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Central Intelligence Agency
The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence



Declassified National Intelligence Estimates

NIE 18 -- Probability of Soviet Employment of BW and CW in the Event of Attacks Upon the U.S., 10 January 1951 (17 pages).

NIE 4 -- Soviet Courses of Action With Respect to Germany, 1 February 1951 (7 pages).

NIE 22 -- Vulnerability of the Soviet Bloc to Economic Warfare, 19 February 1951 (13 pages).

SE 2 -- Probable Effects on Soviet Intentions and Capabilities of Arming the Japanese National Police Reserve as Four Fully Equipped Divisions, 21 February 1951 (15 pages).

NIE 29 -- Probability of an Invasion of Yugoslavia in 1951, 20 March 1951 (11 pages).

NIE 29/1 -- Review of the Conclusions of NIE-29 "Probability of an Invasion of Yugoslavia in 1951," 4 May 1951 (6 pages).

SE 7 -- Probable Soviet Reaction to the Inclusion of Greece and Turkey in Western Defense Agreements, 15 June 1951 (4 pages).

SE 8 -- Possible Communist Objectives in Proposing a Cease Fire in Korea, 6 July 1951 (16 pages).

NIE 25 -- Probable Soviet Courses of Action to Mid-1952, 2 August 1951 (10 pages).

SE 11 -- Probability of a Communist Assault on Japan in 1951, 17 August 1951 (11 pages).

NIE 31 -- Soviet Capabilities for Clandestine Attack Against the U.S. With Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Vulnerability of the U.S. to Such Attack (Mid-1951 to Mid-1952), 4 September 1951 (15 pages).

SE 10 -- Soviet Capabilities for a Surprise Attack on the Continental United States Before July 1952, 15 September 1951 (22 pages).

SE 15 -- Possible Psychological Reactions to a U.S. Air Offensive Against the USSR, 4 October 1951 (14 pages).

SE 16 -- The Strength and Capabilities of Soviet Bloc Forces to Conduct Military Operations Against NATO, 12 October 1951 (23 pages).

SE 14 -- Soviet Capabilities for a Military Attack on the United States Before July 1952, 23 October 1951 (15 pages).

NIE 33 -- Soviet Control of the European Satellites and Their Economic and Military Contributions to Soviet Power Through Mid-1953, 7 November 1951 (16 pages).

NIE 43 -- The Strategic Importance of the Far East to the USSR, 13 November 1951 (14 pages).

NIE 55 -- Communist Capabilities and Probable Courses of Action in Korea Through Mid-1962, 7 December 1951 (13 pages).

SE 20 -- The Probable Consequences of Certain Possible Courses of Action With Respect to Communist China and Korea, 17 December 1951 (6 pages).

SE 20 -- The Probable Consequences of Certain Possible U.S. Courses of Action With Respect to Communist China and Korea, 22 December 1951 (11 pages).




Historical Document
Posted: Mar 19, 2007 09:41 AM
Last Updated: Jul 07, 2008 01:27 PM
Last Reviewed: Mar 19, 2007 09:41 AM