Area Habitats

Michigan State University
W. K. Kellogg Biological Station Calendar · People ·

KBS has long been attractive as a field site for ecological research.  The station has excellent facilities and exceptional diversity of field research sites readily accessible from the station. Much of the habitat and species diversity that characterize the upper Midwest U.S. can be found in the local area. In addition, the spectrum of potential study sites ranges from relatively undisturbed ecosystems to intensively managed ones, and these ecosystems occur in a complex mosaic across the landscape, offering opportunities for studies of landscape-scale patterns and interactions.

MSU properties associated with KBS total 1700 hectares and include the KBS main site as well as the Lux Arbor Reserve. Other MSU-associated field sites in the area include the W. K. Kellogg Experimental Forest and Russ Forest.


Last updated: December 14, 2006

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