Helping even with a thin wallet

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cash-strapped but still want to do good? You are not alone. More and more Americans are lining up to volunteer for charities instead of giving them money.

"We're seeing a big increase in individuals who want to give but don't necessarily have the financial means to do so at this time," says Madye Henson, president and chief executive of Greater DC Cares, a coordinator of volunteering and business philanthropy in the Washington area.

The group usually trains 250 to 300 new volunteers a month. Last week, however, 200 new volunteers were trained -- in just one day.

Chesapeake Bay Foundation, an environmental group aimed at cleaning up the Bay, is no stranger to using volunteers.

"Even if you can't write a check, there are so many ways you can help," says Heather Tuckfield, volunteer program manager for the group.

"Even in January and February, when there is less hands-on work, you can still write petitions, state your opinion to your legislators, enroll in our pledge program" -- for example, promising to ride your bicycle to work instead of driving, Ms. Tuckfield says.

When the weather warms up, the group offers opportunities such as planting trees, raising oysters and collecting shore trash.

Another way to help without draining the bank account is to give in-kind donations to charities that accept them. A prime example is Goodwill, which accepts donated clothing for resale in its thrift shops.

"Generating donated goods will be our focus for 2009," says Brendan Hurley, spokesman for Goodwill.

Not only will Goodwill accept donations at its stores, but this year it also will feature school and company clothing drives and additional drop-off locations.

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  • Christopher Newport University students, Ashley Driskill, 22, right, and Catherine Lavagnino, 21, volunteer with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation to stock oysters on an artificial reef in the Lynnhaven River in Virginia Beach, Va. on Wednesday morning, March 12, 2008, during their spring break. They and some other students are spending their vacations working for free for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in its efforts to restore oyster populations in Virginia waters. (AP Photo/The Virginian-Pilot, Stephen M. Katz) **MAGS OUT, INTERNET OUT**

    Christopher Newport University students, Ashley Driskill, 22, right, and Catherine Lavagnino, 21, volunteer with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation to stock ...

Catherine Lavagnino, 21 (left) and Ashley Driskill, 22, stock an artificial reef in Virginia Beach's Lynnhaven River with oysters while volunteering with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation during their spring break last year.

    ASSOCIATED PRESS Catherine Lavagnino, 21 (left) and Ashley Driskill, 22, stock an artificial reef in Virginia Beach's Lynnhaven River with ...

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