • ·CW
San Francisco Bay salt marshes and mudflats. Hybridizes with native S. foliosa.
Spartina anglica  common cordgrass Moderate
B B D 3.4
  • ·CW
San Francisco Bay salt marshes. Very severe impact in other countries. Limited distribution in CA.
Spartina densiflora  dense-flowered cordgrass High
A B D 3.3
  • ·CW
San Francisco and Humboldt Bay salt marshes
Spartina patens  saltmeadow cord grass Limited   C C D 2.9
  • ·CW
San Francisco Bay salt marshes. Very limited distribution. Impacts currently minor in CA, but high in other countries.
Spartium junceum   Spanish broom High   A B B 3.2
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·DMoj
Coastal scrub, grasslands, wetlands, oak woodland, forests
Stipa capensis  Mediterranean steppegrass,twisted-awned speargrass Moderate
B B D 1.9
  • ·DSon
Desert scrub; first recorded in CA 1995. Limited distribution, but spreading rapidly in CA deserts.
Taeniatherum caput-medusae  medusahead High   A A A 3.4
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·MP
Grasslands, scrub, woodland
Tamarix aphylla  athel tamarisk Limited   C B B 3.5
  • ·GV
  • ·SW
  • ·D
Desert washes, riparian areas. Limited distribution. Impacts minor, but can be locally higher.
Tamarix parviflora  smallflower tamarisk High   A A B 3.1
  • ·CaR
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
  • ·SNE
  • ·DMoj
Riparian areas, desert washes, coastal scrub
Tamarix ramosissima  saltcedar, tamarisk High   A A A 3.3
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
  • ·SNE
  • ·D
Desert washes, riparian areas, seeps and springs
Tanacetum vulgare  common tansy Moderate   B B B 2.3
  • ·NW
Riparian areas, forest. Limited distribution. Severe problem in other western states.
Taraxacum officinale common dandelion Eval No List   D B B 2.8
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·GB
Primarily a turf weed in CA
Torilis arvensis  hedgeparsley Moderate   C B B 2.3
  • ·CA-FP
Expanding range. Appear to have only moderate ecological impacts.
Tragopogon dubius yellow salsify Eval No List   D C B 3.2
  • ·CW
  • ·GV
  • ·SN
  • ·SW
Generally a minor component of disturbed areas.
Trifolium hirtum   rose clover Moderate   C B B 2.8
  • ·CA-FP
Grasslands, oak woodland. Widely planted in CA. Impacts relatively minor in most areas.
Tropaeolum majus garden nasturtium Eval No List   D C C 1.4
Impacts on abiotic processes and native plants unknown
Ulex europaeus  gorse High   A B B 2.9
  • ·CaR
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SN
Scrub, woodland, forest, coastal grassland
Ulmus pumila Siberian elm Eval No List   D B B 2.5
  • ·GV
  • ·SN
  • ·DMoj
Impacts unknown
Undaria pinnatifida  wakame Limited   C B C 3.3
  • ·CW
  • ·SW
Alga of estuaries. First recorded in CA in 2000. Impacts unknown, but do not appear to be significant
Verbascum thapsus   common mullein,woolly mullein Limited   C B B 3.8
  • ·CaR
  • ·SW
Meadows, riparian, sagebrush, pinyon-juniper woodlands. Widespread. Impacts minor.
Verbena bonariensis, Verbena litoralis tall vervain, seashore vervain Eval No List   D B C 2.1
  • ·CaR
  • ·GV
  • ·NW
Often in disturbed areas of irrigation canals
Vicia villosa hairy vetch Eval No List   D C B 2.8
  • ·CA-FP
Primarily an agricultural weed, Widespread but impacts minor in wildlands.
Vinca major  big periwinkle Moderate   B B B 2.8
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·DMoj
Riparian, oak woodlands, coastal scrub. Distribution currently limited but spreading in riparian areas. Impacts can be higher locally.
Vulpia bromoides squirreltail fescue Eval No List   D C B 2.9
  • ·CA-FP
Less common than V. myuros
Vulpia myuros   rattail fescue Moderate   B B A 3.0
  • ·CA-FP
  • ·D
Coastal sage scrub, chaparral. Widespread. Rarely forms monotypic stands, but locally problematic
Washingtonia robusta  Mexican fan palm Moderate
B B C 2.7
  • ·SW
Desert washes. Limited distribution but spreading in southern CA. Impacts can be higher locally.
Watsonia meriana  bulbil watsonia Limited   C B C 2.3
  • ·NW
Coastal prairie, coniferous forest. Abiotic impacts unknown, but may be locally dense.
Zantedeschia aethiopica  calla lily Limited   C B C 2.1
  • ·CW
  • ·NW
  • ·SW
Coastal prairie, wetlands. Impacts high in other countries and local impacts may be high in CA.

Column heading abbreviations:

Imp. = Impact
Inv. = Invasiveness
Dis. = Distribution
Doc. = Documentation Level (Documentation level averaged)


A = Severe
B = Moderate
C = Limited
D = None
U = Unknown


Scientific names are based on The Jepson Manual.
For each species, the first common name is based on the Weed Science Society of America's "Composite List of Weeds", followed by other names used in California.


Cal-IPC. 2006. California Invasive Plant Inventory. Cal-IPC Publication 2006-02. California Invasive Plant Council: Berkeley, CA.