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updated 11/16/2008

future of farming logoFuture of Farming

What is the Future of Farming?

During 2008, WSDA is assembling a statewide strategic plan for Washington agriculture. The work is based upon the vision of producers and the realities of the industry now and into the foreseeable future.

This plan is being developed with information provided by our farmers and it is for our farmers. The plan will be used by the Governor, the Legislature and others to help guide future actions.  In order to help prioritize information collected during the life of the project, WSDA's Director appointed a steering committee representing Washington producers and processors.

As opportunities and challenges are identified and prioritized by the steering committee, private and public sector economists, agronomists, educators and other specialists will help to provide subject matter detail.

In summary, the Future of Farming is looking forward about twenty years – a horizon that will force us to prepare for the future starting now. The project’s final report will be submitted to the Legislature in December 2008. Project information and documents can be found here. More documents are added frequently.

For more information about the project, contact us at or 360-902-7549