California Integrated Waste Management Board

CIWMB Publication Resources and Links

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The CIWMB Publications Catalog is a searchable database of hundreds of publications produced by the Board, most of which are available electronically.

All electronic copies of CIWMB Publications will be provided to the public free of charge. A complete listing of all CIWMB Publications is available as a download (Adobe PDF, 65 KB).

How to Find a Publication

Choose a subject on the left to get an alphabetical list of publications on that topic. Some publications are listed under multiple topic headings. Or use the keyword search feature.

Choose a publication title to get a description and other details. Publications available in HTML format on our website will have links directly to them. If there is a downloadable version, there will be a link with the program and file size indicated. (Document viewers are available if you don't have the program.) You can also choose to order a hard copy from this page. After submitting the form, you will get a confirmation message and should receive your order within two weeks.

Download Document Viewers: You may need a document viewer to view some CIWMB publications.

Other CIWMB Resources

From the list below, choose other sources of documents and publication resources on the Board's Website:

  • Cal/EPA Library: The Board's technical library collection includes more than 8,000 books and documents and more than 100 journal subscriptions. In addition, other departments within Cal/EPA maintain collections within this library.
  • Local Government Reference Library: This online collection was developed to assist California jurisdictions with Integrated Waste Management Act compliance. 
  • Forms: Central repository for forms used by various Board programs.
  • Clip Art Gallery: Waste-related clip art available for certain uses.
  • Waste Prevention Information Exchange: A directory of articles, fact sheets, reports, links, and other information on waste prevention (source reduction) provided by CIWMB and the users of this exchange.

The Board encourages the public and private use of its materials in an effort to promote the Board's goals of reuse, reduction, recycling, and safe disposal. As such, the use of some Board materials may not require obtaining permission prior to use. For other materials, however, the Board will need to make a case-by-case determination. For more information, see the copyright guidelines.


Last updated: May 28, 2008
CIWMB Publications: 
Publications Clearinghouse:  (916) 341-6300