North American Native Iris

The following irises are native to North America. The are listed by taxanomical section and series. All NANI belong to the subgenus Limniris of the genus Iris, the beardless irises.

Section Limniris

    Series Californicae

      Iris bracteata

      Iris chrysophylla

      Iris douglasiana

      Iris fernaldii

      Iris hartwegii

      Iris innominata

      Iris macrosiphon

      Iris munzii

      Iris purdyi

      Iris tenax

      Iris tenuissima

      Iris thompsonii

    Series Hexagonae

      Iris brevicaulis

      Iris fulva

      Iris giganticaerulea

      Iris hexagona

      Iris nelsonii

    Series Laevigatae

      Iris virginica

      Iris virginica var. shrevei

      Iris versicolor

    Series Longipetalae

      Iris missourensis

    Series Prismaticae

      Iris prismatica

    Series Tripetalae

      Iris hookeri (Iris setosa var. canadensis*)

      Iris setosa

      Iris tridentata

    Series Vernae

      Iris verna

Section Lophiris

    Iris cristata

    Iris lacustris

    Iris tenuis

Irises Introduced to North America

    Iris pseudacorus
* Recent studies indicate that Iris setosa var. canadensis may deserve species status. As such, I.hookeri would be the correct name.

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Last modified 7/9/99.