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Central Intelligence Agency
The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence



Declassified National Intelligence Estimates

ORE 5/1 -- The Situation in Korea, 3 January 1947 (10 pages).

ORE 1/1 -- Revised Soviet Tactics in International Affairs, 6 January 1947 (5 pages).

ORE 6/1 -- The Greek Situation, 7 February 1947 (18 pages).

ORE 13/1 -- The Situation in Austria, 20 February 1947 (7 pages).

ORE 14 -- Future Soviet Participation in Long Range International Air Transport, 11 March 1947 (6 pages).

ORE 16 -- Soviet Objectives in Latin America, 10 April 1947 (6 pages).

ORE 19 -- Developments in the Azerbaijan Situation, 4 June 1947 (15 pages).

ORE 4/1 -- Petroleum Resources Within the USSR, 16 June 1947 (19 pages).

ORE 21/1 -- Probable Soviet Reaction to U.S. Aid Program to Italy, 5 August 1947 (3 pages).

ORE 45 -- Implementation of Soviet Objectives in China, 15 September 1947 (13 pages).

ORE 48 -- The Current Situation in Iran, 20 October 1947 (4 pages).

ORE 51 -- The Current Situation in Greece, 20 October 1947 (5 pages).

ORE 16/1 -- Soviet Objectives in Latin America, 1 November 1947 (10 pages).

ORE 44 -- The Japan Treaty Problems, Issues, and Reactions, 14 November 1947 (19 pages).

ORE 62 -- Implementation of Soviet Objectives in Korea, 18 November 1947 (6 pages).




Historical Document
Posted: Mar 19, 2007 09:41 AM
Last Updated: Jul 07, 2008 01:21 PM
Last Reviewed: Mar 19, 2007 09:41 AM