Land Restoration

Landscape restoration is an important activity of the Wildflower Center, applying the knowledge of native plants and resource conservation to heal damaged, degraded and destroyed ecological systems. The Center serves as a consultant on a variety of public and private projects and uses these opportunities to conduct research.

The consulting operation helps corporations, developers, government agencies and others restore native plants and wildlife habitat, incorporate native plants into site design and adopt other ecologically sound design and development practices.

Landscape restoration, as practiced by the Wildflower Center, is accomplished through careful site analysis and site planning, matching the right plants to the design need. The ecological benefits include habitat creation, water retention and erosion control.

There are also economic benefits since the designs often require reduced irrigation, less maintenance and, in some cases, use plants salvaged from the site before construction.

The Center typically uses a team-based decision-making system where input from all consultants is evaluated to make the best possible decision. Its consultants regularly visit the project site and provide construction oversight when necessary. Offering design/build capabilities and, in some situations, serving as field supervisor for installing contractors.

Current Projects
Past Projects
Land Restoration Principals