Jepson Manual cover

The Jepson Manual
Higher Plants of California

Edited by James C. Hickman

The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California (1993) is a revision of Willis Linn Jepson's Manual of the Flowering Plants of California. It represents the most comprehensive identification guide to nearly eight thousand taxa of native and naturalized California plants. The means to identify plants (using key traits and illustrations) is accompanied by special information such as horticultural requirements, endangerment, toxicity, weed status, and notes on the management of sensitive species. Identification keys are designed for ease of use, and terms are simplified and illustrated, making The Jepson Manual the most authoritative field guide for the expert and amateur alike.

Since the publication of the Manual in 1993, botanical investigation has become more sophisticated and new species have been identified. The rapid pace of new discoveries about the California flora and the need to make the information available to a wide array of users, has led to the development of the Online Interchange for California Floristics (2001). The Interchange provides the latest information on identification, taxonomy, nomenclature, distribution, ecology, relationships, and diversity of California vascular plants. The necessary scientific data to understand the basis for new plant names and updated taxonomic treatments and distribution maps from The Jepson Manual are also available.

The development of the Online Interchange was the first step toward producing a Second Edition of The Jepson Manual.

Production of a Second Edition
(2003 - 2008)

Second edition treatments are now available for review at .

Resources for authors contributing to the Second Edition


The Jepson Manual (1993 edition) is available at bookstores or from the University of California Press

University of California Press
1-(800)-UCBOOKS (1-800-822-6657)

ISBN: 0-520-08255-9
$85.00, 1424 pages, 8-1/2x11", 240 illustrations

The corrections that were published in the Jepson Globe are available here
An online version of The Jepson Manual is available here

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