Biosecurity Guidelines

To Prevent the Introduction and Spread of Plant Pests from Farm to Farm

Before the visit:

  • Pre-plan your visit
  • Contact the farm in advance, know their concerns
  • Know the nature of the facility
  • Be aware of the important pests and diseases of the crops grown on the farm
  • Visit farms with unique pest problems last
  • If you observe pest or disease pressure in a farm, avoid same-day visits to similar farms
  • Wear dark blue, green or brown coloured clothing which are less attractive to insects

During the visit:

  • Always carry a “Biosecurity Supply Kit
    • Disposal overalls/sani-suits
    • Booties
    • Gloves
    • Disinfectants (see below)
    • Paper towels
    • Disposal bags
    • Spray-bottles
    • Spare clothing and foot ware
  • Follow appropriate biosecurity procedures during farm visit
  • Avoid carrying mud or plant debris on your vehicle when entering a farm
  • Park at designated parking areas, if not on paved or gravel surfaces
  • Avoid contact with plant materials that may harbour plant pathogens and pests
  • Follow good sanitation practices
    • Sanitize hands
    • Use foot-bath
    • Wear protective clothing (if necessary)
  • Use effective and appropriate disinfectants (concentration and exposure time varies)
    • For hands – antimicrobial hand soap (e.g. Onestep, Wet Ones)
    • For shoes, etc. – Virkon (1-2%), Chemprocide (15ml/litre), household bleach (10%)
    • For tires – Virkon (1-2%), Chemprocide (15ml/litre), household bleach (10%)

End of the visit:

  • Properly secure plant samples in sealed bags
  • If necessary, wash/disinfect tires, mud flaps, etc. of your vehicle when leaving
  • Place all waste materials (disposal suits, plant waste, etc.) in disposal bags and dispose of them properly
  • Make sure you have followed proper sanitation practices
  • Check to see you and your vehicle are free of soil and plant debris
  • Keep a record of your visit
  • Most importantly, if you’ve encountered a farm with pest or disease problems, phone ahead to your next client and discuss the situation

Submit your samples for pest and disease diagnosis to:

Plant Diagnostic Laboratory
B.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
Abbotsford Agriculture Centre
1767 Angus Campbell Road
Abbotsford B.C. V3G 2M3
Tel: 604-556-3126 (direct) or 1-800-661-9903 (main office)
Fax: 604-556-3154

Please contact us or visit our website for details on submitting samples and diagnostic fees.

Useful References

Prepared by Siva Sabaratnam,
Plant Pathologist,
Food Safety and Plant Health Branch,
Plant Health Unit,
B.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Lands

July 2008

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