OCR Interpretation

What is OCR?

WHOLE^-NUJDJER;   35,1.81.
F!RE   IN   C,   £   Q.   OFFICES
The   Too   Stofv   of   the   Pace   Build -
ing   is   Badly   Damaged.
Firemen,   Though1   Almost   Frozen,   Do
Heroic   and   "Effective   "Work.
J'ajieris   of-   the   Knilrorui   •'-.Cbiripawy;
Thni   Arc   Ilnrnod   Xot   of   Or«riit
Vr.Jiic—>"o   lntorru;i<   son   to   tlioXßtisi -
,,e^s—l>it!])orary   OflWrcsto   Ho   Used.
The   Kcncral   oOlces^of:   the   Chesapeako
arid   ■'Ohio   JRailway   OqmPany,   in   the";   War
J.'.aev   iiuiUlir.g-,   at   the   southeast   corner   of
Kijrlith   and   Main   streols,   •were   yreaily
driinftgcd   by   lire   eaily   yesterday   jnorn-
Tho   {'ama(;e   vras   confined   chiefly   to   tUo
fourth   story.   In   the   office   of   the   Ci>r-tsiii- -
v5«-e   ssent.   hut   the   water   in.inr-.HI   to   a
greater   or   Jess   extent   the   records   In   iho
departments   on   tho   second   and   third
The*   stock   of   Mr.   Muscco   11.   Garnett,
/hatter   and   dealer   In--gents*   ..furnish-.
h.r.5,   on   the   iirst   floor,   was   also   dam -
aged   to   a   considerably   exttnu   The   of -
fices   of   tho   Commercial   Building   and
3.«jan   Association,   on   the   ground   floor,
■vverti   aJso   flooded.   The   water   was   wholly
rpf-ponsible   for   tho   latter,   damage.   The
;-ioss   on   the   building:   is   covered   by   inFur -
The   offices   of   the   Chesapeake   and   Ohio,
.-whiclnvere   affvetad   by   the   lire,   have   been
removed   to   the   Jlayo   buiidinsy   Xo.   705
oast   JJain   .street,   and   while   t±vc-ryt-li>r-£
■n-511   not   be   working-   with   entire   smooth -
ness   for   several   day?   or   weeks,   owing-   to
th«?   destruction   of   records,   ytit   J.IIO   busi -
ness   of   the   great   railway   system   lias   not
..been   suspended   for   an   hour,   and   will   not
Jt   is   believed   the   fire   originated   from   a
defective   flue.   Xx   was   confined   wholly   to
the   fourth   floor,   on   which   was   located   the
oliice   of   tho   car-tervico   agent.   ,   All   '.other
damnsa   .vas   the   result   of   the   water   with
which   tlio   building;   Tloodod.
A   fen-   minute*   after   6   o'clock   3   Jr.   „"\V.
M.   JMouiitcsntie,   the   nitrht   superintendent
of   Sutherland's   livsry   stables.   NO3.   7   and
S   north   Elshih   street,   chancing   to   ylnnee
oi't   of   the   south   window   oi   his   oilice.
mut   a   tor.gUG   of   fiam«   issuing   from   the
Kichtti-street   side-of   the   Pace   building-,
.^Jo^,.ut   the   r^af.   He,   sent,   au   employ?*.1.
•to   notify   the   lir«men   at   the   Cary-street
fcheJoer-bbuse.   Another   ran   to   turn   in   an
Hlar:n   at   Ninth   and   Main...   On   the   way
-   lie-;   met   Howsiar.   Stephen   M.   Chaiaa,   c.t
Steamer   Company   Xo.   7,   and   Chaina   pent
iiran   alnxm.   Thin   alarm   called   out   Kn-ine
<v,-npaniee   a-   ?•.   *•   and   7,   and   Chemical
Company   Ko.   1.   The   alarm   was   sounded
•a   o-l«   At   0:15   the   companies   :   named;
were*   on   the   groi:nd.   Fifteen.'.:   iiunut.es
liitr   a   privatealaim   ■«   as   turned   in   from
■the   box   in   the   building-   Shortly   after -
wards   President   John   H.   FriKChkorn.   of
the   Hoard   of   Firo   Commissioners,   who
had   arrived   on   the   scene,   sent   in   a   Bone -
1   a   alarm   which   brought   out   ev.;ry   en -
ghie   in   the   city   save   tho   Church   Hill   :e-
The   responses   which   the   department
:nauo   to   "the   "calls   cutild   not   have   been
more   prompt.   The   work   done   was   :£<■! -
fectJve   as   eov.ld   beVowing   to   the   dil.icul -
iies   which   confronted   the   liremen.   Tin:
-zherinometer   was   not   far   from   .zero.   Tho
hose   w<ne   !=oon   coated   with   ice.   Che
w'ijd-   was   coming   from   the   east,   and   as
i!n>   fr(?')icn   could,   work   only   from   the
Jsjain-str^et   side,   the   breeze   blew   back
>   vxym   thVm   a   heavy   mist,   which   froze   as
\t-ooi3   aVit   formed.   They   were   soon   cover-
W   v.-i-Ji   a   shmthinjj   of   ice.   For   a   time
Vhey   oould   hardly   -summon   resolution   stiJ -
lic;ent   to   withstand   the   cold,   and   it   was
not.   Tone   before   several   of   them   had   to
•hhl   "Tid   be   carried   ay.-ay.
vrhen   the   fire   was   first   discovered   it
if-'Vv'-d   as'   VhouKh   it   could   be   easily   con-;
trSred   But   owing   to   the   ■   diliiculty   in
"e\l::s   on   a   strong   stream   because   or
ihc-V   old   tho   lire   made   rapid   headway.
:in<l\u;   a   short   time   the   flames   were
•uelcVns   from   the   windows   up   under   tho
mantird   roof   of   the   big   building:.
A.!   arge   crowd   gathered   to   witness   the
nfuckl   efforts   of   the   firemen   to   subdue
theLnaics,   many   of   the   spectators   being
inenTi&a   vounsrwomen   on   their   way   to,
work.   \"hl-y   lingered   as   long   as   possible.
The   hYmen   worked   with   tho   utmost
energy   :V1(3   fearlessness.   It   looked   at
any   timers   though   a   portion   of   the   man -
sard   woiSl   iopi>le   into   the   street.   T.ie
doz«is   ofiielem-ai'h,   telephone,   and   elec -
tric   lighter   wires   which   encircled   tho
huilfimg   -4e   soon   coated   with   ice,   and
i'iiea   tho   J«l«   icicles--began   to   form   until
iiuv   wires   augr'4   down   to   the   point   ot
breaking   b^ath   their   tremendous   load.
The   currenl   was   cut   off   linally,   and
the   dan's<'»%   to   *   the   -..firemen   from
vlc-trie   shoc%vas   obvi.ited,   but   through
i'ho   tire-   t&y   were   menaced   by
ih<^   hun>3reds   apounds   of   ice   which   hung
over   their   hc-aV
At   S:3O   o'cloclthe   Hames   wore   under
convrol.   But   itVv:f   over   an   hour   later
before   the   fire   As   out   and   it   was.noon
before   the   engiii   and   hose   trucks   had
nh   b'-cn   r*rnovecilt   was   a   bad   locality
l'iir   a.   fit   •■•.and   tlftiiromen   did.   not   want
in   take   any   chaiisj|.
The   scenes   insidltlie   buildihsr   during
the   p"«Cress   of   thllire   were.:   dc-cidedly
lively,   but.   hardly;   ttillsng.   Harry   Star -
wood,   the   chief   jailor,   discovered   the
liajnes-shortly   -aft^.o   o'clock,   a   lev/
rahnucs   after   the"   alnn   had.been   turned
in   by   Mr.   Mounteast-ifrom   Sutherland's
titabic-K.   The   flame   Ate   in   the   oilice   of
OfLr-Scrvici-.   Ajjer.t-   G*K.   Slpp.   on   the
four'H   floor.   Jt   «Hd   1%   look   very   dan-
W'-rouK.   but:   was   in   sti^   a   position   that
:ibe   janitors   euuld   not   it.
AVhcn   tho   first   cloudof   smoke   swejit
into   the   oiliceoorfr   the   T|in   dispatchers,
on   the   same,   floor   as-th^liv,   there   was
r   }j-n<»ral   ruyh   for   the   fairways.'   Dis -
patchers"   Foi-stur.■•:'-"jflbl9-   l>ale?,   and
Faulkner   were   jn   tht>   ol%;   at.   the   time
wiih   yn:   Goodwin.   The   nujrators   could
not   save   ■   a.Tjythniy,   not   <-jn-   the   .-train'
j^heetfi   01   Iho   ICasu-rn   Dl-ajß'on..   It   was
■Inyth   tins';   to   set   put,l   andtif   men   ..."sol.-.
Mr.   'IS.   O.   Ooodivin.   the   ch^   dispatclu-r,
at   once   took   his   men   to.th^ard   ofliees.
of   ih(*:   company   'and   soon   another
train   <<h<fot   hiaye   tip'   ar.d   '!§/j£.   moving
an.   "jsuaJ."   ..Th'^ro   was   not;   An   four's   delay
of   trains;   bpcrmsfc:o^l   he;fire.Vs;
Mr.   .C.   C.   "Walker.'   supvi-hindi.'nt   of
\'3®k&%zs%fe^r_   .....   _..   _.-   ..   '   '   >   "nii^■'^i^Bm*®j%w^smst.<7"nii^■'^i^Bm*®j%w^smst.<7   '   '■   v<^^ws^^^^^^^f^^^m^^^^^^^wi^'^j^^'^^l^-s^^m'i"'   '■
the';■■•.Kastorh-   Division,   was   not.   long   .in
reaching   the   scono   of   the   fire,   and   assist-;
od   In   directing   the   preservation;   of   the
"contents/of   tho   building.'-'   Mr.;   Dccatur
Axtell,   second   .vice-president'   of   the   -Che's-;
apcako   and   Ohio,   arrived   soon   after -
ward?,   and,   accompanied   by-   President
Frischkorn.   of   tho   Firo   Board,   and   Mr.
Lonnlo   Graves,   of   Fire   Department   head -
quarters,';   ontorfid   the   building   "and   wont
to   Secretary   Wollford'.s   offlco.   on   tho   sof
1   cond   lldor.   Tarpaulins   from   the   .hose- -
•   wapons"   were   procured   and   with   these
practically   all   the   records   of   the   oliice
wore   covered   up   and   protected   from   the
torrents   of"'water.   Tboy   are   almost   en-,
tirelj-   unliijurod.
Jt   was   hoarly   9   o'clock   before   t)ie
Hames   were?under   control.   It   lacked   .but"
a   few   minutes   Of   20   whon   the   lire   was:
but.   The"intense   cold   and   tho   inaccossi -
bility   of   the   flames   made   tho   firemen's
work   very,"difficult.   Chief   Shaw   directed
the   work   in   Person,   and   was   assisted   by
Hupcrintendent   Thompson   and   Cap!;tui
.Toyncs.   They   worked   with   fine   skill   and
judgment.i   Tliu   firemen-   seemed-fuUeriy
unmindful   of   danger.   -Captain   Dorset,   of
Truck   Xo.   1,   was   almost   frozen,   but   was
carried   into   Stiimpf's   restaurant.,   across
the   street,   and   soon   revived.   It   was   not
half   an   hour   after   the   fire   began   bfforo
Mr.   liobvrl   I.pcky,   of   the   Virginia   State
Insurance   CC.hpnny,   ordered   that;   tho
men   be   furnished   with   hut   congee   from
Hu<'scr's.   at   'Ninth   and   Hank,   and   this
stimulant   .helped   the   men   v.oiuk-rfully.
Mr.   K.   A.   Stumi>j'   kejit   negroes   busy   car -
rying   coffee   to   the   mon.   and   .Mr.   C'h:irlt;.v'
<J.   .Savillc,   was   also   active   in   hulpiny
them   to   bear-their   discomforts.
As   soon   as   the   fire   was   out   the   railroad
officials   lj<r>;an   looking'about   theni   ■for
now   olllces.   They   were   secured   with   but
little   trouble,   and   tho   work,   of   removing.'
papers   and   furniture   was   Itnguti   soon   in
lhe   afternoon.   The.   orilces   of   G-encral-
Manag^r   Stevens   and   General-Supoiin -
tendent   Doyle.will   be   locn.ted   in   tho   Mayo
buildinji.   at   No.   705   enst   M^ain   street.   Se -
cond   Viee-Preslotifntv   Axtell.   Chief-Coun -
sel   Wickham;   and;   Secretary   W'.-llfonl
will   locate   -in   the   Hannewinckel   buiiuing.
Mx.   E.   D.   Hotehklss;   :gerierai   freight
.-lirent.   will   have   his   oflu'c   in   the   Eboi
building:,   almost   upposito   his   old   quarters.
The   oilice   of   Mr.   Charlt-s   E.   J'otts.   trea -
surer,   of   the   railroad.   ha<   been   \tonipo -
r.irily   esttibllshed   in   tho   First   National
Bank.   Mr.   Henry   Taylor,   of   counsel   for
the   system.   Paid   that   b<*   did   not   think
the   loss   in   his   department   would   be   very
yreat,   as   all   his   papers   were   in   cases   anil
desks.   The   office   of   Mr.   John   D.   Potts,
assistant   general   ;passeng«r/agent,   has
been   temporarily   established..'   in   th«
Chamber   ol'   Conmi^rce.   in   the   rooms
heretofore   occupied   by   the   Citizens'   E.\. -
chansti   Bank.   The-   other   olllce-s   in   tho
builrlincr   were   pnicticaJly.   untouched.
.Mr.   Henry   Ei-e   .Valentine-   heard   tin;
alarm,   when   it   was   turned   in   and   .   hnr -
l'iod   to   the   scone.   Ho   paid   sjioclfil   atu-n -
tion   to   the   orliee   of   Passengor-Agenf
Potts,   and   with   the   help   of   several   others
succeeded   in   gotting   out   a   large   (juantity
of   tickets,   valuable'   records;   and   con -
siderable   money.   These   were   placed   in
the   safe   at   the-.store   of   tho   Polk   .Miller
Drug-   Company,   at   Ninth   and   Main,   and
later'were   removj.'fl   into   the   temporary
Quarters   of   Mr.   Potts.
There   is   noway   by   wiiiuk   \the   daniagti
to   the   f;ho^apfake   and   Ohiv.   can   be   esti-.
jiiate'l.   It   is   not   very   jjro.it.   The   most
valuable   papers   were   In   the   oilicc   of   Mr.
Axtell,   and   w«re   untouched."-■■Tho   car -
service   records,   in   Mr.   S^ipp's   oliice,   were
ail   tl^stroyeil,   but   can   be   dapllciited   from
other   roads.   There   will   be   a   grent   doal
of   inconvenience   resulting   from   tho   ile -
struction   01   tho   records   for   sonio   ..time
to   come,   but   there   is   no   grouL   kiss.   The
company   carried   -^insurance'   on   tho   fix -
tures   iii   the   ortice   to   the   amount   of   ?.3.000.
The   building:   was'purchased   :i   few
montlis   ago   by   Mr.   .!.   \Y.   Allison   for   the
sum   of   SiW'.OwO.'1   It   was   insured   for  
All   the   policies   .were   carried   by   the   ■'Vir -
ginia'   Trust   Company,   in   the   following
f.omp.-vinos:   .Tmpen^V   of   JjCindon..   S't.OOi);
Fireman's   Kuml,   JS.O'"");   "Norwich.   Union,
$5,000;   -.New   York   Undiirvvriters',   ;$5,000;
Sun,   of   r^ondon,   .£5,000;   Philadelphia.   Un -
derwritors',   $3,OUQ;   Caledonian,   of   S<;ot -
lanil,   OIJ0;   Niagara   .iFire,   of   Now   York,
55,000;   Palatine;   of   England.   §5,000;   United
Fire,   of   Ealtimore;   S-j.OOO;'■:'."St.   Paul   Fire
and   Marine,   5;..(X1v;   Insiiraijce   Company   of
North   America,   $5,000;   liamburg-l.!iemen,
of   Germany.   -v"),i>X).   Total.   $03,000.
Mr.   Muscoe   ILGarnett   Is   unabie   to   'es -
timate   his.   loss.   It   will   be   considerable.
He/   was   insured   fur   Ss.r>oo,   as   follows:
Mririehester,   of   Eiigland.   T.   L:   Alfriond,
agent,   S500;   "Orient,   of   Hartford.   .1.   I!.
Mooro   &   Co.,   agents,   4500;   Aetna,   of   Hart -
ford,   V.".   Talloy.   agent;   $1,000;   Ayri -
culturai.   of   Water   I   own',   N.   V..   G.   D.
]'k'asants.   .Jr.,   a;:om,   -?50!>;   Continental,   of
Now   York,   S.   H.   Pulliain   <fc   Co.,   agents,
foOO;   Hartford   Fir^,   of   Hartford,   George
C.   Jefferson,   agent,-   .$300;.'::-JMirie   Savings
Kank,.   J500;   Liverpool   and   T^ondou   and
Globe."   Davenport   \-   Co.,   agents,   ?3"JO.
Total,   sr.,r.<.Hj.
A   force   of   carpenters   was   at   work   on
the   Msyo   building   until   a-late   hour-last
niyht,   getting   it   in   readiness.;-for   its   now
tenants.   Although   the   clerical   corps   of
tho   Chesapeake   and   Ohio   bore   had   a
holiday   yt-stt-rday.   they   will   all   be   at
work   to-day,   orders   having-   been   issued
lor   them   to   report   fur   duty   this   morning.
The   damage   to   the   Chesapeake   and
Ohio   records   is   very   much   loss   than   was
at   first   expected.   There--was   a   large
.amount   of   stationery   burned.   Among
the   articles   left   in   the   dispatchers-room
when   they   had   to   rush   out   was   a-gold -
;headed   cane,   which   the   operators   intend -
ed'   presenting,   to   Superintendent   Walker
yesterday,   and   a   diamond   ring   belonging
to   Dispatcher   P.ibb.
The   Main   street   and   Forest   Hill   lines
had   only   started   their-.cars   when   they
had   to   stop,   the   current   being   cut   off
by   order   of   Superintendont   Thompson,
who   foared   that   the   firemen   would   be
killed   by   coming   in   contact   with   live
wires   broken   by   reason   of   the   -loads   of
ice   upon   them!   It   was   10   o'clock   before
a   new   circuit,   was   made,   and   tho   cars
were   started   to   running   as   usual.
The   officials   of   the   Chesapeake   and
Ohio,   as   well   as   the   crowd   of.   spectators,
were   unanimous   yesterday   in   their   'praise
of   the   plucky   and;intelligent   work   of   the
firemen.   It.   could   not   have   boon   ex -
celled.   They:   were   utterly   careless   of
danger   and   cold.   Firemen   Wade   and
CarltO'h   were   almost   suffocated   .while   at
work   on   tho   fourth   floor,   but   Chief   Shaw
rushed   in   through   the   smoke   and   dragged
them   into   the   i'fesh   air.   They   quickly
revived   and   wont   to   work   again.
Ueutonnnt   Shaw,   A.   P.   Carlton,   and
George   Mackio.   of   No.   7   Company,   were
temporarily   overcome   by   the   smoke   in
the,   building-,   but   when   they   recovered,
rushed   back   to   work.   E..   Mercer   Hull
the   engineer   of   Company   No.   1.   was
taken   very   ill   while   at   his   post,:   and   had
to   be   given   medical   aid.   As   soon   as   he
was   bettor   he.returned   to   his   post.
The   coolness   of   Mr.   David   Gurtnright,
a   substitute   on   Company   No.   '1.   averted
a   bad   accident   at   Seventh;   and   I'ain
stroets   after   the   tire.   The   horses   had
been   .brought   un   to   be   .attached   to   the
engine,   when   it   began   slipping   down
Seventh"   street;   The   men   standing   by
tried,   to   stop   it   by   throwing   blocks   .of
wood   in   front   of   the   wheels.   The   mo -
mentum   was   too   groat,   however,   and   the
big   engine   kept   going,   gathering   ..speou
„Ivory   foot.   Tho   men   had   to   got   out   of
the   way   and   let   her   go.   It.   looked   as
though   nothing   would   save   it   from   being
hurled   into   the.   canal   at   the   foot   of   the
street.   Garthright,   however,   saw:   what
was   to   bo   dono.   and   did   it.   He.   sprang
u)>   Into   th'«   driver's   seat   and   applied   tho
b'-akes,   and   tho   speod   of   the   engine   kept
at:   once:   Garthright   kolH   turning-.the
brakes,   and   tho   speod   of   th.-o-v-inc   -w.—?
lessening-   'It   was   almost   011   the   canal
bank   whon   it   stoppod.   Engrnour'   Ju...-.
Richmond;   ArA.,   avbdnesdat;   January--3,;   1900.
The   Missing   Rockingham   Wo -
man   Said   to   Be   There.
Gomes   Through   Direct   Source   and
Thought   to   Be   Authentic.
11101   l   STUASfiR   DIS.U'I'EAIIAXCR.
Ciim«   lloi«r   -for   a'lertlcnl   Trenhiieiil.
IJnt   T.eJt   Xe.xt   .MoriiinK-.:,..AV   {«Ii   out.
.Seeing   <lio   IJocJoi*.   Jind   XotliisiS'
ir'urtlier   Ilom-U   from   llt'i'.
It   was   stnf.Ml   last   riljrht   in   the   most
authoritative   way   "that   Airs.   T.   P.   Vagor,
who   came   to   this   city   from   Rockingham -
county   'nearly   a   month   ago   and   then   dis -
appoared.   had   been   Joc-ated   in   Canada.
.   The   statement   was   made   by   a   gentle -
man   from   a   county   adjoining   Rocking -
ham   upon   what   he■   boliovos   to   be   accu -
rato   information.   He   stated   that   though
the   fact   had   not   been   -publicly!   announced. -
it.   was-di.-linit.oLy"known   that   the   missing
woman   was   in   a   Canadian   city.
Tho   'disappearance   of   Mrs.   Yager   has
attracted   much   attention.   Sho   left   home
early   iii   December   to   come   to   this   pity
for   medical   treatment.   Sho   tolographetl
her   -husband   upon   lier   arrival   here   that
she   was   getting   along   quite   well,   and
wrote   him   the   next   day   a   very   cheerful,
bright.   letter.   That   was   the   last   he   heard
fru'm;   or   of.   her,   unless   it   bo   true   that   he
has   now   learned   that<,   she   is   across   the
bp'rdor.   After   .waiting   anxiously   for   ten
dnys.   and   ascertaining   by   telegraphic   "cor -
respondence   that,   his'   wife   had   not   gone
to   tho   boafdingThouse   at   which   he   oxpect -
ed   her;   to   st:iy,   -nor   seen   -VDr.   Johnson,
under   whose   treatment   sho   was   to   place
herself,'   Mr.   Yager   and   his'father-in-law.
Dr.   Webb,   oaine   tv   Richmond   to:   try   ami
Jliid   her.   Failing   to   find   any'clue   what -
ever   here,   they'visited   Washington   and
Baltimore   in   -prosecution   of"   their   search.
Still   they   were   unsuccessful.'
■   Learning   that   a   woman   had   boon   soon
at   Reservoir   lake   acting''rather   strange -
ly,   the   husband   and   father   returned   .to
Richmond,   and   the   water   was   turned   o"t
of   tho   lake,   but   the   body   was   not   found.
Then   Mr.   Yagordotermined   [to   place   the
case   in   the   hands   of   .-Detective   W.   G--
Baldwin,   of   RO'ariplte,   who.   among   other
things,   issued   circulars,   giving   the   pic -
ture   and   a   description   of   Mrs.   Yager.
The   gentleman   ■from   whom   tho   Dispatch
heard,   that   Mrs.   Yager   was   believed   to   be
in   Canada   said   it   was   not   thought   that
her   husband   wouUl"   'try-tb   h;£\re   iior
brought   back.
The.   Baldwin   circular   describes   Mrs.
Yager   as   about   '.85-   years:   old;   weight,
about   107   pounds;   height,   about   5   feet   T>
inches;   complexion,   dark;   eyes;   very   dark
and   sparkling;   hair-black,   worn   curled
over?forehead;   ngu're.   medium,   but'waist
rather   largo:   walks   up   and   down   steps
with   difficulty;;.'hahds'medium   size,   but
feet-   rather   small;   wears   about   No.   1   l-ll
shoe;   wore   plain.gold   ring   011   third   lin -
ger,   loft   hand,   with   initials   T.   P.   Y.   to
6.   J.   W.;   also,   .wore   King's   'Daughters'
silver,   bridge.   Mrs.   Yager   had   one   pecu -
liarity   that   can   be-   easily   noticed.   From
her   childhood   she   would   twirl   a   small
button   between   the   thumb   mid   forefinger
of   th«j   right   hand.   This   sho   does   at   all
times,   usually   using   a   small   white   but -
ton.   She   would   also   often   rub   the   button
across   her   lips.
Tiiey   Visit   a   Heal   Tea.   Xot   Cold   Tea.
CHARLESTON,   5...-.C.,   January   2.—The
mombt-rs   of   the   Gridiron   Club   anil   their
guests,   Senators   Depew   and   Tillman,   Kop -
resonta'tive   Champ   Clark   and   Dr.   Edward
Bv-dloe,   of   Philadelphia,   wore   taken   to
Sinnmorville,   .■   iho   famous   winter   resort
near   this   city,   to-day.   The.visitors   were
entertained   at   the   Pinehurst   tea   farm,
tho   only   tea   farm   in   this   country,   as   the
guests   "of   Dr.   Charles   IT.   Shepard.   Thoy
woro   subsequently,   driven   about   the   town
of   Sumnierville   for   an   hour   or   more,   and,
the   wont   to   the   Pine   Forest   Lin,   whero
they;   were   .the   guests   of   Cajjtain   F.   AY.
Wagener,   tho   proprietor   of   tho   hotel,   at
an   elaborate   and   perfectlj-   appointed   din -
ner.   ■   -'■■•.'.   •
The   traditions   of   the   members   of   the
club   for   wit   and   humor   were   maintained
throughout   the   'day.;   While   dinner   whs
being   served   at   the   Pino   Forest   Inn.   a
number   of   entertaining   incidents   were
introduced.   Tho   leading   speech;   of   tiie
occasion   was   made   by   Senator   Chauncoy
M.   Depew.   and   it   was   a-^   Perfect,   gem   of
post-prandial   oratory.   Several   other   ex -
temporaneous   '.addresses   were   made,
among   them   a   clover   speech   by   "Presi -
dent   H.   L;   West,   of   the   Gridiron   Club,   ex -
tending   thanks   tq   tho   people   of   Charles -
ton   and   to   the   people   who   had   .enter -
tained   himself   and   his   friends.   :
Tho   spocial   train   of   the---Gridiron-   Club
loft   Summorville,   over   the   Southern,   for
Washington,   at   5   o'clock   this   evening.
The   ■'"sii«»'t-T«i*iii'':   Contest   SciietluletT
for   To-Day.
JACICSON,   MISS..   January   2.—The   Mis -
sissippi   Legialature   met   •   to-day:   1   nforinal
caucausos   wore   hold   by   tho   members   du -
ring   the   day,   on   the   short-term   sonator -
sliip   contest   between   Hon.   W.   V.   Sulli -
■van   and   ex-Governor   Lowny.   The   con -
test   will   be"■•   quite'   close,   although   the
Sullivan."supporters   claim   they   have   a
majority   of   VI   votes   on   joint   ballot.   The
Lowry   supporters   make   no   assertions   as
to   their   strength.   ,   -   .   -
The   short-torm   contest   is   scheduled   to
be   brought   up   to-morrow.   The   settle -
ment-   of.   the   long-term   sonatorship   will
not   be   brought   up   until   next   Tuesday.
It   is'iiot   attractiiig"any   Interest,   as   tho
election   of   Governor   '.McLauriix   is   as -
Police   Tiike   VossesHlon   of   E   leva   tod
Structure—Train   Crov   Arrestfil.   .
CHICAGO,   January   2.—After   an   exciting
struggle,   stretching'   over!   miles   of   ele -
.vated,   railway   track,   the   -police   to-day
took   possession   of.-the   whole   ■line   «>f   the;:
now   Northwestern.Eievated   railway,   in;
this'   city."   To-night,.the   police   have   ."erect-.
Yd   a.   barrier:-of   ties   and.-   rails,.at;..the
junction   of   the   "Northwestern-:-'Elevated.
tracks   with'   those   of.:   the   'union;   loop   at;
i   Fifth'   avenue:   and   Lake.:street,   and   the
Jreniilar   crew   of/.the'eompany's   -one-train
is-.uruler   arrest.y   .'   ■-:■■   'yj   '   "■   '''■■   -!:-
•   ;-The   "arrests   >are   tbe'rcsulr   of   'a   roCus'h.l
on,   the   part   .of   .•"   the   'railway,   officials   ■   to
comply   with:   an   order   ;from,   the   Cornmis-;
sioner.   "ot'sPublicV^r«Vks   sto/cease;.train-;
running,-   that"..official   claiming;   that;   the
company's   \   structure,   was*   unsafe   :h::its
present   alle.ijefl:incomplete-state,   and   that
it   not   come   -retiuirements   of
the   ordinance"that'-it   be.   completed   for
operation   by   January   Ist.   .   *   -   ,-;-;-v-..-   '   :
3tcetii»S   <><"   i)vmocvnts   and   Fusion -
.   .is(s'?at   Jjincolii.
LINCOLN.   January   2.—The   '   re -
turn.oE.WilliamVJ.   Bryan   to-morrow   wii'l
be   followed   by:a   conference   -of   Nebraska
Fusion   leaders:T,as-,woil   as   some   Demo -
crats-of.   prominence   from   -other   States.
Committeeman.:   Miller   lends   the   advance
of   the,outsider?,   and   has   been   here   seve -
ral   days,   waiting   ifor   Colonel   Bryan.
It   is   the   plan   to   got   an   expression   from
Mr!   Bryan   on   'what   he   dooms   wise   in   the
way   of   preliminary   action   by   the.   na -
tional-   conventioli}.   v
The   Central   do'mmittefs   of   the.   Demo -
crats,   Populists^and.   Free-Silver   Republi -
calis;   will   meet   ?bn   Friday.
WASHINGTON,   :D.-:C!,'   January   2.—
Senator   Allon,,in   an   interview   to-night,
authorised   an.   absolute   denial   of;   tho   re -
port   that   ho   -would   be:   a:candidate^.Tor
the-   presidency>on,   the   part   of   the   Fusion
forces,   lie   said::
"I   would   noL.accept   the   n'oniiiiation   if
it   v.'ere"unanimously   tendered   me.   '   Mr.
Bryan   undoubtedly   will   be   the-:candidate',
of   the   Democratic.   Populist.-and   Freo-
Silver   .parties'..^for   the   presidency.   Ne -
braska   will'giye.   him   a   united,   active   dt:leT
gation   to   all   three   ot"   the   conventions."
Senator   Allen   declared   emphatically
that,   so"-far   as^he   knew.   Mr.   Krj'iin   had
not   aided   him-in   his   candidacy   for   thu
Senate.   .   ,;,'■   -   •   .   .   '
2HGri.   CKAPEIJiK   AT   ,3IAMI,A.
Quesiioii   •   of;   Support   ot   Cliureli -
■'jtrodierliooil.s   h>   I'Jiili|>i>ih*-«-
M   ANIL   A,   January   2.—!>:hs   P.   M.—Arch -
bishop   ChapelleVthe   Papal   delegate   to   the
Philippines,'   artived:   here   to-day,   on   the
United   States   .-transport   Sh«rra:iii,   which:
saMod   from   San   Francisco:   December   Bth.
Ifo   wiil   lodge   in   the   house   formerly   oc -
cupii;d   by   Charles.   Denby.   of   tho   Philip -
pino   Advisoo'-   Commission.   This   action
on   the   part   of   Monsignor   Chnpelie   sot -
tVos   the   contest   between   :   tho   various
Friar   brotherhoods   in   Manila,   who^sepa -
rattily,   have   be*'n   using   their,   inlluonce   to
obtain   the   privilege   oC   entertaining   the
Archbishop   anil   the   Rev.   Father   MeKin -
nori.   kite   of!   the   California   volunteers,
aiid   nnw   a.   regular   army   chaplain,   who
was   also   a   pa   sponger   on   tho   Sherman.
1L   is   said   that   tho   Friars   are   striving
to   secure'   Mousig-npr   Chapellc's   'oar,   for
the   purpose   ot   "semiring1'   better   protection
for   individuariiiu-rcsis.
Revolutionists)   have   started   the   rumor
that   Monsignor!   Chapelle   intends   eventu -
ally   to   recommend   ,-the   appointment;   oi:
Father   McKinnon   as   Archbishop   vi   the.
Philippines,   the   .   iatter's   defmioe   of   the
brotherhoods   In   the   American   newspapeis
has   been   translated   and   circulated   among
the   natives,   for   the   :   purpose,   it   is   de -
clared,   of   "showing   1   hat'   Father   MoKin -
hon   will   support   the   "uiolhorhoods,   if   he
is-selected.   Sueh'■   istaU-ments   as   these
create   unoasinoss   among   tho   natives,
which   is   increased   by   recent   news,   re-;
ceivod   from'   Spain,   tu"''the   j   effect   ihat   Mon -
signor   Chupelle'will   support   thy   brolher -
The   Tagalos;.it   is   declared,   have   be -
come   mo:"c   erolatiercd   against   the   Church
since   At'ehbi.^Tiip   "   N6/..iied.i"   excoinrrfurii -
cated   aii   insurgent   priest,   and   it   is   said
the   number   of   Protestant   marriages
among   the   natives   continuallj'   increases.
Til!"   JiAXAC!2N>:«'"   IVoHHOKS;
They   Are   Fully   Conli   rxii'ud   by   Ofllcial
MANILA,   January   2—6:10   P.   M:—Colonel
Pott.it,   cbimnanding   the   Thirty-first   In -
fantry,   and   Lieutenant-Colonel   Hayes,
who   commanded   the   three   companies   of
that   regiment   on-board   the   transport
Mahatiense,   which   arrived   here   November
20th,   and   reported,   terrible;   "experiences   at
sea,   iho   steamer   being-.classed   as,tinsea -
worthy,   uiidermahnod;   and   short   01!   pro -
visions,   have   filed   official   reports   corrobo -
rating   in   every   detail   the   ..exclusive   etory
of   the   Associated   Press   %at   -the   time,   de -
scribing-,   the;   hardships   of   tho   soldiers.-
Tho   Colonel's   report,   which   is   particu -
larly   vigorous,   recommends   a   claim
against   the   ship's   owners   for   the   uniforms
of'the   whole   battalion;   which   wore,ruinf
td   (i'.uins   the1   passage.
.   Until   liisti'uvls   tor   Jones.
COVINGTON,   A"   A.,   January   2.—(Spo -
(U.)—The:.i   Democratic   convention;   at
Warm   Spriiiga   to-day   sont   delegates
from   Bath   to   tho   senatorial   convention
to   nominate   a   successor;   U>   Senator   Mc-
Corkle.   The   delegates   were   instructed   to
vote   for   Hon.   C.   P.   Jones.as   long   as   his
name   was   before   the   convention.   Any
delegates-present   are   authorized   to   cast
the   full   vote   of   the   county,   and   in   the
event-'of   failure   ot"   all   delegates   to.   attend,
the   Hon.   George   K.   Anderson,   of   Clifton
Forge,   was   requested   to   cast   the   vote.
Mine   DilUeiilly;   A<'.iii*te<l.
"   BIUMINGHAM,   ALA..   January   2.—The
trouble   between   the   mine-operators   in
Walker   county   and   tho'   United;:.-Miner
Workors   has   bc-en"'■-.■adjusted;'   and   the
minors   who   have   been   on   strike   for
cloven   weeks,   will   return   to   .work,   lne
trouble   was   caused   by;a   demand   for   in -
creased   wages,   but   this   was   refused.   Ins
miners   '   affiliated   with   .;   the   Knights   of
Labor   did   not   quit;   work   when   iho
United   Mine-Workers_-   made   their   de -
mands.   Both'   organizations   have   now
boon   recognized   by   the   mine   operators.
Fatal   KesuH   of   a   Feud.
CHATTANOOGA.   TENN.,   January   2.—
As   the   result   of   a   family   foud,.;   Jorome
Hensoiiv   and   Thomas   Jones,   both   of
Wall-of   county.   -Ga.,.   ongngod-in   a   quar -
rel   at-Cedar   Grove.   Jones   knockod   Hon -
son   dovrn   with   a.   weight,   crushing   his
skull.   Henson   managed,   to   rise,   got   his
pistol,   and,   following   Jones.-'..overtook
him   as   he   was   entering   his   store,   llonson
omnliou   tho   contents   0!"   his   pistol   into
Jones's   :body.!   tho   latter:   falling   dead.
Henscm   is   now   at   the.   point   of,death;
Sfhooni'i'   Rose   Ashore.   .
\'EW.   YORK-   JanuaryV-2.—The   threc -
m'astod   schooner   Eva   D.-Rose,..from   NorT
folk   for   Camdc-n.   N.   J..   lacen   with   pig -
iron   -   is"-ashrre   at   Cold   Spring-   Harbor,
near   Cape   May.   N.   J.   .   Lite-savors   havo
gone   to   her   assistance.   -:-   ■
Grolcer   I'ro.urressijiu'   Fururalily.
LONDON,   "Junuary   2.—Richard,   Croker,
of   "New   York,   who   broke   his   leg   yester -
day   near   Wantage,   while   .mounting-   a
horse,   is   reported   this   evening   to   be   pro -
gressing   favorably   ■   towards   recovery.
The   Xasliville   .llonclies   ■■Mniiilii.
WASHINGTON,   Juhuary   2.—The   Nash -
ville   arrived   at   Manila   Saturday,   making
the   fourth   of   tho   five   vessels   -recently
ordered,   to   Manila   at;   the.   suggestion   of
Admiral   Dewey.   ;
Ctitini   yon   lilnlenljeryr   Xo\v.   n.   l'rince."
;   BERLIN,   January   2.—Emperor   William
has:conferred   the   title   of   prince   on   Count
yon   .Eulenberg,   the   German   Ambasscidor
at   Vienna.   •''   .   '.•   ;   ;   .   .
Keep   the   money   '.for   lire-iiv.surance   at
home   by   insuring   :with   Virginia   State   In-
Kurarice   Company.   ;   '   -   _   ;   .:
:   .   .   T,   -U   ALFRIENI^Asen^:
British   Score   a'   Success   "at
the   Orange   iiirer,
It   Turns   Out'as   Well   as   Did   "'{French's
at   Colesberg.
-   .;■   ■   .   '   -■;.   :   ——-*xs-—-r-r~J-   "''
Tliey.   Ilnve   JJeeti   I^oiis'«»S   <f>   lie   Al -
lowed   to   Fiirlit.   "tin'il   Are   at   I.n«t
Given   an   OppoTinnity.   V.liicfi   They
LONDON".   January   2.—The   War   OKlce
has   recelve'd'   the   .following-   from-   Cape
Town,   under   to-day's   date':   '
"Colonel   Pilcher   reports,   through   tho
officer   commanding   at.   the   Orange   rivor:
"M   have.completely-   dofrtitedi   a"   hostile
commando   at   the   Sunn3'side   laager,:   this
day.   January   Ist,   taking-   the   laager   and
forty   prisoners,.."..besides'   the   'killed   and
wounded.   Our   casualties   nre.   two   privates
killed   and   Lieutenant   AcHe   wounded.   Any
e-ncompert   at   Dover   Farm,   twenty   miles
northwest   of   Belmont,   and   ten   miles   from
Sunnyside.V,   .
2.—A.dispatch   from   the   Associated   Press
representative   at   Dover   Farm,   dated   Jan -
uary   Ist:   says:   '
"A   mounted   force,   consisting1   of   100
Canadians   of   the/Toronto   company,   and
2-flO   Queenslanders,   commandtid   by   Colonel-
Klckards;   two   guns   and   a   horse   battery,
under   Major   DeTtougemont;:   forty   mount -
ed   infantry,   under   Lieutenant   Rya.n.:'and
of   the   Cornwall   Light   Infantry,   the
whole   commandc!   by   Colonel   Pilcher,   left
Belmont   yerterday   at-   r^'On   on   a   march
westward,   covuring-   twenty   miles   before
sunsot.   The   force,   encamped   at   Cook's
Farm,,   where   tho   troops   were,   welcomed
enthusiastically.   '   .-   .   \
"At   ti   o'clock   this   morning-   the   force   ap -
proached   a   spot   Vv'here   a   laager   of   the
Boers   v/as   reported.   Colonei   Pitcher,,on
iapproaching   the   position,   which   was   "a
line   oE   strong.kopjes,   detached   Major   De-
Hougeinont,   with   the-giins,   thy   Toronto:-;,
and   the   mounted   Infantry,   to   work   to -
ward   the   right,   making   a   turning   move -
ment   himself,   with   •   the   QuK'.-nslaiulers.
toward   tho   south   position.   .   The   Boers
left   their   laager   and   opened   fire,   but   the
Queenslanders   completing   the   inovesntiiu,
the   laager   was   captured;   with   forty
prisoners.■■■-■.   The   British'   casualties   .were.
I   w5~   men'lciirodf:'   f"rif   ce'liferi   wourTd'id,'   iiiid'
one   man   missing.
"The   M-hole   force   worked   admirably.Thg
two   men   killed   belonged   to   the   Queen -
land   contingent."
Another   dispatch   from   Dover   Farm,
dated   January   Ist,   says:
;   "The   Colonial   troops,   v/ho   have,   been
longing   to.be   allowed   to   men   the   Boers,
have-   at   last;been   given   an   opportunity
to   do   so,   and   have   scored   a   brilliant   suc -
cess.   The   raid   conducted   by   Colonel   Pil -
cher   was   very   difficult,   owing-   to   the   fact
Uiat   tho   'movoments   of   the   troops   v/ere
imrnediiiteiy   commtinioatod   to   the   Boers
by   natives:-   In   order   to   prevent   this,
Colonel   Pilcher,   in   making   his   forced
nmrcli   from   Belmont,   loft   a   British
trouper   at   -every   farm-house,   with   in -
structions   not   to   allow   the.-   natives   t.i
leave   their   lints,   tho   patrols   calling   the
names   of   the   natives   hourly,   hi   order   to
prevent   their   escape.
"In   the   manoeuvre   -at   "Cook's   Farm,
Colonel   Pilcher   -sent   mounted   patrols
er.st.   One   oE   these,   consisting-   of   four
men,   commanded   by   Lieutenant   -Adle,   ■
suddenly/   encountered   fourteen   Boers,
who   opened   lire.   The   Lieutenant   was
severely   wounded,   ami   Private   Butler
gyve   up   his   .horse,   in   order   to   .curry.tho
Lieutenant   out   of   range.   Another,   Pri -
vate,   wliosa   horao   hud   Lolteil.   returned
pluokily   to   render   service.   He   was   wound -
ed   in   tho   log-   and   his   horse   was   kilied.
;"Meanwhile,   Lieutenant   Ryan,   who   had
worked   magnificently,   reported   that   the
■veldt   on   the   right   of   the.   enemy   was
cloar,   whereupon   Major   De.   Kougoinont
ordered   the   guns   to   advance   at   a.   trot.
They   arrived   within   500   yards   of   the
laager,   unlimbered,   and   planted   five
'shells   in   as   many   minutes   within   the
laager.   Immediately   the   enemy   could   be
seen   streaming   over   the   kopje.   They
wore   completely   surprised,   but   quickly
opened   a   well-directed   fire.
"A   ropresentative   of   the   Associated
Press   had   the   privilege   of   carrying   an
order   to   the   Toronto   company,   which
sent   them   at   double-quick   into-   action.
The   order   was   received   with   great   satis -
faction:   The   company   rushed   forward
until   within'-1.000   yards   of:   The   enemy's
position,   when   it   opened   a   hot   fire   iipon
tho   kopje,   and   completely   subdued   the
Boer   lire.   The.-Briiinh   artillery   shelled
tho   position   with   wonderful   accuracy,
!"   while   Lieutenant   Ryan,   with   the.mount -
led   infantry,   worked   round   and   completely -
!   uncovered".th^   fire   of   the   Boers,   who   had
!   born   ensconsed   in.   the.   bushes.
••Meanwhile,   Colonel   Pilcher,   with   the
Quoenslanders,   taking   advantage   o£   every
cover,   made   a   direct   atta-ck,   .the   Auitra -
liims   moving   slowly   but;   surely.   The
Queenslaniieis   behaved   with   great   cool -
ness,   laughing   and   chofiing,   even   at   the
moment   of   greatest   peril."
2._Cqlonel   Pilcher   has;occupied   Douglass,
without   opposition,   and   has   been   received
with   enthusiasm   by   tho   Loyalists.
BHR   LIN,   January.   2.—Tho   German   se -
cond-class   cruiser   Schwalb   has   left   Dar -
os-Salaam,   a   seaport   of   Africa;   twonty-five
miles   south   of   Zanzibar,   Xor.Lorenzo   Mar-
HAMBURG.   "January   2.—The   Hamburger
Correspondenz   announces   that   the   Ger -
man   '-urk   If;uis   ."Wagner.'-   of   Hamburg,
was   seized   by,   the   British   at   Ddagoa
Bar.   on   Decembei-'lllst.   and   that   her'   own-,
er?   ;havo   lodged   a   complaint:   with   thy
BritL-.li   Foreign   Gil'iot.   _   .*
LONDON,   January   3.—The   Daily   Tele -
graiih'   has   received   the   following,   dated
Jahuarv   2d.   =   from   .   Frere   ;Camn:   .   ■   "The
weather>is   rtiie.   Tho:Tugela   river   is   now
fordabie.   GoiK-ral,Bullets   army   is   If}i   nno.
form,^   ready   atul   :;6nfidvnt   for   the   work
■   before   it."-   :;   ,   '   -'-   ;.   -:
;   :   .;■■•:;.,•.';•   '/   BRITISH?   -   -/
MOD6ER"   RIV   ER.";   Ja'nuarj-•   2.—Yester -
•'   day's   *cavali;j;.exp.«;dlufin,^-uuder}General
-:Babington,S-commanding'/   the*^Ninth"'and
•TwelfJh*?Lahcers'.   proves   to   "have   -been;.ln1.   ■
-co-operation".,-with   J"   a;'   similar   i;:moveinerit   ;
This^'directod   by-;   General   j
;-,\Vood,|Cohsisted.,of;:a   liying   column:.and   -a   1a1
|fqrce^,under;J   Lleutenivnt-jC^^e^^l^K^S
"fromvßelriiont.V   This*:force;moved   into   the
'territory.'between   ■   the   Orangej.   and/lliet
■rive'rS.t-At;   Suuny.-iide,   northwest   of   .D<iu -
jg-lassT^it   encountered   a   considerable   ".com-.
mandd.fibelieved!to   be'wholly?c6mp.os?ed:o*   |
disloyal*Britisli.stibjects."   General-Babihj;;-   j
'ton's,-force-proceeded';ln   the   same'direc -
■tion,   button   the.iiorth^side   of   'Rlet'   river.'
.The   'reßiilt:;oC   this   reconnoissatice   has   not
Yet   been'reported.-;   :   ".   -   .   ■   '.'■■   \
.'■;;   ;THK;BtJNpt;svaATti-iNC[i)RXT.-:,   .
VBBRlJN.iJanuarj-   2.—Strict   silonce   is
fnaintiiined   ,:in   ofliciat   circles   regarding -
the   Bundesrath   incident,   but   the   corre- -
spondenfoif'.the*   Associated   Press   learns   |
"that   the'"alTatrihas   created.an   extremely   j
painful   impression   in   political   circles.   .   j
:'■'   EnefgeticVdlplomjLtic   stops   were   imme -
diately,   taken   In   li>ndonl   "and   "the.   mad-   j
misslbility   of   the   right   of   a   British   i
.cruiser   to   search'a   German   mail   steamer   j
un   "the   high>   seas   has   boon   emphatically   1
asserted.'   The   government   is   awaiting:
Ijondon's   response   before   taJcing   further
'action.'   ?'   '■"■■'.   -■   ;   :"'
The   owners   of   the;   Deutschland   deny.
positively   that   she.   contained   persons   or
goods   justifying   seizure.
.   •   .PORTUGUESE   -KULEK   MUM.   -
■   LISBON,   Januarj-..   2-—The   Cortt-s   was
opened.-   to-day.   No   mention   was   'made   ot
Gruat   Britain   or   ■   the   ,   Transvaal   in   tho.
speech   from   the   throne.
DUBLIN",   January   2.—Extra-"   precau -
tions   huve.   boon   adopted   by   the   military
authorities   here..   The   constabulary   has
been   fully   armed,   and   the   sentries   from
sundown   to   morning-   have   beon   Increased
at'the   barracks.   Patrols   march   around,
andail   leaves   oi   tibsence   are   suspended.   !
LONDON,   January   2.—The   success   oC
General   French's   column.,   is   at   length
contlrmed   ofricially,   the   War   OfUce   Uiis
afternoon   .issuing   a   dispatch   from   Cupa'
Town   Monday,   January   Ist,   as   follows:
"French   reports   at.   Z   P.   M.   to-day   from
Coleskop,   b\-   heliograph,   as   follows:   ■
'   "   'laeavlhg.   at   Reusbur!,',   holding   the
enemy   in   front,   half   of   the   First   Suffolks
and   a.suction   of   the   Royal   Horse   Artil -
lery   I   started   thence   at   5   in   the   after -
noon.   December   ,:!lst.   taking   with   me
iivu   squadrons   of   cavalry,   halt   of   ttie.
Second   Berks,   and-   eighty   mounted   in -
fantry,   infantry   carried   in   .wagons",   and
ten'guns.   .   _   ,   .
-H   halted   for   four   hours   at   Maitlor   s
Farm."   and   at   '8::«   this   -morning   occupied
the   kopjo   overlooking   and•--westward   of
Ooles'oers--•   The   enemy's   outposts   wore
taken   completely   by   surprise.
"'.'At   daylight   we,:.   shelled   .-   the   laager
and   enfiladed   the   right   of   the,   enemy's
position.   The.artillery,   tire   in   reply   was
very   hot   from   a.   ir>-pounder,   -   using
Royal   Laboratory   ammunition,"   and
other   «mns.   We   silenced,   the   guns   on   the.
'enemy/a   right   Hank,   demonstrating   with
cavalry   and   guns   .to   the   north   of   Coles -
burg   -to   wards   tlie   junction,   whore   a   strong -
laager   of   the   enemy   was.   holding   ;a   hill,
and   a   position   southeast   of   Colesberg,   as
far   as   the   junctiou.   Our   position   cuts
the   line   of   retreat   via   the   road   and
bridge.   Some   thousand*   Of   Boers,   with -
two   giins   iire   reported   to   be'retiring,   to -
wards   Norvalspont.   All   Remington's
scouts   proceeded   towards   Achterland   yea-,
torday   morning.   Slight   casualties..^About
three;   killed   and   few   wounded.   Details
PRETORfA.   January   .2.—l^ast   night
(Sunday)   the   British;   in   .great   force,   at -
tacked   Commandant   Schoomans.com -
n>amio,   in   :   the,   Colesbcix   District,   and
tried   to   storm   the:position.   They   repeat -
ed   the   attack   this-   morning,   but   were
forced   to   retreat,   the   Boors,hoUHng   the
position.   The   loss   o£   the   British   is   not
known,   but   it   is   reported   to   have   been
;   COMPLIMKNT-^Q-T-nB   -;Tlt   AitS^VAl*.'
The   Boers.consider   it   a   compliment   to,
the   Transvaal   that   Lord   Roberts   should
'have-been-selected   for   the   .supreme   com -
mand   of   the-British   forces.   .   ;,
avaxt   to   riGiri'   fon   viciokia.
Citizens   of   HriUslx   Colnmliia   Will
;Ofga'nl«i   a   Corps,
VANCOUVER,   B.   C.,   January';   2.—Con -
siderable   disappointment   has   been   caused
throughout   this   province   by   the   failure
of   the   Dominion   .Government   to   include
in   the   second   Canadian   regiment   for
Smith   Africa   a   company   from   British
Columbia.   Prominent   citizens   of   Van -
couver   have   decided   to   raise   a   corps   of
.100   mounted   infantry,   providing:   horses
and   defraying-   all   expenses.   At   a   meet -
ing   called   by   Mayor   Garden,   it   was   de -
cided   to   try   to   induce   the   government
to   accept   this   corps.
Three   hundred   applications   have   been
received   from   young   men   of   this   city   and
district.   All   are   skilled   horsemen   and
good   rifle-shots,   and   many   offer   to   pro -
vide   their-own   mounts   and   equipments'.
Attuelies   Lunch   AVitli.   AVillielm."
BERLIN,   January   2.—The   foreign   mili -
tary   attaches   lunched   with   the   Kmperor
yesterday.   .
The   Kmperor.and   the   Crown   Prince,   at
noon,   received   the   Japanese   Minister,   who
presented   the   Order   of   the-   Chrysanthe -
mum   to   the.   Crown   Prince.
Many   thousand.dollars   are   brought   to
Richmond-each   year   by   local   insurance
companies,   and   many   thousands   are   sent
away   by   citizens   to   foreign   com -
panies,   iloral:   Insure   with   the   Virginia
Don't   fail   to   attend   the   Inventory   Sale,
going-   On   at   the   MILLER   CHINA   STORK.
■'•':.   _   -a»-   ;   ■
WetltliiigT   Invitiitions,' -
"Visiting-   Cards,   Monograms,   Coat   of
Arms   engraved,   Writing-   Papers   stamped.
-Ml   good   work   and   proper   styles.
HUNTER   &   CO.
I'iirlor-Cur   Service   Between   Kieli -
juondand   Danville,
The   Southern   railway   announces,   effec -
tive   January   15th,   parlor-car   sorvice   will
be   inaugurated   between   Richmond   and
Danvillu   on   Trains.7   and   s,   connecting   at
Danville   with   United   States'-   Fast-Mail
Train's   Xos.   :;5   and   CO   for   all   points   South
and   Southwest,   carrying--   dining-cars;
also,   through   .   Pullman   sleepers"   for   At -
lanta,   Memphis,   New   Orleans,   Jackson -
ville,'   St.   "■Augustine,   Miami,   and   all
Florida   points,   with   direct   connection   for
Havana,   Cuba.   •
Use   Roll   Uoy   iJulcinar   I'owder.
Guaranteed   absolutely   puiv.
Ilest   Grannlatsd   Sogar,   sc.   Pound.
'i'eas   and   CotToos   retailed   ut   v.'holesa.i<»
price?.   :   CD.   KENNV.
Northwest   Broad   and-   Sixth   streets;
-southeast-Main   and   Seventeenth   streets.
ChurcH   Alinxiriacs   for   IJ.'OO
;':   i   at.HUNTER   :&   CO.'S.   k'.
Use   Itol)   Koy   lluUlcjk;   I'owiler.
:   .   Guaranteed   absolutely   i>ure.
■   .   '   _—■'..',   '   ~o——;   —.   .".   -   ■..   ■
"Hammoml"   Floweri
for.   Christmas   presents...   Blooming   Plants,
Carnations,   Primroses,   Narcissus,   Bego -
nias,   Orange-Trees.   Palms.   Ferns;   and
Cut-Flowers:,of   ail   ;k!n<2s.:   .   ■•".:.,■'.;   '■
Use   Kob   iloj-   UaUlnjir;   I'oivder.
Guaranteeii:   absoiutely..i>ureV
v.   If   "the   lUiby   .I*rCuttiuK:.Tee*li   ;;,;
bo'   sure   and;use'thit   oidXaiv.l   ;xVi!l-tried
remi-dy.   Mrs.   Winalqw's   Soot   hi   -Syr»   I>.
for   children   teethlnk-'.'   It   soothos   T^e
child,   s&ftensCthe,.,Kitm3,v.uUavs   all.pa.n,
cu'es:windrcollcC-and   iiajthe.-b^t   remedy
for   diarrhoea,   iTwoutyriive   cents   a   botile.
■■■   -.   ■;:   --.'-   ■'..-■..---..■   -   .   .   :   .   -   -   >,;.,.   ..   ;■   .■■   ■   ..   ♦   i
.   ■
Duly   'Nominated   by   Demoeraße
r   .
Ca«   for   Senator,   ;|
Galaxy   of   Kentacky   Beauties   and   Ti?ong
■   ■   of   Blacltlmrn   Admirers.   -,  
•   .   ~^*—   -   "   :"4:"4
It   Org:»nlAC»   J»j*   Election   of   DtsiM
.--..'   '   ■   ■   ■■■■"■■   ;i---,^yT'i
Tro   Tern.   of   tlie   Senate—Governor^
31e.-H.sasc   Antl-CSscarette.   -■   .
FUANX<FORT,   TCT..   'Jani::ify.   2.--A   fte
four   years,'   .retirement,   former-:S*natoi
Joseph   Clay   Styles   H   lack   burn   was;   oho'sei
to-night,   by   the   joint   caucus   of   ,th©;;l>e
mocratic   nismiers   of   tho   L«4?JslatuiriMa«
the   successor   of   William   Lindsay   tltL'iQy.
United   States   Senate.   ""   -:/j
Notwithstanding   the   fact:   that.   .B)ack
buvn'3   nomination   was   a   foregone'conctu
s=ion.   and   his   electioa   morailx   ;ccr
tain,   the   proceedings   to-night   were   Ten
aot^d   in   the   presence'ot   a   galaxy   ot:   Ken
tuoky   beauties   ■   and   a.   dense-   tlircss^o
Blackburn   admirers.   ;   '   -l'-^
The   caucus   convened   at   3   o'cldcfc.   :arn
was   called   to   order,by   Sonator   Goebe
chiilrman   of   the   joint   caucus.   Ther&^\va
a   wild   demonstration   In.   the   gailerie
when   Goebel   cumo   irito.   .the   hall   tbVfor
caliins:   the   caucus   .to   order,   the   chaeriu
continuing-   several-minutes.:   .   ■'.","■   -.-:•■■>•   *;3
Senators   Alexander   and   Hayes   (Demo
crats)   ;ur.d   McConnell   (Populist),   staye
out   of   the-cauciis.   .
Senator   Blackburn   was   placed   ininbm
nation   by   Senatotv   CJoobel,   who   said"   th«
thu   longest   and   bitterest   fight   ever   fougl
for   senator   iv   this   State.,   ■which   -;bega
four   years   ago   (when   Deboe   defeate
Blackburn),   Was   about   tc»   reach.'its   "ju=
termination".   The   State   Capitol   rang   .wit
chfcerd   as   he   phiced.   Ulaukburn   in.s.noni
nation,   .   -   .   •   -   ■   v;j
Senator.   Thomas   asked   that   the   roli^t
called,   so   that   every   Democratic   mernb*
miy&t   have   -an.   opportunity   to.   goto
record   for   Blackburn.   Senators   'Alexar
der   and   Hayes   failed   to   respond   to.   the
names,   otherwise   the   vota   was   uiian
moud.   Goobel   was   applauded   when,   si:
voted   for   Blackburn.   -   ..   V-'V
J   FRANKFORT,   KY,,   January   ;2.-fßol
houses   of   :   the   •   Legistaturo   orgiinizeil^?
-noon^by;electing**   the-"   nbinin'e'e!j'''b£   ;"2a:
night's   Democratic   caucus.   In.;   •'.'.   tl
House,   South.   TrimWe,   for'   Speaker,;   r
c-tlved   the   full   fifty-eight   .Democrat
Aor^s   ami   J.   P.   Haswell   all   c"   the   iort;
two   Republican   votes.,   For   presUlentrpi
tern.   of   the   Senate.   Goebel   ivas   eJecte'
The   four   Democratic   senators   who   boltt
tho   "caucus   itist   night.voted   tor   the   chuc"»
nominees   to-day.
Governor   \V.   S.   Taylor   submitted,-s
messago   0"   over.   4o,t<A)   wordi,   '   covarit
Stats   affairs,   ''and   presenting   el-fibora'
reasons   for   repeal   of   the   Goebet:   eiectlc
law.   which,   ho   called   the   "infaniy   6trlSj
which   had   demoralized,   disturbed;."^ai
disgraceu   the   State."   cC   ■..   }
Tha   Governor   recommends   a   strinser
law   against   lynching   and   all   rnoba,   hi
tho   prohibition   of   the   use,   as.   well   .as   tl
sale,   o"   cigarettes.   '.   -   j^-l
FJtANK   FORT,   ICY"-.   January   2.—Jni
H.   "Whallon,   .who   is   uccnaed   by   Senat-.
S.   B.   Ilarrell   of   having   attempted   ';
bribe   him   by   outering   him   -St,^   to   ya
against   Gosbel   in   the   gubernatorial   co
test,   arrived   li^xe   thi.i   afturndoa,   ;ur
gave   bond   iv   th«   sum   of   810.   W.   He>w;
accompanied   to.   the   *   Sheriff's   ,othce   .i
,Gt>noral   P.   Wat.   liardin   2nd   oxh'
anti-Goebel   leaders.   lEis   examiningr'?trl
is   set   fur   !i   o'clock   to-morrow^   wheajh
attorneys   -will   enter,   a   plea   against,   tl
jurisdiction   o£   the   local   courts,   clalmli
that   the   offence,   if   there,   ia   one,   w;
committed   in   Louisville.
,-•   LOUISVILLE,   XT.,   January   2.-Couiit
Attorney   Polsgrove   and   Sheriff   \   Sutt
came-   here   from   Frankfort   to-day,   yfl
subpoenas   for   President   Lorlnir   .a:
Vault-Clerk   Speed,   of   the   Louisville.Tru
Company,   to   appear;   before   Judge   Cantxi
of   the   Franklin   County   Circuit.iCoiir
with   the   box   In   which   Senator   S.   B.   'Ha
rell   and   John   H.   Whallen,"   accordbigi
;   the   former's   story,   placed   $4,5'   X),   Übo   pri
;   which   Ilarrell   says   vms   agreed   upoail
his   vote   against   GoebeL   .   ;.
The   otllcers   oe   the   Louisville   Trust   Cox
1   pany,   at   a   conference,tc-nlght.   decided;
;   answer   the   subpoenas   in   person,   and.   ;w
!   leave   for.;Frank£ox"t   to-rnorr°w   nior?'?
!   At   the   '..refiupst-.pt   the-Franklin   ■   couii
otKcers,   tho   Louisville   police   ha.ve"lits
a.   watch   on   the   box.since   a   late-ho
last   iilsht.   .
iViue   Different   Ground-H   lor   Saij
■   Action   Set   Out.   .   -   -\~A
FRANKI-'ORT/   KY..   Jaisuary   y~-~F:
noticrt   oL'   contest   by   "Senator   Goebal^ai
J   C.   W.   I:eckhoma?ain3t   Governor'Ta
lor   and   Lieutenant-Governor   Marsh:
was   served   taw   to-day.   Nina,   dltfere
grounds   o:"   contest   are   embraced,   -in.   ti
jiotico,   the   substance   ot   which   Is   ■«.»   iti
lows:   .   -   ■-   ■   i'l&i
J.   Alleged   use   of   tHiaue   ballot*   "J^f?*
counties.   '   *   .   '   .   .:   .;   ,:
l.   "Military   Interference   -with   tn^.   gig
■   The   VVeath-ei^
c   .»i   WASH   INGTON.   January;   |J
FJJB   '-^rfcast;-   ior   Wednesdayr^a:
--•   ■■■   t,   Thursday:   _>   ,   -■?
Virginia—Fair   %V"«dnes(ray   a:
Thursday:   light   westerly   -winds.   :   ■/
Norih   and   South   Carolina—Falr:;not|
cold   Wednesday;,   fair.-Thursday^^
westerly   wind*.   '"   --i
THE   :   WEATHER   IN.:   .fitCUMO^
YESTKBDAY   was   cloar:and;cotd.?thoaj
milder   in.the   aftertioon;ansl.ar'iils*at^th
'for   soy   oral.   days.   ,   _   ';."',i
-•   State-   <..C   thermometer:   ,   -'   ■■   -*-
*-   ••«•••   ••   •••   ••••••   ..   „,
VI-   night:.:.:...•   i-V-rj^M
■'■•   "■   ]   iloau   Ktenipejß